I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 413 Different ways!

Our whole lives are wandering on the fork in the road of choice...

When we are powerless, we can only be passively selected.

They were given a choice of birth environment with different conditions, a variety of diapers or diapers, and a kindergarten to attend.

When we have the ability, we often take the initiative to choose friends, partners, and careers...

The night wind blows gently.

A full moon hung high in the sky, and its bright moonlight shone on the land, which was cold and somewhat hazy.

The distant city of Yanjing is still so noisy...

Countless voices are noisy in the ears, and the flowers are nothing more than that.

Li Dongqiang sat on the balcony of the house and smoked cigarettes one by one.

While smoking, he deduced various futures of staying with Zhang Sheng and leaving Zhang Sheng's side.

this moment……

Two forks appeared in front of him, one going left and one going right.

He kept himself calm. In fact, he had always been a very calm person.

He deduced again and found that he still couldn't see the future.

This era is the best of times. With the emergence of a large number of smartphones, led by the iPhone, everything is beginning to be redefined...

While being defined, many new opportunities have also emerged!

Zhang Sheng was lucky enough to seize some opportunities, which allowed him to appear in the eyes of countless capitals in just one year and start a dance.

But at the same time, Zhang Sheng has obvious flaws.

Arrogant, arrogant, paranoid, with a strong desire for control, immersed in short-term success regardless of the status quo, blindly feeling that he can fight against capital, and proudly moving forward step by step.

These flaws make people easily think of the "overlord" who committed suicide in Wujiang in ancient times.

Taking history as a guide, Li Dongqiang can hardly see Zhang Sheng having any hope of "winning".

He never realized that, in fact, no matter how big the opportunity appears, capital has already drawn a red line for you before you can react.

In the red line, you can play whatever you want, but once your strength is enough to cross the red line, they will enter the field immediately...

Isn’t everything you do just a wedding dress for capital?

This time, Li Dongqiang came to see Zhang Sheng. He actually wanted to "admonish" Zhang Sheng. He hoped that Zhang Sheng could accept the reality and take the next step before the "signs" of crisis appeared!

Before entering the office, he had never thought about leaving Zhang Sheng, but somehow, while chatting, when he saw Zhang Sheng's calm face, as if he was in control of everything, he felt deep in his heart. A bit of anger arose.

"In this world, you can't be the protagonist and everyone else is just a foil, right?"

"Can't everyone else be wrong?"



He put out his cigarette butt and suddenly said this to himself in the wind.

After saying these words, I kept suppressing the "regret" and "angry" deep in my heart.

He made a call to several capable people at [Qiangsheng Online Mall].

A few people were willing to follow him, build a new platform, and start again, but the other group of people seemed to have been brainwashed by Zhang Sheng and were unwilling to leave.

Li Dongqiang carefully analyzed the pros and cons of [Qiangsheng Online Mall] in the future as well as the "basic" arguments to them, but they still "stubbornly" wanted to stay.

Regarding this…

Li Dongqiang felt a little regretful. Most of these people were young and energetic, but he didn't say anything.

After making the call, Li Dongqiang suddenly felt a sense of emptiness...

He walked to the balcony and looked down at the people below, thinking about the time when he followed Zhang Sheng and started his own business in that video store...

In fact, it only took more than half a year.

It's a bit complicated, and I feel vaguely reluctant to let go. In a daze, I somehow feel that the two parties have reached this point where they are about to separate.

After all, the cooperation between the two parties has been very close along the way, but in addition to being complicated, it is also a bit dull.

Zhang Sheng always stood at a high position, as a person giving orders, formulating future directions and strategies for them just by talking, while they, the group of people, carried out the orders without thinking.

Is this appropriate?

One reason after another stirred in Li Dongqiang's mind, and finally the womanly kindness deep in his heart was suppressed.


the next day.

Li Dongqiang led a group of people into Zhang Sheng's office.

Zhang Sheng was as calm as ever, waiting for them.

He saw Zhang Sheng's legal team holding the contract and analyzing something.

"Mr. Zhang, the current valuation of [Qiangsheng Online Mall] is 100 million. I hold 49% of the shares. Let's discount it by 40 million!"

Li Dongqiang looked at Zhang Sheng and said this seriously.

After saying this, he still felt vaguely unsure of himself, but his eyes kept him looking at Zhang Sheng.

I originally thought I would wait for Zhang Sheng’s bargaining...

But it was obvious that Zhang Sheng had no intention of bargaining with him. Instead, he nodded and took out an agreement that had already been drawn up.

Before Li Dongqiang took over the agreement, he saw Zhang Sheng's hand pushing the contract paused slightly: "Qiangzi..."

"boss Zhang?"

