I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 418 An official apology from [Temple Run]

November 11th.

Zheng Huateng only felt a tightness in his chest and could not breathe out no matter what.

There is a feeling like ants playing, constantly climbing on the back, trying to catch it, but finding that it cannot be caught.

He walked to the [Tengji Technology] mobile game department and saw Ye Kai, who had just returned and was watching a news video.

This is a press conference.

In the video...

A middle-aged man in a suit who looked like a country bumpkin was facing countless reporters.

He was so excited that he got carried away.

"Mr. Zhang is right. In two years, our [Temple Run] has been downloaded absolutely one billion times! If it doesn't exceed one billion, I will kneel in front of you and kowtow to you..."


"Actually, this press conference is not held by me, but there are really too many journalist friends who are curious about our [Temple Escape]. Yesterday, I received almost a thousand people in one day. Phone calls, every call invited me to talk about [Temple Run] and do an exclusive interview for us. Some people even wanted to talk about our behind-the-scenes stories..."


"However, everyone knows that I am very busy. Just now, Mr. Ye Kai from [Tengji Technology] came to see me. We had a ten-hour friendly communication. In the end, Mr. Ye Kai and Zheng Huateng behind him My husband was very optimistic about our "Temple Run". They initially said 100 million yuan, but I didn't agree. How could a game with 1 billion downloads be worth 100 million yuan? Later, we continued to talk, and the final price reached 1 billion yuan. , I still don’t agree..."


"Why don't you agree? Admittedly, I think [Temple Run] is worth more than one billion. After all, it is a game that my friends and I worked hard to make, but this is not the most important reason. The most important reason is , I hope that this game, as the first of our [Mi Rabbit Games], can give players and friends an extremely good experience!"


"In fact, I used to be a game fan. I love games very much, but I don't know when. Since then, I have been playing many games and I have lost my balance inexplicably... They use various ways to make money and cheat you. Recharge, recharge, that’s all you need to do to recharge, but I’ve found that many games have completely changed since you recharged them!”


"For example, take our [Temple Run]. To be honest, I am not a saint. I also want to make money with this game. My team and I have formulated a profit plan, that is, in the future, we A variety of special skins will be developed. There are two ways for players to obtain these skins. One is by breaking the initial running score or obtaining them for free through various activities in the mall. The other is by directly recharging to purchase. , of course, we limit the recharge amount to less than ten yuan. In addition, we will not provide additional functions for skins. For example, if you buy a skin, you can fly hundreds of meters. If you buy a skin, we will You can speed up your pace and even fly in the sky..."


"We will not do these things that affect the balance of the game. We also condemn this skin-changing game that "borrows" from [Temple Run]... In fact, deep down in my heart, I have always disdained making these games. Manufacturers, this simply does not treat civilian players as human beings..."


This video.

It was first uploaded on [Jitu Video], and was later reposted by netizens.

When it came to the end, the game planner named Zhao Feiyang was so excited that he clenched his fists and got excited.

When Ye Kai saw this video...

His face changed slightly.

An indescribable chill seeped into his heart from the surroundings.

He couldn't help but shiver.

When he saw Zheng Huateng approaching, he stood up immediately, his face turned pale with fear.

Zheng Huateng looked at the video.

Taking a deep breath, he, who had always been polite and even gentle, scolded Ye Kai from the marketing department for the first time.

Ye Kai lowered his head, being scolded by the big boss, but he had no choice. He occasionally defended, but he only had no confidence: "Boss, I... my base price is eight million, really eight million." million……"


Ye Kai's defense was so weak.

So weak that it's even useless.

After a while, maybe the evil fire in Zheng Huateng's heart was gone, or maybe he realized that Ye Kai was indeed innocent, and he really couldn't be blamed for some things.

No one would have thought that Zhao Feiyang, who suddenly appeared out of nowhere, would be so shameless...

They [Tengji Technology] extended an olive branch to him with good intentions, but he actually used this olive branch as a gun barrel and stabbed them [Tengji Technology]!

The office fell silent.

A moment later.

Ye Kai boldly looked at Zheng Huateng: "Mr. Zheng, can we clarify?"

"Clarify what? Clarify that we spent eight million to acquire his game? The tone is so high, spending eight million is not a joke?"

"Then, we..."

When Ye Kai thought of another plan, he heard Zheng Huateng's phone ringing.

Not long after Zheng Huateng answered the phone, he heard a knock at the office door.


Mr. Qian Binrong came over with a piece of information.

