

Outside the [Southern California International Film Awards], it was still noisy and noisy.

Many tourists and celebrities danced around the bonfire.

There were girls in bikinis everywhere and the clinking of beer glasses.

There is joy and excitement everywhere!

In a temporary office in Brazil.

Nie Xiaoping wore glasses, sat opposite Zhang Sheng, and silently handed Zhang Sheng an extremely detailed business data.

The data shows that [Hongwei] battery vehicles have sold more than 80,000 units in total in the past 11 months.

Total sales are close to 300 million. Putting aside manufacturer costs, store subsidy costs, advertising and other costs, the net profit is about 45 million.

"Business is getting harder and harder to do."

This June.

Nie Xiaoping once showed Zhang Sheng a piece of data on [Hongwei Battery Vehicle].

This battery-car manufacturer, which was once on the verge of bankruptcy, ranks among the top 20 annual sales of battery-cars in the country for the first time.

At that time, Nie Xiaoping was ecstatic, and every word was filled with joy.

He even thought about the future of [Hongwei Battery Car] with Zhang Shengchang on the phone, saying that his goal this year is to get into the top ten, and then, how...

He believes that this data is never the end!

He also believes that the top ten is not the end!

Facts have proved that Nie Xiaoping's hunch was right.

After taking the express train of [Home Appliances to the Rural Areas] which was officially launched, although many twists and turns occurred while doing land pushing, even Nie Xiaoping himself participated in a group fight.

But two months later, in August, [Hongwei] battery cars entered the top ten in the monthly sales list of battery cars. Since then, it has remained in the top ten in sales for three consecutive months and has made steady progress.

Ends November 20th.

[Hongwei Battery Vehicle] The annual sales volume exceeded an astonishing 80,000 units, and we are working towards the big goal of being in the top ten in annual sales.

However, when he came to see Zhang Sheng this time, there was no smile on Nie Xiaoping's face.

Instead, I felt a layer of anxiety. I hadn't seen him for two months, and I felt that Nie Xiaoping had suddenly aged a lot.

When I just wanted to ride the wind and waves, all I saw was data. However, after I was really involved in the "whirlpool of competition", all I faced every day was all kinds of data.

The increasingly expanding stores and strategies to seize the market inevitably encounter countless bad debts, bad debts, and disputes along the way.

When he was once in poverty and about to close down, all he could think about was revitalizing the factory.

But when the factory really revitalized and started to make a profit, he found that the pressure he was under was unprecedentedly huge. It is not an exaggeration to use the word "exhausted" to describe it.

"The costs are getting higher and higher... We occupy Mr. Zhang's advertising advantage, so our expenditures in this area are much less. However, our competitors are keenly aware of our rise and they have begun to fight with us. The price war started... Last month, our manufacturer's net profit was a little more than 1,000 yuan after selling a battery car. Now... this month, the net profit has shrunk to 800 yuan... The net profit has dropped by 15 %……”

Some things are really mysterious.

Fishing has a novice protection period, and you can catch a fish with just a pull of the pole.

In business, there is also a novice protection period.

When [Hongwei Battery Car] was first connected to [Home Appliances to the Rural Areas] for half a year, countless cooperative stores sprang up, and I counted my money every day while lying in bed.

But when the novice protection period ended and [Hongwei Battery Vehicle] officially entered the competitive track, I suddenly realized that the pressure was unprecedentedly huge.

"Mr. Zhang, I'm telling you all this. I don't mean to complain, but I think that if we want to stand out from the "low-price encirclement and suppression" of capital, we may have to take a shortcut..." Nie Xiaoping said deeply... He took a deep breath and then looked at Zhang Sheng.

"What shortcut?" Zhang Sheng looked down at his phone while listening to Nie Xiaoping's words.

His mobile phone text messages kept vibrating.

A sum of money was transferred to the company's account...

Brazilian officials began to send money one after another.

Ten thousand!

Thirty thousand!

Fifteen thousand!

fifty thousand……

This is the [Film Booth Fee] one after another. There are 7 large booths for the [Southern California International Film Awards], and there are also 13 new ordinary booths that have been built in the surrounding areas...

In just over ten minutes, there were more than a hundred text messages, and the money spent on the call exceeded three million.

In addition to the [film booth fee], there is also the commission amount from the [Southern California Film Trading Zone]. The actual copyright amount sold by the [Southern California Film Trading Zone] is only a little over 200 million yuan. However, the amount involved There are many movies, and Leo John has repeatedly told the Finance Department that the money must be paid one by one, one movie at a time, and the accounts must be clear...

So, ten thousand again, fifty thousand, one hundred thousand, thirty thousand...

In addition to these incomes, there is another [Tourist Consumption Performance Subsidy], which was standard in the previous agreement between Zhang Sheng and Leo Johnri. How much tourism consumption profit did Zhang Sheng’s project bring to Rocinha? Correspondingly, there are tax subsidies, but these subsidies are not large. Basically, each payment is in units of thousands...

Do you think……

Is that enough?


Zhang Sheng’s [Pineapple Mobile] and [Apple 4] mobile phone factories in Brazil, as well as [Oubang Inherited Ceiling], [Bird’s Nest Decoration] and other projects have also reached the account sharing day...

