I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 431 I can have it anytime I want! (Third update! Big update for crushing pressure monsters!)

Lacey stood quietly next to Zhang Sheng.

He didn't dare to look at anyone, he was so reserved that he felt like he was in a deep jungle, not knowing what kind of danger he would face in the future.

People's faces generally change.

When he was the underground king of Rociniya, Leo John had a fierce face. He looked at everyone as if he were looking at fish on the chopping board, and even licking his lips would make people panic inexplicably.

Inevitably, his reputation spread far and wide, and he was even demonized as a "cannibal demon" who specializes in eating children among the slum groups in Brazil.

The first time Lacey met Leo John was when he was about ten years old. At that time, Leo John led a group of gunmen with live ammunition through the muddy alleys of the slums.

At that moment, his parents quickly pulled him into the house...


He heard a sharp gunshot.

The sound of the gun nearly pierced his eardrums, and for a long time, that memory tortured him like a nightmare.

In the office.

Leo John was fat, but looked at Lacey with a kind expression, and asked Lacey a few words cordially.

After seeing Lacey's respectful answer, he vaguely felt that this young man was quite familiar.

After thinking about it, I remembered that during the first [Southern California International Film Awards], this young man had been on stage as an award guest...

"Mr. Lacey..."

"Yes, Mr. Zhang Sheng..."


"I'm standing..."

"Do you want to stand and talk to Mr. Leojohn, and have Mr. Leojohn look up to you?"


Although Leo John became more and more kind and seemed extremely approachable, Lacey still did not dare to sit down.

However, after Zhang Sheng's few words, Lacey broke out in a cold sweat behind his back, and then sat aside more cautiously, not daring to move.

He heard Zhang Sheng chatting with Leo John about the future employment in the slums of Rocinha.

He listened carefully. After a while, when Zhang Sheng talked about him, he suddenly became excited and quickly took out the plan he had prepared in advance.

Fear made him speak tremblingly, and once made Leo John frown.

Seeing the frown, Lacey became even more frightened. Her mind went blank, and she couldn't even organize one-tenth of her usual language skills.

However, he managed to finish the sentence.

After he finished speaking, he noticed a cold sweat on his back.

But Zhang Sheng patted him on the shoulder and encouraged him not to worry with his eyes.

Then, looking at Leo John, he talked about the future [trade pilot].

"Mr. Lacey, can be the person in charge of this project..."

When hearing this sentence...

Lacey was stunned!


The days passed by.

As more and more young Chinese directors brought their films to the [Southern California International Film Awards], the entire [Southern California Film Trading Area] began to become extremely crowded.

The stalls were free at the beginning, then one thousand, then ten thousand, then one hundred thousand...

It even got to the point where it was hard to get ahold of it!

When a gimmick becomes popular, more and more people rush in.

Especially after the [screening] of participating films ends, the remaining [screening slots] have become one of the resources that filmmakers are frantically competing for...

Just three days!

The price of a movie screening has increased from 10,000 yuan to 300,000 yuan!

There are screening booths frequented by international film critics and film producers, and the price is higher...

The screening of "My Sassy Girl Sadako" was a hit, making countless producers, directors, and investors dream of it.

My dream is to follow the example of "My Sassy Girl Sadako". When my film is screened, it will be noticed by big overseas companies, and then they will compete for the version. After the film is screened, it will be a hit at the box office. I will return to China to be plated with gold and become an international director. Big producers have a hard time accepting projects and making money.

Don't doubt it!

Some directors are forced by capital and know that what they are making is a bad movie, but they grit their teeth and make it.

For example, Ke Zhanyi...

But in fact, there are many directors who make bad movies. They don’t even know how bad their movies are. They just think that the failure of their movies is due to lack of resources, or the time, and many "five years later" have been born. "Watch this movie again" famous scene.

Countless films flocked to the scene, overwhelming the judges at the [Southern California International Film Awards]!

There are too many films that have been screened for a fee, and the screening area is quite limited, but the authorities also stipulate that the films must be carefully reviewed...


Staying up all night watching movies happens a lot.


Sometimes it really is quantitative changes that turn into qualitative changes.

Among the registered films of varying quality, there are always one or two that turn into a dark horse in a corner that no one cares about, and then break out of the crowd!

A movie with a ridiculous title called "Big Diamond" was listed in the new movie section of the [Southern California Film Trading Zone] and topped the copyright trading list...

The director’s name is Zheng Hao…

A typical sixth-generation director from China, a few years ago he was banned by relevant departments for taking his films to illegally participate in international film festivals without review by professional departments.

Two years later, when he reappeared in the film industry, the world had long since changed and there were various factions, but he couldn't squeeze in.

You can’t really go home and sell sweet potatoes, right?


Bite your teeth!

I made a big deal out of "Diamond" and happily went to the [Southern California International Film Awards] to try my luck.

Hey, I didn’t expect that the copyright sold really well.

