I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 426 The movie rights are selling like crazy!

Film award participants generally fall into three categories.

One type is media people who keep abreast of current entertainment hot spots and are eager for a wave of big news...

One category is to take advantage of the popularity of film awards to catch up with celebrities on the red carpet...

The last category is various film copyright owners.

The first [Southern California International Film Awards] was LOW.

There were not many participating films. Except for Avery Tashi, who was pointed at the head and forcibly pulled over, the other judges were ordinary people. Basically, the awards were all predetermined, except for the film "The Dog Over the Mountain". Zhenchangzi, the rest are all messy movies.

The flow of people is also very small. Basically, apart from local Brazilians, there are only Chinese tourists who come to see the excitement.

The second [Southern California International Film Awards] jury lineup and contestant lineup are much stronger.

Not just Chinese movies, but also European and Russian movies. Put together, it really looks like that.

The number of directors coming from China to participate in the Academy Awards has increased tenfold compared to the previous year. However, the only drawback is that all of them are second- and third-tier directors who are preparing to gain fame and publicity, and there are almost no first-tier directors.


China's great directors always regard the [Southern California International Film Awards] as a LOW award.

As for copyright dealers, they are even more scarce.

More than 80% of the copyright dealers refused due to the poor reputation of judges such as Avery Tashi, so they reluctantly came over to shout and shout, and bought some copyrights at a symbolic low price to cope with the problem.

The remaining twenty percent...

Most of them came for Bi Feiyu.

The last movie "7 Days to Die" earned over 100 million US dollars worldwide, and the copyright dealers made a small fortune. This year's "Prisoners", these people came to take a look again...


Damn it...

This movie was shot too hard.


November 14th.


Outside the window, it was still bustling with people.

Scott stayed up all night.

That night, he answered a lot of phone calls.

All my former Hollywood friends called me, and most of the calls were asking about "props"...

In addition to friends, there are also the [Chief Props Masters] of the former team. On the phone, their voices are no longer as tough and almost commanding as before, but their voices are gentler than ever before.

Without exception, they tell themselves that they have new projects at hand and are ready to cooperate with them...

He is clearly not a big hit internationally. Even apart from a scrap of news about the Southern California International Film Awards, he is no different from before.

But unfortunately, these people seemed to realize something and began to take themselves seriously.

However, people are really weird sometimes...

In the past, when he received calls from these [familiar prop masters], he would be subconsciously excited and then flattered.

But at this moment...

He was as calm as ever.

He responded to these people calmly, finished the phone call calmly, and then finished breakfast without any sense of surprise.

He returned to the temporary studio of the [Southern California International Film Awards] and greeted everyone one by one...

He has found his own track and has his own team.

Everyone in the studio was very excited and looked eagerly at the innermost office.

"Prisoners" is the first work of their team, and at this moment, this work is negotiating the copyright with copyright dealers.

Nine o'clock in the morning.

The office door opened.

Scott watched Zhang Sheng and Bi Feiyu send out several copyright dealers.

Just when I walked out of the door, a new batch of copyright owners walked in...

Scott followed the staff with anticipation and nervousness.

Judging from Zhang Sheng's calm expression, they had no idea whether the copyright for "Prisoners" was sold well or not...

There was a vague worry deep in Scott's heart.

This worry is not that the quality of "Prisoners" is bad. He is absolutely confident in the quality of "Prisoners"!

However, "Prisoners" is not "Seven Days to Kill"...

It is too bloody and too real. Such a bloody movie is destined to be a "minor masterpiece" and cannot be openly released in some countries.

Film producers are bound to have commercial considerations...

Ten o'clock in the morning...

The film producers in the office also left.

Scott was about to ask Bi Feiyu how the battle was going, but soon, another group of people walked in again.

Scott couldn't find any chance to strike up a conversation with Zhang Sheng, Bi Feiyu and others. Finally, after waiting for a while, he stopped waiting and walked towards the door.

"Mr. Scott!"

"Hello, Mr. Scott..."

"Hello, Mr. Scott... I am Mikhalkov, the director of "Purple Sun". I saw the props you made. You are one of the most amazing prop masters I have ever seen. Nice to meet you." You, I’m looking forward to working with you on the new film,”


Ten years in the industry.

Scott has never looked more impressive than he does today.

Directors along the way came to chat with him one after another, all with warm smiles on their faces. For a time, Scott felt that he was living in an unreal world.

He saw a deep sense of respect in their eyes.