"It's okay..." When he saw Zhang Sheng finally let go of his hand, he stopped saying anything.

"Mr. Zhang, I haven't signed the contract yet. These people are all following me. Mr. Zhang, if you change your mind, we can discuss the next path of [Qiangsheng Online Mall]... I hope to cooperate with capital , what is burned is the capital’s money, not our money, and I can sell my shares... You are still standing fifty-one, unshakable..."

When Zhang Sheng faced Li Dongqiang's last words, his face was calmer than ever before, and he just said lightly: "Sign it."

"Mr. Zhang, do you need me to hand over the assets of [Qiangsheng Online Mall] to you again?"

"No need, I'm paying attention every day."


In the office.

Li Dongqiang handed the contract to the lawyer he carried with him to read.

And he sat opposite Zhang Sheng, watching Zhang Sheng pour him tea.

At this moment, he suddenly felt an unprecedented dullness, which made Li Dongqiang unable to breathe.

Negotiating with Zhang Sheng is actually an extremely painful thing. The other party will not even give you any chance to negotiate, and the momentum is even more overwhelming!

At this time, I felt that I was standing on an absolute position, and Li Dongqiang still couldn't control the negotiation.

Time passed little by little, and both sides were relatively speechless.

The lawyer lowered his head and told Li Dongqiang that there was no problem with the contract.

As a result, Li Dongqiang finally signed the contract under the witness of a group of lawyers.

After signing the contract, Zhang Sheng briefly looked around at several [Qiangsheng Online Mall] executives standing behind Li Qiangdong...

These people looked a little guilty, and none of them could look directly at Zhang Sheng.

"Then I...leave? Mr. Zhang, if we have the opportunity to cooperate again in the future..."


Zhang Sheng nodded and watched Li Dongqiang stand up.

Li Dongqiang wanted to say something decent, but when the words came to his lips, his smile looked hypocritical, and he finally stopped smiling.

At this time, his account prompted a large transfer.

He saw that 60 million funds had arrived...

He was shocked.

This was obviously more than he thought.

"Mr. Zhang... why is it 60 million? I only want 4,000..."

"I said, this is a bonus for you..."

Li Dongqiang was shocked, and then became extremely complicated: "Mr. Zhang, as a boss, you are a good boss, but..."


Before he could finish speaking, there was a knock on the door in the office.

He turned around subconsciously, and then he saw a young man in his twenties walking into the office from outside.

He recognized it...

This young man’s name is Li Bin.

The boss of [Bird's Nest Decoration] followed Zhang Sheng when he started his business.

These days, Li Bin has been traveling between Brazil and China, and has been busy in the building materials industry. He is not familiar with Li Bin and has only met a few times on certain occasions.

In his impression, Li Bin seems to be very low-key, and [Bird's Nest Decoration] has always been unknown in Zhang Sheng's corporate system. Although it is profitable, the annual profit is at most one million levels, and it is all hard-earned money. .

When Li Bin came over, he glanced at him.


"How are you studying?"

"I have mastered the operation of [Qiangsheng Online Mall]. Yesterday, I also talked with the managers. The problem is not big... I can fill the vacant positions left..." Li Bin answered seriously this problem.

When he heard these words, Li Dongqiang suddenly felt an inexplicable chill rising from the depths of his heart.

He stared at Li Bin, never dreaming that Li Bin could be so fast, and what was even more unexpected was that Zhang Sheng seemed to have kept his hand a long, long time ago.

However, after a brief shock, he calmed down again.

Li Bin is a decorator. How could he understand e-commerce, how could he understand management, and how could he revitalize [Qiangsheng Online Mall] in a short period of time? Moreover, what happens even if it is revitalized?

Can he drain it?

Draining traffic doesn’t cost money!

Zhang Sheng, how can you have enough capital to burn money now?

He walked out of the office.

Along the way, he saw another unshaven middle-aged man, who seemed to be from Zhang Sheng's game department, and walked in excitedly.


Li Dongqiang left the [Qiangsheng Online Mall] system. There were some scattered discussions on the Internet, but it did not cause any waves.

He is not a famous person to begin with...

Netizens are not concerned about the replacement of management personnel of [Qiangsheng Online Mall].


In the early morning of November 9th.

A title titled "Zhang Sheng Plays Games" inexplicably became a hot search on Weibo. At the same time, a game called "Temple Escape" quietly appeared on the "Bird's Nest Software Mall" of some domestic mobile phones. 】.

Li Dongqiang, who was in contact with [Hongsen Capital], didn’t take it seriously when he saw the news and put his phone aside.

But he never dreamed...

This game is about to overturn his understanding of Zhang Sheng...

(Third update.)

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