I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 428 God, do all the ants passing by pay you tax?


It is a science.

Xin Xiaoqi is just a beginner.

Unable to control the overall situation, showing all the cards, worried about gains and losses, anxious, nervous...

All the mistakes that should have been made were made.

In the end, she had no choice but to be manipulated by the film producers, but she was unwilling to fail and was only left angry.

When a person only has anger...

This negotiation was destined to fail.


When Zhang Sheng sat in the conversation seat, those arrogant film producers finally realized what a master is.

The smiling, neither humble nor arrogant young man in front of me seems to be more difficult to deal with than ever...

He doesn’t talk to you about movies, let alone the market…

He just talks to you about concepts, dreams, and the future, while Steve Colt is sitting next door drinking tea and talking about what the future of the [Southern California International Film Awards] will be like...


The same sentence has completely different feelings when spoken by different people.

Zhang Sheng, like a young man drawing up a blueprint, told them one story after another.

What's amazing is...

Reason told them that they could no longer listen to Zhang Sheng's talk. The content of their chat had gone too far.

However, some desire deep in their hearts told them that they wanted to continue listening and listen to Zhang Sheng continue to brag...


What’s even more incredible is!

Their intuition inexplicably told them that the person in front of them would most likely make waves in the global film industry in the future!

An hour later, the film producers were deceived until their heads turned to mush, and they were eager to refute some of Zhang Sheng's words. However, Zhang Sheng's words seemed to be based on underlying logic and were unbreakable!

Then, they signed a cooperation contract out of nowhere.


Midnight falls.

The excitement at the [Southern California International Film Awards] gradually subsided.

As if the last trace of strength had been drained from his body, Ke Zhanyi sat blankly in the screening room of the movie "Afterlife".

The staff urged him to leave quickly...

The screening room is closing.

But he did not leave. Instead, he stared blankly at the big screen that had long since stopped lighting up.

[Ke Zhanyi, don’t doubt yourself! 】

[The movie "After Life" is not bad, it really is not bad. You are talented! 】

[Success or failure in one moment cannot mean anything. Cheer up! 】


Ke Zhanyi's cell phone kept ringing with text messages from his girlfriend Jiang Xiaoyou.

She was trying her best to encourage him.

However, Ke Zhanyi could not feel any comfort. Instead, he became more and more disappointed and self-doubted.

The movie "Afterlife" is a magical love movie that tells the story of a person's unresolved love affair...

He spent more than half a year of time and energy investing in this movie. He believes that the movie "Afterlife" is more refined and delicate than any of his previous movies!


The screening results were unsatisfactory, and the response from word of mouth was mediocre. To some extent, it was not as good as that of "That Summer."

What makes Ke Zhanyi even more unacceptable is that there are fewer and fewer viewers in the screening hall, and at the same time, the ratings are getting lower and lower...

In the field of romance movies...

More and more people are comparing "Afterlife" with "My Sassy Girl Sadako". He has heard countless comments like "Director Ke is getting worse and worse every time he makes films" and "There are too many bad films now." Can not go back? 】【Can't you just follow the example of "My Sassy Girl Sadako" from next door? Don’t you know how well made this movie is? 】【……】

This evening, the last screening of "Afterlife" ended.

In the screening hall with 300 people, only about 30 people were seated...

Barely enough to make up one tenth!

Among them, several are film critics...

Seeing the disappointed expressions on the film critic's face, Ke Zhanyi felt as if his heart had been hit hard and he couldn't breathe.

No studio came to see the movie...


"Please let me sit for a while..."

"Sir..., but at six o'clock tomorrow morning, another movie will be coming up. You..."

"I'll be leaving before six o'clock!"

"Oh well!"

Ke Zhanyi watched the staff leave the screening room.

this moment……

There was no one else in the entire screening room.

Scenes emerged in his mind...

There is reflection!

Have doubts...

But it was more about self-doubt, and I once felt that I was out of date.

But, somehow, he couldn't get any answer...

Time passed little by little.

It was not until four o'clock in the morning that he sighed and walked out of the screening room.

He saw the stars twinkling in the sky, and also saw the films in the screening area of ​​the [Southern California International Film Awards].

Rociniya, which was once muddy, now becomes neat and tidy...

Last year, there were still dilapidated houses on both sides. This year, rows of hotels have been built. Looking at the windows of the hotels, it must be that the hotels are full today.


Right in front of the big stage of the [Southern California International Film Awards], a group of staff installed a large monitor.

The monitor lights up.

There are rows of movie deals on the monitor!

The first thing you can see is a big character!

[The newcomer's new movie "My Sassy Girl Sadako" sold tens of millions yesterday! 】

[Director Bi Feiyu’s new work "Prisoners" sold the game rights yesterday! 】

[The old work "Seven Days to Die" continues to make efforts, and the adaptation rights were sold at 3 o'clock in the morning today! 】

["Temple Run" has sold the US game license! 】


He raised his head and looked at the screen.

On the screen...

Groups of data are beating, these are the sales data of the [Southern California International Film Awards] yesterday.

And below the screen...

The staff opened up a large room and put up a billboard for the [Southern California Film Exchange Area]!

Ke Zhanyi was shocked!

He could not have imagined that the [Southern California International Film Awards] had already formed a very simple film trading market similar to Cannes and Venice!

Five o'clock in the morning.

