I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 419 Ignite! Make trouble!

On the evening of November 11th.

Zheng Huateng felt very sad.

This uncomfortable feeling, as if there is an eye in the dark, staring at you.


With a ferocious smile, he sees through everything about you, and is one step ahead of time, completely messing up your plate.

Then, a mess is left behind!


He couldn't blame Qian Binrong, the person in charge of the mobile game, for not having a good plan for "National Parkour"!

From his point of view, if you want to make money from mobile games, or in other words, if you want to find your own way to "overlord" in this era, this is the best choice!

He couldn't blame the public relations department for their mistake in attacking "Zhao Feiyang". The best way to deal with a complacent person was to expose his lies and then make him turn into a clown in public and lose everything. Reputation!


This person is already despicable to the core.

Even, in order to earn that traffic, I no longer need any image or face!

He watched the funny clown skin video of [Temple Run].

As soon as this skin went online, nearly ten thousand people received it. At the same time, he saw the latest data of [Temple Escape].

On the third day, the daily download volume of [Temple Escape] was close to 100,000. Although the daily active volume cannot be seen, it must not be too bad...

He continues to stare at that skin!

That skin is very funny. It is indeed modeled after Zhao Feiyang's personal image. At the same time, when caught by the monster, it will let out a scream of terror!

Invisibly, this feeling is very relieving!


He realized something!

A "Joker" skin cannot be made within a few hours. The only explanation is that when Yang Yan said "one billion", he had already anticipated this situation and had already made the skin.

this moment……

That inexplicable feeling is getting stronger and stronger!

You close your eyes and think about breaking the situation, but no matter how you think or operate, you find that you can only choose the path designated by the other party.

Then, the other party takes advantage of the situation to absorb all your attacks and turn them into his energy!


Zheng Huateng had a hunch that he always seemed to have a backup plan!


They are small and have few people!

Small people, as long as they are willing to spare themselves, can often take advantage of a wave of traffic!

It doesn’t matter if future game development fails. Anyway, how much does the game [Temple Run] cost?


As a huge enterprise like [Tengji Technology], although mobility is not unpleasant, it ultimately requires time and market costs...


The sun sets.

【National Parkour】Should we research and develop?


The other party said you plagiarized!

No research and development...

Can you bear to watch this huge market being swallowed up by such a small person?



It is making progress quietly.

In just three days...

Pang Bo has already set the record of [Temple Escape] to 600,000 points!

He showed his face in Tieba...

Seeing the countless exclamations below, a trace of vanity grew deep in his heart.

Next to the bed.

In the end, Wu Bin did not resist the temptation of [Skin] and re-downloaded the deleted [Qiangsheng Online Mall], and finally received his first clown skin.

After putting on the new skin, the feeling of parkour was indeed different. I don't know if it was an illusion or because the "Joker"'s model was relatively light. He found that he ran extremely smoothly and even achieved a high score of nearly half a million. …


After downloading [Qiangsheng Online Mall], he found that [Bird's Nest Mobile Mall] also had to be downloaded again.

Because they need to eat after staying in the dormitory playing games all day.

The few people in the dormitory have become more and more lazy recently. They stay at home every day and rely on takeout for meals...

When ordering takeout, it was naturally impossible to eat alone, so Wu Bin also had a few "takeout" meals. After doing so for a long time, Wu Bin felt embarrassed, so he also started to treat his roommates to dinner.

It's unrealistic for him to go to the cafeteria to cook alone. If he has this little time, he might as well play two games of [Temple Escape], or the computer game [Mo Kui].

So, I followed the example of my roommates and started ordering takeout!

To eat, you need a takeout software.

Currently, the major food delivery software cannot be downloaded from other applications and is not built-in. In the end, he can only download it from the [Bird's Nest Mobile Mall].

[Bird's Nest Mobile Mall] There are a variety of food delivery software, and the various benefits are simply amazing...

He randomly downloaded a takeout app and ordered a meal. When he was waiting to pay, he found that there were a lot of messy red envelopes. After completing some red envelope tasks and paying, he found that a dormitory with four people only cost 8 yuan. money!

And the more you order, the cheaper it is on average!

Oh shit!

No wonder some of his roommates treated him to big fish and meat every day. He thought that these roommates had discovered their conscience. He could afford to eat like this!

After ordering, he started to download other takeout software...

He discovered that other food delivery software had a lot of red envelopes!

Damn it!

Doesn’t this make me fucking happy?

