I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 424 Sensation (Part 2)

Jones is a doctor.

The profession of a doctor gives him an innate sense of immunity to some big scenes that are dripping with blood and flesh and blood.

He actually doesn't like horror movies...

He is an atheist and a doctor himself, and he comes into contact with corpses every day.

Whether it's the exaggerated Western horror films with blood and flesh or the delicate Asian suspense films, he feels they are very dull.

"Seven Days to Kill"...

It was an accident.

It broke Jones's stagnant state of mind and made him re-aware of the permeating essence of horror movies.

This movie is amazing. You know clearly that there can be no gods or ghosts in this world, but when you watch this movie, you will get chills down your spine, even creepy. And after watching it several times in a row, it still remains It feels like this!

Later, after Jones consulted a psychiatrist friend, he finally understood why the movie "7 Days to Die" was so scary!

In this movie, there are more than 30 overt psychological hints, and nearly 20 methods that progressively "analyze" the deep fears of human nature...

Even a psychiatrist can’t help but feel the penetration!


The psychiatrist friend said with admiration that "Seven Days to Die" is definitely a movie that can be used as a textbook on "fear"!

Ever since watching "7 Days to Die" that day, Jones began searching for various horror movies to watch...


it is a pity.

After watching nearly a dozen movies, Jones felt bored.

The unprinted "human body" props can be seen as fake at a glance, and the bloody plasma can even be seen as paint at a glance. However, the East Asian version of horror movies is full of mysteries. There is simply no one that can compare with "Seven". Like "Daily Kill", it brought him a sense of sensory stimulation.

As time goes by, the psychological head becomes more and more disappointed.

During the following period, he continued to work in the hospital step by step, and gradually became the same as before, losing some passion in "life".

For a while, he felt that life was gray...

Just a few days ago!

He heard the news that Bi Feiyu had released a new work.

Then, in view of the surprise that "7 Days to Die" brought him, he happened to be on vacation some time ago, so he stopped by Brazil to see if Bi Feiyu could bring him a "new surprise."

He came to the screening room of "Prisoners" very early and got a good seat early.

He also heard some news about "Prisoners" from some film and television enthusiasts around him.

Vaguely, Bi Feiyu seems to be abandoning the elements of Asian horror films that he is good at, and starting to try the Western "aesthetics of violence".

He was actually very disappointed when he heard this.

As a doctor, he knows very well that movies in the Western [Aesthetics of Violence] can scare laymen, but for a doctor like him, they are too false!

Body props, blood, corpses...

Everything is fake, because if it is fake, it is difficult to have a sense of substitution, and it is difficult to have a sense of substitution, and you cannot feel fear!


When the "Prisoners" movie first started, the contempt on Jones's face began to slowly decrease and turned into surprise!

He has seen many similar horror films, but, like "Prisoners", there are very few scenes where the heart is truly shown in close-up shots...

This is not critical. The most important thing is that he carefully looked at the appearance of the heart prop and keenly felt an illusion, that is, maybe this is not the heart of an animal, nor is it a prop, or even a heart prop. Professional medical analysis, that is the living heart of a person who has just died!

When the idea first came up, Jones kept telling himself that it was a realistic prop, just made a little more rigorous.

This feeling made him continue to watch "Prisoners" and began to have a strong interest in "Prisoners". He felt that Bi Feiyu had once again blazed a rigorous path in Western [violent aesthetics] films.


When you see the back...

The more he looked at it, the less right it seemed!

For example, the corpse that the camera accidentally glanced at!

That corpse actually had body spots, and the groupers made him instinctively feel that something was wrong!

The props and special effects cannot be so amazing. At least, we have never seen such realistic special effects on the market.

He saw the body being squeezed and deformed...

The gloomy white bones and even everything inside were exactly the same as the corpse in his memory. As a doctor, he was extremely confident in his profession!

Oh, God!

This prop really looks like a corpse!

An unprecedented sense of panic seeped out from deep in his heart, and the hair all over his body stood on end at this moment...

At the same time, another ridiculous thought came to mind. They didn't know how to make a movie and really found a corpse or stole a corpse...

How can it be!

Impossible, impossible!

He suppressed the feeling of fear and continued to watch the movie, and then, watched...

He vaguely felt that Bi Feiyu seemed to be showing off, like a pervert, using the camera to show off the scene of his flesh and blood, and then regarded the scene that he was proud of as a great work of art.

