I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 402 I’m not interested in money

Chapter 402 I’m not interested in money...

After more than an hour's drive.

Zhang Sheng stood under the CCTV pants.

Looking at this building, Zhang Sheng felt a little emotional.

At this moment, a tall and thin young man wearing glasses came over excitedly, grabbed his hand and shouted "Mr. Zhang" and "Mr. Zhang", and then welcomed him into the big pants. inside.

Looking at this person, Zhang Sheng's eyes were very calm, and he just nodded without even the proper greetings.

Zhang Sheng vaguely remembered that when he last recorded a program, there was always a voice in the headset urging him.

"Speak shorter!"

"Hurry up!"

"Speak quickly!"

"hurry up!"

"Hurry up, we can do it in one and a half minutes!"


That voice was anxious, urgent, somewhat disgusting, contemptuous, and impatient...

And the owner of this voice...

It was this tall, thin young man.

Times have changed, and Zhang Sheng, who had just paid off his debts and was on his way to start a business, has achieved another transformation in his life and reached a higher level.

But the once impatient staff member seemed to have forgotten that he was chatting with Zhang Sheng in the headset. Although there was no flattery on his face, there was still a visible intimacy on his face.

Along the way, he continued to follow Zhang Sheng to introduce every path and every person in CCTV...

Zhang Sheng's calmness and indifference did not make him feel warm and cold-hearted. Instead, he introduced today's column called [Year-End Entrepreneurship Interview] even more enthusiastically. He even followed Zhang Sheng and talked about the "script". As well as some rules of the show, and even details such as where to sit to catch people's attention, I also told Zhang Sheng.

The salary of working at CCTV is actually not low, and it is also extremely glamorous.

But everyone is heading for higher places, and there is no hope of promotion. He can only live in it. Naturally, he is not willing to be trapped in this small world for the rest of his life, doing behind-the-scenes work.

Standing at the crossroads of the times, watching bosses worth billions or even tens of billions looking down on the world and giving advice on the show, who wouldn't be envious?

"Mr. Zhang, this way..."


"Mr. Zhang, my name is Shen Peng. From now on, when you meet me, just call me Lao Shen..."

"Oh well!"

Shen Peng sent Zhang Sheng into the live broadcast hall. After watching Zhang Sheng leave, he stood in front of the camera, adjusting the camera while facing the script.

My thoughts are flying far, far into the future.

About a few days ago...

He heard a rumor.

That is, the Ministry of Commerce needs a young entrepreneurial leader, and Zhang Sheng is vaguely one of the candidates for the entrepreneurial leader.




When standing on the ground floor...

It’s easy to see the ugly nature of human nature.

These human natures will make you angry, questioning, and even disgusted!


When he stands at a certain height, what you will most likely see are enthusiastic smiling faces.

Dramas such as "after success, you will be surrounded by good people who smile at you" are played out every day in this world.

Facing Shen Peng's hospitality, Zhang Sheng felt nothing at all.

When you are humble, don’t belittle yourself and accumulate silently. When you are successful, don’t get carried away and don’t be happy about it.

This is an attitude.

Under the light.

He met Zhang Lan again.

"Sister Zhang Lan!"

"Mr. Zhang, hello!"

Zhang Lan's smile was still dignified and elegant. She shook hands with Zhang Sheng and briefly chatted with Zhang Sheng about the [Year-End Entrepreneurship Interview] column.

While chatting here, there was a burst of noise not far away.

Ma Yunhua is here!

As before, Ma Yunhua's arrival was still grand, almost surrounded by some staff.

From walking into the hall to stepping in front of the camera, there was a burst of excitement all around.

Ma Yunhua is used to this. She wears a slightly plain Chinese tunic suit. Although she smiles and shakes hands with people from time to time, she has such a casual feeling all over her body.

Zhang Lan also stood up, smiled at Ma Yunhua, and shook hands: "Mr. Ma."


Ma Yunhua sat on the chair, and after briefly saying hello to Zhang Lan, she naturally crossed her legs and looked at Zhang Sheng, who was sitting opposite, with a smile: "Mr. Zhang, you have been very popular recently..."

"Mr. Ma, I'm just making a fuss, haha..."

Faced with Ma Yunhua's active greeting, Zhang Sheng also laughed and put on a sincere and honest expression humbly.

The last time I met Ma Yunhua face to face.

Ma Yunhua was immersed in his own world throughout the whole process, and all comments and topics were centered around him.

This time, it’s still the same: “Haha, the method of integrating online and offline resources is better than some veterans, it’s okay. In fact, this road, as early as two years ago, we [Taozhu] Net] is being implemented..."

Zhang Sheng listened patiently to Ma Yunhua.

Ma Yunhua seems to have a "pretentious" mood in her bones that she likes to be a teacher. Once the conversation started, she started talking endlessly about the business system with [Taozhu.com] as the core.

During this period, the host Zhang Lan wanted to interject a few words, but found that he couldn't do it at all.


After realizing that Ma Yunhua was a very controlling person, she gave up the idea and waited patiently for the live broadcast to begin.

About five or six minutes later...

Zhang Xing from [Group Buying] and [Weibo] also came over amid the crowds. Zhang Xing wore glasses and looked a little gloomy, with heavy dark circles around his eyes. It was obvious that he was quite energetic during this period. exhausted.

