I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 430 The Gear of Destiny!

[Newcomer's new film "My Sassy Girl Sadako" directed by Xin Xiaoqi has become the biggest dark horse overseas! 】

【grand occasion! [Southern California International Film Awards] All copyrights of participating films are on sale! Film producers from nearly 30 countries and regions are snapping up Chinese movies! 】

[[King of Hollywood Horror Films] Steve Colt appeared in the [Southern California International Film Awards Copyright Trading Area] and picked up a Chinese movie! 】

[A new storm in the film industry! Sixth-generation Chinese director Gao Hui has reached a copyright cooperation with [King of Hollywood Horror Films] Steve Colt! 】


November 15th.

It should have been an ordinary day.

But there was a thunder in the Chinese film industry.

Countless filmmakers saw the [Southern California International Film Awards] becoming a hot search topic. Their first reaction was "fake news", and their second reaction was to explode!

Even veteran directors who once dismissed this award and thought that the so-called [Southern California International Film Awards] were just a slightly more formal Pheasant Award are looking at the countless news in amazement.

They saw the Steve Colt news!

They saw Gao Hui, an ordinary sixth-generation director from China, taking a photo with Steve Colt in the participating movies, and reached a copyright cooperation with [Pixar Pictures], the company behind Steve Colt!

That "Spy" instantly seemed to be plated with gold, shining brightly in the sun!

There is no doubt that this is the true export of Chinese films to Hollywood!

Moreover, it is not with the help of the company's power, completely...

The quality of the video itself!

Moreover, although "Spy" is just a movie, the energy hidden behind it and the subsequent network of relationships are enough to add a very rich touch to Gao Hui's career!

With the first deal, it’s easy to have a second, a third…

Veteran directors were shocked!

But he soon realized that as long as Gao Hui didn't mess around, his status in the Chinese film industry would definitely rise.

For filmmakers in the film circle of this era, it is a bit too much and not appropriate to describe them as admiring foreign things. However, in the early days, they were somewhat influenced by Western culture. They had a deep appreciation for Western movies or filmmakers. , with a "longing" mentality, eager to be recognized by the Western world...

The young directors are excitedly staring at the Japanese copyright transaction information in the [Southern California International Film Awards]!

They realized something!

As long as the film is screened at the [Southern California International Film Awards], at least seven overseas copyrights will be sold!

The most numerous ones have more than a dozen copyrights!

This had an unprecedented impact on their hearts, especially after they saw a sophomore girl from Yan Film Academy casually filmed a movie based on the popularity of "Seven Days to Die" and it became a hit before it was released. The emotions deep in their hearts are even more exciting!

no doubt!

Xin Xiaoqi and Sadako from "My Sassy Girl" have become one of the most discussed topics in the film industry today.

Much more discussion…

Xin Xiaoqi’s identity was also revealed!


Young directors hear countless copyrighted "overnight success" stories!

this world!

The four words "overnight fame" are so tempting, even more inspiring than any chicken soup or motivational speech!

November 14 at noon.

Many young filmmakers in China immediately went to the [Southern California International Film Awards] with their films...


When waiting at the airport, many filmmakers realized one thing!

That is……

I can’t even get a flight to Brazil!


On the evening of November 15th.

Leo John sat on the highest floor of the hotel, overlooking the sea of ​​people below.

In just one year.

The Rocinha slum, the largest single slum in South America, has achieved initial economic recovery at this moment.

Nearly a thousand slum families got a good job at the [Southern California International Film Awards]...

“More and more Chinese filmmakers are coming to our [Southern California Film Trading Zone]. With more movies, film companies will have more film types to choose from. With more types to choose from, film companies will also have more choices. many……"

"This is a virtuous cycle..."

Opposite him, Zhang Sheng sat.

Zhang Sheng smiled and chatted with him about his next arrangements for the [Southern California Film Trading Zone]. After hearing that Zhang Sheng hoped to target the [Southern California International Film Awards] to the three major European film festival markets, Leo John didn't question it.

In one year, he saw a miracle created by this Chinese man!

At this moment!

He already owns two mobile phone manufacturing factories, and the products in the mobile phone manufacturing factories are sold as far as Mexico. Although the income is not as much as in the black trade before, the money is all money under the sun...

