I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 417 What the hell is going on!

"When we make games, we should not treat them as just a game, but as a work!"

"We must always bring ourselves into the player's perspective, imagining that we are players, what we want to play, what we need, and how to play, so that we can be immersed in the game..."

"After doing this, we are not enough. We have to start from the emotional needs of the players..."

"Greed, anger, ignorance, love, evil and desire..."

"Every item is a psychological weakness of human nature..."

"We need to find the psychological weaknesses, and then penetrate them one by one..."


【Mitu Game】.

Zhao Feiyang was still very tired.


But very excited.

[Temple Run] has been officially released for two days.

Yesterday, the number of daily downloads across all platforms exceeded 10,000!

Today's daily downloads have exceeded 40,000...

Judging from this early morning, this data is still rising rapidly, and it is very likely to exceed 50,000 tomorrow.

A game that has just been released and has such an astonishing number of daily downloads certainly shows its potential!

free download……

It's a big killer!

However, this was not the most exciting thing for him. The most exciting thing for him came from Zhang Sheng's phone call with him.

On the phone, Zhang Sheng chatted with him for about ten minutes...

But these ten minutes were precious. Zhang Sheng went from playing a game to analyzing the player's deepest emotions and briefly chatting with him about the future.

The content of Zhang Sheng’s chat refreshed his outlook!

Zhang Sheng said that competitive games can become a national "sports event" with a market worth hundreds of millions in the future.

Zhang Sheng said that [Temple Run] can now create this "competition" concept and make no money, but it must build a good reputation.

For example: stimulating players' "unique" emotions and helping players make skins. Moreover, this skin is exclusive to the player and has the player's signature. There is no problem for others to get it, as long as they complete the exclusive tasks...

For example: when a player reaches a new milestone, certain rewards can be given to the player. These rewards can be diversified. As long as the player can feel something that does not exist in the real world in the virtual world, that is success!

This was a precious lesson for Zhao Feiyang. For a moment, he felt as if he had been enlightened!

Zhang Sheng told him a lot of things. At that moment, he seemed to see a door slowly opening to him!

Inside the door is a whole new world!

He was posted on the [Temple Run] forum!

In just two days, the [Temple Escape] post has received an astonishing attention of nearly 30,000 people.

At first, their internal staff posted the data of [Temple Run] in Tieba, but then, as the huge traffic brought by [Zhang Sheng Game Conference] poured into Tieba, more and more users began to post their own Benchmark data!

One hundred thousand!

Two hundred thousand!

Three hundred thousand!

Four hundred thousand...

There are even screen recording videos under some data. These videos are full of "Wow!" "Awesome, how did you do it?" "Oh my God!" "Amazing!"

Zhang Sheng's phone call made him know that he should create a comfortable "vanity palace" for "players", allowing them to immerse themselves in the praises of "competitive" masters and enjoy the joy of short-term success!

Therefore, he invited a lot of trolls to exaggerate this atmosphere in various ways under the "high-scoring posts".


On the evening of November 10th.

Zhao Feiyang and Jiang Qin received a call.

This phone call made the two people's vanity explode instantly.

For the first time, I felt the feeling of [Thirty Years in Hedong, Thirty Years in Hexi].

“Do we really want to accept [Tengji Technology]’s acquisition or take a stake?”

"Of course we cannot accept that the investor in this game is Mr. Zhang, and we have no right to do these things..."

"Then, Brother Zhao, why should we talk?"


In the conference room.

Zhao Feiyang shaved off all his beard and bought a suit to put on himself.

He was excited, excited, and felt like a serf singing, but he still remained calm and calm emotionally.

That phone call...

It was Ye Kai, the mobile game marketing manager of [Tengji Technology], calling!

On the phone, Ye Kai was very polite and did not hesitate to praise [Temple Escape].

This made Zhao Feiyang's vanity burst, and his mind couldn't help but think of the scene where he went to [Tengji Games] to negotiate some time ago.

That day...

Although the other party remained polite, he did not look at them at all and just asked them impatiently to go back and wait for news.

He and Jiang Qin were treated coldly and stood aside, looking very similar to each other.

The feeling of being ignored and humiliated by a small person became stronger and stronger, and the feeling of anger was once overwhelming!

did not expect……

At this moment, they saw the potential of [Temple Escape] and came to find it themselves.


The conference room door opened.

They saw Ye Kai walking in with a few lawyers with a smile on his face. When they saw Zhao Feiyang, they shook hands with Zhao Feiyang seriously. When they saw Jiang Qin, they couldn't help but praise Jiang Qin. "Young Heroes"...

Ye Kai did not act like a staff member of [Tengji Games], which made Zhao Feiyang feel extremely benefited deep down, especially Mr. Zhao's words, which satisfied his vanity like never before.


Several people sat down.

