Once upon a time, some middle-aged people said that my mobile phone only needs to be able to send text messages and make phone calls. It does not need all other fancy functions. It does not even require text messages, just making phone calls.

However, if there is such a mobile phone in front of you, the first problem will be insurmountable.

How to transfer contacts without cloud backup?

Just like the black and white machines of the past, inputting for half an hour, or half an hour and an hour, using your fingers?

Technology is constantly advancing.

Once upon a time, mobile phones have been redefined from being a single [communication tool].

Its history has been rewritten in just over ten years, from black and white phones to color screens, from color screens to stylus, from stylus to the finger of the iPhone series...

From communicators to MP3 and MP4 entertainment players, to replacement cameras and video recorders...

A small square box, but it is almost a revolutionary product in modern times.


this revolution.

It's getting worse!


Jiang Qin comes from Hangcheng, Zhejiang Province.

The university I studied at is Zhejiang University. As a student from a small place who was admitted to Zhejiang University, it is not an exaggeration to describe him as "the proud son of heaven".

Last year, Jiang Qin graduated.

I worked in a software company in Hangzhou for a year, during which I made several simple mobile games part-time and earned nearly 200,000 yuan.

Counting one year of work, he already has more than 300,000 yuan in savings.

I couldn't help but feel a little complacent in my heart, and later established my own [Game Creation Studio] to develop several small games and planned to sell them to game companies.

During this period, due to a series of conflicts such as water and electricity, rent, voice, market and direction, the team went through several personnel changes, and finally made two web games, but in the end, they were arrested!

Three hundred thousand.

I can't afford to make large-scale online games, or even most genuine stand-alone games. I can only make some simple small games like [Snake] and other small games.

The plan was very good. I would first make a simple-styled level-breaking game and sell it to the most popular "8K8K Mini Games" website. After making the first pot of gold and building a reputation as a studio, I would continue to hold on to it. With the money earned, I will make another slightly more complicated game that is more otaku type...

However, plans can never keep up with changes...

The first game was called [Motorcycle Riding]. When the "8K8K Mini Game" was launched, it was tepid and in a state of subsidizing money.

Unwilling to give up, he made a second game, but while making the second game, he met Zhao Feiyang, the game planner he is now working with. The two hit it off and chatted about the rich people in this era...


The two hit it off immediately!

I feel that in this era, the coward will starve to death and the bold will starve to death. No matter what, make the first pot of gold first!


Zhao Feiyang downloaded some voice packs from some "you know" websites, and after processing, posted some plots and picked up some animation "character" pictures!

Jiang Qin and his group of people contacted the "painters" who they often collaborated with, and set up the game program very simply, and programmed a "rock, paper, scissors" guessing game, where if you lose, you take off a piece of clothing. .

This game allowed Jiang Qin and Zhao Feiyang to enjoy the traffic trend for a long time, becoming the number one download list on the most popular "you know" website in China!

Just when the two of them made a profit of nearly 200,000...

I was ready to continue working hard and create another [Challenge PK Girlfriend] game. Even after the meeting was over and the game content was finalized, there was a rapid knock on the door of the studio...

Then, several people were detained for fifteen days and included in one of the gangs under key monitoring...

November 1st.

Nine o'clock in the morning.

Jiang Qin and Zhao Feiyang sat on their chairs very cautiously.

"Brother, tell me, will Mr. Zhang accept us people?"

After coming out of the bureau, Jiang Qin and Zhao Feiyang's reputations were ruined.

The studio has been running for a while and has released several small games during this period, but it has never been able to find a buyer. I don't want to work for some small companies, and I don't want to work for a big company. If you have a stain, they won't accept it.

after all……

His studio was famous after being caught half a year ago. Although it was slapped with a code, it was set up as a model for cheating...

Although I won't be desperate and starve to death, if I continue like this, it will only be a matter of time before I go back to the factory to screw.

Really unable to hold on any longer, he suddenly thought of his high school classmate Xu Guangbiao...

Then, I didn’t know if I didn’t contact him, but I was shocked when I contacted him. Xu Guangbiao, who had average academic performance and passed the college entrance examination, actually jumped over the dragon gate and became the CEO of a “technology company” in Yanjing.

