I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 433 Award Ceremony!

As of November 15, 2010.

China exported about 680 million mobile phones, with output soaring 31% compared to 2009!

Among them, Yangcheng accounts for an astonishing 50% of the export volume.

In terms of quantity, China is the most important mobile phone territory in the world, but it is limited to manufacturing, similar to [contracting factories].

China's local brands are still struggling to survive in exports due to the squeeze from Samsung, Nokia, iPhone and other mobile phones...

About 17 million units in total.

Among them, [Kuke], which specializes in low-end mobile phones, accounts for an astonishing 12 million units!

Of the remaining 5 million units, Zhang Sheng’s copycat mobile phone exports to China accounted for approximately 500,000 units.

No one would have thought...

The transaction volume of these 500,000 units was 250 million, and Zhang Sheng was actually included in the [Southern California Film Trading Zone]...

Not only has the mobile phone industry been included in the [Southern California Film Trading Zone], but even when I saw Zhang Sheng’s [Bird’s Nest Decoration], [The amount of money Chinese tourists spent in Brazil in the past two months], [Southern California International Film Statue] Award] The amount of profit generated by the project-driven employment...

Oh shit!

All were included in the [Southern California Film Trading Area], which raised a total of 1.2 billion.

After Gao Yuan completely read this set of data...

I no longer know what to say.


on the stage.

The lights flickered.

Film critics and media people from China looked at the figure of 1.2 billion with excitement!

Some people question the authenticity of this data.


Inevitably, more people have an unprecedented sense of pride in their hearts!

Especially those media people who have come to participate in the [Southern California International Film Festival] since its first edition.

They watched helplessly as the Pheasant Award began to become more formal, and they also watched the [Southern California Film Trading Zone] open, from a handful of people to a swarm of people...

on the screen.

The amount of beating transaction data is exciting.

They immediately reported the 1.2 billion figure to the country. In just about 20 minutes, the figure "1.2 billion" became a hot topic on the headlines of major domestic media, shocking the eyes of domestic film makers. .


"Oh my god, is it really true, 1.2 billion?"

"I remember that this year's Cannes transaction volume was only one billion, right?"

"One billion in Cannes is US dollars, and 1.2 billion in [Southern California] is RMB!"

"Holy crap, even if it's RMB, it's incredible! This [Southern California Film Trading Zone] is opening for the first time this year... With the good data this year, isn't it crazy next year?"


A rational person will easily see the loopholes in the "1.2 billion".

But it is obvious that Chinese netizens only believe the data they see in front of them. Even if someone reminds that "1.2 billion" does not include pure movie transaction volume, they cannot stop the excitement of countless netizens.

these years……

European and American film festivals are in full swing!

It has become the palace of the global film industry.

Vaguely, I don't know since when, the concepts of "only directors who have won international awards" and "directors recognized by the West can be regarded as truly international directors" have become deeply rooted in people's hearts.

In order to become so-called "international directors" and to be "recognized by the West", countless Chinese people are even crazy enough to do many ugly acts of kneeling and licking.

These news broke out repeatedly.

Chinese filmmakers are not ashamed, but proud. They feel that they are pursuing art, and many times they are dedicating themselves to "art".

However, countless netizens can't help but feel disgusted...

[Jitu Video].

The entire Southern California International Film Awards is being broadcast live.

The number of viewers has exceeded 800,000!

"The crew of [Purple Sun] on the red carpet is here, the Russian director Mikhalkov is so handsome!"


"I'm coming!"

"Wow, the British director Valerie also walked on the red carpet with his "Below"!"


"The crew of "Avatar" is here too!"


"The crew of "Superman" also came..."


"Wait a minute! Wow, Steve Colt is here too! This year's [Southern California International Film Awards] has a strong lineup of presenters, with great figures like Steve Colt coming to help out. …”


on the screen.

Live broadcast of the red carpet of the [Southern California International Film Awards].

Countless netizens are frantically commenting in the comment area below [Jitu Video].

After watching directors from various countries walk on the red carpet one by one, the pride in their hearts became even stronger!

The so-called "only inviting the staff of "Avatar"" and "a sideways gimmick"...

Of course there are such sensible and understanding brothers!

They were popularizing science, rebutting, and trying their best to be conspicuous over and over again, but unfortunately, their comments were suppressed by the huge sound of admiration...


Scott, the prop master of "Prisoners" and representing the world's most famous movie "Avatar", sat in the front row.

