I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 412 Giving too little

From a popular figure to the darling of the times...

This journey is actually not as easy as it seems.

In fact, many companies have experienced a very difficult entrepreneurial journey in their early stages.

Although the founder's family conditions are extremely favorable, there are also downturns.

For example, the entrepreneurial journeys of Ma Yunhua and Zheng Huateng, which have been talked about by netizens in recent years...

those years.

Xiao Zheng from Yangcheng and his colleagues learned from foreign chat software and made a [Q Dog Chat]. In order to attract traffic, they even pretended to be girls to chat with users.

In those years, Xiaoma from Hangzhou saw the future of e-commerce and began to establish [Taozhu.com]. In order to allow [Taozhu.com] to flourish better, he was looking for investment everywhere...

those years……

Lin Guodong stood on a high place, overlooking the bottom, and said: "This time the research and development fails, you can find a new job, and I will jump down from here."

No matter how boring and arduous the journey of starting a business is.

But there is one core that has not changed.

That is……

When they founded the company, they were all focused on making this kind of thing, making this kind of thing perfect, leading the industry, becoming the industry hegemon, and making their position unshakable.

These are their roots. When the roots are firmly rooted into the ground and can withstand countless ups and downs, they can grow branches and extend other things outwards, and then flourish with branches and leaves!

Ma Yunhua’s roots are [Taozhu.com]!

After the great success of [Taozhu.com], the system of [Taozhu.com] was extended to the surrounding areas, including payment systems, finance, and film industry.

So far, in the financial payment industry, Ma Yunhua has a vague tendency to become the hegemon.

Zheng Huateng's roots are [Q Dog Chat]. Q Dog Chat itself has an innate advantage in user numbers, so he can "learn" from various overseas games, and even use his own advantages to kill the original creator...

Its layout in the game industry is extremely deep, even compared to [E-Net Games] and [Jincheng Games] which were in full swing during the same period, it is still not far behind!

And what about Zhang Sheng?

It looks like flowers are blooming in many directions, but in fact, they are full of dangers.

Not only is it unable to match Ma Yunhua in terms of capital, but it is also a blank field in the financial industry. So far, the payment system still relies on Lin Guodong's [Yaohua Technology].

And on the user side...

Although Zhang Sheng himself has huge traffic and has some celebrities under his banner, there is no real traffic gathering point, whether it is [Qiangsheng Online Mall] or [Honeycomb Jisong]...

As long as it is crazily suppressed by capital, it will burst like a bubble in an instant...

The only winner!

It is Zhang Sheng's amazing keen vision that allows Zhang Sheng to always reap the first wave of market dividends.

However, it seems that he has stepped on everyone's limelight, but in fact it is very easy for Zhang Sheng to become the "pathfinder" of capital. When capital feels that Zhang Sheng's career is feasible, they will swarm in, borrow Zhang Sheng's routines, and punch indiscriminately. Beat Zhang Sheng, the old master, to death.


In fact, he is very kind to Zhang Sheng!

Li Dongqiang has heard a lot about the capital and has given an "olive branch" to Zhang Sheng.

However, Zhang Sheng refused the olive branch offered by capital, and did not stand up for any capital. He has always been alone in this crisis-ridden capital market.

Such support!

How long can it last?

The evening breeze blew Zhang Sheng's cheek, and Zhang Sheng listened calmly to what Li Dongqiang said.


Li Dongqiang frowned deeply. He lit a cigarette and began to talk with Zhang Sheng about the current status of Zhang Sheng's involvement in the industry.

during this time.

Li Dongqiang's progress is simply amazing.

He has gradually grown from the small boss selling audio and video products to a controller who considers things from a different level.

He also saw clearly the truth about the battle between many capitals, but because he saw it so clearly, he realized the hidden dangers of Zhang Sheng's system industry.

"Mr. Zhang, I know you are working on the industrial chain and connecting all these industrial chains..."

"But, Mr. Zhang, your stall has spread too much all of a sudden. There is no problem in spreading it naturally, but do we have a core root? It seems that we are a pioneer in the entire traffic industry, but our Roots, where are they?"

"We have no capital, and we don't have traffic storage tools like QGou. We are like bubbles floating in the sky. There may seem to be a lot of them, but if you poke them, they will all burst easily!"

"Now we have strong momentum and we have been moving forward, but once the bubble bursts, it will trigger a series of impacts..."

"As far as I know, big-name battery cars such as [Yuanneng], [Green Horse], and [New Era] have already settled on the track of your previous [Home Appliances to the Countryside], and except for [Hongwei] battery cars, all other Without entering that track, even the sales of [Hongwei] battery cars in the field of home appliances going to the countryside in November were greatly reduced..."

"This is a wake-up call!"


In the office.

Li Dongqiang said everything.

After finishing speaking, he sat on the chair, feeling deeper anxiety, making him smoke one cigarette one after another.

The further he deduced, the more frightened he became.

He realized how difficult it was to find a way out under the dominance of established capital and enterprises such as [Tengji Technology] and [Taozhu.com].

The road ahead seems to have come to an end.

