I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 409 A shit stirrer!

"Recently, more and more job seekers have come to tell lies..."

"We always flaunt ourselves as the next Zhang Sheng, and we always say that we don't know how to recognize people. If we open our mouths and keep silent, we are talking about a tens of billions market. We look so excited, as if we are on drugs..."

"It was quite refreshing at first, but after the HR department heard this sentence too many times, it became very disgusting..."

"You're the only one who came here to look for a job. Why don't you just talk about your job and your ability? Why don't you talk about the future every day..."

"How do you, a college student who has just graduated from college, know about the future?"

"Do you really think there are baskets of radishes on the ground and Zhang Sheng is all over the street?"


[Tengji Technology].

Mobile game department

After Zheng Huateng finished the meeting, when he walked into the door of the [Tengji] mobile game department, he heard a chatter coming from the office.

"Zheng, Mr. Zheng..."

"Is the money always there?"

"Yes, yes! I will take you there."


When the female secretary saw Zheng Huateng walking in, she was instantly startled. She subconsciously stopped chatting with her colleagues and quickly led Zheng Huateng towards Qian Binrong's office.

Zheng Huateng followed the female secretary into the office expressionlessly.

"Mr. Zheng!"

"How's the situation?"

"I'll report to you!"


Wearing glasses and a suit, Zheng Huateng looked gentle and polite, like an ordinary programmer.

But when Qian Binrong saw Zheng Huateng, his face was stunned, as if he didn't expect Zheng Huateng to be there in person. Then he hurriedly came over with the information and reported his work to him immediately.

outside the window.


In the office, Zheng Huateng was sitting in the main seat, listening carefully to Qian Binrong's introduction to his current work, while checking the information on several mobile games to be released by [Tengji Mobile Games].

He attaches great importance to the mobile game business that [Tengji Technology] is about to officially enter.

It was a "revolution".

A comprehensive smart phone "revolution" triggered by iPhone4.

The release of iPhone 4 not only brings a new touch screen experience, but also brings a mobile game called [Fruit Ninja]!

This extremely simple game allows you to cut the thrown fruit into two groups by swiping the screen. However, it is extremely challenging and interesting. In just a few days, it has become the "darling of young people in the streets and alleys". ".

Many people have noticed the game [Fruit Ninja]!

The big Chinese gaming company, [Tengji Technology], naturally noticed it, and they were not surprised by this.

In fact...

As early as the beginning of the 2.5G to 3G era, [Tengji Technology] began to lay out the mobile game market.

years ago!

When smartphones are not popular in China, telecom operators are dominated by China Mobile. The mobile phone industry industry chain is relatively simple. Mobile phone manufacturers provide content, and operators are responsible for promotion and billing...

In the famous [Treasure Box], there are several JAVA mobile games [Q Dog Baby] and [Q Dog Breakthrough] transplanted by [Tengji] technology, and even in the WAP webpage in the middle of the 2.5G era, there are also several text-based replies. Casual immortality game.

The operation is very simple. For example, in a pet game, after clicking "Feed", the page will refresh with the "hunger value". For example, in a text-based game, use text to describe who you meet...

Millions of text game users allowed [Tengji Technology] to enjoy the first wave of "game traffic dividends" in the 3G era, and also saw the future of mobile games. However, a group of executives, including Zheng Huateng, felt that it was not the time. …

They still have to wait!

Waiting for an opportunity!

In 2009, the first iPhone was officially launched in China.

At the moment when it was launched, Zheng Huateng, who had just bought an iPhone, realized that the pace of the times was approaching!

The time is almost here!

They began to try to port some of Qgou’s games to mobile phones, such as Qgou Landlord, Qgou Mahjong, Qgou Dragon Ball and other games in the Qgou game hall, and initially accumulated the first wave of users!

Because you can play freely after signing up as a member, the feedback is extremely good!

This year.

iPhone4 is officially launched...

The huge success of [Fruit Ninja] made Zheng Huateng not only satisfied with transplanting casual games, but also began to raise the weight of Q Dog games to a strategic level.


[Tengji] mobile game department has been officially confirmed as one of the sub-core businesses of [Tengji].