"have no idea……"

Zhao Feiyang is forty years old this year. He has been playing games in Internet cafes all year round. He has also founded a game "making money" studio. He has no girlfriend, no savings, and a sloppy beard.

In the past thirty-nine years, apart from being stabbed in the spine by the villagers and saying that this person is finished, I have never had any highlight moments.

The first half of 2010 was quite prosperous. I followed Jiang Qin to create a game called "Beauty Guessing" and made a little money. However, the fantasy of "returning to my hometown in glory" didn't last long before I was caught.

In his hometown, the news that he was arrested on suspicion of "H" reached his old father, who came over with a hoe to dig him up...

The second half of the year was extremely depressing for Zhao Feiyang.

Other "you know" game studios were making a lot of money, so why did they get caught when it came to him?

It's too late to enter.

It would not have been like this if we had entered the market half a year earlier, or even a few months earlier.

Zhao Feiyang took a puff of cigarette and stared silently at the door of the [Shengteng Technology] conference room.

Silently waiting for the legendary "Zhang Sheng"...


A very detailed information and news was placed in front of Zhang Sheng.

Xu Guangbiao kept telling Zhang Sheng how powerful and brave his old classmate Jiang Qin was, but he just went astray for a while.

Zhang Sheng nodded while listening.

"Oh, okay, you go and do your work first. You've been working hard lately."

"No hard work, no hard work."


Before Xu Guangbiao left, he stopped again: "Mr. Zhang..."


"No, it's nothing..."

Xu Guangbiao hesitated to speak, and finally swallowed the idea of ​​saying a few good words for Jiang Qin again, and walked silently towards the second floor.

Zhang Sheng smiled and walked towards the conference room.

When he opened the door, he saw a young man looking around, and a middle-aged man who smoked and looked haggard.

"Zhang, Mr. Zhang..."

The middle-aged man trembled slightly, stood up first, quickly put out the cigarette butt, and stretched out his right hand that was slightly browned by years of smoking: "Mr. Zhang, hello, I am Zhao Feiyang, the planner of [Mitu Game]... "


"Mr. Zhang, my name is Jiang Qin, I'm... I'm from Mi, Mi Rabbit Games, the boss..."

Jiang Qin also stood up, his face reddened and a little shy. When shaking hands with Zhang Sheng, Zhang Sheng could even feel the sweat on Jiang Qin's palms.

However, I still mustered up the courage to say the word "boss".

After Zhang Sheng briefly looked at the two of them, he motioned for them to sit down.

"I have learned about the general situation of both of you. I would like to know what your plans are for the future?"

Zhao Feiyang and Jiang Qin looked at each other. Finally, Jiang Qin took a deep breath and looked at Zhang Sheng: "Mr. Zhang, I want to continue playing games..."

"What game?"

"We haven't decided yet. We want to make web games, but web games don't seem to be that popular anymore, and big online games can't be made. I want to make mobile games, Mr. Zhang... You know the mobile games built into iPhone 4, right? ? It’s a very simple fruit cutting game, but now everyone is playing it..."

When they talked about games, Jiang Qin suddenly became very excited. He immediately took out his iPhone 4, then opened a built-in fruit cutting game in iPhone 4, and kept gesticulating in front of Zhang Sheng. After watching it.

Zhang Sheng listened patiently. When Jiang Qin finished speaking, Zhao Feiyang, who was next to him, immediately took over Jiang Qin's words: "Fruit Ninja was released with the iPhone 4 in May this year. This game has only been available for six months." months, but the number of downloads has exceeded one million! Almost every user who has bought a mobile phone has a copy... It can be seen that, in fact, compared to [web games] and [online games], mobile games will be It is a huge outlet. Furthermore, the new [Snake] game installed on iPhone 4 in the past few years has been downloaded over 100 million times worldwide. The game company [BIS] relied on [Snake] to go public. To achieve financial freedom, another example is Pilsen in North America..."


Although Zhao Feiyang looked a little sloppy, he spoke and acted with very clear logic. Each example was given in Zhao Feiyang's mouth. Zhang Sheng listened to a series of data, nodded silently, and began to look at Zhao Feiyang seriously: "Then Mr. Zhao, tell me, for example, if I take over your [Mitu Game], what kind of surprises can you bring me?"

