on the stage.

Lights flicker.



Pairs of stunned, shocked, confused, and wanting-to-hit eyes stared at the figure trotting all the way to the center of the stage.

The figure was bathed in golden light, shining brightly, and then, he excitedly received the exquisite trophy [Best Screenplay] from Steve Cole.


He walked over to the microphone.

"I... never dreamed that one day I would be able to win this award!"

When Zhang Sheng's excited voice surrounded the entire venue.

Bi Feiyu in the audience coughed subconsciously and looked away.

Somehow, I feel a little bit of indescribable embarrassment.

After all, Director Bi had a tender face, and Zhang Sheng was being so mean, which made him a little worried.

Turning around like this, I happened to see Gao Yuan's stunned expression that was so exciting that he seemed to want to hit someone.

Bi Feiyu hurriedly shrank his head again.

"In fact..."

"As an organizer, I shouldn't receive this award. It's too shameless!"

"I have told Mr. Avery Tashi many times. I said, Mr. Avery Tashi, you must not give awards to our "7 Days to Die". As a half host, as a host Fang, our "7 Days to Die" should be a movie that serves as a foil to the public. It shouldn't even appear in the second [Southern California International Film Awards]..."


"As we all know, Avery Tashi is a filmmaker who respects the art of film and advocates true fairness and justice..."

"Avery Tashi's attitude has never been tougher. He told me more than once, no, it can't be done. The purpose of our [Southern California International Film Awards] is that as long as this year's movies sign up and are good enough, we will win." We must be shortlisted, and not only must we be shortlisted, we must also conduct the selection fairly and impartially..."


Zhang Sheng's voice was very excited at first.

But then, his voice softened slightly, the expression on his face became more sincere, and his eye circles turned slightly red, as if he was infected by Avery Tashi's "spirit", and he almost cried.

The lights under the stage...

The light soon fell on Avery Tashi.

The camera showed a close-up of Avery Tashi. His expression was serious, and the corners of his mouth only twitched slightly, but he immediately maintained the air of an authoritative film judge.


But his heart was beating faster and faster, and an extremely dull feeling was pressing hard deep in his heart.

Blood pressure is rising at this moment!

[God, damn it, when did you tell me more than once, never let your "7 Days to Die" be shortlisted? 】

Avery Tashi couldn't help but think of Zhang Shengtian who shamelessly came to him a week ago, and then coughed slightly: "Mr. Avery Tashi, what if you don't get "Seven Days to Die"?" Is it inappropriate to win the Best Screenplay Award? Oh no, I don’t mean to influence you. What I mean is that from the perspective of film art, "Seven Days to Die" has won the [Best Screenplay Award] in Cannes. ]’s movie, if it doesn’t win the award, will it..."

Zhang Sheng's voice surrounded Avery Tashi's ears one after another!

Avery Tashi feels that his blood pressure is getting higher and higher!

Especially when I see Zhang Sheng's face becoming more and more serious on the stage...

No matter how high his IQ is, he can't imagine why Zhang Sheng can be so shameless!

However, he could only remain calm. After all, the [Southern California International Film Awards] contained his hard work, and he could not let this hard work be destroyed!

"When Mr. Steve Colt announced that I had won the award, I was shocked for a long time. I was even too timid to go on stage!"

"I know that when I receive this award, there will be countless controversies and scoldings accompanying me..."

"But, in the end, I still took the stage! I thought of a Chinese saying, which is [to promote virtuous people, do not avoid relatives]!"

""7 Days to Die" has a global box office of over 100 million U.S. dollars. It has appeared in Cannes and won the [Best Screenplay Award at the Cannes International Film Festival]. It has also caused a sensation in Asia, Europe and the United States. It is a milestone for horror films this year. A work of art…”

"I don't mean to brag. I want to say that "7 Days to Die" is an excellent movie, and it is also an art. For the sake of art, I am willing to go on stage and then accept all kinds of doubts and accusations. …”

"Here, I would like to thank Mr. Steve Colt, Avery Tashi and David, and the dedicated judges and teachers behind the scenes..."

"Thank you for giving "Seven Days to Die" such a distinguished honor, and thank you even more for making the stage of the [Southern California International Film Awards] even more exciting!"



The lights are dim.

on the stage.

Zhang Sheng bowed to everyone under the stage. After bowing, he raised the trophy.

Gao Yuan took a deep breath.

He felt his scalp numb.

At this moment, in this position, he couldn't stay for a second!

Oh shit!

The further forward you sit, the louder you hear Zhang Sheng's bragging voice...

He even regretted coming to attend the [Southern California International Film Awards]. It was like a large-scale torture scene!

