I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 440 You can only make a little money!

outside the window.

The bonfires were still burning.

Dancing, singing, barbecue...

It was an all-night party for tourists and moviegoers.

Nie Xiaoping left.

The office began to feel empty.

Zhang Sheng was still talking to Zhang Xing on the phone.

On the phone, although Zhang Xing was calmly chatting with Zhang Sheng about the next layout of [Group Buying] and the direction of cooperation with [Honeycomb Extreme Delivery], Zhang Sheng, who is proficient in psychology, was keenly aware of the fatigue and anxiety in Zhang Xing's voice. .

[Thousand Regiments War] Until now, everyone is holding their breath and trying every means to attract investment and financing, bring a new round of capital to the battlefield, and continue a new round of subsidies.

What started as a scramble for the market has gradually turned into a life and death struggle!

This capital game seems to have endless glory, and everyone is having a great time just like the group of tourists below.

But Zhang Xing has realized that if this "capital game" continues, he will soon be unable to control the overall situation.

There are only three ways to prevent your own equity from being diluted.

The first one is the same as Zhang Xing’s experience in starting a business, relying on capital, exchanging the resources on hand for funds, and re-entering the market for a new round of fighting. In the end, he will either be eliminated or become a puppet of capital.

The second is to take out all the money you have at the bottom of the box and play with the capital. If you win, you will become a new capital and control new resources. If you lose, you will have nothing.

The third one is to sign a gambling agreement with the capital contract to keep your original shares. If you win, you can use [group buying] to go to the poker table. If you lose, you will have nothing to say, or even play for the rest of your life. …

It seems that there are several paths, but in fact, it is impossible for capital to give Zhang Xing any chance to choose.

Therefore, he must find another alliance!

"Zhang Sheng, we are grasshoppers on the same line, I want to fight once!"

On the phone.

Zhang Sheng heard Zhang Xing say this meaningfully.

After finishing speaking, Zhang Xing on the other end of the phone seemed to be waiting for Zhang Sheng's response.

But Zhang Sheng chose to remain silent.

"Sooner or later you will face off against capital. If you want to get on the poker table, you have to beat them... Unless you want to stop here, you have no way out."

After Zhang Xing heard that Zhang Sheng was still silent, he added: "Zhang Sheng, you are a very talented person. I also understand that you can create miracles one after another. For example, [Temple Escape] is a Example, however, some people do not need to innovate again and again. As long as they see the innovation and then learn from it, they can easily kill the original creator. I received news that [Tengji Technology] will soon release a purely free mobile phone. Play [National Cool Run], his graphics are more refined than yours, and his playability is higher than yours... So, who do you think is the final winner?"

"Don't forget that [Tengji Technology] has been scolded for plagiarism, but as long as his social software Qgou never fails, he will be invincible forever... Zheng Huateng relied on the trend in the early days. Smart people who accumulate capital..."

"From the first shot of [Ten Billion Subsidies], you achieved a short-lived victory, but have you realized that your victory will always be short-lived... You have never lacked precipitation and accumulation."

"Did your [Qiangsheng Online Mall] start to decline after its traffic peaked at 700,000? Even if the [Southern California International Film Awards] has such a huge influence this time, how much traffic can it increase for you? Woolen cloth?"

"It's normal. You've reached a bottleneck and you can't break through it..."

"You are already saturated. The market is only that big. Publicity is important, but substantive capital and user benefits are more important..."

"Our [Group Buying] and [Minuo Group Buying], how much traffic did we have at our peak? Do you know how much it was? [Group Buying] currently has a cumulative registration volume of well over 7 million, and the peak number of daily visits is 3 million. In one year, it has not By the time, the transaction volume of nearly 1 billion [Minuo Group Buying] is even stronger..."

“Do you know how many group buying websites there are now?”

"Can your [Qiangsheng Online Mall] be ranked in the top ten?"