Ye Kai did not exchange any other pleasantries, but directly chatted with Zhao Feiyang about the acquisition of [Temple Escape].

"We are willing to spend five million to acquire your [Temple Run]. You will still retain the rights and interests, and we will be responsible for the follow-up operations. At the same time, if you are willing, we will buy shares in your [Mi Rabbit Game] studio at a high price and join us [ Tengji Technology】One of the core studios of the mobile game department..."


five million!

And entering the [Tengji Game] system, joining a big tree and becoming a regular army, for the former Zhao Feiyang, it was simply a "dream", something that he could not even dream of!

But at this moment, Zhao Feiyang was extremely calm and even felt that [Temple Escape] was very cheap.

He couldn't help but reveal an imperceptible sneer.

Looking at Jiang Qin with dull eyes, he subconsciously kicked his feet.

"However, we have already been hired by [Shengteng Technology], and, in fact, we applied for [Tengteng Technology] some time ago..."

After Jiang Qin was kicked, he felt a little pain, and then there was a look of embarrassment on his face.

"Mr. Jiang, I know that your [Mitu Game] has approached us for cooperation. As the head of the marketing department, I don't know what happened to you and our HR manager, but we, Mr. Zheng, are eager for talent. , attaches great importance to this matter. This time, the first thing we asked us to come over is to talk about cooperation with you, and the second thing is to solemnly apologize to you..."

"To express my apology, our [Tengji Games] mobile game department's human resources department, Mr. Zheng, has fired everyone in the department this morning..."


In the conference room.

Ye Kai's voice was extremely sincere and also full of apology.

This made Zhao Feiyang feel an emotion called "flattered", but then he suppressed this emotion.

He clearly realized that Ye Kai's courtesy to him was not because of him, but because of his works. He understood even more clearly that all the ideas for his works were given by Zhang Sheng.

Everything now comes from Zhang Sheng!


This cooperation negotiation finally ended in failure.

No matter what Ye Kai says...

Zhao Feiyang refused with a smile on his face.

Even when the purchase price reached 8 million, Zhao Feiyang remained unmoved.

Although Ye Kai maintained his usual smile, he was inevitably a little more angry deep inside!

He condescended to this and smiled apologetically. Talking about cooperation with these two fledgling guys was already an unprecedented honor for them.


The two of them still look like this!

Don't even look at the contract.

These two people really take themselves seriously and are they showing off?

He finally got up and left [Mitu Games] with his team.

Jiang Qin looked at Zhao Feiyang and didn't understand that Zhao Feiyang had made up his mind that it was impossible to cooperate with [Tengji Technology], but he still wanted to talk to them.

Is it to satisfy the vanity that was once rejected?

However, he noticed one detail. When Ye Kai left, Zhao Feiyang immediately retrieved the surveillance footage...

After confirming the surveillance camera and capturing Ye Kai's face in great detail, his face was particularly excited.

"Brother Zhao, why, I feel like your smile is a little oozing?"

"Have it?"


"No, I'll call Mr. Zhang first..."


Zhao Feiyang walked into the office, then took out his mobile phone and called Zhang Sheng.

The call was answered quickly.

The sound from Zhang Sheng's side seemed very noisy. After a while, the ambient sound calmed down.

"Mr. Zhang, just now, people from [Tengji Technology] came to us for cooperation. I took a video of the person in charge, Ye Kai, and then..."

"Oh, Mr. Zhao, no, did I hint that you wanted to take a video of Ye Kai?"

"You're not...ah, no, you didn't imply..."

"Yes, I didn't hint that you would publish Ye Kai's visit to you on the Internet, saying that [Tengji] Technology realized that this game would be a big hit and offered 100 million yuan to buy our game, but we feel This game is worth at least a billion, and then we refuse..."

"That's right! You didn't hint that this was something I accidentally let slip and exaggerated when I was holding a press conference..." Zhao Feiyang was stunned when he heard the voice on the phone, and then nodded quickly.

Damn it!

A purchase of several million can be said to be 100 million!

Damn it!

My layout is really small!

Zhao Feiyang's whole body trembled violently.

"Well, by the way, and I didn't even hint that you leaked something at the press conference, saying that [Tengji Technology] would most likely plagiarize our [Temple Run] to develop another game..."

"Yes, I leaked all this. After all, I am a newcomer who has just entered the game. Moreover, I only have a high school degree and no emotional intelligence. It is normal to talk nonsense..."



the next morning.

Zheng Huateng browsed the news in the circle.

When I saw a video of a press conference...

He stood up from the chair in an instant, his face looking as ugly as ever!

He immediately called Ye Kai from the mobile game department, took a deep breath, and said with a ferocious look on his face: "When the hell am I going to spend one billion to buy his [Temple Run]?"

(Two more updates will continue today)

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