I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 404 Capital falls into a trap! Entrepreneurial fire!

Pang Lei from Hongsen Capital was in front of the computer, watching Zhang Sheng talk eloquently in the [Year-End Entrepreneurship Interview].

He frowned.

Just an hour ago.

His analysis team told him that the [takeaway] industry will be an even more amazing outlet than the [group buying] industry in the future!

Whoever can completely control this big trend can control the astonishing market of tens of billions or even hundreds of billions!

He can boast that his analysis team is one of the most professional in the world...

Over the years, he has relied on this team to invest in Chinese industries one after another. The capital accumulated from the initial 20 million US dollars has now reached close to 10 billion US dollars!

This time!

His analysis team gave the [Takeaway] industry an S+ rating, a world even crazier than the S-level of [Group Buying]...

After seeing this data, he was so excited that he immediately started contacting relevant personnel for a meeting, preparing to sharpen his sword and rush into the [takeaway] industry to fight!

"We welcome all entrepreneurs!"

"We provide tools, and as a service provider, we are willing to help in any way we can..."


CCTV's webcast room.

When Zhang Sheng announced something, the entire online live broadcast room was boiling.

Pang Lei looked at Zhang Sheng.

His eyes were burning, and he wanted to talk to Zhang Sheng again...

The most direct way to enter this industry is to spend money to invest in an existing company, and then use the huge capital to help this company skyrocket!


As the first person to eat crabs, no company can compare with Zhang Sheng’s [Honeycomb Extreme Gift].

A few minutes later, the analysis team came back with the rating of [Honeycomb Ultimate] again.

After seeing this rating, Pang Lei was not surprised, but his eyes became more intense.

The official help platform, Zhang Sheng’s own successful experience, amazing business planning...

All in all, the current comprehensive rating of [Honeycomb Jisong] has reached the A+ level. Except for the lack of capital, which prevents it from becoming S-class, [Honeycomb Jisong] is almost perfect!

this moment……

He is very eager to acquire [Honeycomb Jisong]. Even if he does not acquire [Honeycomb Jisong], investing in [Honeycomb Jisong] is a perfect choice!

"Analyze how much it costs to acquire or invest in shares!"

Pang Lei was excited, but still kept calm.

Earlier, when [Qiang Sheng Online Mall] was established, he had talked to Zhang Sheng about investing in it.

It failed in the end...

There are only two possibilities for failure. Either Zhang Sheng is a fool and gave up such a good opportunity to strengthen himself, or Zhang Sheng has a huge appetite that cannot be fed by hundreds of millions of investments.

Before, Pang Lei also guessed that Zhang Sheng was a fool and didn't understand the power of capital. But at this moment, when he saw Zhang Sheng standing on [CCTV] and announcing various events, Pang Lei realized that Zhang Sheng was definitely the latter!

He has a huge appetite, and it's astonishingly big!

"Winning the [Honeycomb Ultimate Gift]! Make the [Minuo Group Buying] system more perfect!"

Pang Lei squinted his eyes and his eyes became murderous!

After saying all this, he saw Zhang Sheng talking about the "sharing economy" again!

this moment……

He realized that it was inevitable that his analysis team would have to stay up all night today.

on the one hand……

It is necessary to analyze the value of [Honeycomb Jishu] and the overflow value analysis. On the other hand, [Sharing Economy] is another hot topic. They have to do it immediately before everyone’s capital can react. Confirm whether the [Sharing Economy] trend is worth getting into, and how to get into it...


Capital is cruel!

But at the same time, capital is also keen!

[Year-end Entrepreneurship Interview] It’s like a bomb. This bomb has blown up China’s entrepreneurs and capital chain into a mess!

This night...

Li Zongyao sat in the main seat in the conference room and chatted with the elites in the analysis team about the take-out trend all night long. After talking about the take-out trend, he then talked about the "sharing economy"...

Data after data and market research after market research all tell them, without exception, that whether it is the [takeaway] industry or the [sharing economy] industry, these are worthy of investment and must be invested!

At five o'clock in the morning, Li Zongyao was both tired and excited!

He contacted Mr. Shen Xiaoxi from [NC Entertainment]...

Shen Xiaoxi responded to him that Mr. Zhang was taking a break and could not make an appointment. Many people were making appointments with Mr. Zhang and it was really hard to schedule...

Li Zongyao squinted his eyes. In the past, when he received such a call, he would probably have smiled coldly, and then invested a huge amount of capital in his opponent to severely suppress this arrogant enterprise.

This is the consistent business method of capital!

But this time, he was different. He knew that the Ministry of Commerce was standing behind [Honeycomb Jisong]. He even got some news that Zhang Sheng actually signed an agreement with the Ministry of Commerce when he founded [Honeycomb Jisong]. This "employment agreement" is too blatantly using commercial means to suppress [Honeycomb Jisong], and what you get in exchange is definitely not good. In short, if we talk about cooperation first, if it fails, it will not be too late to continue fighting...