He seemed a little embarrassed, even more nervous than when he had attended the Oscars.

that time……

I am a nobody!

And at this moment, he was standing under the camera and being the "representative figure" that attracted everyone's attention.

He couldn't help but glance towards the corner of the last row of the "Avatar" crew, out of the camera's reach. There was an empty seat in that position, and the empty seat was director McCaskey.

He once sat in a similar position.

Sitting in the corner, he seemed to be a minion, looking at the stage with envy, but regretting that he was a supporting role!

And this moment...

"Mr. Scott! Today, you are the protagonist of everyone's attention. An international director like McCaskey is destined to be your foil..."

Before the red carpet, Zhang Sheng patted him on the shoulder and told him this in a very serious tone.

At this moment, these words echoed in his ears over and over again, making his blood boil with unprecedented passion.

At this moment, the discomfort in his body gradually disappeared, and he looked at the huge, brilliant, and brilliant stage in the distance.

Perhaps, it does not attract global attention like the Oscars, and it is not even recognized by the mainstream film associations!


It's still not huge, and there are still very few famous filmmakers involved!

But, this is their own Movie Awards!

And he sat in the front row, sitting with the famous Chinese director Gao Yuan, and the former "King of Horror Films" in Hollywood, Steve Colt!

Unconsciously, memories of participating in film awards came to mind again...

That year...

He actually also participated in the [Oscar] with Steve Colt's movie.

He always remembered that the movie was called "The Living Dead".

He even remembered that Steve Colt was sitting high and indifferent like an emperor, and even though he worked very hard to make the props of "The Living Dead" perfect.

However, I can still only look up to Steve Colt, and I don’t even have a chance to talk to him!

This time!

Perhaps it was the effect of Zhang Sheng's words, or seeing that Steve Colt's seat was next to him, and he instinctively felt that both parties should be equal.

At least, at that moment, both parties were equal!

So, he held his head high, and an emotion called "pride" emerged in his heart. He couldn't suppress it no matter what, and even felt a little swollen at one time!

[Fuck Oscar! 】

[Fuck Hollywood! 】


Twenty minutes before the awards ceremony begins.

There are more and more people at the scene!

The whole venue was packed with people.

The media are rushing around...

Under the bright lights, Scott saw Steve Colt walking over.

Although Scott felt proud, he still couldn't help but stood up when he saw Steve Colt.

"Mr. Scott! I've seen you make props in "Prisoners", it's wonderful!"

"Mr. Colt..."


Once, Steve Colt, who didn't even have a chance to talk, actually greeted him first and praised the props he made in "Prisoners".

Scott felt flattered instantly.

Before the awards ceremony...

Steve Colt even chatted with him about his new project.

In December, they will launch a movie project called "The Savior", which will show the story of a protagonist leading a group of survivors to survive in an apocalyptic world and finally save themselves!

They have been looking for a suitable prop master...

When Scott heard these words, he was so excited!

Then, he heard Steve Colt's personal invitation, and he thought he heard wrongly.

But when Steve Colt repeated it again, he nodded quickly and was surrounded by great happiness.

"Mr. Steve Colter, I am willing to join the "Savior" movie. What kind of props do you need? I will use my life's energy to make this kind of props come true!"




Zhang Sheng was wearing a tuxedo and a pair of elegant glasses. He took a slight look in front of the mirror. An unprecedented gentlemanly and noble temperament emerged around him.

For a time, the French girl next to me couldn't stand it.


He is one of the hosts of this grand event [Southern California International Film Awards].

the other side……

A beautiful figure holding a long skirt came over from outside.

This is another host, Elaine, the proprietress of [Selu] Cinema. She speaks English, French, Chinese, Russian and a small amount of Spanish...

"Mr. Zhang Sheng..."



"Don't you need a script?"

"No need..."


Elaine looked at Zhang Sheng blankly.

When she was on the steps, she staggered slightly, and then Zhang Sheng's tight and strong hand held her.

The warm palms made her feel slightly less nervous, but her heart beat faster and faster.

Together they walked into the dark stage...

Then, the lights suddenly turned on!

It was so bright that Elaine couldn't adapt to it.


She saw Zhang Sheng walking in front of the stage, smiling in front of the crowd.

Under the bright light...

She looked at Zhang Sheng's strong, confident and charming figure.

It seemed that no matter how charming the countless movie stars below were, they could not compare to one ten thousandth of him!

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