I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 425 Game Adaptation

Ten years ago…

A young man named Scott, with a dream, plunged into a melting pot called Hollywood.

Young people's dreams are simple...

As long as he is good enough, good enough, and hardworking enough, he feels that he can make a difference in Hollywood.

Over the course of ten years, he worked on numerous films.

For example: Hollywood monster movies "Godzilla", "Anaconda", and "Tide of the Dragon".

For example: Hollywood's famous zombie movies "The Living Dead", "The Walking Dead" and "I, Hero".

For countless days and nights, he has been pursuing the ultimate and realistic props, working hard to become famous.

To this end, he studied "Human Medicine", "Natural Evolution", "Heart", and "Human Anatomy"...

Waiting is extremely long and extremely painful, but the opportunity is like a candle swaying in the wind and rain, extremely dim and eventually extinguished.

Every once in a while in Hollywood, there will be a chicken soup story about a certain director or a certain superstar becoming famous overnight and reaching the top of the world.

But behind countless blockbusters...

All you see is the glamorous group of people standing in front of the stage.

He has appeared in countless award ceremonies many times, but every time, the only person on stage is the [Chief Props Master].

He smiled and talked about how difficult it was for him, and shed tears on the stage, arousing countless applause and sympathy. However, he was sitting in the corner, occasionally caught by the camera, and eventually became the [Chief Prop Master] 】The "friends" in the mouth.

In the prosperous and prosperous world of Hollywood, the promotion channels are becoming more and more limited, and resources are always controlled by a few people, and those who have talents can only be used by those few people as icing on the cake...

As he gets older, he becomes more and more aware of this dilemma, and can even foresee that in this life, he will only be able to hide in the shadow of the [Chief Prop Master] and suffocate.

I also struggled during this period...

I took on some movies independently, and the props were almost perfect...

Some of the props in "Prisoners" are those that have been produced before.


There may be chicken soup stories about low-level directors suddenly rising up in Hollywood, and then chickens and dogs ascending to heaven, but these chicken soup stories have nothing to do with him.

In the torrential rain, the flame was eventually extinguished and turned into scorched earth. In desperation, he finally humbly accepted his fate.

He is very lucky!

He participated in the production of props for the global epic science fiction film "Avatar". As a result, his salary increased several times and he made a small fortune.

But unfortunately, like a reincarnation, he continued to sit below the award ceremony, watching the chief props artist named Gordon step onto the stage, and burst into tears on the international stage...

That day!

Anger, unwillingness, sadness...

Complex emotions suddenly came to my mind.

Two days later…

A Chinese man suddenly found him and told him that he hoped to give him an award...

Shocked, shocked, confused...

Amidst countless mixed emotions, the gears of fate seemed to start turning slowly at that moment.

"Are these all props?"

"Yes, they are all props."

"Why is it so realistic?"

"Perhaps, it's because I tried my best to restore every detail of the human body one to one... And I did succeed and completed each piece of art..."



Surrounded by countless people.

Three people become tigers...

Some people say that in order to make the movie "Prisoners" more realistic, they went to the morgue to steal corpses and film them...

And some people say that "Prisoners" was shot with live people...

Some rumors are getting more and more outrageous...

In addition to the initiator, the doctor named Jones, countless media are accomplices of "rumors".

In this era where countless media are trying to grab hot spots and gain traffic, the truth or falsehood of the matter is no longer important. What is important is that as long as the matter is shocking enough, bizarre enough, and enough to attract attention...

In the interrogation room.

Scott sat silently and answered every word of the police officer seriously.

He was very excited deep in his heart. On the road, he saw countless people in an uproar and countless media inquiries...

That is an honor, and at the same time, it is also a recognition of the props he made and his talent...

He felt that the pores all over his body were dilating, and the excitement was constantly stimulating his heart. When he answered the question, he couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth.

In the room, the expressions of the police officers changed from solemn to stunned, and then to bewildered...

Finally, after a moment, Scott was allowed to leave the interrogation room for the time being.

When he walked out of the screening room...

He saw Zhang Sheng walking in with a large bag of information, accompanied by police officers.

The police officers were shocked when they saw this large bag of information!

"Mr. Zhang Sheng, I want you to briefly introduce how you met Mr. Scott, and why you made this movie. What did you use these things for..."