Zheng Huateng issued a recruitment order on the entire Internet, and for a while, countless [Studios] swarmed in, almost destroying the door of [Tengji Technology].

During this period, the mobile game department has recruited many powerful studios, such as [Kingsoft] and [Huiyuki], a long-established studio that processes for large companies.

All of them are under his command, playing games like a life-threatening game!

"Can [National Fruit Cutting] be launched in the Q Dog Game Hall within this week?"


“Where’s the Q Dog Pet APP version?”


"Where's [Maze Adventure]?"



[Tengji Technology] will launch several “free” games before November 10th.

One of them is called [Fruit Cutting for All]. This game implements the consistent style of [Tengji Technology], directly "drawing on" the popular game [Fruit Ninja] in the mobile game market today, and adding some improvements.

The other is an adventure game [Maze Adventure], which is a self-developed project of the [Kingsoft] team. After about three months of research and development, this project is now a finished product.

After Zheng Huateng confirmed that [Tengji Mobile Games] could be launched on the shelves on the specified date, he opened the [Tengji Mobile Games Department] and walked in the direction of another [Tengji Technology] project [Tengji Mobile App].

Although the game "Treasure Box" in the 3G era was gradually eliminated after the emergence of smartphones, building a platform has always been what Zheng Huateng and the team behind it wanted to do.

He plans to launch these two mobile games on the [Tengji App Store] first following the "mobile gameization" of the Qgou game platform, and then use the huge social resources to start the [App Store] project first.

[Tengji Technology] relies on huge traffic outlets, which in itself is the foundation of his life and an unshakable chat empire...

After thinking carefully for a moment, and once again confirming that he was about to stand at the forefront of the new era and become the overlord of the mobile gaming era, Zheng Huateng finally showed a smile on his expressionless face.

Three hours later.

After leaving the [App Store] team, Zheng Huateng returned to his office, sat on a chair, and looked at the densely packed buildings in Yangcheng in the distance.

He felt more and more that an era was coming quietly and becoming more and more remarkable.

And his layout in the previous era has gradually begun to lay a more solid foundation in this new era.


Still can’t take it lightly!

On his desk, there is a detailed information of "Zhang Sheng".


Zhang Sheng, a young man, seems to be very popular on the Internet...

After reading it once, he narrowed his eyes. Although he didn't think Zhang Sheng was a strong opponent in the next era, he still attached great importance to it.

He was afraid that Zhang Sheng would become the next Ma Yunhua to give him a headache.

The strong rise of [Taozhu.com] has ushered in an era of e-commerce.

Zheng Huateng naturally wants to get a piece of the pie in the e-commerce era. In fact, [Tengji Technology] has also built its own platform, Paipai Mall.


A lot of money was burned, but in the end there was no splash.

He did not admit that he lost to Ma Yunhua. [Paipai Mall] still had its own group of loyal users, but he had to admit that he could not suppress Ma Yunhua and allowed Ma Yunhua to rise strongly.

All we can say is that he was a step too late!

One step too late, every step too late.

The failure of the previous era made him eager to regain his place in the next era.


As the [Group Buying Era] arrives, they are still fighting!

In this era, he held the dominant position, with two ace websites [Groupon] and [Minuo Group Buying], which once suppressed the [Group Buying] established by Ma Yunhua.

But until now, they are still in the stage of burning money and grabbing the market.

Moreover, it has never been able to defeat its competitors [Group Buying] or [Harvest Group Buying].

At present, the three major forces have become a tripartite force.

There is a winner and loser, but there is no winner yet!

“The era of group buying has not yet been decided, but the era of takeout has arrived first!”

"This Zhang Sheng... is not simple!"

"Maybe, I will really become the next Ma Yunhua..."

In the office.

He turned on his computer and looked at the current market situation in his mailbox.

Then, he saw a piece of news that [Group Buying] and [Honeycomb Extreme Delivery] had reached a preliminary strategic agreement, and he frowned deeply.

After realizing that the food delivery industry has an amazing market, he only felt a little tired.

He called a meeting with his team.

The team ultimately came to the conclusion that there was no need to rush, just wait!

When the market gradually becomes clearer, they will end...

