I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 427 Copyright Transaction Disturbance

So far.

"7 Days to Die" has already grossed an astonishing $150 million at the global box office.

Among them, Asia alone has spent an astonishing US$80 million!

Especially R book!

As of November, this movie has earned 1.5 billion yen, equivalent to RMB 72 million. Amidst the screams, it has successfully topped the list of R-based horror movies in 2010 and the top of the box office for the whole year!

And this data is not the end.

Some countries around the world are still purchasing the copyright of "7 Days to Die" one after another, setting a new record!

With the huge success of "7 Days to Die", Asian horror is like a blank check waiting for Hollywood to cash it!

The year 2001 in the original world.

The rights to remake "The Ring" were bought by Hollywood DreamWorks for $1 million.

The buyer is the famous Hollywood director Spielberg.

Completely different from some remake movies that have been flat at the box office, the American version of "The Ring" surpassed the original "The Ring" in terms of box office performance with an astonishing box office of US$249 million!

And this world is 2010.

Steve Colt saw the amazing potential behind "7 Days to Die". After repeated thinking, he finally led his [Pixar Films] team into the [Southern California International Film Awards] category. in the committee’s temporary office.


Zhang Sheng met Steve Colt.

This is an American with a big beard, a naive look on his face, and speaks fluent Chinese.

Although Zhang Sheng met Steve Colt for the first time, he was no stranger to him.

A few months ago, when he was researching famous Hollywood directors, he checked Steve Colt's information.

He was once the famous "King of Horror Films" in Hollywood. 30 years ago, he bombarded the global film industry with "Jaws" as his masterpiece, which once made the beaches of various tourist attractions deserted...

But his debut film, Jaws, was just his appetizer.

"Space Monster", "Alien Space", "Doomsday"!

From the early 1980s to the beginning of the new millennium, almost every few years, he would bring a blockbuster movie to the world. Even before the movie "Avatar", Steve Colt was worthy of his reputation as a Hollywood movie The box office king!

But after the turn of the millennium, Steve Colt suddenly faded out of the film industry and no longer directed any movies.

"Hello, Mr. Colt!"

"Hello, Mr. Zhang Sheng!"

The lobby of the [Southern California International Film Awards] organizing committee was extremely noisy.

There were film critics coming in and out of the door...

Steve Colt saw Zhang Sheng.

This is a Chinese man with a comfortable smile on his face. At first glance, he feels humble and sincere, but at second glance, he instinctively feels that this person is very shrewd.

Steve Colt holds a pivotal position in the global film industry. Although he has been out of the film industry for nearly ten years, he is well aware of some things happening in the global film industry.

He did not have the arrogance of a great director, and was as easy-going as a little old man. After Avery Tashi arranged to sit down, he was not eager to talk about the movie "Seven Days to Die". Instead, he chatted with Zhang Sheng about some scenery in China. and humanities…

He seemed to have a lot of knowledge about tea ceremony, especially after he took a sip of the tea made by Zhang Sheng, he instinctively frowned slightly.

Zhang Sheng noticed this detail and still smiled brightly on the surface, but secretly, he secretly changed another box of small bags and shook it into the tea can.

Time passed in the noise.


In the next room, Bi Feiyu finally negotiated the rights to "Prisoners" and "Temple Escape" and rushed in excitedly.

"Mr. Zhang, the game adaptation rights were sold for US$7 million! US$7 million, just for one game adaptation right!"


"Also, I discussed with Mr. Zhao Feiyang of China [MiTu Games] and we also sold the copyright of "Temple Run". I sold it for 3 million according to the amount you gave me before!"

"A total of 10 million! Mr. Zhang, we sold 10 million, and all of them were US dollars. We are rich! We are rich!"


The door of the temporary office was pushed open by Bi Feiyu, who couldn't control his emotions.

He jumped up carelessly, his chest rising and falling, completely unlike what a great international director should look like.


When he saw Steve Colt sitting opposite Zhang Sheng, the smile on Bi Feiyu's face froze instantly, and then his pupils shrank, and his throat seemed to be held by someone, making him unable to make any sound.

next moment……

He wiped his eyes in disbelief, gritted his teeth, and then trembled a few times: "He, he, he, he is... big, big, big director Steve Colt..."

Zhang Sheng had never seen Bi Feiyu lose his temper like this before, to the point where he couldn't even breathe. In the end, he seemed to be suffocated, and he actually stuttered to the point where he couldn't speak a complete sentence.

"Hello, Mr. Bi Feiyu!"