He also owns a battery car factory. The battery car factory only sells in Brazil for the time being. Although the profit is not much, the future potential is obvious...

In addition, he has the [Southern California International Film Awards], a film event...

Only the second edition has attracted countless filmmakers and tourists to come here to participate in the film festival...

Tourists traveling here can easily create employment for local people and the sales of "local specialties"...

During this period of time, he saw money coming in every day, and more than once, he was praised by superiors for economic recovery!

The feeling of standing in the sun is much better than the feeling of being hidden in the darkness and unable to see the light!

"Mr. Zhang Sheng, whatever you tell me to do, I'll do it!"

He looked at Zhang Sheng with a smile.

It feels like this young man from China has layers of dazzling golden light all over his body!

He was laughing so hard that he couldn't even keep his eyes open!

"Mr. Leo John, you should know that I have an online shopping website in China, right?"

"I know, Mr. Zhang Sheng, what do you mean?"

"I hope to become a bridge between Brazil and China. During this time, I have tasted our Brazilian barbecue, cachaça wine, Santos coffee, guarana... Brazil has countless rich resources, and it should be Tasted by more people..."

"You want our specialties to be available on your online shopping website?"

"Yes! Mr. Leo John, I hope our friendship will last forever. I even hope that I can add more color to your political career... In the future, employment in the online shopping industry will become a trend in China. , I hope to take this opportunity to allow more people to participate in employment..."


Leo John stood up excitedly: "What do you need me to do?"

"In terms of taxation, do you have any ideas? I hope to get some relief so that more practitioners can get real benefits..."

"Mr. Zhang Sheng, I am currently only the person in charge of this area. For taxes, I can only apply in this area. After all, I am not the free-spirited person I used to be. The government is standing behind me..."

"Mr. Leo John, that can be used as a pilot for cooperation first. Well, it's not official, but a pilot for private cooperation!"

"How do you want to cooperate?"

"We first cooperated with China on the local product project. In Brazil, I met a very experienced and promising young man..."

"who is he?"

"His name is Lacey!"

"Lacie?" Leo John repeated these two words blankly!

"Yes! Although, at present, he is just a very ordinary young man, but when I first saw this young man, I had an unprecedented hunch. I felt that he could become a symbol of cooperation... "


Lacey, like Tom, comes from Brazil and is the poor son of a slum carpenter.

last year.

Lacey was taken to China by Tom!

The moment he first came to China, he was shocked by everything...

Like a poor boy from the countryside.

Then, he met Zhang Sheng.

It left a good impression on Zhang Sheng.

It was at that moment that the gears of fate began to turn.

after a while.

Tom's arrogance and madness caused a rift in the relationship between Zhang Sheng and Tom. In the end, Tom chose to fly solo.

When I was flying solo, I invited Lacey.

However, Lacey knew very well that everything Tom had was given by Zhang Sheng. Even if he could make money, he should at least not forget his roots!


Lacey refused, and kept following Zhang Sheng!

Zhang Sheng did not have high requirements for Lacey. Instead, he asked Lacey to study and specified the learning content for Lacey.

At first it was some knowledge about the film industry, and later it involved some "business" content. Of course, Chinese is a required course for Lacey.

A year's time……

Hurrying past, Lacey was not as jumpy as Tom. In fact, he was a little naive in his bones. He had been studying seriously and never thought of reaching the sky in one step.

When he returned to the slums of Brazil a year later, he found that his once impoverished small home had been built with high-rise buildings.

at the same time……

He also saw his father officially become the person in charge of [Bird's Nest Decoration] Brazil!

He couldn't describe that moment...

What he felt in his heart!

He doesn't have time either.


Just today at noon, Zhang Sheng saw him again.

After considering part of his business knowledge, he was taken to a high-rise building.

The phone rang.

"Mr. Lacey, come in and meet Mr. Leo John..."


After receiving the call, Lacey suddenly became excited. Then, he stood up and subconsciously opened the door in front of him.

The light inside the door was a bit dazzling.


He took a deep breath, reminded himself to maintain basic etiquette, straightened his clothes, and smiled shyly and confidently.

He went inside.

It was as if I had entered a new life.

The gears of destiny...

It seems to be turning again!

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