"This is how I got to know Mr. Scott and the crew of "Prisoners"..."

Zhang Sheng pushed up his glasses, handed a bag of information to the police officer, and answered with a smile.

Scott subconsciously turned his head and took a look, only to find that there were countless names and resumes written in the bag of information.

He was stunned.

"Hollywood is the holy land of movies. It attracts everyone's attention, it is prosperous, and it is arrogant... However, it is undeniable that there are countless talented people, but they are buried deep underground and unknown..."

"We in China have a saying that a thousand-mile horse is always there, but a bole is not always there..."

"Although I'm not a bole, I'm sure that as long as I dig carefully, I can always find a horse that suits our "Prisoners"..."

"Fortunately, I accidentally discovered a "master" named Scott from countless movies. At that moment, I realized..."



Scott heard Zhang Sheng's brief conversation.

His eyes were stunned...

Later, Scott saw police officers taking Zhang Sheng into the interrogation room.

When he turned his head and returned to his seat in the hall, he saw that director Bi Feiyu was particularly complicated.

"It turns out that success in this world is never accidental. The invisible behind it is actually..."

Bi Feiyu seemed to have uncovered some answer to the mystery. He was shocked but also suddenly enlightened.

He glanced complicatedly in the direction Zhang Sheng left, and didn't look back until Scott sat next to him.

Scott chatted with Bi Feiyu.

While chatting with Bi Feiyu, he probably knew how terrible Zhang Sheng had done to prepare the way for him!

that period of time……

Zhang Sheng has read almost all the information about countless staff members of Hollywood movies over the years...

His temporary office in Hollywood is filled with countless personnel information.


Among these staff, I found myself!


It was the staff who found "Prisoners"...

He initially selected the staff and then called every staff member!

We also confirmed the personalities of important staff members and invited them to join the crew after screening...

Therefore, the filming of "Prisoners" was so smooth because of everyone's cooperation.

More than twenty days...

Just finished filming a movie!

All of this sounds so magical and incredible, but it really happened under the eyes of two people...

Outside, it was still noisy.

However, the entire hall was disconcertingly silent.

Although when filming "Seven Days to Die", Bi Feiyu knew that Zhang Sheng had as much control over people's psychology as many psychiatrists, but when he figured out the overall situation, he still felt that Zhang Sheng was a monster!

How does his brain sift through such a huge amount of information?

In the early morning...

The interrogation room door opened again.

Zhang Sheng walked out.

Although he didn't know what happened in the interrogation room, Bi Feiyu saw some excitement on the face of the Brazilian police officer who escorted Zhang Sheng out.


Has the interrogation room turned into Mr. Zhang’s lecture room?

Uncontrollably, Bi Feiyu imagined the scene of Zhang Sheng in the interrogation room...


early morning.

A ray of sunshine shines on this land.

The media, who had been waiting for nearly a night, got a piece of news.

The corpses in the movie were tested by the Brazilian police and they were indeed props...

When receiving the news, many media people felt unbelievable at first, and then disappointed.

They thought they could witness the birth of a major "anti-humanity" case at the [Southern California International Film Awards]...

They even thought of various subsequent reports and wrote out the template of the entire story, just waiting to push this incident to a "climax" and become global news.


I was told, is everything really a prop?

The "Prisoners" screening room, which was suspended midway, is open again.

But this time...

There is a very conspicuous warning sign outside the "Prisoners" screening room.

The warning sign reads "The movie contains a lot of "bloody scenes", minors and the elderly with heart disease should be careful not to enter!" 】

I originally thought that after yesterday's incident, no one would come to watch the screening of the movie "Prisoners"...

However, no one could have imagined that there were more and more people, and they were even crazier than before.

Many young people from abroad came. They crowded in like a swarm and walked into the screening hall excitedly, waiting for the second screening of "Prisoners"...

The entire outside of the screening hall was packed with people. Countless filmmakers who had heard the news lined up in a long queue excitedly, and seemed to have a strong interest in "Prisoners".

some of……

An otaku named Duke followed a few friends into the screening room of "Prisoners".

Two hours later...

Duke walked out of the screening room amid waves of shocked sounds.

"I'm going to turn this movie into a game!"


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