Are all capitalists so conscientious now?

Then, he discovered another thing, that is, no matter which food delivery software performs a task, it seems to have to browse the products of [Qiangsheng Online Mall]...

Then, the viewer browses…

Unknowingly, he made his first order and officially became a first-level member of [Qiangsheng Online Mall]!


He didn't even know what happened, but he bought a pair of things that seemed cheap and affordable, but actually he didn't even need them!

Oh shit!

Software is bundled, and consumption is also bundled?


The feeling of collecting the wool of capital is so refreshing!


When a huge circle starts to move...

It is destined that some things in this circle will be gradually activated!


Li Dongqiang and his team stayed up late working on the marketing and planning of the new mall.

However, they found that they were still on the same old path!

Zhang Sheng's task of attracting users seems to be the optimal solution. In the final analysis, it is to use capital to spread this series of traffic, and then grab food from the tiger's mouth!

This made Li Dongqiang feel inexplicably irritated.

He opened the [Qiangsheng Online Mall] on his computer!

He saw that the traffic of [Qiangsheng Online Mall] exceeded an astonishing 700,000 in just three days, which was close to the peak when he was in charge of [Qiangsheng Online Mall].

Moreover, the number of registered members of [Qiangsheng Online Mall] has reached three million!

The average daily data is rising. Although it is still not as good as [Group Buying] and [Minuo Group Buying] and other big battles, leaving with his team seems to have no impact on [Qiangsheng Online Mall]!

Li Dongqiang never imagined that the traffic of a mobile game would be so crazy!

It allows him to find a new way of survival amidst the fighting and suppression of capital.

Half past eight in the evening.

Li Dongqiang stood at the window, silently thinking about the future of his "new mall".

I began to feel some frustration.


He quickly made an emotional adjustment.

He used to be an ordinary person selling CD albums in a store, but now, he already has tens of millions of assets on hand!

He is already much better than he was before, and now he is nothing more than, from the tens of millions level, to billions, to more than one billion!


After all, one can never look back!

Even if his business venture fails this time, he can only blame himself for his narrow vision, and he is destined not to become the protagonist on the chessboard!

He will not regret his leaving. Regret is something only a true coward would do. Moreover, this kind of emotion is completely useless for his future career and will only make him decadent in vain!

After a brief mood swing, he began to calm down and continued to follow the team and invest in the research and development of the [New Mall].

Time is always so short.

In a blink of an eye, it was midnight.

He and his team finally confirmed the marketing plan for the [New Mall]. In fact, the core of the marketing plan will always be Zhang Sheng’s leftovers.

After talking about the plan...

He made a call to Li Zongyao from [Tianhong Capital].

Soon, Li Zongyao promised him to give him his first investment of 300 million, and Li Zongyao’s goal was also very simple. He did not need to increase the traffic to be comparable to [Group Buying] or [Minuo Group Buying], as long as he could achieve the same level as now It would be great if the [Qiangsheng Online Mall] stays the same!

Seeing the struggle for capital, Li Dongqiang understood that 300 million in capital was not enough!

But, he didn't complain...

Instead, he squinted his eyes and thought about how he should use 300 million to make a big fortune!


Four days!

[Temple Run] is on fire!

In the subway station, in the lounge, and waiting for the bus, there are gradually more and more people playing [Temple Run] and bystanders.

The number of downloads and popularity of free games is naturally exciting and astonishing to countless people!


Those who profit from it are not just [Temple Run] or [Qiangsheng Online Mall].

Rather, the mobile phone industry!

Four days...

[IPO China] Billy has received feedback from users one piece at a time, and the feedback is getting more and more.

This is not feedback on the quality of the iPhone 4, but feedback on the software.

Feedback from users told them that they hope the [app store] in iPhone 4 can support downloading [Bird's Nest Mobile Mall]...

Even if the app store does not support the download of [Bird's Nest Mobile Mall], it still hopes to support the download of various takeaway software. At the same time, it is also urgently hoped that the app store can support the IOS version of [Temple Run].

"Mr. Billy, in fact, in order to use these software, many users have to buy cheap mobile phones made in China... They use those domestic mobile phones as tools for ordering food and playing games..."

"If they can support these functions, they can save a lot of money..."

On the morning of November 12th.

Billy, the person in charge of [IPO China], saw the [Investigation Report] from the marketing department.

After a long silence...

He personally made a call to Joes on the other side of the ocean, who was suffering from headaches due to the increasingly rampant pirated mobile phones.

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