I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 420 Flame! combustion!


IPO company.

A piece of data was placed in front of Jos. Jos nodded silently after reading the data.

Ends November 11th.

iPhone4 sold an astonishing 24 million units worldwide.

This is a new milestone in the history of the iPhone series of mobile phones, and it is an astonishing peak in the global mobile phone field.


An even more astonishing 9 million units were sold in the Chinese market.

From a business perspective, iPhone 4 has officially opened the door to the Chinese market, and within the gate, it is climbing step by step towards its position as the king.

Such astonishing data did not surprise Joes. Everything was within his expectations. He even felt that this data was not the end. The market was still in a state of short supply for iPhone 4. It was only a matter of time before the iPhone 4 exceeded 30 million in the future.

After experiencing the "Signal Gate" turmoil, Joes became more and more cautious and calm emotionally. In public, except for passionately reporting the sales of iPhone 4 to the public, he never lost his temper.

However, there is no gaffe in public, but in private, it is often extremely explosive.

The desk in the office had been left with indelible marks by his fists, and even several computers had been smashed.


What troubles Joes is that pirated mobile phones are becoming more and more common in the United States.

They moved from Mexico to the United States. At first, he could use illegal legal means to prevent that series of pirated mobile phones from affecting the market. But later, the sources of these mobile phones became more and more professional, and they even began to appear openly on the counters of some mobile phone dealers. on the phone and claims it is a replacement for the iPhone 4.

Although these copycat mobile phone systems are Android, and are extremely inferior, with extremely low configuration and rough workmanship that makes people want to vomit, they cannot stand the countless users who cannot buy an iPhone 4 and spend a little money to satisfy their vanity...

This made him, a perfectionist, feel more or less the anger of being tainted.


Faced with this anger, he felt a little powerless!

These days, his [IPO Technology] company has vaguely followed the Android system.

Behind the Android system is Google, a well-known company in the United States. In those years, Google made the source code of the Android system completely open to the public, hoping that the Android system could create higher penetration and user traffic for Google...

China's pirated mobile phones are indeed the most hated thing in the mobile phone industry.

Especially the similar appearance, in a sense, directly cheapens the brand image of iPhone4.

Just imagine, there are homeless people and low-level people on the street, all holding cheap pirated mobile phones. So what is the meaning of all this?

However, this is what Google is most happy to see!

Android and IOS are in deep competition in the field of artificial intelligence. Although on the surface everyone is doing their job, in fact everyone is red-eyed at the private fight.

Currently, looking at the world, only iOS and Android are at the forefront of the smartphone operating system market. In the future, only iOS and Android will be able to advance hand in hand on this track, or become enemies of each other...

Since the launch of the iPhone, Android phone camps around the world, including Apple and Google, have been eyeing each other's users.

Various tricks are used frequently, everyone wants to grab food from the other party's mouth!


Other no-name systems?

What a joke, although Nokia is still the world's dominant mobile phone, neither Joes nor the boss behind Google will take Symbian seriously.

The gradually declining market share, in a sense, explains everything!

Early November…

[IPO Company] has sued many pirates on behalf of iPhone 4.

However, behind almost every lawsuit filed by a company, there is Google causing trouble overtly or covertly.

Daniel, the head of the marketing department of Google Intelligent Systems, bluntly mocked "Jos is a chicken with a small belly" in front of the media. "How do you prove that someone is infringing?" "Your iPhone 4 can be sold globally, why can't those phones from Brazil be sold globally?"

This kind of trouble caused the [IPO Company] to deal with the batch of pirated mobile phones, and once blocked Joes from exterminating those pirated mobile phones.


In the office.

Joes felt sick looking at the proliferation of pirated mobile phones.

"Mr. Billy, are you going to tell me some bad news from China again? Tell me, are you overspending after sales and asking me for money?"


Chinese market.

It is the market that Jos values ​​most and has the craziest revenue.

But at the same time, it is the market that Jos hates most.

From September to November, those shameless Chinese studios continued to make crazy money by taking advantage of the iPhone 4 replacement-not-repair policy!

Their global maintenance costs are $1.3 billion a year!

However, since the release of iPhone 4, US$2 billion has been spent on repair costs worldwide, of which China alone accounts for a large portion!

One year has not come yet!