After a while, he made a call to the person in charge of [Groupon] and [Minuo Group Buying].

He wants to hear their opinions!


Takeaway war.

It is a new battlefield derived from [Thousand Regiments War].

Countless capitals in China believe that [takeaway] will be a new entry point.

Zhang Sheng, the troublemaker, was like a catalyst. When the [Group Buying War] was in full swing and everyone was tired, he suddenly announced the opening of a new battlefield, and then ambitiously attracted a large wave of traffic.

At the same time, unknowingly, a lively wave of entrepreneurship was set off.

From the end of October to November 6th…

In just over ten days, countless [Takeaway Knights] appeared in Yanjing City.

They are either college-based, regional-based, part-time, or joint ventures between three or four people...

Zhang Sheng tried his best to minimize the "entrepreneurial capital" of these ordinary people...

every day……

There will be several, or even a dozen, small [takeaway brands] entering the market, and fiercely absorbing new blood in the bloody battlefield of [Group Buying War].

The companies related to Zhang Sheng, instead of suppressing these brands, went crazy to provide tools for these "entrepreneurs".

Li Yanhong walked on the streets of Yanjing, always thinking about how she should go in the future.


She went to Yangcheng and was lucky enough to meet a "big boss" of Zheng Huateng's level.

Zheng Huateng chatted with them kindly and listened to their opinions...

Although she was gradually losing control of [Mi Nuo Group Buying], Li Yanhong still felt flattered.

That's a real big shot!

But when she came back, she became worried.

In the market a few months ago, everyone was holding banknotes, and in the [Group Buying War] track, they were constantly spending money, burning money, and attracting traffic to become a big wave and become the overlord in the new era.


Unknowingly, Zhang Sheng, the troublemaker, appeared again and disrupted everything!

as if……

Everything he has done before has become Zhang Sheng's "wedding dress", or paved the way for Zhang Sheng's "takeaway"!

And they are standing at the crossroads of life. One step forward is to continue fighting, and one step back is to the abyss.

"[Pineapple Mobile] helps young people start their own businesses! Cheers for entrepreneurship!"

"The United States has iPhone, China has Apple, Apple 4, cheers for the sweat!"

"The battery life is terrible, the delivery is fast, [Daniu Mobile] is the fighter among mobile phones!"


There were bursts of harsh sounds in my ears.

Li Yanhong stopped.

She saw the domestic copycat mobile phone cooperating with Zhang Sheng!

In just a few days, the sales of domestic copycat mobile phones, led by the [Pineapple Phone] and [Apple 4] phones, once again reached a new high.

They have customized a “takeaway mobile phone” for [takeaway knights]!

She saw the delivery riders on the streets again.

Within two days of leaving Yanjing, she discovered that more inexplicable "takeaway brands" appeared in the streets and alleys.

Zheng Huateng, the boss of [Tengji Technology], hinted to her that if she wants to gain an advantage in this [group buying war], she must combine online and offline.

What's the meaning?

That means [Minuo Group Buying] needs to develop its own takeout platform.

As long as [Minuo Group Buying]'s takeout system can be developed and reaches a certain scale, they will continue to inject capital...

You can also sign a gambling agreement with [Tengji Technology], and they can provide a sum of funds to support Li Yanhong in doing food delivery.


When it reaches a certain scale, everyone is happy.

If you lose, it doesn't matter. At most, you will lose some shares.

Li Yanhong naturally understood the hint.

She really wants to do the takeout business!

After all, any fool knows that this is a big outlet.

However, another way appeared in front of Li Yanhong. Should she cooperate with Zhang Sheng?

Zhang Sheng's move was very dark.

Zhang Sheng seemed to be the one who asked the question, but he wrote all the answers on the blackboard...

Do you copy in front of the blackboard, or do you write silently and laboriously by yourself?

Just like Google's "Android system" in the past, open source code directly...

If you want, he can make a takeout app for you, provide mobile phones for your employees, and even give you a batch of battery cars...

Countless entrepreneurs were dragged into the pit, and then they were like poisonous insects, fighting in this market, and you could see messy corpses almost every day.

And he is not only the maker of the rules, but also a participant, and even more so the one who delivers the knife.

Are you going to follow or not?

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