A movie with an investment of 4 million has not yet been officially released, but the overseas copyright has been purchased for more than 7 million!


November 18th.

The night before the [Southern California International Film Awards] ceremony.

"Big Diamond" ranked second in the screen copyright block of the [Southern California Film Exchange], with a gratifying figure of twelve Japanese copyrights, second only to "My Sassy Girl Sadako"'s fourteen... …

Director, producer and part-time screenwriter Zheng Hao followed the assistant director Lin Ge and was so excited that he couldn't sleep...

The two of them ran out of the hotel in the middle of the night, drinking beer and eating Brazilian barbecue, talking about the future and life, and they felt more and more promising about the future.

Rociniya was still noisy in the early morning.

In the [Southern California Film Awards Screening Area], all-night screenings have been launched.

The seven big screens are showing all kinds of movies from China crazily every day, and the directors and producers are very busy.

"Three hundred thousand! Well spent!"

Zheng Hao took a sip of beer and remembered how he flinched when he first paid for the screening. He felt more and more that his original idea was right!


The screening is coming to an end!

The [Southern California International Film Awards] award ceremony is about to begin, and the price of screening space has skyrocketed again, already reaching half a million per movie!

Not only did no one find it too expensive, but there were also a lot of movies queuing up to grab spots...

Oh shit!

This world is simply magical!

Just as Zheng Hao and Brother Lin were chatting about the future, his phone rang.

It's an unknown number.


"Hello, are you director Zheng Hao?"

"Yes, may I ask who you are..."

"I am Zhang Sheng!"

"Eh? Mr. Zhang?" After hearing Zhang Sheng's name, Zheng Hao was so excited that he thought he had heard it wrong!

Oh my god!

The big boss behind the [Southern California International Film Awards].

From the tepid performance of the first [Southern California International Film Awards] to the excitement of the second [Southern California International Film Awards]...

This man is like a god!

"Yes, where are you?"

"We are eating barbecue here, right next to the pine trees. Well, you are..."

"Okay, I'll be right over!"


The evening breeze blows.

Although it was early in the morning, it was still not too cold.

Zhang Sheng did not let the two of them wait too long. After about ten minutes, Zhang Sheng found his seat.

"Zhang, Mr. Zhang..."

Zheng Hao was stunned and subconsciously stood up, but saw Zhang Sheng wave his hand, indicating that the two of them should sit down.

Then, Zhang Sheng looked at Zheng Hao with a smile: "Director Zheng, the filming of "Big Diamond" was a bit interesting. May I ask if there is a distribution company in China that "Big Diamond" cooperates with?"

"Ah, no, "Big Diamond" is our own company, [Toho Studio]... When we signed up for the [Southern California International Film Awards] to be screened, we used the name [Toho Studio] …”

"Oh, are you interested in cooperating with our company?"

"Ah?" After seeing Zhang Sheng's enthusiastic expression, Zheng Hao's mind went blank. After a moment, he hesitated and said with an excited face: "Yes, yes, but how to cooperate?"

"Tomorrow is the award ceremony. At the award ceremony, there will be a [Best Copyright Sales] award... If there are no accidents, we will award the [Best Copyright Sales] Silver Award to your "Big Diamond"..."

"Ah, is there such an award? Wait, Mr. Zhang, we don't seem to have signed up for the award..." Zheng Hao was a little confused.

When he brought "Big Diamond" to the Southern California International Film Awards, it was already very late and he had no chance to participate in the official competition program.

I have never heard of this award before.

"It didn't exist before, but as long as I want, it can be there anytime... I have always felt that the [Southern California International Film Awards] is not only an awards platform, but also hope that it will become the world's largest film trading platform in the future... …We must encourage the creative achievements of directors and producers…”.

"Oh oh oh." Seeing Zhang Sheng's serious expression, Zheng Hao felt a light flashing in his mind, but he couldn't catch it. He finally opened his mouth and held it in for a long time, but he didn't know how to respond.

But the assistant director Lin Ge next to him reacted very quickly. After kicking Zheng Hao under the table, he stared at Zhang Sheng excitedly: "Mr. Zhang, we want to integrate into the [NC Entertainment] system... You said, we [ In what way does Toho Studio] integrate into the [NC Entertainment] system..."

Lin Ge realized...

A broad road lies in front of them!

One step forward!

No worries about food and clothing.

Zhang Sheng looked at the two of them with a smile: "I want to sign two contracts and help them soar to the sky!"

In fact...

When the copyright sales of the movie "Big Diamond" reached the second place, he noticed this "Big Diamond".


He watched this movie.

After reading this...

The first thought was surprise.

This is a black humor movie, similar to the movie "Crazy Stone" in the original world.

The second thought is to give this "Big Diamond" an award!

Let it serve as another "grassroots rise" myth in the Southern California Film Trading Zone after "My Sassy Girl Sadako".

(Thank you to the leader who crushed the pressure monster Da Da! More updates for Da Da!)

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