I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 408 Zhang Sheng’s Quotes!

This is a blood-curdling game.

Zhang Sheng calmly played the entire game to the end and unlocked all the benefits of the [Beauty Guessing] game.

Well, in some ways it was a real feast for the eyes.

"Did you do all the dubbing for this game by yourself?"


"Where's the animation design?"

"I also participated in the design..."



The weather outside is a bit cool.

Zhao Feiyang nodded.

But behind my back, I was sweating.

The middle-aged man was very nervous.

However, when he saw Zhang Sheng taking over his next plan with a smile, a stone fell in his heart.

Then, a hotter flame continued to burn in his body, but he forced himself to calm down, trying to suppress the tense emotions deep in his throat to keep his mind clear.

a year ago……

He read Zhang Sheng's story in an Internet cafe.

At that time, he didn't take it seriously. He just thought it was a chicken soup story, and there were many chicken soup stories that never ended.

after all……

A college student has a debt of 2 million and is sinking into hell again.

No matter how powerful a trader is, it is impossible for him to make a comeback!

At the beginning of 2010, he saw Zhang Sheng's story again. He saw that Zhang Sheng had paid off 2 million in debt, and step by step from behind the scenes to the front!

He was greatly shocked!

I just felt that a fire was ignited in my heart, and this fire could not be suppressed no matter how hard I suppressed it.

That night, he stayed awake all night, thinking crazily about his experiences over the years. The more he thought about it, the more frustrated and angry he became.

Forty years old!

It’s long past the age of 30!

This kind of self, living like a walking zombie, doesn't even have any meaning.

That morning, he was flipping through Zhang Sheng's information on the Internet, and then inadvertently came across Zhang Sheng's quotations...

The quotations were compiled by Zhang Sheng's earliest "entrepreneurial fans".

After seeing a series of quotations, he seemed to be filled with strength, and then he thought about his "dream" and the next road.

Sometimes, a person's enlightenment is accidental and sudden...

Zhao Feiyang didn't know whether his sudden enlightenment was an enlightenment, but since that day, he began to pick up his "dream" step by step and try again.


In this life, he will die!

He made a plan for himself. He began to teach himself programming on the Internet. He also joined various Q dog groups and began to try to make gadgets such as jigsaw puzzles...

By chance, he met Jiang Qin, the owner of [Mitu Games] who was recruiting people in a Q dog group, and then the two became more speculative than ever before.

The gears of fate started turning at that moment!

In the office.

Some silence.

Jiang Qin couldn't breathe nervously.

Zhao Feiyang didn't say anything and wanted to smoke, but when he saw Zhang Sheng present, he suddenly realized that smoking was not good, so he just kept drinking mineral water.

Time is the least valuable thing.

In the blink of an eye, more than forty minutes passed.

Zhang Sheng put down Zhao Feiyang's plan with a strange expression on his face: "I am very familiar with some of the words in this plan..."

When Zhang Sheng founded [NC Studio], he wrote a three-step plan for [NC Entertainment] to Li Yanhong.

Although more than a year has passed, Zhang Sheng clearly remembers the words in the planning book.

[Three Steps to Mi Rabbit Games] is almost exactly the same as the [NC Studio] planning book. It is just a shell and some things have been changed. Even some words and punctuation marks have not been changed.

"Mr. Zhang...Actually, it's a document I found on the Internet."

The cold sweat on Zhao Feiyang's back became more and more wet, but he still smiled.



In fact...

[Three Steps to Mi Rabbit Games] is a complete shell of [NC Studio].

Six months ago, he joined a Q dog group called [Zhang Sheng Research Group]. This Q dog group can be said to be Zhang Sheng's fan group.

Although I don’t know who the group leader is, I only know that the group leader is a female college student.

In this group, every day, group members will post various news about Zhang Sheng’s recent movements, as well as what activities Zhang Sheng has attended and what he has said. Analyze what business opportunities are hidden in these words and what can be gained from them. What kind of revelation.

At the same time, among the group files, there are also some of Zhang Sheng’s early contract documents.

I don’t know how it happened, but in short, the most popular document is the [NC Studio Three-Step Plan].

This document was of great help to Zhao Feiyang. After Zhao Feiyang downloaded this document, he regarded this document as a "treasure for entrepreneurship."

In fact...

In this group, Zhao Feiyang also learned a lot.

For example: some of Zhang Sheng's "high emotional intelligence" dialogues, some of Zhang Sheng's negotiation skills, Zhang Sheng's control of human nature...

In fact, what I said two months ago when I met Mr. Qian of the mobile game department of [Tengji Technology] were all based on Zhang Sheng’s famous sayings.

