In the original world, "Temple Run" was an epoch-making product that pioneered parkour games on mobile gaming platforms.

Its emergence has allowed countless people to see the potentially amazing market for mobile games when smartphones have just become popular.

At the same time, there are also countless derivative works that "follow the trend".

However, no one would have thought that the creators of this classic game were a couple from North Carolina. According to rumors, there were only three people in total developing the game "Temple Run", which took about three months. time.




The lights of [Mi Rabbit Games] are still on.

In just two days, Zhao Feiyang recruited many talents in the Q dog group.

The word "Zhang Sheng" is very useful. In these Q dog groups, Zhang Sheng's entrepreneurial experience is almost "deified".

Two days...

Close to hundreds of people chatted with him privately.

Most of these people read the chicken soup article [Zhang Sheng’s Entrepreneurship History] and were deeply affected by it.

The first sentence in the private chat with him was to get close to him and flatter him, and the second sentence was to introduce himself to talk about "cooperation".

Collaborators will first introduce themselves and their address, and then introduce their strengths, including but not limited to their majors, expertise, past works, and understanding of the next work.

Inevitably, most of them are arrogant people who only know how to brag.

But there are also some who are really talented and learned...

Zhao Feiyang screened these people to a certain extent and classified them specifically.

Some people make suggestions for the marketing of new games and can conduct various offline promotions, such as [giving away eggs] and other activities.

Some people are good at drawing and spontaneously send their previous drawing results and 3D modeling cases to Zhao Feiyang one by one, eager to take over the drawing aspect.

Among these people, there are also voice actors. During the voice chat, Zhao Feiyang saw that one person could simulate nearly ten voices at the same time...

There are also people who program...

These people are not Zhang Sheng’s fans, but they are inspired by Zhang Sheng’s “entrepreneurship” and think they have mastered the formula of resource exchange and win-win cooperation.

And I want to take advantage of Zhao Feiyang’s call to do something together in this era.

Many times, playing games is very joyful and addictive.

But the process of developing games is boring and even painful.

After splitting the game "Temple Escape", Zhao Feiyang began to realize that the development of this game was much more complicated than "Beauty Guessing".

This complexity is not in the procedures, but in the management team...

Zhao Feiyang disassembled the game "Temple Escape" into tasks one by one, and sent these tasks to the Q Dog Group project team he created...

He made a fairly generous deposit with these people and told them a deadline.

When the task was first issued, these people were very excited. They all patted their chests and said how awesome they were and how they could stand up!


Things often don't go in the direction they expect, and Zhao Feiyang is not Zhang Sheng after all, and he has no ability to manage a team's cooperation.

After accepting the task, some of the drawing group friends ostensibly agreed well, but after the stipulated date, they used various reasons to shirk the task, saying that they needed to wait for a period of time. Some of them simply refused to answer Zhao Feiyang's calls after receiving the money. Well, they even left the group and deleted their accounts!

Zhao Feiyang truly realized that the so-called "plan could not keep up" with the changes!

Three days later.

The ambitions I once had were gradually replaced by waves of intense anxiety.

Zhang Sheng once performed a "resource exchange" perfectly, but when this resource exchange routine was used in his hands, he found that he was at a loss.

All the established plans fell through!

Looking at the densely packed plan, 50% of which were unfulfilled goals, he realized that he might not be able to complete the task!

Zhao Feiyang began to feel a deep sense of pessimism, and then this pessimism gradually turned into fear.

There are four days left until the appointed day.

And he had to come to Jiang Qin and tell Jiang Qin this desperate fact.

"Then what should I do? Didn't you say that you can complete all this? Brother Zhao, it's been three days now. You tell me this?"

"Brother Zhao, didn't I tell you not to brag? You have to play this kind of game for at least a month in one week. How did you do it?"


He saw anxiety on Jiang Qin's face.

Later, Zhao Feiyang and Jiang Qin had their first quarrel since their cooperation!

This quarrel pushed the two to the point of breaking up.

The next morning, he chose to call Zhang Sheng.

He told Zhang Sheng sincerely about his current situation and current plans.

On the other end of the phone, Zhang Sheng was not in a hurry.

He only said: "Team integration is the only way to go. It's easy to encounter setbacks. There are still four days left. Please wait until the last moment to report your failure to me. If you fail, you should fail with dignity."

There was no blame, no scolding, and no ridicule on the other end of the phone. The whole process was calm.


Then hung up the phone.

Zhao Feiyang stared at the clock on the wall, watching the seconds pass by.

If you fail, you should also fail with dignity...

What means?

After a long silence, he finally gritted his teeth, opened his Q dog group again, and continued to look for relevant people...


