I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 432 Transaction of 1.2 billion!

November 19th.

This year's "Seven Days to Die" became a big hit.

Let the European and American film circles know a little bit about Bi Feiyu, a Chinese.

By the way, I also learned about the [Southern California International Film Awards].


Just understand.

The truly famous film organizations in Europe and the United States do not win this award.

It's not even contempt, it can only be said to be disapproval.

So those who really came over were small film producers who couldn't afford high prices, and most of them had Asian faces.


This day was extremely lively.

Countless filmmakers from China shuttled through each screening hall, and the [Southern California Film Exchange Area] was even more crowded and crowded.

The young directors who had no other channels shouted at the top of their lungs. Finally, they saw a foreigner-looking person coming over. The good-looking female friends started to tease them and pull them into their stalls, pulling them back and forth. Damn, I wish I could use my innate advantages to make foreigners dizzy and foolishly take out money...

November 19th.

This is the final charge of the [Southern California Film Trading Area]!

Wait until the [Southern California International Film Awards] are over and the [Southern California Film Trading Area] is completely closed before you want to sell movies...

The day lilies are cold!


nine in the morning.

More and more Chinese producers are rushing into the trading area with [billboards] like crazy.

The security guards worked hard to maintain order, but they still couldn't resist the waves of enthusiasm...

Ke Zhanyi wiped the sweat from his forehead, his face was a little gray. He didn't know if it was because he stayed up all night last night. Although he was sitting in the stall, he felt unusually tired.

He looked ahead.

not far away.

Assistant director Jiang Rong is desperately soliciting customers, introducing their movie "Afterlife" in various ways...

However, despite Jiang Rong's best efforts, "Afterlife" still failed to sell well.

【Oriental Magic】......

Hearing this word, the film dealers were quite interested, but after they showed the promotional video, the smile on the film dealer's face disappeared instantly, then he shook his head and walked towards the next stall.

[Oriental Magic] is a good gimmick and selling point, and adding [Oriental Magic Love Story] actually doesn’t matter...


"Afterlife" is at a very awkward stage.

It carries the word "Oriental Magic", but the promotional video does not have any special effects, the actors do not have any stunning makeup, and there are no exciting fighting scenes.

The whole process was ordinary, and it would not be an exaggeration to describe it as calm.

In the bustling trading area.

Ke Zhanyi thought about the promotional video and the expressions of the audience watching the film during the screening...

The first feeling is that I am unwilling!

The popularity of "Youth" and "That Summer" inevitably gave him the illusion that he had complete control over romance films.

Then in "Afterlife", he had high hopes. He wanted to win with an emotional plot that was eloquent, thought-provoking and left with regrets.

Then, there is another problem.

Then pave the way...


Foreshadowing is often boring.

In the increasingly impetuous market, unless there is truly a master-level foreshadowing rhythm, whoever plays will die...

Obviously, Ke Zhanyi is not a master...

And "Afterlife" seems to have stepped on all the traps!

[Oriental Magic] has no special effects or fighting. Because the love story is set in ancient times, it does not have the sense of immersion that a modern city should have. However, the drama lacks the weight of the big background...

Stained with everything...

But, it’s nothing!

There are more and more people in the trading area!

It’s getting hotter and muggier too!

After figuring out his failure, Ke Zhanyi's face turned pale, as if all the strength in his body had been drained, unable to exert any energy.

My vision is getting blurry...

Like a lingering black curtain, it shrouded the front, making him breathless!

He finally stood up and pushed his way into the crowd.

Jiang Rong is still working hard. She is the author of the original novel "After Life", so she is naturally very interested in this movie.


The harder Jiang Rong tried to sell, the more ashamed Ke Zhanyi felt!

He felt that if he stayed here any longer, he would go crazy...

He walked out of the crowd and walked towards the entrance of the [Southern California Film Exchange Area].

Ten o'clock in the morning.

The copyright transaction information on the big screen jumps every once in a while.

A while later, the rights to "My Sassy Girl Sadako" were sold, and a while later the movie "Big Diamond" was sold again.

There were a lot of film dealers crowded into the booths of these two movies. In addition, Gao Hui's "Spy" also sold a lot.

In addition to these three movies, other movies are also being sold one after another. The increasingly noisy market, at first glance, is not inferior to [Cannes] or [Venice].

But behind the prosperity...

But it is a marketing.

Ke Zhanyi knew very well that although it seemed that he had sold so many copyrights, the total amount was barely even 500 million.


No one will debunk this "marketing".

If you think about it carefully, in fact, we are already a community with a shared future.

Gao Hui needs to build momentum for the movie "Spy" and promote how sensational his movie is internationally...

"My Sassy Girl Sadako" and "Big Diamond" are two dark horses. Although the selling price is not high, they are sold in many regions. "My Sassy Girl Sadako" sold nearly More than thirty copies.