But unfortunately, everything was so real, so real that even the most intuitive feeling that plasma gave him was impeccable...

That is!

Real blood!

Follow up...

He saw another corpse. Whether it was limbs, blood or organs, all of them were exactly the same as those he had come into contact with in real life. He even felt like he was watching a slaughter operation!

Jones, who was usually calm, suddenly felt the deepest fear deep in his heart for some unknown reason!

Then, when this sense of fear reached a threshold and he saw a more realistic "severed limbs", he stood up uncontrollably...

He saw the staff walking towards him and seemed to be negotiating with him, but he rushed out of his seat desperately. The staff stopped him and couldn't catch him even if he wanted to!

He squeezed through the crowd and ran towards the door!

After rushing outside and breathing fresh air, the suffocating fear became slightly better...

But then, he ran out like crazy!

If those are props, then...

If that wasn't a prop...

That would be...



Call the police!

He wants to call the police!

What if this Chinese director is really perverted...

In the screening room.

Panic is contagious!

this moment……

There was a commotion in the hall.

Countless spectators stood up, and bursts of screams filled the entire hall...

The security personnel realized the commotion here and quickly came over to comfort the audience. While soothing, they held walkie-talkies...

They were sweating profusely, fearing that the chaos would lead to a series of stampedes.


"Mr. Zhang, is that person arranged by you to create hype?"

The sudden chaos stunned Bi Feiyu, and then he looked at Zhang Sheng.

But Zhang Sheng narrowed his eyes: "No..."

"Then... something might really happen..."

"Calm down! Don't move at this time and wait and see what happens, otherwise it will easily cause a stampede!"

"Ah, okay..."

Bi Feiyu nodded.

Immediately afterwards...

He saw the terrified expressions in the screening room as if they were seeing some demon. Although some security personnel tried their best to comfort them, it was of no use at all. Countless movie fans crowded out like crazy, and some fans fell down and almost died. Being trampled...

Bi Feiyu heard waves of "vomiting" sounds and curses!

He felt proud at first, but then he gradually realized that his movie seemed to have gone too far!

When nearly one-fifth of the people have escaped...

He stood up hastily.

This is obviously not what he wants!

At this moment, he started not to care about trampling anymore!

"Everyone, calm down. This is just a movie, just a movie. Everything you see is fake. Everyone, calm down..."


He spoke over and over again in English, but the sound in the screening hall was too noisy, and no matter how loud he shouted, it was of no use.

Zhang Sheng silently looked at the other people in the theater...

He saw many members of the media filming the chaotic scenes while being horrified and excited!

There were even countless reporters outside the screening room.

He glanced at the prop master Scott who was at a loss.

He walked in Scott's direction.

He never imagined that moving the movie "Prisoners" to the big screen would actually produce such realistic prop effects.


He is acutely aware!

If this thing becomes a global sensation!


Scott may become a god!

Ten minutes later……

The screening of the film in the "Prisoners" screening room had to be terminated.

Movie fans walked out of the screening room one by one, with expressions of horror remaining on their faces...

not far away……

The siren sounded.

Police cars parked in front of the premiere of "Prisoners" one after another. Jones, who believed in his instincts so much, actually called the police!

When the police officers came down...

The person in charge, Leo John, also ran over panting with his chubby belly...

"What happened?"

When he heard the whole story, his eyes widened!

"God, this, this...how is this possible..."

not far away……

Bi Feiyu, who was in a dazed state, was instantly detained by the police!


"Zhang Sheng and Bi Feiyu were arrested in Brazil!"

"Damn it, why were you caught?"

"I don't know. Judging from the video that broke the news at the scene, it seems that Zhang Sheng and Bi Feiyu actually prepared some corpses for the movie..."

"Oh my god, is it true?"

"I don't know either. Anyway, the news coming out of Brazil is that two people have been arrested. The prop master Scott is being investigated. He is the key target of the investigation... "Prisoners" was halfway through the show and was forced to terminate!"

"Holy shit!"

"Is this hype?"

"How can there be such hype?"

November 13th.

There is a sensational news in the Chinese film industry!

For a while...

The entire Chinese film industry followed the movie "Prisoners" on the hot search list.

It even alarmed China's film department.

(Guaranteed two updates today)

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