I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 438: Stealing the Movie

some people.

It’s the person who came up with the concept.


It's worthless.

However, capital can package concepts and turn these concepts into ways to make money.

But those clever capital can turn some lofty concepts into a cornucopia.

for example……

Environmental protection is a big concept.

It is a big concept that all human beings cannot resist. Therefore, in the environment of this big concept, in order to protect the environment, many industries have been born accordingly: solar energy, hydrogen energy, new energy vehicles, wind power generation... …

In the original world of China, countless "PPT cars" and monopoly funds all originated from the overall big concept environment.

This world, China in 2010.

Group buying is still a crazy big concept.

The core of group buying is to use capital to smash it. In the end, everyone wants to monopolize this market, swallow up this market, and make a lot of money!

From 2010, starting from March in the first half of the year...

Since Groupon rejected Google's acquisition, countless Chinese capitals have gone crazy and rushed into the group buying market.

Ends November 19th.

There are still countless group buying capital entering the market, trying to get a piece of this cake.

However, there are only a few Chinese websites [Baotuan.com] [Group Buying], [Minuo Group Buying], [Fengsheng Group Buying], [Hanshou.com], and [Groupon] that have really grabbed customers and formed a certain scale. .

This is a big battle!

The capital behind them has burned nearly 3 billion yuan.

Everyone is very tired, but no one dares to relax.

Still keeping an eye on every piece of news on this track!

After spending so much money, if you end up being kicked out by other companies and become the unlucky one, you will really lose everything!


Everyone wants to be the final winner!


The first largest segment of group buying is catering services, and the second largest segment is movie ticketing.

In the catering area, everyone is fighting for their lives, and the competition is particularly fierce.

As for movie ticketing, there was very little competition at first, but now, the competition is almost crazy.

With the development of the new era, the film industry is gradually booming, and no one will ignore the amazing market of "movies"!


It can be regarded as a month when there is relatively little competition pressure for Chinese films.

Hollywood blockbusters have been moved to release around the Lunar New Year, or this year's Spring Festival.


Basically, from November to January next year, all the movies released are Chinese movies!

""Spy War" has reached a cooperation agreement with us to subsidize movie tickets with a 10% discount... and will be prioritized on our [Mi Nuo Group Purchase]..."

Li Yanhong looked at the popularity of "Spy".

"Spy War" is the work of Gao Hui, one of the most representative directors of [Shengshi Entertainment] and Gao Yuan's nephew.

From the beginning of filming to the completion of the movie, "Spy" has been listed as the highest-priority movie!

Therefore, when the rights to "Spy" were sold to Steve Colter, the entire Chinese film industry became very excited.

It's like "Spy" has a big golden chapter stamped on it.

this movie……

The release date is November 27th.

As a work under [Shengshi Entertainment], Li Yanhong naturally easily got the priority for the pre-sale tickets of "Spy War"!

Almost the first time to get priority for pre-sale tickets...

Li Yanhong asked the public relations department of [Mi Nuo Group Purchase] to immediately report the news that ["Spy War" will be available for pre-sale at [Mi Nuo Group Purchase] at a 10% discount early this morning!

After typing this message...

She did not stop, but continued to stare at the Southern California International Film Awards ceremony.

The final award ceremony is the [Best Copyright Sales Award], which are gold, silver, and bronze awards...

The gold medal was awarded to "My Sassy Girl Sadako", the silver medal was awarded to "Big Diamond" by a new director Zheng Hao, and the bronze medal was awarded to "Prisoners" by Bi Feiyu...

The movie "Prisoners" is destined not to be released in China, so I will ignore it for now, but "Big Diamond" and "My Sassy Girl Sadako" are the focus of competition!

"The data for "My Sassy Girl Sadako" and "Big Diamond" are out!"

"Except for one-third being water, the remaining two-thirds are indeed real copyright sales data!"

"Furthermore, our analysis team has analyzed these two movies. These two movies have the potential to be hits, so pre-sale tickets are naturally a top priority!"


“The [Southern California International Film Awards] is so popular right now, and it’s not just Chinese movies, there are also some overseas movies that can be released in China as agents. If we can get the exclusive pre-sale ticket rights for all the movies, and If you can only buy by logging into our [Minuo Group Buying], then we can definitely seize the opportunity! We have officially distanced ourselves from other group buying websites. Once some distances are opened, it will be difficult to surpass them!"