Fortunately, the next step was the short performance [Brazilian Samba]. Looking at the group of beauties wearing grass skirts, Gao Yuan felt that his polluted soul felt a little better!

The show is over.

The flickering lights became bright again.

Zhang Sheng once again held the microphone and appeared on the stage.

When Gao Yuan saw Zhang Sheng's figure, he felt inexplicably panicked in his heart.

Almost forgot!

This guy is the host of this Academy Awards!


"Next, we will welcome the second award of this year's Academy Awards, which is the [Best Visual Effects Award]... Please ask our Mr. David to present the award to our winner!"


On the big screen.

A movie is in rotation again.

"Seven Days to Die" is surprisingly in the [Best Visual Effects Award]...

When they saw [Sadako]'s long hair hanging around her body, her whole body was white, and she slowly crawled out from in front of the TV and from her mobile phone step by step, the whole audience once again felt a chill coming from deep in their hearts!

That astonishing visual impact seems to have foreshadowed something.


When the [Best Visual Effects Award] was fixed on "Seven Days to Die", and when award presenter David announced "Seven Days to Die", Bi Feiyu felt countless pairs of eyes staring at him.

His face is getting hotter and hotter!

It felt like knives were being scraped on his face.

He subconsciously turned his head away, as if he couldn't hear the sound. At this moment, he wanted to find a hole in the ground and crawl into it...

Oh shit!

So fucking shameless!

Zhang Sheng on the stage coughed lightly: "Ahem, cough, as we all know, I designed the scene where Sadako crawled out from in front of the TV..."

There was applause...

But what was more, there was an uproar!

Some people were confused, some were cursing, some were laughing so hard that they couldn't stand up straight, and some had expressions as wonderful as if they had been slapped!

A group of filmmakers were stunned when they saw Zhang Sheng receiving another trophy from the guest David.

When they received the [Best Screenplay Award], they already felt that they had witnessed the most shameless thing, but they never imagined that Zhang Sheng would show them with practical actions that he could be even more shameless!

After Zhang Sheng received the award, he may have felt that awarding himself an award was too outrageous, so he simply said a few words and ran off the stage.

The host Elaine walked onto the stage amid a burst of noise.

Her face turned red. She never expected that Zhang Sheng would do this...

This made her mind go blank for a while, and she forgot all the hosting script she had memorized in advance.

Fortunately, she knew what she was going to do next.

She resisted the pressure and then announced the next award.

The next award is [Best Editing Award]!

When the shortlist appeared on the big screen, countless people saw "Seven Days to Die" again...

Gao Yuan's face turned the color of pig liver!

"You might as well give yourself a fucking award!"

"What kind of process are you doing!"

"Damn, it's all shady. Damn it, it's so disgusting. I don't want to play anymore..."

"Whoever likes to play can play!"


"Damn it, I won a fucking prize!"


He heard the cursing voice of his nephew Gao Hui next to him.


When "Seven Days to Die" passed by, the screen suddenly froze in the aftermath of "Spy War". Gao Hui, who was still cursing in the last second, stood up and was about to slap his butt and leave. The next second, Gao Yuan was in front of him before Gao Yuan could react. At that time, I ran all the way to the stage, as excited as if I had taken drugs.



It's because I am not the beneficiary.

It's unfair, because I'm not the beneficiary.


When you are a vested interest.

All darkness will turn into majestic light and holiness!

All shadows will become as bright as...

on the stage.

Gao Hui from "Spy", who received the "Best Editing Award", talked about his inner journey with tears and snot in his nose.

Too excited for words...

[Jitu Video].

Zhou Wen looked at the background data excitedly.

The number of live visits to the [Southern California International Film Awards] has exceeded 1.15 million to 1.3 million, and the data is skyrocketing!

at the same time……

On the other side, in the direction of [NC Entertainment], Shen Xiaoxi looked at Weibo and saw the topic [[Southern California International Film Awards] Shocked Behind the Scenes] trending on Weibo!

She was so anxious...

She kept saying hello to the PR department, asking them to suppress the topic.

However, I couldn't suppress it no matter how hard I tried. I watched this topic rush into the top 20, top 15, top 10, and finally firmly into the top 10...

Even the words "shameless Zhang Sheng" have become hot words and have begun to rush onto the list!

She was so anxious that she was sweating profusely!

She couldn't figure it out...

Mr. Zhang used to be a benchmark figure with positive labels such as "inspirational entrepreneurial youth", "positive energy representative", "entrepreneurial star", "idol" and so on on the Internet. Why would he destroy the Great Wall and give himself such a reputation for no reason? Black material!

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