【Ambition! You have to be ambitious! As long as you expose your ambition, fully expose it! One day, you will find your own Bole! 】

[One should not be afraid of failure, nor of falling, nor of self-doubt. You move forward, firmly and boldly. Even if you hit the south wall, don't be afraid! Along the way, you will eventually find your companions! 】

[Stick to your beliefs and dreams, sometimes, it’s more important than talent! 】

【trust yourself! You will always be the most special one! 】


Seeing quotes that are almost brainwashing every day makes this middle-aged man feel reborn and full of strength!

He began to imitate Zhang Sheng, started talking and doing things...

This time, Jiang Qin was actually unwilling to bring him here because he was afraid that he would talk nonsense.

But he begged Jiang Qin to bring him over.

"Mr. Zhang once said about ambition. If Mr. Zhang can't even accept my ambition, then he is no longer Mr. Zhang!"

"I must meet Mr. Zhang, because only by meeting Mr. Zhang can we succeed!"


In fact...

When he saw Zhang Sheng, he was almost suffocated, as if he were seeing an idol, and his calves were trembling.


Zhang Sheng's famous saying in Q Dog Group came to mind again: "Don't be afraid of anyone you meet, you must dare to show your sword!" 】

So, he kept reminding himself not to get excited, so he pointed his sword at Zhang Sheng!

"Mr. Zhao, Mr. Jiang..."

There was a brief calm in the office.

Then, Zhao Feiyang saw Zhang Sheng standing up with a smile.

He stood up quickly.

"I will support your dreams. Your entrepreneurial spirit is very admirable..."

Zhang Sheng did not talk about how much investment he would give him, nor did he say anything else to him, but said this sentence sincerely.

When he heard these words, Zhao Feiyang felt that the blood in his body was boiling again.


"but what?"

Zhao Feiyang stared at Zhang Sheng.

There was sweat on his forehead and he was so nervous that he couldn't breathe.

"You have to pay a lot for your dream. After joining our big family, it will be particularly hard, especially in the early stages of "mobile gaming"..."

"Mr. Zhang, I have no wife or children. My parents haven't answered my calls for a long time. My relatives and friends all call me a loser. I have nothing but one life. If I don't do anything right, I'm risking my life!"

Zhao Feiyang took a deep breath and stared at Zhang Sheng closely.

Zhang Sheng nodded and looked at Jiang Qin again. Jiang Qin nodded subconsciously: "Me too!"

"For a while, can you help me make a game?" Zhang Sheng squinted his eyes.

"what game?"

"The parkour type is called [Temple Run]."

"What kind of game is he roughly?"

"Let me tell you some of the mechanics of this game..."


Zhang Sheng very seriously explained the general nature of the game "Temple Escape", a classic game in the original world and the era of smartphones.

Jiang Qin was stunned after hearing this!

Just when he was about to say that he couldn't finish it, the amount of the project was too large, and it would take at least half a month, or even a month, Zhao Feiyang suddenly stood up and stared at Zhang Sheng with great ambition again: "One week Time, we can get it done!”



The two walked out of [Shengteng Technology].

"Brother Zhao, you are crazy. How can you make it in seven days? Even if it can be made, we... are exaggerating!"

"Mr. Zhang approved 1 million for us. How difficult is it to make a game like this with 1 million?"


"Xiao Jiang, as before, we divide the work and cooperate. I am responsible for finding the corresponding people, as well as drawings and modeling, and you are responsible for doing the programming... One week is enough!"


"Remember, we are starting a business. To start a business, we must have the heart to burn everything. When Mr. Zhang was running business, the conditions were so bad that he didn't even have a mobile phone. It forced him to fight a bloody road... …”


in the sun.

Zhao Feiyang said this.

Seeing that he was out of the range of [Shengteng Technology], he sat down on the ground, gasping for air as if his last strength had been drained from his whole body.

When the tension is released, the whole person becomes tired.

"Brother Zhao, are you okay?"


Facing Jiang Qin's inquiry, he nodded.

After taking a short rest, he took out the [Pineapple Phone] and boarded his Q Dog.

Then, he clicked into the Q Dog Group.

He added nearly twenty Q dog groups.

In the Q Dog Group, there are various part-time jobs.

[Zhang Sheng Research Group] once analyzed Zhang Sheng’s step-by-step success experience...

Among them, the [School Beauty Contest] event has attracted countless group friends to talk about it, and even revealed the core "resource exchange".

Many group friends in the group are learning this trick, and several group members have also achieved initial success in starting their own businesses!

And Zhao Feiyang is also one of them.

But, before work.

He posted a sentence in the group: [From today on, I am a regular army! I've been incorporated! 】

After posting this sentence, I uploaded a photo of [Shengteng Technology].

In an instant, the crowd exploded!

(I'm sorry, it's even later. From now on, it will be 6 o'clock at the latest! Damn, I've been coughing for half a month since I got yang, and I can't stop coughing. I'm annoyed!)

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