From morning to afternoon.

He finally realized what it means to become famous overnight.

Especially for him, an unknown little person who works behind the scenes props, so much attention has made him increasingly unreal.

Wait until after dinner...

He finally received a call from Zhang Sheng.

"boss Zhang……"

"Are you free? Mr. Scott!"

"Yes, yes, yes!"

"Okay, then come to the office..."


After answering the phone, Scott immediately ran all the way into the studio.

He saw all the staff looking at him with "surprised" eyes, and at the same time, he heard bursts of congratulations.

He scratched his head, confused.

Immediately afterwards...

He knocked on the office door and saw several young people standing in the office.

One of the tall young men stood up subconsciously and faced him with surprise on his face.

"Hello, Mr. Scott, I am Duke from [Dawn Games], and this is my assistant, Weiss..."

"Ah, hello..."

Scott greeted a few people blankly, and then looked at Zhang Sheng.

But Zhang Sheng invited him to sit down with a smile.

"Mr. Zhang, they..."

"They took a fancy to our "Prisoners" and planned to adapt "Prisoners" into a first-person escape game..."


"This game, they hope you can be their planner."


[Shuguang Games] was established in the summer of 2009.

It is a game studio established by Duke, a second-generation rich man, and a group of his friends who love games.

During this period, a stand-alone game called "Paradise" was also released.

"Lineage" is not a hit, and it is not high on the stand-alone game rankings, but it made [Dawn Games] nearly 7 million US dollars.

It can be regarded as their initial success story in the gaming industry.

But they are not satisfied with this.

In fact...

This time I came to the Southern California International Film Awards for two purposes. The first was to obtain the global copyright of "7 Days to Die", and the second was to obtain the U.S. agency authorization for "Temple Run".

Therefore, they prepared a large sum of money.

However, when they saw "Prisoners", they realized that this amount of money might not be enough, and it was very likely that they would overspend.

Duke still remembers his mood when he walked out of the screening room...

That was unprecedented excitement!

The movie "Prisoners" is extremely bloody, and Duke was shocked at the beginning!

How can any movie be so crazy?


Duke did not vomit. After all, as Bi Feiyu's third film after "7 Days to Die", he still had high expectations for this movie.

After he continued reading, he became acutely aware of the exquisite mechanisms, the permeating plot, and the furnishings in the secret rooms in "Prisoners"...

Everything is suitable for adaptation into a game.

More appropriate than "Seven Days to Die"!

After watching the movie, he asked his friends...

His friends were excited!

outside the window.

The sun sets.

In the office, Duke and Scott started chatting. The more they chatted, the more he realized that his idea was right.

Scott is proficient in the ingenious design of various mechanisms and props, and has an extremely large world view of the secret room game.

This will undoubtedly help the development of the game "Prisoners" avoid many detours...

"You guys talk first, I'll talk to the copyright dealers first..." Just when a few people were chatting enthusiastically, Zhang Sheng's cell phone rang. After answering the phone, Zhang Sheng looked a little apologetic on his face.

"Mr. Zhang Sheng, you must not sell the game copyrights of "Prisoners" and "Seven Days to Kill". We are sincerely discussing cooperation with you..."

"Don't worry, I'm in the office next door. If you need anything, you can come to me directly..." Zhang Sheng looked at Duke's expression and nodded with a smile.



Walking out of the office of "Prisoners".

Zhang Sheng walked into another office again.

Another office was crowded with people.

"My Sassy Girl Sadako" director Xin Xiaoqi and starring Zhang Panpan were at a loss to deal with these film producers.

When I saw Zhang Sheng coming in...

Xin Xiaoqi greeted him excitedly: "Mr. Zhang, you're here, our movie seems to be a hit..."

Zhang Sheng nodded. Before formally greeting these film producers, his cell phone rang again.

He answered the call.


I saw it was Avery Tashi calling.

Zhang Sheng showed some apologetic expressions on the faces of several film producers, and first answered the phone beside him.

"Mr. Zhang Sheng, where are you? God, where are you?"

"I'm in the temporary studio. What's wrong, Mr. Avery Tashi?"

"A Hollywood company wants to buy out the remake rights of "Seven Days to Die", and the price is an astonishingly high price of 10 million US dollars..."


"They are already here. I am at the door. If you are not free, please ask Mr. Bi Feiyu to come over and receive them first..."


(Continue to guarantee two more updates...it’s really not bad...)

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