"Mr. Joes, this time, it's not an after-sales problem, but a game and some software..."


"Mr. Joes, in the past few months, pirated mobile phones have been very rampant in China, but after rectification, the sales of pirated mobile phones have been lower. But in November, led by [Apple 4] and [Pineapple Phone], The number of pirated mobile phones in China is soaring again... The [Group Buying War] in China is crazy. After the [Group Buying War], a series of takeout software has emerged, and these takeout software can only be downloaded and installed on China's domestic mobile phones... …”


“The takeaways ordered through takeaway software are shockingly low. Many people in China are actually vain and very calculating. They simply cannot resist these preferential and cheap things. Therefore, many people in China want to enjoy what capital brings to them. Conveniently, they began to buy those cheap copycat mobile phones, and this wave of wind blew so fast that we couldn’t even react..."


"In addition to takeaways, there are also mobile games... A mobile game called [Temple Run] is now available on China's [Bird's Nest Mobile Mall]. By the way, the so-called [Bird's Nest Mobile Mall] is actually plagiarism. Our app store!”


"The revolution brought about by our iPhone 4 was actually completely understood by some Chinese organizations, and we didn't even react..."


"Mr. Joes, I have a premonition that the future will be a software war represented by APP, and our mobile phones are the carrier of the software war. If we abandon a series of Chinese software and only use our own software, in China It will be somewhat acclimatized...I think we can no longer be arrogant, we have to cooperate with some software..."


Joss listened quietly to [IPO China] reporting on a series of data and situations.

do not know why……

He vaguely felt an indescribable headache.

This kind of headache made him feel that the "era" in China seemed too crazy, so crazy that he couldn't react at all!

Naturally, he cannot be arrogant. Sometimes, he has to stick to his own things, but sometimes, he has to succumb to the market.

However, when a series of information on China's [Group Buying War], [The Rise of the Food Delivery Industry], and [Temple Escape] were sent to the mailbox, and after he read them one by one, he took a moment to relax.

Behind the trends of this series of times, there is a name!

This name is Zhang Sheng!

And Zhang Sheng!

It is the source of rampant piracy in China!

Recently, he was investigating the source of the loopholes in China that exploited iPhone 4 mobile phone repairs. In fact, this source is very likely to be created by this Chinese named Zhang Sheng!


The after-sales vulnerability of iPhone 4 cannot be released so quickly!

damn it!

In the office, Joss cursed secretly...

He felt that this Chinese man named Zhang Sheng was like a maggot, everywhere!

Compared with the harm caused to the company's brand owners, in fact, the psychological nausea caused is stronger!


As Joes, it is impossible for him to abandon such a huge Chinese market, let alone see the crazy spread of pirated Android mobile phones!

This will undoubtedly make the IOS market sluggish.

In the end, he succumbed to the market.

“Let’s talk about built-in things with those software and let them be on our app store!”


November 12th.


In one morning, the number of downloads of [Temple Run] reached a new high, reaching an astonishing 100,000 times!

The total number of downloads has now exceeded 500,000!

Such amazing data has naturally attracted the cooperation of many operators and advertisers!

And at 11 o'clock noon...

He received an incredible call.

The call was from [IPO China], who invited his [Temple Run] to enter the app store!

When he received the call, he was naturally very excited!




As the person in charge of this phenomenal mobile game, he cannot blindly agree to other cooperation!

After thinking for a long time, he finally decided to go to Mr. Xu Guangbiao of [Shengteng Technology] personally to talk about his coping strategies!

After the two initially discussed a solution, they called Zhang Sheng immediately.


Zhang Sheng's long-distance call was able to be answered, but Zhang Sheng did not answer the phone!

Just when the two of them were about to take a stand for themselves...

Brazil on the other side!

Zhang Sheng was wearing a suit and leather shoes, with a smile on his face. He walked step by step to the center of the stage, held a torch, and lit the flame on the high platform!

"I announce that the second [Southern California International Film Awards] has officially begun!"


The fire is burning brightly!

The firelight reflected Zhang Sheng's calm face!

And China’s film industry!

A piece of news completely ignited the fire and made countless Chinese filmmakers go crazy!

[The gorgeous co-produced Hollywood epic blockbuster [Prisoners] is officially launched! 】

(Don’t be lazy today, three updates today...)

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