"What kind of leadership is your appointment?"

“Acquiring your [Mitu Game]…”

“How much can you invest in us?”

"How much do you need?"

"The more the merrier, give me hundreds of thousands, I can make hundreds of thousands of games, give me one million, I can make one million, give me ten million, I can make ten million, you give me one hundred million, I I can make you a game worth RMB 100 million. No matter how much you invest, I will give you as much feedback as you want!"


Jiang Qin next to him was subconsciously frightened when he saw Zhao Feiyang's uncharacteristic expression.

Quickly pull Zhao Feiyang.

But I saw that Zhao Feiyang was "speaking boldly" as always.

In fact...

Two months ago, they made an extremely detailed planning list for [Mi Rabbit Games]. With the planning sheet and a series of future games, they went to Yangcheng to find the mobile game department of [Tengji Technology] .

Jiang Qin still remembers that when Zhao Feiyang met Mr. Qian, the head of the mobile game department of [Tengji Technology], the first thing he said was: "As long as you have the consciousness to give me 100 million, I can pay you back." Your market is tens of billions!"

Jiang Qin was frightened at that time.

At the scene, there was almost a roar of laughter. Everyone was laughing at this middle-aged man, saying that this middle-aged man was too whimsical.

Mr. Qian even stared at Zhao Feiyang with a smile and said, "If I invest one billion in you, can you build me a rocket to Mars?"

This time...

After Zhao Feiyang rambled on and introduced a series of things, he took a deep breath and stared at Zhang Sheng closely: "Mr. Zhang, as long as you have the consciousness to invest 100 million for me, I can return you 10 billion. game market!”

After Zhao Feiyang finished speaking, Jiang Qin stood up subconsciously and quickly pulled Zhao Feiyang.

But he saw Zhao Feiyang staring at Zhang Sheng excitedly.

This time!

Jiang Qin felt that Zhao Feiyang seemed to be more excited than when he met [Tengji Technology] before.

It seems that he has not learned any experience from the ridicule.

"Mr. Zhang, Brother Zhao is just joking. We only need one million investment. In fact, we..."

Jiang Qin quickly stood up to explain. His face turned red from suppressing his emotions, and for a moment he felt that he should not have brought Zhao Feiyang here.

As he explained, he looked at Zhang Sheng.

But I saw that Zhang Sheng's face didn't hold the same laughter as the others, or he was laughing on the spot.

"It's okay, continue..."

Instead, Zhang Sheng stared at Zhao Feiyang seriously.

Zhao Feiyang's back was almost covered in cold sweat. When Zhang Sheng said these words, he breathed an inexplicable sigh of relief, and his legs were shaking from beginning to end.

It could be seen that although his expression was very excited, he was also very nervous.

"Mr. Zhang, this is the plan I made. As the planner of [Mi Rabbit Game], I planned three steps for our [Mi Rabbit Game]. I originally wanted to use [Beauty Guessing] to achieve the first But...I failed, so I want to take another path...Mr. Zhang, to tell you the truth, although I haven't planned the game yet, I know my future direction..."

"What is your future direction?"

"I want to make an otaku game! As mobile phones become more and more developed, there will be more and more [otaku] markets... In fact, Little Japan has fully proven that there is a market for otaku games..."


Zhao Feiyang expressed his thoughts excitedly.

As he spoke, he clenched his fists.

Zhang Sheng, on the other hand, listened patiently and asked halfway through: "Did you bring the template for the [Beauty Guessing] game?"

"Brought it!"

"Oh, open it and take a look..."

"Ah, are you here?"

"Yes, right here!"

"Uh, okay, okay then, the sound is a bit loud, how about you turn it down a little bit?"


"This is a bit borderline..."

"I'm looking at this game from another level...Don't think too far..."


Jiang Qin nodded.

Then, I opened my notebook and shyly opened the [Beautiful Boxing Game].

After a while...

A flushed voice came out.

Zhang Sheng narrowed his eyes...

Suddenly I felt that the picture quality of this game was really beautiful.

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