I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 403 Suppressing the old horse

"I really have no interest in money. In fact, I hate money. I feel that this thing can easily corrode people's hearts..."

"But, I really can't help it. In fact, I walked all the way, from the bottom, step by step. Well, walking may not be appropriate, crawling, or more appropriate..."

"I have seen many entrepreneurs along the way..."

"They live a very difficult life. Sometimes, in order to save a dollar for breakfast, they drink a cup of hot water for breakfast..."

"I remember that when I was doing business at a crossroads in Yanjing Fujing, I saw many of my colleagues going door to door doing business. During this time, I ran at night. Sometimes, in order to save money on renting a house For money, some people simply took a few pieces of clothing and ran under the overpass to fight with each other all night. Before dawn the next day, they started running around in this bustling metropolis again..."

"Last year, my documentary "Graduation Years" was about filming all the struggling living beings..."

"That documentary shocked many people and made many young people uncomfortable. It is obvious that he is a college student who graduated from Yanjing, but why is life so difficult?"

"And what about those talented people who work in offices?"

"It seems glamorous, but in fact, they are also very hardworking..."

"The progress of the times has indeed made our country richer and more prosperous, but countless people have worked hard and sacrificed a lot of time in this prosperity..."

"Can you imagine a plan that has been changed dozens of times, until you vomit, or even break the computer? Can you imagine that the leader throws the plan in your face and scolds you to get out if you don't do it? Some people will replace you... …”

"Can you imagine that with tears in your eyes, you have to seriously change the plan for that meager salary?"


"This world is so curled up...it makes people feel distressed!"

When Zhang Sheng spoke.

Ma Yunhua felt an extremely uncomfortable feeling in her chest.

It’s so uncomfortable to hold it in!

In fact, he hadn't felt this way for a long time.

He looked at Zhang Sheng. Zhang Sheng's voice was very low, his throat was hoarse as if he was choking on something, and his eye circles were even a little bloodshot.

Ma Yunhua wanted to interrupt Zhang Sheng's speech, but found that Zhang Sheng had controlled an "atmosphere" invisibly. This atmosphere was like a field, making him feel that no matter how he interrupted, it would be inappropriate.


He continued to hold it in uncomfortably, and listened with serious eyes and sympathy.

Not far away, the invited audience and some staff looked at Zhang Sheng...

Zhang Sheng's voice became deeper and deeper, and the examples he gave became more and more mind-numbing. It was easy to think of the people around him, and he even became involved in them inexplicably.


Invisibly, a resonance of emotion made them look at Zhang Sheng. Some staff members with weak emotional resistance even felt that they took a deep breath.

this world……

That's how it is.

"In fact, when I founded [Honeycomb Jishu], I never thought about making money... In fact, even though [Honeycomb Jishu] is now in full swing, the number of daily visits in the Yanjing area has exceeded 40,000. But, it’s not profitable…”

“My original intention in establishing [Honeycomb Jisong] was to see some of my employees skipping lunch, breakfast, and dinner in order to work, and were so hungry that they felt dizzy, but they kept working hard..."

"At first, I just asked Mr. Chen Geng from [Fat Xiaoan Restaurant] to help us deliver some food..."

"Later, gradually, there were more and more people in our team. In order to help us deliver food, Mr. Chen Geng also started to recruit some regular delivery boys..."

"Later, my colleagues next door also started ordering takeout..."


"Later on, [Honeycomb Jisong] was born..."

"Everyone knows that the subsidies we received from merchants at [Honeycomb Ji Delivery], except for the basic funds needed to operate our [Honeycomb Ji Delivery], were all given to the delivery riders..."

“At the same time, everyone also knows that you don’t need any tools at all to participate in our [Honeycomb Extreme Gift] initially. We provide battery cars, we provide mobile phones, we even provide helmets, hats, raincoats... We provide everything, everything we can provide... …”


Zhang Sheng's voice was hoarse.

Zhang Sheng stood up and looked around at everyone seriously.

Under the lens.

Zhang Sheng's figure looked very tall.

Even Zhang Lan, who was used to seeing big scenes, trembled slightly in his heart when he saw Zhang Sheng's appearance.

Although I feel that Zhang Sheng is most likely cultivating the market and doing capital work, but...

Zhang Sheng did indeed do everything he said. After investigating [Honeycomb Jisong], she also found that [Honeycomb Jisong] was not making money at all these days!

In the audience...

There was a round of applause.

Ma Yunhua felt even more uncomfortable.

I never realized that my limelight was actually stolen by such a youngster.