One after another, Zhang Sheng’s company account was marked one after another. At one point, Zhang Sheng’s mobile phone was stuck in the text message interface...

"First, Mr. Zhang, we still have to invest in advertising. For example, in Mr. Zhang's movie "Big Diamond", we got an eye-catching opening advertisement space and the ending advertisement in your favor, Mr. Zhang. Position, this is our competitive advantage... We naturally need to stabilize our own territory. Secondly, we must continue to implement the discounts of [Home Appliances to the Rural Areas]. In addition, I want to make adjustments to the appearance of the battery car. , making the appearance of battery vehicles closer to young people...Young people are the main force of our consumption!"


Nie Xiaoping felt that his company had reached an extremely critical crossroads.

In the company, he must maintain his strong-willed demeanor, so he always maintains the calm look of a leader and is neither impatient nor impatient when encountering anything.


The deep anxiety about the future, as well as the sudden "low price" pressure on capital, once made him keenly aware of the market's sense of crisis!

In fact, during this period, he had been wanting to talk to Zhang Sheng about the future of [Hongwei Battery Car], but Zhang Sheng had been busy with other things and couldn't spare any time.

This time when he came to Brazil to see Zhang Sheng, he felt like a young virgin who had just fallen in love, worrying about gains and losses, fearing that Zhang Sheng would suddenly be unavailable again.

Therefore, he not only stayed in Zhang Sheng's office early in the morning, but also prepared a detailed document for what he was about to say, trying to focus on the essence of the conversation.

"Mr. Zhang! Are you listening?" After Nie Xiaoping chatted for a long time, he saw Zhang Sheng looking at his phone from time to time, and he suddenly felt a little panicked.

"Listening..." Faced with Nie Xiaoping's slightly eager expression, Zhang Sheng retracted his eyes from the phone, and then nodded: "Are you planning to win with your appearance?"

"Yes, Mr. Zhang, I plan to use the share of the net profit to raise a design team to design the appearance of the new battery car..."

"Yeah." Zhang Sheng nodded, and while he was listening patiently, suddenly another cell phone rang again. Zhang Sheng hung up the phone, but unexpectedly, the cell phone rang again.

"Mr. Zhang... How about we turn off the phone first? Or you can take care of things first, and then we..." Nie Xiaoping looked at Zhang Sheng's busy appearance and took a deep breath.

He knew that Zhang Sheng might be busy.


I had no idea that Zhang Sheng was so busy.

From the moment they met him, almost all of Zhang Sheng's three mobile phones were vibrating, and there was no pause at all, not even the slightest gap.

One of them...

I was bombarded with text messages and got stuck on the page.

Nie Xiaoping was a little speechless at first, but then he suddenly felt inexplicably sympathetic after thinking that Mr. Zhang in front of him controlled an extremely huge profit stall.

It would be a big headache to repair a battery car by yourself, but Mr. Zhang’s industries are in a lot of mess!

He couldn't imagine how Mr. Zhang managed to survive these days.

"Mr. Nie, do you believe that one person can do two things at once?" After Zhang Sheng heard Nie Xiaoping's words, he was silent for a moment and smiled.

"Mr. Zhang, what do you mean..."

Nie Xiaoping saw Zhang Sheng lowering his head and answering the text messages on his phone.

But he didn't stop talking: "It is necessary to be a design team. I support this very much..."

"Well, Mr. Zhang, what do you think our [Hongwei Battery Vehicle] future research plan is..."

"We should find a new track and a "patented" road at a new intersection. For example, we can transform the concept of battery bicycles into battery vehicles..."



Nie Xiaoping saw the most amazing scene in his life.

Zhang Sheng lowered his head, answering text messages on his phone on one side, and talking to himself on the other side.

Moreover, the dialogue is never perfunctory, but is exactly the same as a normal conversation.

They talked about the upgrade of the battery car industry and the concept of battery cars becoming a new energy concept...

Nie Xiaoping could still chat with Zhang Sheng at first, but in the end, it was basically Zhang Sheng who was chatting, while Nie Xiaoping picked up a pen and kept memorizing many of the advanced things Zhang Sheng said.

Two o'clock in the morning.

Zhang Sheng started to answer the phone.

The call seemed to be from Zhang Xing from [Group Buying]. Zhang Xing and Zhang Sheng were chatting about the future prospects of the [Group Buying] industry.

Zhang Sheng, on the other hand, was answering the phone with one hand while analyzing the upcoming group buying market with Zhang Xing, while the other hand did not stop. He even helped Nie Xiaoping get a new appearance patent for [Hongwei Battery Car]. template.

About ten minutes later.

Zhang Sheng was still on the phone, but handed [Hongwei Battery Car] a draft drawing of a new appearance patent.

After seeing this appearance patent, Nie Xiaoping was stunned at first!

Then he became excited: "What is this?"

Zhang Sheng was still on the phone, but he pointed at the name of the sketch.


He saw the words "battery car".

Immediately afterwards...

Zhang Sheng began to draw other "appearance" sketches with one hand...

Even while painting, I communicated with him through words...

[These, you make a template according to my design, and then apply for a patent]

[These are fashionable styles for young people, and the other batch are new battery cars customized for middle-aged and elderly people...]


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