"Moreover, we have the promotional resources of [Shengshi Entertainment], which owns many movies, and we have an advantage in group purchasing of tickets!"



In the dark.

War without gunpowder is gradually being started.

But Zhang Sheng was in the light.

Announcing the end of this [Southern California International Film Awards]!

When it was announced that it was over, the whole place was filled with joy.

From the beginning of the award ceremony to the end of the award ceremony, except for a few people, everyone sat until the end of the film award ceremony.

Zhang Sheng pushed up his glasses.

Bowed gracefully to everyone present, and then...

The flames behind him gradually became smaller and extinguished.

As the flames extinguished, the lights on the stage gradually dimmed, and a large curtain slowly lowered.

Zhang Sheng, on the other hand, kept his elegant posture of bowing with one hand and gradually disappeared into the darkness.

The filmmakers left the scene one after another.

The award-winning filmmakers faced reporters and shouted excitedly, talking about how difficult it was for them to get here, as if they wanted to let out the emotions they had accumulated over the years!

And those filmmakers who have not won awards inevitably feel disappointed.

Especially after seeing this group of reporters rushing towards the winners, the sense of loss became overwhelming again.

Everyone in the crew comforted each other and left the scene...


All the films shortlisted for the [Southern California International Film Awards] have basically sold one or two copyrights. For them, although it is disappointing to still be used as a backdrop, this trip is not a loss.

After returning to the hotel...

These small producers began to pack their luggage and prepare to board the plane back home.


Just when they were about to leave...

They received one call after another from China!

"Hello? Are you Director Gu from "Youth Train Station"?"


"I am Liu Heng, the commercial partner of [Minuo Group Buying]..."


"We [Minuo Group Buying] are backed by big capital and supported by [Shengshi Entertainment]. If you want to release your movie in China, we can help you..."

"Then, then..."

"You only need to sign a licensing agreement with us. The exclusive right to pre-sale tickets for the movie "Youth Train Station" will be given priority to our [Minuo Group Purchase]. As for the rest, you don't have to worry about it... "


Liu Heng, the producer of "Youth Train Station", listened to the voice on the phone.

Just started……

He thought it was a scam call!

But without giving him time to think deeply, his phone rang again. This time it was another group buying website, [Group Buying] calling him.

The content on the phone is quite simple, that is, it can help "Youth Train Station" find theater channels in China, and provide various preferential conditions and policies...

Liu Heng stared at the phone in disbelief.

I can't believe it. Which friend is making fun of me?

Isn't today April Fool's Day?

Just in doubt...

His phone rang again.

This time, the call came from a group buying website that I had never heard of. Their plea to me was quite simple, that is, don’t worry about anything, just get the exclusive authorization!

They will help "Youth Train Station" find theaters, channels, etc...

In just half an hour, the movie "Youth Train Station" that didn't win anything at the [Southern California International Film Awards] turned into a hit as if overnight!

It once made him feel unreal!


In the early morning of November 20th.

The organizers of the [Southern California International Film Awards] held a unique celebration banquet.


After Zhang Sheng said a few words at the celebration banquet, he did not stay at the banquet for long after he stepped down.

His phone was off the hook!

He received calls from Zhang Xing and Li Yanhong in China. On the phone, they were talking to him about the copyright cooperation of the [Southern California International Film Awards].

Zhang Sheng thought of the ticket war derived from the original world's "Thousand Regiments War"...

Then, he thought about Meituan in the original world. Ticketing service was one of the most classic projects of Meituan. When entering the cinema, the first thing that came to his mind was not buying tickets in the cinema, but boarding the Meituan website. Buy cheaper membership tickets as a group...

[Meituan] maintains a near-monopoly position in the ticketing system.

[Dianping] Although Zhang Sheng was still there before he left that world, he was sadly in the stage of lingering.

And this world...

The capital group buying war is going crazy!

Zhang Sheng pushed up his glasses.

A smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

For a time, he had a feeling that he was looking left and right.


Zhang Sheng didn't last long in this mood before he started to get busy again.

Even this night, he stayed up all night.

What are you busy with?

Busy collecting money...

(No need to ask for a monthly ticket...this month's updates are not ideal, only 200,000 words have been updated, shameless...)

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