I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 434 Refresh your outlook! Extremely shameless!

"a year ago……"

"I stand on this stage..."

"At that time, our stage was still very crude..."

"There is no professional lighting, no luxurious sound, not so many people, and no red carpet..."

"We are like a group of "weak-legged" people, doing this award without overestimating our capabilities, and awarding awards with self-righteousness..."

"Here, I must first thank Mr. Leo John. It is you who have given us who have dreams a good platform..."


on the screen.

The lights suddenly came on.

Tom is sitting in the rental house.

Watching Zhang Sheng’s speech on the computer.

The moment he saw Zhang Sheng appear, Tom's eyes exuded unprecedented heat and anger.

He should have been standing on the jury of the [Southern California International Film Awards] with everyone watching and admiring him, instead of sitting in a small rental house and worrying about liquidated damages.


When Zhang Sheng spoke, the surprise in Tom's eyes instantly turned into shock!

The passage where Tom thanked Leo John was not in Chinese or English, but in the purest Portuguese...

Does he understand Portuguese?

Tom felt his heart tremble suddenly, and then he shook his head violently.

He vaguely remembered that when he brought Lacey to him that day, his conversation with Lacey was always in Portuguese, but Zhang Sheng couldn't understand it at all and could only rely on guessing.

Could it be...

Did he just learn it?

But why do you learn so well as a newbie?


"I also want to thank Mr. Avery Tashi. If Brazil is the cornerstone of the [Southern California International Film Awards], then Mr. Avery Tashi is the foundation of the [Southern California International Film Awards]. soul……"

Tom's eyes widened again.

Zhang Sheng's words changed again.

This time, Zhang Sheng’s words were not in Portuguese or English, but in French?


Below the stage.

Countless people were shocked.

on the stage.

Elaine watched in disbelief as Zhang Sheng finished speaking Portuguese and then began to speak proficient and also very authentic French.

Moreover, this kind of French has almost no accent, and the voice is no less than those of the hosts on TV!

Not far away, Avery Tashi also stood up and seemed shocked to see Zhang Sheng speaking French.

When he talked to Zhang Sheng, he always communicated in English. He never knew that Zhang Sheng could actually speak French?

"Of course, I should thank everyone in the organizing team. Please allow me to bow for you here..."

Last second...

Zhang Sheng was speaking French, and the next second, Zhang Sheng's tongue seemed to be on fire, and he was so proficient that he even switched back to Chinese without any sense of disobedience!

Everyone watched him bow to the stage very sincerely. After bowing, Zhang Sheng opened his eyes...

"Welcome Mr. Steve Colt, your presence will make our [Southern California International Film Awards] shine..."

Zhang Sheng took the microphone, continued to look down, and continued to switch back to English.

Speak authentic American English.

When seeing Steve Colt applauding, Zhang Sheng clasped his hands together and expressed his gratitude!

"Welcome Ms. Valerie, a British director from the UK. I always remember the scene when I met you in Cannes... That day, I remember that the sky in Cannes was beautiful, and you looked even more beautiful in your black gauze skirt. Beautiful, I seemed to see a beautiful angel passing before my eyes..."

Still in English.

However, it turned into an authentic London accent and appeared on the stage with a praising mood.

Valerie stood up.

His face flushed with excitement and he expressed his gratitude to Zhang Sheng.

"Thanks also to Mikhalkov from Russia and his work "Purple Sun"..."

Brilliant lights shone on Zhang Sheng's body.

He seemed to be a language genius who showed off his skills. One second he was speaking Cockney English, and the next second he was switching to Russian.

Bi Feiyu looked at Zhang Sheng in shock.

"How many languages ​​did Mr. Zhang switch in these short ten minutes?"

"Chinese, Portuguese, two-tone English, French, Vietnamese, Filipino-Thai..."


“Dozens of languages!”


Xin Xiaoqi's pupils next to Bi Feiyu were widened. She looked at Zhang Sheng on the stage as if she were looking at a god: "Moreover, these languages ​​are the most standard official hosting languages... How did he do it? There are so many Languages, seamlessly connected? Oh my god, what a genius this is!"

Xin Xiaoqi’s eyes are almost adoring!


For some reason, she suddenly said, "Oh my god, if Mr. Zhang engages in phone fraud, I think I will be deceived!"

After I finished speaking, I felt that this sentence was really inappropriate, and I immediately shut up.

[Jitu Video]’s live streaming platform.

Netizens watched Zhang Sheng's performance in shock.



"Oh my God!"


Countless comments flooded the comment area, causing the entire website to freeze at one point!

Zhou Wen, the website owner of [Jitu Video], was watching the video and was shocked at how awesome her boss was, while staring at the live broadcast data of [Jitu Video].

The live broadcast data of the [Southern California International Film Awards] was 800,000 at the beginning, but when Zhang Shengyi appeared, the number of live broadcast visits soared by 300,000...