The sky began to gradually lighten up.

At this time, Ke Zhanyi received a call from the official staff of the [Southern California International Film Awards].

The staff told Ke Zhanyi that their [Southern California Film Trading Zone] is officially open today. By then, countless film dealers will come to select and purchase films. For participating films, booth fees are free. By then, he hopes he can bring "Afterlife" came to his booth...

What is the purpose of making a movie?

Of course it’s to make money!

Ke Zhanyi took a deep breath, made a call to his team, and then walked into the [Southern California Film Trading Zone] market.

The staff was surprised when they saw him. They didn't expect someone to come in so quickly.

But then he greeted him enthusiastically. After learning that he was a member of the crew of "After Life", the staff quickly took him to a slightly remote corner.

"We are here, will there be any film producers coming over? If possible, I hope to add some money and change it to a relatively conspicuous location..."

"Sorry, we analyzed based on the viewing data of the screening. This is a rule..."


After the staff finished explaining, they ignored the confused Ke Zhanyi and walked enthusiastically to the door to greet another wave of filmmakers...

At nine o'clock in the morning.

There are gradually more and more people in the [Southern California Film Exchange Area]...

Many film production units who received the news came to their booths after arrangements by the staff.

Ke Zhanyi felt aggrieved and depressed.

"Director Ke, we can't sell copyrights at all in such a cornered place. Isn't this a joke?"

"Director Ke, the [Southern California International Film Awards] was an award that you and Mr. Zhang originally organized. In any case, there is a lot of love, right? It's fine that Mr. Zhang doesn't give us special treatment. Why do you still treat us like this? us……"

Assistant director Jiang Rong complained, her face full of resentment.

But Ke Zhanyi stopped Jiang Rong from complaining and sat on the chair silently.

He naturally had some invisible resentment, but when he thought that his performance in "Afterlife" was indeed unsatisfactory, he sighed in his heart.

No matter what kind of incense love...

None of them are as important as a hit movie!

And it seems that this "Afterlife"...

Just when he was depressed, he saw a group of copyright dealers coming to the door...

He saw Jiang Rong subconsciously rushing over with the promotional materials for "Afterlife".

About ten minutes later...

He saw Jiang Rong walking over excitedly.

"Director Ke, our copyright is going to be sold!"

"What? How much?"

"I don't know. Anyway, the other party took one look at our information and took out the contract..."


"Go and have a chat!"

Ke Zhanyi was stunned.

Walk forward subconsciously.

He introduced himself as the director of "Afterlife" and then what kind of movie "Afterlife" is.

But the copyright owner frowned and didn't say much. He didn't seem to listen to his continued introduction. He just took out the contract: "One million yuan, we bought it!"


"Is one million yuan too little?"

"We in Pakistan don't have much money and a small budget. If you want to sell it, you can sell it. If you don't sell it, I'll look for someone else!"


After seeing that the other party was Ba Tie, Ke Zhanyi gritted his teeth and nodded. After reading the contract and confirming that there was no problem, he sold the copyright of "Afterlife" at a low price just like selling vegetables.

After selling the first copyright of "Afterlife"...

Ke Zhanyi's mood improved somewhat...

But then he realized something was wrong.

It seems that when some film producers, especially some Asian film producers, come to buy copyrights, they act like they are shopping. Regardless of the quality of the films, as long as they see the films in the [Southern California Film Exchange], they buy them all. Again.

It seems vaguely like buying it to use as a video library?


at the same time.

On the other side, Steve Colt, who had just gotten up, saw Zhang Sheng walking in.

After the two chatted for half an hour.

Steve Colt looked at Zhang Sheng and took a deep breath.

"Mr. Zhang Sheng, we didn't buy all the movie adaptation rights!"

"Mr. Steve Colt... please support our [Southern California Film Exchange] and give dreams a chance!"

"Mr. Zhang Sheng, I have spent 10 million US dollars to buy your right to adapt "Seven Days to Die"!"

"Ten million US dollars have been spent. Do you care if you can buy the rights to adapt other movies for one million yuan? This is our cooperation agreement... We [NC Entertainment] will be responsible for any hit movie in the future." Prioritize cooperation with your [Pixar Films]!"

"What you are... using your Chinese dialect, is buying and selling by force!"

"One million, you only need to spend one million yuan! For the sake of God, I can guarantee you... this deal will be the most valuable deal in [Pixar Films]!"

"Zhang Sheng! You don't believe in God!"

"I can believe it now! I can believe it anytime!"

"What on earth are you going to do? Do you have to create the illusion that the [Southern California Film Exchange] is prosperous and everyone can sell copyrights?"

"No, Mr. Steve Colter, I am just trying to attract good people! Let outstanding filmmakers from more countries see our [Southern California Film Trading Zone] market... [Southern California International Film Awards] is Ever Mr. Li Tashi’s hard work, you don’t want his hard work to be wasted..."

"Stop! Stop! Stop! Mr. Zhang Sheng, please stop "brainwashing" me. Why do I feel that trading with you is like ripping off skin? God, do you even have to pay taxes to the ants passing by?" He looked at it. Zhang Sheng looked sincere and Steve Colt took a deep breath.

"No, no, no! Mr. Steve Colt, you are not an ant, you are an elephant, and I am the little ant..."


(Continuing two more updates, my back hurts)

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