Eight o'clock in the morning.

He immediately led his capital team towards Zhang Sheng's [Honeycomb Jisong] office building.

He has the same idea as many capitalists!

That is……

Throw money, buy shares, acquire!

No matter the cost, we must win the [Honeycomb Ultimate Gift]!

Even if you can't win the [Honeycomb Ultimate Gift], you must first stabilize the [Honeycomb Ultimate Gift], and then seek a new round of cooperation opportunities with Zhang Sheng.

When he came to the office building of [Beijing Jisong], he found that [Beijing Jisong] was now overcrowded, with countless luxury cars and battery cars parked...

The moment he got out of the car, he saw several people in charge who were familiar with capital, standing on the roadside, [Hongtian Capital], [Pulse Capital], [Taozhu Capital]...

In addition to capital, there are also some familiar entrepreneurs, and they are here at this moment...

After Zhang Sheng’s complete showdown in the news, countless people realized the huge trend of the “takeaway” industry...

Everyone is like a ferocious, greedy, crazy beast, staring at this piece of meat, wanting to bite it hard!

Li Zongyao saw a flame burning, and it was extremely hot...

He frowned deeply!

When he walked into the gate of [Honeycomb Jisong], he suddenly realized one thing, that is, Zhang Sheng had played a trick!

He is not afraid that Zhang Sheng will sell for a price, and he is not even afraid that Zhang Sheng will put forward any conditions, even if they are harsh conditions for him...

What he was most worried about was that Zhang Sheng would light the fire with [Honeycomb Extreme Gifts] like [Qiangsheng Online Mall], and then let them fight in the pit. Then, he would secretly hold back some bad news and take advantage of it. Before anyone could react, give them a sharp blow!

Oh shit!

This guy is a capital hunter!


November 27th.


It's been two days.

[Honeycomb Extreme Delivery] The door is still crowded with an endless stream of "visitors".

Everyone is filled with crazy emotions, and they all want to get a piece of the pie in this era.

And on the other side...

Before some people could react, the signboard of "Shengteng Network Technology" was hung up a few hundred meters next to the office building of "Honeycomb Jisong".

Xu Guangbiao stood at the door of [Shengteng Network Technology], feeling both excited and worried.

What's exciting is that [Shengteng Network Technology] finally has a huge office, and at the same time, it has nearly 80 employees, but it still can't satisfy the sudden surge of business!

The pie that Mr. Zhang drew for him, Zheng Huateng, who will become the second [Tengji Technology] in the future, does not seem so far away!



Although he made a lot of money, all his hair had fallen out.

Moreover, I have been working overtime and staying up late every day recently, and my urine is yellow and smells very bad...

Maybe he will die suddenly.


He couldn't do what Zhang Sheng said, which was to delegate some rights to other people in charge and relieve some pressure on himself.

In fact, due to his personality, he couldn't help but want to control everything in his own hands and not allow any mistakes to occur...

after all!

He used to do procedures!

If there is a bug in the program, then you have to fix it, but if you are going to fix it to death, you might as well start programming again!

Because of this sentiment...

Therefore, he was both excited and tired, painful and happy at the same time.

Eight o'clock in the morning.

The signboard of [Shengteng Network Technology] is up!

Just finished...

Xu Guangbiao was still looking at the trademark carefully when the phone started ringing like crazy.

About ten minutes later...

A group of young people rushed here like crazy!

"Mr. Xu, you said you could help us make a takeout app, right?"


"How much?"

"There are two kinds of fees. One is free, but we will invest in the software and subsequent services... The other is fees. The basic price of a food delivery APP is 100,000. For subsequent maintenance, you can hire us, or you can maintain it yourself. …”

"Ah? How do I invest in shares?" When they heard the price of 100,000, several young people were stunned.

It was obvious that they couldn't afford that much money, and then another question came up.

"The clear meaning is to sign an agreement with us. After signing the agreement, you will be responsible for market expansion, software operation, and personnel training. We will provide technical and other support..."

"Ah? Can the battery car be supported?"

"After becoming a shareholder, you can rent battery cars at a discount after taking the share price... Mobile phones are also discounted, but we can tailor the brand specifically for you... Of course, we also have turnover requirements. If it is lower than the turnover, we will recycle the system …”

"Then let's buy shares..."

"Okay! First pay a technical deposit of 10,000 yuan, and then you will contact Mr. Liu Shuang, the head of our technical department... We have a set of professional support standards..."



Xu Guangbiao replied to these young people's words.

In fact...

Since the [Honeycomb Extreme Free] APP was successfully launched, other APPs are nothing more than skin tweaks.

The various systems are all exactly the same. For them, it only takes an hour or two...

As for other details…

It has nothing to do with Xu Guangbiao.

Just after Xu Guangbiao finished talking to these young people, a large number of more young entrepreneurs came outside...

They are excited and excited!

I am eager to make a difference in this great era!


Entrepreneurial fire!

Zhang Sheng was completely impressed!

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