This data is still soaring crazily!

In just a few minutes, the number surged from 1.1 million to 1.15 million, once again breaking the site record of [Jitu Video]!

"Mr. Zhang, you are really a crazy traffic expert!"

Zhou Wen looked at the soaring data in surprise and couldn't help but marvel!


She was keenly aware of the huge traffic on "Mr. Zhang" and contacted the [Weibo Working Group] immediately.


Thunderous applause.

Cheering and excited.

Zhang Sheng pushed up his glasses.

Dozens of languages?

Of course he couldn't understand everything, he just picked out a few sentences to learn.

His ability to learn languages ​​quickly was both a talent and a skill that he acquired at certain jobs.


Zhang Sheng seemed to have returned to the small dark room where he once lived. Then, there were countless mobile phones and mobile phone cards in the small dark room.

Facing each mobile phone, his expression and demeanor are different.

Sometimes rough, sometimes delicate, sometimes gentleman, sometimes honest...

He is familiar with every face, and is more professional than the movie stars on the screen...

There was even a time when he learned some ventriloquism!

He used ventriloquism to simulate the sound of being hit by a car, the voice of a woman, the sound of a cat meowing...

He was immersed in the dark world and played each role. Instead of being unfit or depressed, he was extremely adaptable. He once felt that he was born for this!

On the stage of the [Southern California International Film Awards]...

For a while, Zhang Sheng felt that he had returned to that enjoyable era. The only difference was that at this moment, under the spotlight of everyone's attention, he had to hide something and could not completely let go.

Inevitably, he felt a little regretful in his heart, feeling that "the hero has come to an end" and "the hero has no place to play".


After all, if you live under the sun, you can go further, right?

After a brief moment of regret, Zhang Sheng smiled and continued: "The second [Southern California International Film Awards] award ceremony has officially begun!"

Thunderous applause sounded again.

When Zhang Sheng finished announcing this sentence, he handed the main stage to Elaine in front of countless pairs of eyes, and he walked off the stage, and walked to "Seven Days to Kill" under everyone's astonishment. 》The crew slowly sat down!

It’s like, from the organizer, from the host, to a contestant!

on the stage

Elaine introduced the judging team of the [Southern California International Film Awards],

There's Avery Tashi, there's David, there's Coggs...

These are all internationally recognized judges who have participated in film selections in Berlin, Cannes and other places!

Their appearance makes the [Southern California International Film Awards] even more authoritative...

After Elaine introduced the judging team, she introduced the award-giving guests...

Avery Zashi and Steve Colt are among them...

After the introduction...

Steve Colt slowly walked to the stage and received an envelope...

He opened the envelope curiously, and when he saw the winner inside the envelope, he suddenly felt constipated. He couldn't breathe and almost suffocated.


The big screen on the stage quickly played movie clips one after another.

There are ten movies including "Seven Days to Die", "Prisoners", "Waves", "Spy" and the British movie "The Bottom"...

The first award is [Best Screenplay Award]!

On the big screen, clips flashed by.

Steve Colt, on the other hand, walked to the center of the stage, his expression becoming increasingly constipated.

He slowly opened the envelope!

"The filmmaker who won the Best Screenplay Award at the [Southern California International Film Awards] is..."

this moment……

The whole venue suddenly became quiet!

I don’t know if it was due to the soundtrack or other reasons, but there was a sense of tension in the entire venue.

Gao Hui from "Spy War" was so nervous that he clenched his fists!

Oh shit!

"Spy" won't win an award, and it will be presented by Steve Colt himself!


Definitely going to win an award!

after all……

It's impossible for Steve Colt to buy the rights to "Spy" for no reason, right?

Although it is one million, it is impossible to spend one million to develop a photo library, right?

The more I think about it!

Gao Hui became even more excited!

The more I think about it, the more I feel that "Spy" has a great chance of winning!


"Congratulations to Mr. Zhang Sheng!"




Gao Hui's pupils shrank sharply!

not far away……

Gao Hui's uncle Gao Yuan, who looked like a great Chinese director, was so shocked that his jaw dropped!

He suddenly turned his head and stared at Zhang Sheng from "Seven Days to Kill"!

He saw Zhang Sheng stand up, his eyes looked very excited, and then he ran all the way to the stage!

Steve Colt's expression on the stage became increasingly constipated, and his whole body seemed to be numb!

And below...

Gao Yuan felt that his bottom line and three views on Zhang Sheng had been refreshed!

Damn it!

You are the organizer, you give yourself the award!

Damn you!


I have never seen such a shameless person!

Why don't you just be the presenter yourself?

When I heard Zhang Sheng’s acceptance speech...

Gao Yuan even wanted to rush onto the stage and hit someone!

Grass mud horse!

I have never seen such a shameless person!

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