November 7th.

Chen Shouguo sat in the office and watched the news silently.

In the past, [Game Treasure Box], which was crazy in the 2G era and made a lot of money for mobile networks, was officially withdrawn from the mobile strategic project today.

As one of the old people in a mobile company, Chen Shouguo felt sad.

Witnessing the rise of an era and the fall of an era with your own eyes, your emotions will naturally fluctuate.

In the JAVA era, how brilliant is [Game Treasure Box]?


The arrival of the iPhone era is destined to make it difficult for many people to keep up. Even after it has been around for so long, Chen Shouguo still cannot adapt.


People can't always be immersed in the glory of the past. To keep up with the pace of the new era, we must move onto a new track.

"Dong dong dong!"

"Come in……"

"Mr. Chen, Mr. Zhang is outside the door. Do you want to see him?"

"Mr. Zhang, which Mr. Zhang?"

"Zhang Sheng... Zhang Sheng from [NC Entertainment], the partner of the ring tones for "In the Rain" and "Running", made an appointment with you last week."


When Chen Shouguo heard the words "Zhang Sheng", he stood up subconsciously.

Some time ago...

His old friend Lin Guodong came to sit in his office. The two drank tea and talked about the arrangements for the next new era.

During this period, Zhang Sheng was also mentioned.

Chen Shouguo could hear that his old friend was hinting that he could talk more with this young man.

For Zhang Sheng...

Chen Shouguo had never seen it with his own eyes, but he was definitely not unfamiliar with it.

The two ringtones "In the Rain" and "Running" made hundreds of millions for mobile operators last year and this year. Although they are not as crazy as in previous years, they are still unique.

The production company [NC Entertainment] is naturally within Chen Shouguo's attention.

That was the first time he heard about Zhang Sheng...


It was in the middle of this year that Zhang Sheng sued the iPhone 4 for infringement. In the end, although the lawsuit was settled, it indirectly triggered a collective explosion of domestic mobile phones...

Chen Shouguo heard Zhang Sheng's name again!

"Dong dong dong!"

"Come in."

The door in the office opened.

Chen Shouguo saw a gentle young man walking in with a smile: "Mr. Chen."

"Mr. Zhang, hello!"

Chen Shouguo shook hands with Zhang Sheng, then watched Zhang Sheng sit down.

He saw Zhang Sheng carrying a bulging bag on his back, and he was a little curious: "This is..."

"Mr. Chen, this is our mobile phone. There are ten mobile phone brands in total..."

"Domestic mobile phone?"


"You brought these mobile phones here because..."

"I have talked with the bosses of these ten mobile phone brands. They hope that I can come forward and talk to you about mobile contract phones..."

"Contract machines...Sorry, we currently have new contract machines, and they are now saturated..."

Chen Shouguo frowned slightly as he looked at the mobile phones of different brands.

[Huaxing] After mobile phones withdraw from the stage of history...

Other domestic mobile phones dispersed in a hurry, and they all caught up with China Mobile's contract phone system. More than half a year was enough for all systems to be saturated.

"In addition to the contract phone, I would like to talk to you about the mobile phone platform we plan to build next. Mr. Chen, the era of smart phones has arrived, and the former [Game Treasure Box] has gradually withdrawn from the stage of history. I personally feel that, You need a brand new replacement platform... I very much hope that our future platform can become your replacement brand, or in other words, become one of our mobile Yanjing region's cooperation test platforms..."

After Chen Shouguo listened silently to Zhang Sheng's words, he looked at Zhang Sheng calmly: "Does your platform currently have any traffic advantages? Compared to the app store, what are your advantages?"

"The platform is under preparation and there is no real promotion. There is not much traffic for the time being..."

"With all due respect, the APP malls we currently cooperate with are basically big brands such as [Samsung] and [iPhone]. Although the mobile phone resources you have at hand, although the sales are not bad, they are second- and third-tier brands after all. Is it too early to start building a platform?" Chen Shouguo smiled and said: "You have been involved in many tracks. As the old saying goes, miscellaneous but not refined. So far, among all the tracks, none of them can truly be successful. My personal suggestion is that you should stabilize your own industry first..."

"Mr. Chen, I will release several free mobile games in the future... I personally think that these games can allow our platform to have an astonishing number of downloads in a short period of time..." Zhang Sheng faced Chen Shouguo's words, He didn't care, just smiled: "I came here today just to ask you to sign a "bet" agreement..."



The night of November 7th.

After Xu Guangbiao heard that Zhang Sheng signed a gambling agreement with China Mobile, he subconsciously touched his bald head...

Then, I was shocked!

Damn it!

Too bad!

(Continue to guarantee two more updates...)

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