November 10th.

[Tengji Technology] Mobile Game Department.

When Qian Binrong walked into the conference room, he saw the person in charge of the personnel department lowering his head and packing his things.

Her eye circles were red, as if she was enduring some grievance.

"What's wrong?"

Qian Binrong asked the person in charge. Although the person in charge remained silent, Qian Binrong's words seemed to open some floodgates. Her body trembled slightly and she began to wipe her tears continuously.


The tears seem to never dry up.

Qian Binrong watched blankly as she packed her things and left the office as if fleeing.

Qian Binrong was stunned unconsciously, and an unprecedented bad feeling hit his heart.

On the way to the conference room, he met several colleagues.

The colleagues in the mobile game department, who were originally full of cheerful atmosphere, all turned frighteningly pale. When they looked at him, their eyes were complicated, as if they wanted to say something, but in the end they didn't say anything, they just lowered their heads and continued working...

Invisibly, Qian Binrong felt a depressing atmosphere welling up in his heart.

He pushed open the door of the project team conference room.

The project team conference room was full of people. More than twenty pairs of eyes glanced at him, and then subconsciously looked at the main seat of the conference room.

He followed his gaze.

He saw Zheng Huateng sitting silently at the end of the conference table, his expression neither sad nor happy, as if he was listening to what the marketing manager Ye Kai was reporting.

When he saw him coming in, Zheng Huateng didn't react at all, as if he was like air.

Qian Binrong subconsciously looked around, but found that he could not find any position at all, and no one gave him a seat. In the end, he could only stand awkwardly and blankly beside him, like a wooden stake, which was both abrupt and awkward. And funny.

However, he did not dare to say a word or move.

The increasingly weird atmosphere made him vaguely aware that something big had happened.


He noticed that in the most conspicuous place of the conference room, the slogan "Careers" that had been posted seemed to have been roughly torn off, and a layer of messy white ash was unusually conspicuous.

About a few minutes later, after reporting the data, Ye Kai glanced at Qian Binrong and sat down.

Zheng Huateng pushed up his glasses.

"Tomorrow I hope to see the game [Temple Run] labeled with our [Tenji Games] label!"

In the quiet and depressing office, Zheng Huateng said these words lightly.

After saying this, Zheng Huateng stood up and then left the conference room step by step.

When passing by Qian Binrong, Zheng Huateng paused slightly: "Mr. Qian, aren't you on vacation?"

"Mr. Zheng, I..."


For some reason, Qian Binrong felt a biting chill mixed with fear, seeping in from all directions.

What did he want to say...

But he found that Zheng Huateng had left the conference room silently, not giving him any chance at all.

After Zheng Huateng left, Ye Kai hurried over.

"Mr. Qian..."

"What's wrong?"

“The person in charge behind [Temple Run] is [Mitu Games]… Some time ago, [Mitu Games] came over and wanted to join our [Recruitment] team, but was rejected by the Human Resources Department. , somehow Mr. Zheng found out..."

"Mr. Zheng got angry just now?"

"I didn't get angry, but it was more scary than getting angry. In the morning, when my colleagues from the human resources department came to work, they received the dismissal order... It was not that the manager of the human resources department, Mr. Li, was dismissed, but the entire department was fired..."

"What? The entire human resources department..." Qian Binrong was startled, and after thinking about what happened in the morning, a cold sweat broke out on his back.

"Mr. Zheng attaches unprecedented importance to the mobile game department... He does not allow any mistakes... Mr. Qian, no, I have to leave."

"What to do?"

"Go and buy [Temple Escape], by the way, Mr. Qian..."

"you say!"

"Mr. Zheng has two options. One is to acquire the game [Temple Run], and the other is to give you three days to make a game based on [Temple Run]... and it is more perfect than [Temple Run]. , this perfection is not only reflected in the picture quality, but also in the gameplay. In other words, the playability must be higher, even surpassing [Temple Run]!”

"What, three days? This..." Qian Binrong's eyes widened.



For developers.

They have worked hard and spent countless energy and financial resources just to make the game profitable!

year 2010.

There is only one way to make money in games.

Even the global game channel models tend to be profitable through paid downloads.

Relying on the traffic of various [platforms], as long as the payment volume can reach a certain base, the game can quickly recover its capital. After the capital is recovered, it can continue to expand the team and take the next step with the capital.

The shortest cycle time, you can get your money back within a week!

However, charging means a phenomenon, that is, the number of users is actually inversely proportional to the amount of payment!

In order to achieve a perfect balance point with this data, in fact, many developers generally price their games at US$0.99 to US$1.99. Such ultra-low selling prices mean that they can get more paid volumes and repay the cycle. That's shorter.


for consumers.

After paying for it, I have already begun to feel conflicted in my heart!

The past [Treasure Box] era was really painful for them.

Countless game studios are like scythes. In order to make quick money, they have done some clever things in some places...