His arrival...

Temporarily interrupted Ma Yunhua's

"Mr. Ma, Mr. Zhang...

"boss Zhang……"

The three of them greeted each other and then took their seats in front of the camera.

The actual capital behind [Group Buying], in addition to [Hongtian Capital], is also Ma Yunhua’s [Taozhu.com] capital system.

At this moment, Zhang Xing looked at Zhang Sheng with a deep look in his eyes, and then sat down beside Ma Yunhua honestly. Although in a sense, he was not Ma Yunhua's book series, he was also regarded by Ma Yunhua. The momentum was suppressed, and he remained silent without saying a word.

Chen Lan looked at the time...


Announcing the start of this [Year-End Entrepreneurship Interview]...


"Mr. Ma, remember at the beginning of the year, your [Taozhu.com] registered users were about 230 million, right?"

"That was at the beginning of the year, in March. Now, our [Taozhu.com] actual registered members have exceeded 360 million, and our [Taozhu.com] peak number of daily visiting users is 60 million. At present, Our [Taozhu.com] platform has 3.5 million merchants selling over 800 million products, of which 47,000 products are sold every minute..."


In the CCTV live broadcast room.

Everyone listened in shock as Ma Yunhua casually stated a series of astonishing data.

The whole place was silent.

In seven months from March to now, [Taozhu.com] has added 130 million new registered members!

It’s unimaginable how huge this market is!

It’s even more unimaginable!

In the future where the Internet becomes more and more popular, what a huge behemoth [Taozhu.com] will grow into!

Ma Yunhua didn't look at everyone's reaction. She still crossed her legs and talked about the system of [Taozhu.com] with a smile: "In reality, I am not satisfied with these data. My original intention is actually not the case. …”

"Then your original intention is..."

"Actually speaking, my original intention was not to start a business. I also appeal to young people. There is no need to think too much about entrepreneurship. They think it is difficult to start a business. In fact, when you really succeed in starting a business, you will feel tired. , and even regret the path I took in the first place... Sometimes, I regret creating [Taozhu.com]. Sometimes, I think that the most wrong decision in my life may be to create [Taozhu.com] Net], at first, I just wanted to do a small business, because I founded [Taozhu.com] and spent all my time on the company..."


"I have no idea about money. I haven't received a salary for a month since I founded [Liaozhao.com]. In fact, everyone on the Internet thinks how much money I make... So what, actually... "


Ma Yunhua talked endlessly about her entrepreneurial and [Taozhu.com] concepts.

Zhang Xing was listening and thinking about something silently. There seemed to be a vague anxiety at the deepest level.

Zhang Sheng, on the other hand, looked at Ma Yunhua and felt a breath coming towards his face, sweeping over him and shaking his spirit!

How come Mr. Ma in this world is so similar to Mr. Ma in the original world?

Chen Lan's expression was particularly wonderful. She held the microphone seriously, looked at Ma Yunhua, nodded from time to time, and the corners of her mouth trembled slightly. However, her elegance and professional ethics as a host allowed her to maintain her calm well and not collapse.

Just when Ma Yunhua was talking a lot and was about to come to a conclusion, she suddenly heard a light cough.

Then, she subconsciously looked at Zhang Sheng.

But Zhang Sheng looked at Ma Yunhua seriously.

After seeing Zhang Sheng's expression, Ma Yunhua also smiled and nodded, stopped "speech" and looked at Zhang Sheng, waiting for Zhang Sheng's opinion.

When he first met Zhang Sheng, he actually had a very good impression of Zhang Sheng.

Zhang Sheng was very complimentary and humble at the same time, looking like an obedient student, which satisfied the desire deep in his heart to "be a good teacher" like never before.

"Actually, my thoughts are similar to Mr. Ma's. When I started my business, I just wanted to pay off my debts. Now, after paying off my debts, I lost my direction for a time. I actually have no idea about money at all. , from the beginning of the company to the present, I have not received a penny in salary, I have never touched money, and I have no interest in money... These days, I can't be said to be too happy. On the contrary, I feel that I am the most The time when I was happy was the time when I was in debt. During that time, I had endless energy and endless faith. But now, I even begin to regret doing so many things..."


Zhang Xing was stunned.

He suddenly felt a stronger aura rushing towards him.

Then he took a deep breath, feeling extremely uncomfortable being pinched by Ma Yunhua and Zhang Sheng.

Ma Yunhua's smile gradually stiffened, and for a moment, it seemed as if there were words in her throat that she wanted to spit out, but they were all choked up, and she couldn't hold them back, as if the thoughts in her heart had been completely plagiarized by Zhang Sheng.

Host Zhang Lan's smile also froze slightly.

But seeing Zhang Sheng's serious and sincere face, Zhang Sheng was not disturbed immediately.

"Sometimes, I feel very confused. I feel that after I pay off my debts, making money is completely meaningless..."

"I'm actually very frugal. I just eat steamed buns for three meals a day..."


After seeing Zhang Sheng's words getting more and more outrageous, Zhang Lan finally coughed softly: "Mr. Zhang, do you have anything to say to young people starting their own businesses? Or, do you have any successful experiences to share along the way?"

After Zhang Lan interrupted Zhang Sheng, he brought up a new topic.


He never dreamed...

He opened his mouth like this!

Totally bad!

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