Zhang Sheng, as the organizer, naturally cannot expose...

He needs to create myths one after another, and then bring more users into the "pit", and then make money.

It is even more impossible for a small director at the bottom...

Small directors come here to try their luck with money. Most of those who can make movies have some money. For them, they lack opportunities for exposure!

As long as the movie can sell the copyright overseas, it will make money. As for the amount of the copyright fee, it is beside the topic!

After Ke Zhanyi figured out all the key points...

I just felt a little sad in my heart.

Just at this time……

He saw a young man wearing glasses walking outside the [Southern California Film Exchange Area].

"boss Zhang!"

He subconsciously walked towards Zhang Sheng.

"Director Ke?"

When Zhang Sheng saw Ke Zhanyi, a smile appeared on his face.



The red carpet slowly rolled out.

Countless reporters gathered at the entrance of the [Southern California International Film Awards] Grand Theater.

One by one, the participating crews and the film's creative team slowly walked to the red carpet under the leadership of the staff.

When Song Yufei appeared on the stage, the audience burst into screams.

Under the afternoon sun...

She was wearing a long skirt, her whole body was plain white, her hair was worn down naturally, and she didn't have any gorgeous appearance clothes. She looked quiet and gentle, but she didn't have the spooky and terrifying aura in "Seven Days to Die" at all.

She seemed uncomfortable with such excitement, her cheeks were slightly red, and she stood awkwardly on the red carpet and posed.

But every time she posed, there was a scream, and many otakus crowded in like crazy, eager to put their mobile phones on her face.

She became more and more uncomfortable, and finally managed to hold on for a few minutes before barely maintaining her appearance. She walked towards the entrance of the Grand Theater and signed her name under the large poster of the [Southern California International Film Awards].

After she walked down the red carpet...

On the other side, there were screams again, and a second-tier female star, wearing almost completely leaking clothes, walked slowly from a distance.

Seeing the pants that were slit up to her thighs, Song Yufei couldn't help but blush again, thinking about how she dared to wear such clothes!

not far away……

Gao Hui got out of the car with his uncle Gao Yuan.

Gao Yuan looked at the noisy venue, a little surprise flashed across his face...

I didn’t expect that the [Southern California International Film Awards] would be really successful.

He saw the crew of "My Sassy Girl Sadako" coming over...

Zhang Panpan, who was once pushed to the bottom by [Shengshi Entertainment], is now like a proud white swan, wearing a dress and skirt, looking confident and beautiful...

Gao Hui next to him was so stunned that he couldn't come back to his senses for a long time...

Gao Yuan pushed Gao Hui, and then Gao Hui realized...

Later, with the crew of "Spy War", holding hands with their female companions, they walked onto the red carpet step by step...

When he walked through the red carpet and came to the end, Gao Yuan signed his name and walked into the venue, Gao Yuan's phone rang.

"Director Gao..."

"What's wrong?"

"Some data from the [Southern California Film Trading Area] you asked me to check came out. In the trading area, there are registered film dealers from 70 countries and regions..."

"Is their identity true?"


“What’s the transaction volume?”

"About 153 movies participated in the transaction, among which "My Sassy Girl Sadako" and "Big Diamond" are the biggest hits this time... Our data team specially asked people to analyze these two movies. Both movies have very high ratings..."

"What's the total transaction amount..."

"The current announcement is one billion!"

"How many?"

"One billion..."

When Gao Yuan heard this number, he immediately frowned: "One billion? Are you kidding? How can such a small amount of transactions exceed one billion? They are hundreds of thousands, at most millions of transactions, even if there are 153 movies Even if the movie is sold out, it won’t even sell a billion!”

"Currently, [NC Entertainment]'s official announcement is that the transaction amount of this [Southern California Film Trading Zone] project is one billion yuan!"

"Project transaction..."

"Uh, yes!"

"Help me check what projects are available!"


After experiencing the initial surprise, Gao Yuan keenly captured the four words "project transaction".

Then, his brows relaxed slightly.

Immediately afterwards, he hung up the phone and followed the crew of "Spy" into the venue.

About twenty minutes later...

His phone rang again.


"Director Gao, the amount at the [Southern California Film Trading Zone] has changed again!"

"How much has it changed?"

"It has become 1.2 billion..."

"The deal is over, where can he get 200 million? He doesn't even follow the basic rules when bragging?" Gao Yuan was stunned.


"Maybe something, don't hesitate..."

"Maybe a series of services such as mobile phones are also included..."


The call is over!

When Gao Yuan saw a piece of data sent by the other party...

He took a deep breath!

Oh shit!

I have never seen such a shameless person!

(Sorry, there is only one update today...let me be lazy! Go get a massage...)

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