I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 429 Strategic Cooperation with Hollywood

One sunny afternoon after the millennium.

Steve Colt was drinking coffee and looking at the dazzling array of trophies on the window display.

Perhaps he was tired of his boring career as a director and made a decision silently.

He's going to take a long vacation.

There is no limit on how long it takes or where. We throw away the tedious phone calls, parties, throwing away mobile phones and pagers, and travel around the world alone with our luggage on the same day.

No one expected that this move...

That’s seven years!

In seven years, he visited countless scenic spots around the world, learned many foreign languages, encountered many dangers, and was shocked by the rugged peaks of nature!

Seven years later...

He returned to Hollywood.

He was so low-key that no one knew he was back except for a few old friends.

No one knows what he and his old friends talked about that night...

Some people said that they talked about the embarrassing years when they were filming "Jaws" together, and how high-spirited they were when "Jaws" became a global sensation...


The summer of 2007.

In an obscure corner of Hollywood, a company called [Pixar Pictures] was quietly established.


July of 2008!

After an animation called "Monster Bride" came out, it swept more than 70 countries around the world and grossed an astonishing box office of 500 million US dollars...

Only then did people realize that the former [King of Hollywood Horror Films] Steve Colt was back!

But this return is not in the horror film field, and Steve Colt is not a director...


The operator behind the scenes!

The huge success of "The Monster Bride" made fifty-year-old Steve Colt and his friends inevitably become ambitious.

He once threatened in public that he would make [Pixar Pictures] a new highlight in Hollywood after the eight major film studios.

Steve Colt is conflicted.

Considered a faithful follower of Christ.

I pray every night, abide by all the rules devoutly, and even recite the Bible.


When I get angry, I will curse God.

After scolding, he would continue to pray devoutly, begging God to forgive him for his rudeness.

It is very uncomfortable to chat with Zhang Sheng, a Chinese...

His eyes are very vicious, and he can analyze the pros and cons of an incident with very simple words. His words may seem light, but they can always touch Steve Colt's heart.

"China is a huge and prosperous market!"

"The Chinese consumer market in the future will only be crazier than the United States..."

"We actually have a common interest. I hope that every movie produced by me can be released normally in Hollywood. However, the eight major Hollywood studios are superior. When we talked about cooperation in the past, we needed to sacrifice more things, Steve Husband, you are the same. You are eager to get the Chinese market, and you are even more eager for every movie of [Pixar Pictures] to be a hit. However, except for our "7 Days to Die", there are almost no movies exported by China in recent years. A hit, of course, "Seven Days to Die" may be just an accident, but the second movie "My Sassy Girl Sadako" has already had countless film producers come to negotiate contracts before it was officially released... "

"Youth is my biggest advantage, but my advantage is not just youth..."


In the hotel.

The sun shines in through the window.

Steve Colt looked at this talkative Chinese young man.

Deep down I can't help but appreciate it.

This young man is cautious at every step, fearless, yet ambitious, and does not hide his future ambitions at all!

Vaguely, he seemed to see his own shadow in him.

After Steve Colt was silent for a moment, he laughed: "Do you want to become our [Pixar Pictures] first official cooperative company in China?"

The young man opposite pushed up his glasses and smiled brighter: "You [Pixar Pictures] will also become the first Hollywood company such as our [NC Entertainment] and [Southern California International Film Awards]!"

Steve Colt laughed.

When he met Zhang Sheng, he had already clearly investigated every entrepreneurial experience of Zhang Sheng from the time he started his business to the present.

The reason why he was willing to come to see Zhang Sheng was not entirely because of the commercial value of "Seven Days to Die" or the invitation from his old friend Avery Tashi...


Seek new possibilities!


If there hadn't been "My Sassy Girl Sadako", then probably the screening of "Afterlife" wouldn't have been so miserable.

They are both about love, and both focus on delicacy. The only difference is that one is reality and the other is fantasy...



Who knows, there is never if in this world.

[Southern California Film Exchange Area].

The sunshine at noon was exceptionally warm. Ke Zhanyi was guarding the booth, and Jiang Rong, the deputy director, producer and one of the screenwriters, was desperately trying to sell the copyright of "Afterlife".

The rights to "Afterlife" sold quite well.

From morning to noon, the copyrights of six countries and regions were sold.