Some of Zhang Sheng's previous efforts, some measures, gimmicks, and even a series of industries under his banner are very likely to be regarded as pigs by those capitals, waiting to be fattened and then slaughtered in one fell swoop.

Their ending is the future ending of Zhang Xing and others. They can only become chess pieces in this life, not chess players.

“It was a wake-up call, but I had anticipated these wake-ups.”

In the office, after a long silence, Zhang Sheng said this with a smile.

"Mr. Zhang, what should we do next? [Qiangsheng Online Mall] is suppressed by [Taozhu.com]. If there is no more new traffic, it will only continue to lose. Even our initial advantage will no longer exist... …Also, there is our payment system. We do not have a real payment license. We just borrowed it from [Yaohua], but [Yaohua] does not have a real financial system. By the way, Mr. Zhang, I just received the a message……"

Li Dongqiang took out the iPad he carried with him and handed it to Zhang Sheng. Zhang Sheng glanced at the news and saw [Formally finalized, [Zhilibao] has officially reached a credit card fast payment service with Hua Xia Bank. This will be the first fast payment in the history of Hua Xia system! 】

After Zhang Sheng read this message, he gently pushed up his glasses: "We will wait."


"Yes, we'll wait."

"How can we wait? Wait for the other party to swallow us up bit by bit, and then we have no choice but to sell the company at a low price? Mr. Zhang, we must not be addicted to the current traffic and income. We are actually on the edge of the cliff. We don't have any foundation, we don't have any capital at all!" Li Dongqiang took a deep breath and finally looked at Zhang Sheng.

"Then what do you think we should do?"

"Mr. Zhang, we don't have the traffic advantage of [Tengji Technology]. Now, our official poverty alleviation advantage weight is also being taken away by [Taozhu.com]. We can't beat them. Let's take advantage of the fact that the company still has a high If the business value is high, we will first find capital to cooperate with..."

"Have [Hongsen Capital] and [Hongtian Capital] approached you?" Zhang Sheng stared at Li Dongqiang. He suddenly realized something keenly, and then narrowed his eyes: "You are here to be a lobbyist. ?”

"Mr. Zhang, I'm not here to be a lobbyist. I just... think their proposal is not bad... We don't need to hold on to it. Mr. Zhang, you are working so hard now, how much money do you have on hand now? It's nothing more than 600 million, right? 600 million, all that capital was burned down in a [group buying war]..." Li Dongqiang's eyes did not dodge, but followed Zhang Sheng's gaze.

In the office.

After the two of them looked at each other in silence for a long time, Zhang Sheng's eyes showed a glimmer of light, and he was keenly aware of one thing from the other person's tone: "If I don't agree with you, are you going to take [Qiangsheng Network] with you?" Mall] team leaves?"

"Mr. Zhang, we have different paths and we don't want to work together... I am very grateful to you for helping me start my career. However, it is impossible for me to still watch you make mistakes after seeing the dangers lurking around. I deduced that you took the wrong step. , is the abyss, which finally overturns my hard work..." Li Dongqiang took a deep breath, and this time, he no longer hid anything.

"Continue..." After Zhang Sheng saw Li Dongqiang pause, the smile on his face disappeared and he looked at him expressionlessly.

"Mr. Zhang! You also know that I am not willing to give in! Although you have never treated me badly, and you have even given me a favor, but what you got is completely inconsistent with my ability..."

In the office.

There was silence.

When Li Dongqiang just finished saying all this, he felt very refreshed and happy, and he could express all the things he had accumulated before.

But after saying all this, he began to regret it!


At this moment, he was asked to say some more remedies, but he couldn't say anything.

After Zhang Sheng heard this, he turned his head and stood up to look out the window without looking back.

About ten minutes later...

Zhang Sheng turned his head calmly: "Qiangzi..."


"Let's go!"

Li Dongqiang never thought that Zhang Sheng would suddenly call him Qiangzi, and then say three words, "Let's go."

this moment……

He felt his heart tremble slightly.

"Mr. Zhang, are you really unwilling to cooperate? Mr. Zhang, I can give up part of my shares to those capitals without affecting you..."

"Let's go. According to the market value, I will take all the shares you have in [Qiangsheng Online Mall]. In addition, I will give you an extra pension and hard work fee... If any colleagues are willing to follow you, I will also I am willing to give them a pension...I have not signed a non-competition agreement with you. After you leave, any line of work you engage in will not be affected..."

"Mr. Zhang, I...I didn't mean that, I just felt..." When Li Dongqiang heard Zhang Sheng say this, he suddenly panicked for no reason.


Zhang Sheng, however, silently turned his back to him and ignored him.

At this moment, there was a knock on the door.

"Come in……"

Li Dongqiang saw a middle-aged man in his forties with disheveled hair walking over from outside.

"Mr. Zhang, we...succeeded..."

The middle-aged man said half of his words excitedly, and then suddenly froze when he saw Li Dongqiang.

"Then...Mr. Zhang, I'll leave first, I..."

Li Dongqiang was stunned subconsciously, then stood up and left the office step by step.

When Li Dongqiang was about to close the office door, Zhang Sheng silently turned back and looked at Li Dongqiang's back.

Li Dongqiang did not stay, but quickly left the office and closed the door.

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