"Hello, you..."

After Bi Feiyu heard Steve Colt's voice, his whole body trembled again. As if he had just woken up from a dream, he quickly ran to Steve Colt's side, bending slightly, feeling both excited and excited. I shook hands with Steve Colt respectfully, as if I was seeing a god!

He never dreamed...

He could actually meet Steve Colt here, and it was so sudden that he had no preparation at all.

Steve Colt looked at the Chinese man in front of him.

His eyes were filled with admiration.

"Mr. Bi Feiyu, I have watched your "The Dog Over the Mountain". It is a rare film with a new perspective. At the same time, this film gave me great inspiration and made me want to make movies again. The idea..."

Faced with Bi Feiyu's excitement, Steve Colt was not surprised, but he didn't show off, nor was he stingy with his praise.

The words came down.

Bi Feiyu felt elated, but after holding it in for a long time, he couldn't hold it in. It was as if his whole brain was setting off firecrackers, crackling.

Steve Colt was Bi Feiyu’s childhood idol...

The reason why he was able to embark on the path of directing was because he saw "Jaws" on an ordinary night. While shivering in bed, a seed was planted in his heart.

In a sense, Steve Colt can be regarded as the first enlightenment person in Bi Feiyu's career...

Suddenly I met my enlightenment person!

How could Bi Feiyu withstand that moment?

The atmosphere in the room began to become heated.

It was like a ball of flame burning around Bi Feiyu...

He began to excitedly talk to Steve Colt about the shock he felt when he saw his movies as a child. To this day, he still remembers that feeling, and then asked Steve Colt What have you been doing all these years, and why did you suddenly stop making movies...

In addition, he was also curious as to why Steve Colt could speak such fluent Chinese...

Just at this time……

Zhang Sheng's cell phone rang.

Looking at the mobile phone number, Zhang Sheng saw that it was Zhang Panpan calling.

"You guys continue chatting, I'll go out for a while..."


"My Sassy Girl Sadako" is a typical Korean comedy-romance film!

Xin Xiaoqi and Zhang Panpan actually didn't have much expectations for the movie's box office. Even at the [Southern California International Film Awards] this time, they just brought the movie over for a trial screening.


No one could have imagined it.

This time's test screening was unexpectedly "hot" beyond imagination.

Thanks to how hot Sadako is in "Seven Days to Die"!

At the beginning of the test screening, a group of people walked into the screening room of "My Sassy Girl Sadako".

When I first watched the movie, I found that this movie was actually a movie about selling dog meat with a sheep's head, and some people cursed it on the spot.

Some people also left the screening room.

The group of people who stayed behind watched and couldn't help but laugh at the plot in the movie.

This movie seems to combine the freshness and delicacy of Japanese idol dramas, the romantic sentiments of European literary films, and the nonsensical comedy of Hong Kong-directed films, into a series of sensational romantic stories.

The plot is really cliche...


No one could have imagined that after watching this movie, a group of girls from Asia couldn't help but start wiping their tears and crying!


The first batch of viewers began to spontaneously promote the movie "My Sassy Girl Sadako" on their social media.


In every screening of "My Sassy Girl Sadako", there are girls who watch second or even third time...


The screening hall of "My Sassy Girl Sadako" began to be packed with people, and it even attracted film producers who were invited by judges such as Avery Tashi to support the show.

Sudden fire!

Zhang Panpan and Xin Xiaoqi, two newcomers to the film industry, were completely unprepared!

They want to sell...

But I don’t want this movie to be sold cheaply!

But one of them is a director and the other is a heroine. They are both college students with little social experience, and they are not businessmen. Especially when faced with those aggressive film producers, they were once squeezed to the point of retreat.

"Zhang Sheng..."

Zhang Sheng just walked out of the door.

Then he saw Zhang Panpan's red face and eagerly pulled him towards the office.

"Zhang Sheng, we don't know what to do at all..."

"Didn't I teach you how to do it?"

"But your method didn't work, and another group of people came again..."

"Don't pull me...slow down..."


Zhang Panpan saw that after she pulled Zhang Sheng's hand out of eagerness, her face suddenly turned red and she subconsciously let go.

When Zhang Sheng opened the door...

Zhang Sheng saw that Xin Xiaoqi seemed to be banging the table and had a quarrel with the film producer. Xin Xiaoqi's eyes were red and she was holding a cup, as if she was going to have sex with the film producer on the spot!

When I saw Zhang Sheng coming in...

This tense feeling has eased a little...

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