It seems that there are quite a lot of items for sale, but most of them are buyout prices from small countries, and the prices are extremely cheap. The highest is one million yuan and the lowest is five hundred thousand yuan. The total adds up to more than four million yuan...

"We don't want to talk about how many we have sold, we have to talk about how many countries we have sold to... After returning to China, we will publicize based on quantity, how much international film producers attach great importance to our movies, and then let the theaters Arrange more movies for us..."

At noon, a group of reporters came.

The reporter looked at the grand copyright transaction at the [Southern California Film Trading Zone] and began to interview the producers of the participating films one by one.

When Jiang Rong finished the interview, she was very excited and chattering to Ke Zhanyi as she planned the future!

Even though it was a cheap sale, maybe it was Jiang Rong's excitement that infected him, or it was the smooth copyright transaction that made Ke Zhanyi's gloomy mood lessened a lot.

This mood continued into the afternoon.

In the afternoon...

Ke Zhanyi walked out of the gate of the [Southern California Film Exchange Area] and glanced at the big screen subconsciously.

He stared blankly at the big screen, where countless participating movies were shaking...

[Real-time reporting of copyright transactions] is ongoing.

[Russian director Mikhalkov's representative work "Purple Sun" has sold regional rights in Panama, South Africa, Brazil...! 】

[Newcomer's new movie "My Sassy Girl Sadako" sells ten more regional rights today! 】

[Director Bi Feiyu's new film "Prisoners" reached a distribution agreement with Hollywood [Pixar Pictures] today! 】

[The Sixth Generation of Chinese Director Gao Hui’s “The Spy” officially signed a buyout and distribution agreement with Hollywood [Pixar Pictures]! 】


Ke Zhanyi saw the name of a movie scrolling through reincarnation.


Not just his "Afterlife", it seems that almost every movie in the exhibition has more or less sold the film rights!

For a moment, looking at the countless noisy producers, film dealers and reporters, he couldn't tell which ones were real and which ones were fake...

this moment!

He felt deafened in his ears, and then felt a buzzing in his head.

More noisy, even loud and screaming sounds sounded around him, and he turned around subconsciously.

But seeing it in the distance...

He saw Gao Hui, who was also from [Shengshi Entertainment], taking his "Spy" and excitedly taking a photo with an old foreign man under the screen of the "Southern California Film Exchange Area"!

That old man was extremely familiar to Ke Zhanyi...

When he thought of who this old man was, his whole body trembled, and finally his eyes widened!

he is……

Steve Colt!

The former king of Hollywood horror films, a monument before "Avatar" director McCaskey.

Although he disappeared for many years, his sudden appearance was like a thunder, causing the entire [Southern California Film Trading Area] market to become a sensation!

Countless people surged towards them!




【Shengshi Entertainment】

Gao Jianliang, the deputy director of production review at [Shengshi Entertainment], was excited when he opened Gao Yuan's door and told Gao Yuan that the copyright of his son, Gao Yuan's nephew's new movie [Spy War] had been sold to Hollywood. , Gao Yuan, the director of Five Generations of China, stood up from the sofa in disbelief.

He once thought this was fake news!


When Gao Jianliang took out the platform and posted a photo of his son and Steve Colt, Gao Yuan's eyes widened.

Emotions like thunder surged in his heart.

He took a deep breath: "Is it P's?"

"It's not from P. Gao Yuan has already sent the contract by fax! This is the contract..." Gao Jianliang couldn't hide his excitement and handed the contract to Gao Yuan immediately.


How did Gao Yuan feel when he saw this contract!

A moment!

He had a premonition that an astonishing traffic outlet was emerging before his eyes!

But as a great director, he naturally could not lose his composure. After experiencing the initial shock, he slowly regained his composure.

"Did Steve Colt buy any other movies?"

"Bi Feiyu's "Seven Days to Die" sold for nearly 10 million U.S. dollars in adaptation fees! The copyright of "Prisoners" was also bought. In addition, the movie "My Sassy Girl Sadako" also became a deal The big dark horse in the market!”


Gao Yuan listened to Gao Jianliang talking about the [Southern California International Film Awards] copyright transaction.

that moment……

Gao Yuan took a deep breath: "Brother, help me book a ticket to Brazil..."

"Going to Brazil?"





"Yes! The sooner the better..."


"By the way, brother, we must take advantage of this trend to promote the movie "The Spy" and pave the way for Gao Hui! This time, Gao Hui will probably steal the show!"

"I see!"

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