He said that he didn't love money, and this young man was even more outrageous. He directly gave away money for charity, and it was true that he didn't make any money...

Oh shit!

Hypocrisy to the core!

Zhang Xing looked at Zhang Sheng.

I sighed slightly in my heart.

He was keenly aware that Zhang Sheng was digging a hole for capital!

I have done so much and done so hard, and you want to enter the market, and you want to compete with me for the market, so you are not allowed to do it harder than me?

Are you following?

You use the money to buy electric cars and mobile phones and subsidize them to those food delivery riders just like I do!

Electric car? cell phone?

Who doesn’t know that Zhang Sheng has your own shares in a series of electric vehicles and mobile phones?

With so much capital entering the market, you will always find a battery car brand that you have a stake in, right?

You don’t make money here, but you make a lot of money over there, okay?

You won't come in?


If you don’t enter the market, I’ll swallow up all this takeout market. In the future, it’s not me who has the final say on how to price it?

Take a step forward...

Capital and entrepreneurs have to be cut off by you. Taking a step back, you can wait for the market to mature and then cut off consumers!


This guy is such a dog!

"Mr. Zhang's trick has actually been used by us [Taozhu.com]. When we [Taozhu.com] was established, I didn't think about making money, nor did I think this was a big deal... I just wanted to help some people. Ordinary people, open up a channel, and then let them realize their dreams, and then..."

In applause!

Ma Yunhua, who had been holding it in for a long time, finally seized the opportunity.

His legs shook slightly, he coughed slightly and took the microphone. He was about to say a few words to introduce the words into his own system, but unexpectedly, Zhang Sheng suddenly pushed up his glasses!

"Mr. Ma, I know what you want to say. In fact, I have always admired you very much!"

"When I was young, I often saw your entrepreneurial experience. It was after seeing your entrepreneurial experience that I came up with the idea of ​​giving it a try in this era..."

"The success of [Taozhu.com] is indeed a case!"

"Many, many people have made a leap in income by millions or even tens of millions through [Taozhu.com]..."

"This is an unprecedented entrepreneurial spirit. I am also deeply infected and inspired by your call..."


Ma Yunhua watched as Zhang Sheng took over the topic, and then began to flatter herself a series of times.

Although Ma Yunhua's chest feels uncomfortable again, it has to be said that Zhang Sheng's flattery shots are of a very high standard, and the shots are of a very high level, and they all focus on the "spiritual" aspect...

This worked very well for him...

But then, he saw Zhang Sheng push up his glasses again.

"Because I was infected by the spirit of [Taozhu.com], I tried my best to provide more platforms for those entrepreneurs..."

"I have never thought about monopolizing the market. In fact, monopolizing the market is extremely unwise behavior. No matter how strong one person is, he cannot support himself... he cannot support anything!"

"I feel from beginning to end that in an industry, everyone is vying to enter and make money. This industry will only become more and more prosperous, and the market will become larger and larger..."

“For example, the takeout industry!”

“I was invited to our [Year-End Entrepreneurship Interview] column, and I never came here to brag!”

“What you learn must be taught to others and what you earn must be given to others!”

"I always feel that this sentence is my wise saying..."

"Some time ago, I was confused, lost my direction, and didn't know what to do. But recently, I realized what I should do..."

"I carry a heavy responsibility! The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility..."

"I want to use my successful experience to drive more people to succeed. I want to use my model to let more people make money with me..."

"Just before coming to our CCTV, I discussed it with many CEOs of battery car brands and mobile phone brands..."

"We are willing to provide all the help we can to our friends in front of the TV and the computer to enter this industry..."


Ma Yunhua looked at Zhang Sheng who was talking endlessly.

The entire venue.

Zhang Sheng is the only protagonist!

He felt that his chest was getting more and more depressed, as if he was being suppressed, and he was so suffocated that he couldn't say anything.

He saw Zhang Sheng customizing battery carts and mobile phones for [the food delivery industry]...

He saw Zhang Sheng proposed [Sharing Business], where you can rent battery cars!

Even he couldn't help but feel frightened, and then...

Deep down in my heart, I realized that there was another new trend, and I was caught by Zhang Sheng!

Zhang Xing's pupils shrank!

He realized that Zhang Sheng, since the [Group Buying War] started, the [Takeaway War] was also handing out tools to fan the flames...



A whole new track has been opened up!

【Sharing Economy】!

Oh shit!

This guy is digging a hole for capital again!

Why do you want to use another way to cut capital?


Zhang Xing felt that a door was opened again!

He even wanted to run over immediately and discuss [Sharing Economy] with the team!

Oh shit!

This thing is a fucking outlet!

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