"Mr. Zheng, after a night of hard work, our team has come up with a rough plan for the new game [National Parkour]..."


“Our general plan is as follows. We learn from [Temple Run], optimize the game, and add new gameplay. In addition, we will launch a skin and attribute system for this game to encourage players to spend money. To enjoy the joy of recharging, we launched a "monthly card", which allows you to receive exclusive skins. Of course, in the later stages of the game, after we have accumulated a certain number of customers, we will also add a new function to the skins, such as , some skins can make people 100 meters ahead of parkour..."


Qian Binrong meticulously introduced the planning plan for the new game [National Parkour].

The plan was extremely detailed. It was a plan that he and his team worked out after a night of hard work.

The big rule in the plan is to take four steps...

In fact, this is the consistent routine of [Tengji Games]. First, use the traffic of [Q Dog Chat] to carry out various benefits and create a plate to lure players into the trap.

When players reach a certain scale and the "membership" system is no longer enough, they will launch a skin "attribute" system...

There are various skin attribute systems. Some can be hundreds of meters ahead at the start, some can increase wings for flying, and some can simply add points directly...

"A variety of skins can give players a whole new experience. At the same time, we can also implement the most basic profit in mobile games..."

He followed Zheng Huateng endlessly as he reported on the highlights in the [National Parkour] planning book!

These highlights were researched by him and the operation team, including the game development and marketing team. In the future, it will definitely be another ace game of the [Tengji Mobile Games] department!


do not know why!

The more Zheng Huateng listened, the colder his face became. The more he listened, the tighter his chest felt.

In the end, before he could finish his report, Zheng Huateng left the office with an ugly look on his face.

Qian Binrong's smile froze slightly, wondering what he had done wrong.

He looked at Ye Kai, but saw that Ye Kai's face was a little bitter, and then he pointed to the video on the computer!

After a while...

Qian Binrong’s pupils shrank!

Then, his face became extremely ugly.

Especially when he saw Zhao Feiyang standing in the group of reporters and arrogantly saying: "He won't do these things that affect the balance of the game," Qian Binrong was so angry that his lungs exploded!

"What the fuck!"

"Are these bastards trying to dig up people's ancestral graves?"



Wu Bin watched Pang Bo running wildly.

This roommate seems to be even crazier than himself.

All night last night, my phone was plugged into the charging pad, my eyes fixed on it, and I was madly immersed in the ocean of [scores].

This made Wu Bin a little worried, fearing that he would die suddenly.


One million, get a "signature" exclusive skin.

The temptation is so amazing!

In my senior year, I have relatively free time. As a student who has obtained the internship stamp from the school, my senior year is simply carefree.

"What's the score?"

"The highest score is now five hundred thousand points!"


Pang Bo stared at the game and asked Wu Bin without looking back.

Wu Bin, on the other hand, was watching the real-time records on the forum...

As he watched, he was shocked when he saw Tengji Technology's "billion" acquisition of [Temple Run]!

He thought he had seen it wrong!

However, when he saw Zhao Feiyang swearing that it was one billion, he became a little suspicious!

This is unlikely!

[Temple Run] is so awesome, [Tengji Technology] is unlikely to be purchased by a fool for one billion, why do you think RMB is a game virtual currency, one billion at a time!

After calming down, he realized it was a hype.


Not long after, a group of "understanding brothers" on the Internet began to expose Zhao Feiyang's lies in various ways!

Moreover, I don’t know if there is someone secretly setting the pace or what happened. More and more people began to scold Zhao Feiyang on major social networks, claiming that this was an extremely "despicable" hype.

Even many big Vs on Weibo have appeared.

[Zhao Feiyang treats all netizens and players as fools! 】

[One billion, no one with any intelligence would believe it! 】

【Liar! 】


Zhao Feiyang was once at the forefront of the storm.

Wu Bin looked at this scene...

Just when I thought Zhao Feiyang would come forward and reorganize his reasons...

But then Zhao Feiyang began to apologize openly!


He read the last sentence!

"To apologize to all the gamers and friends, and to punish me for being a liar, we plan to give you a skin! This skin is called "Until Death Do Us Part", and it will make me into a funny clown. I am personally on the pillar of shame!”

After apologizing, Wu Bin subconsciously logged into the [Temple Escape] forum...

I found that "Joker" skin, is it really interesting?


To receive that skin, it seems that you have to log in to the [Qiangsheng Online Mall] to get the activation code. If you are a member, you can get the color...

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