They made the download icon of the game very exquisite, such as "Beautiful Solitaire" and "Beautiful Showing Spot", and also made the game name very eye-catching, such as "Boudoir", "Girls' Room" and "Pumping to give away one hundred" Down".

The borderline content made users excited, and then they couldn't help but click on the paid download.


The content is fucking rubbish!

This routine has been used from the [Treasure Box] era to the smartphone platform era...

Countless deceived users no longer have any interest in "paid" downloads.


Suddenly, one day, a person said that his game downloads are all free!

Moreover, it is a stand-alone game and can be played even when the Internet is disconnected. Moreover, and more importantly, this game has a completely new gameplay that you have never experienced before...

What would you think?

November 10th.

Wu Bin, a senior, spent the whole night playing Temple Escape.

Last night, Wu Bin couldn't sleep, and then he accidentally saw Zhang Sheng's video.


He felt that this [Temple Escape] game seemed a little interesting.

So, he tried to download this game, ready to kill some boring time. Anyway, Zhang Sheng said it was completely free. It was free to try, and there was no cost. Moreover, as soon as he encountered charges, he could terminate it immediately.

For this game, he downloaded an APP of [Qiangsheng Online Mall], then he casually registered an account, and downloaded [Bird’s Nest Mobile Mall] APP [under the prompts], and then downloaded another one in the APP. Got [Temple Escape].

The bundled downloads made Wu Bin feel an indescribable feeling of resistance deep in his heart, and even a trace of disgust emerged. After everything was downloaded, he immediately downloaded the [Bird's Nest Mobile Mall] and [Qiangsheng Online Mall] All have been uninstalled.

Having suffered enough from [Treasure Box] and arbitrary charges, Wu Bin is naturally extremely cautious!

In order to avoid inexplicable "traffic deductions", he even turned off the 3G network as soon as possible. But he felt that it was not safe enough to turn it off, and even pulled out the mobile phone sim card immediately.

My phone is out of memory!

Show it to me!

He clicked on [Temple Escape]!

Unexpectedly, this game can actually be operated, and Zhang Sheng did not deceive him!


He's in the game!

When he entered the game, he felt an unprecedented "game experience"!

The 3D image from the first-person perspective made it easy for him to immerse himself in the "parkour" game. It was more exciting than the operations demonstrated by Zhang Sheng in the video!

In a single dormitory in the dead of night, enjoying the weird tone and immersed in the monster chase, his heart raced with the perspective of the protagonist. The "tense" and "exciting" atmosphere enveloped him from beginning to end!

Countless "screen swipes" and "gravity sensing" gave him new sensory and operational stimulation!

He never thought that free games could be so fun.

One thousand points!

Five thousand points!

Ten thousand points!


A little higher!

A little higher!

Death again and again made him feel the sense of loss deep in his heart, but new lives and new opportunities gave him the opportunity to learn lessons, making him more skillful in controlling the game, and his desire for victory also increased. More intense!

The numbers that are increasing crazily in the upper right corner of the screen are like milestones, constantly stimulating his competitive spirit to surpass!


Before I knew it, I was playing until dawn!

After playing until dawn, he still had more to say!

At this time, his roommate in the dormitory came back from the overnight stay. He said hello to him, but he simply responded, still immersed in the excitement of "parkour" and unable to extricate himself.

The roommates began to become curious about his game. After watching it for a while, the roommates began to grab his mobile phone to play...


"This game is too simple. just depends on people's reaction ability..."

After Pang Bo reached a high score of 100,000, he laughed proudly when he saw that his roommate Wu Bin's hard work was trampled so easily by him all night long!

Human beings' primitive instinctive emotions are competition and comparison.

After this competitive emotion is ignited deep in my heart, my competitiveness cannot be suppressed no matter what!

At the same time, victory in competition makes people feel inexplicable and short-term vanity, as if it gives ordinary people a little bit of unique characteristics!

This trait is not pretentious, it can only be said to be some kind of innate sense of superiority.

"Comparing with me is nothing. If you have the skills, download the game and compete with others. The current highest score is 300,000 points!"

Pang Bo's words made Wu Bin very uncomfortable. He installed a mobile phone card and then connected to the Internet.

He discovered that the highest score in [Temple Run] in the world is 300,000 points!

He couldn't help but sneer.

"Haha, three hundred thousand points? I surpassed them today!"

Wu Bin's light words aroused Pang Bo's arrogance. Then he took out his mobile phone, logged on to the Internet, and downloaded [Temple Escape]...

Just when he clicked on the game, he saw Wu Bin boarding the computer, and then said: "The highest score in the game has been set again, 350,000!"

"Wait, I saw a piece of news!"

"Oh my god, [Mi Rabbit Studio] has released a new announcement. Whoever can play this game to one million, [Mi Rabbit Studio] will create an "exclusive" game skin for him. !”


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