"As of today, there are 1,534, with an average of 7.4 new ones added every day..."

"As of now, the total number of our Huaxia group buying users has reached 16.75 million, and you and I both understand that this market will only grow!"


Zhang Xing continued to talk a lot to Zhang Sheng.

But Zhang Sheng on the other end of the phone remained silent.

After a long time, Zhang Xing said he was tired, so Zhang Sheng said silently: "Do you want to have a fight?"

"I can accept failure, but I can't accept cowardly failure. This is the closest we'll get to the poker table..."

On the phone.

Zhang Xing's originally calm voice suddenly became slightly excited.

"Brother Zhang, what do you think?" Zhang Sheng asked.

"Your [Qiangsheng Online Mall] merges with my [Group Buying]. The merger model adopts a joint CEO system, which means that you and I can be re-elected as CEO together. At the same time, we will share all the publicity resources you have. , and the current traffic and brand of my [group buying], including the market I have conquered these days, are shared by us. As for the shares, we will talk about it later..."


Zhang Xing said so much and gave so many examples.

Finally throwing out his core ideas.

When he heard the merger, Zhang Sheng closed his eyes silently.

A picture appeared in my mind.

In the past, group buying wars in the world basically ended in mergers, and the price of mergers was capital choosing spokespersons.

This is actually a pitfall.

To be re-elected as CEO, there are actually a lot of small calculations to make. Without real strategic thinking and loyal team, you can only be kicked out in the end.

There are too many factors beyond the control of the merger!

Big fish eat small fish, small fish eat shrimps...

After the merger, who will eat whom?

"Brother Zhang..."

"Don't rush to give me an answer. Take time to think about it first. Don't be obsessed with the current traffic of [Qiangsheng Online Mall]. You are still young, so you must make the right choice!"

"Brother Zhang..."

"you say!"

"Your last advertising fee has to be paid, totaling 12 million yuan..."


There was sudden silence on the other end of the phone, and then: "Aren't we strategically cooperating?"

"It's a strategic cooperation between [Honeycomb Jisui] and [Group Buying]. You still have to pay [NC Entertainment]'s advertising fees..."


On the other end of the phone, Zhang Xing suddenly cursed.


The darkness before dawn is extremely lonely and empty.

After an unknown amount of time, the noise outside the window finally stopped.

But the bonfire is still burning...

Zhang Sheng looked at the blazing bonfire outside the window and was in a daze.

As he watched, for a moment, he suddenly felt a little tired.

After talking to Zhang Xingtong on the phone, Zhang Sheng stopped answering any calls.

Of course, the three phones next to him finally stopped ringing.

The phone has been buzzing with text message alerts and various incoming calls.

Zhang Sheng did not choose to charge, but lay silently on the bed, closed his eyes and fell asleep.


Very tired.

Vaguely, Zhang Sheng seemed to be dreaming.

It seemed that there were waves of hoarse shouts coming from his ears, and the shouts shook Zhang Sheng's eardrums slightly.

He saw a middle-aged man staring at him fiercely and cursing him in the most vicious language.

"Even if I sentence you to death, I will still let you in...you lunatic!"


"Don't talk about any kind of pattern or whitewash with me. You have ruined everything for me. You have ruined everything... I can't let a devil like you stand in the sun. I don't have any money." need!"


"If I had known if I had recruited a demon like you, I should have pushed you downstairs... Damn it, stop brainwashing me with your words and your twisted values!"


"I took the wrong path, it doesn't matter to me! Let me tell you, I am very calm now, calmer than ever before. I only have one thought, and that is to let you die!"


"Don't think I don't know. You talk so much about benevolence, righteousness and morality, but in fact, it's just your disguise to win people's hearts. You don't know how many dirty things you have done behind the scenes. You're a hypocrite! That's how I describe people like you!"


"Damn it, I already told you, I've always been calm! Stop trying to brainwash me with your despicable methods!"

Zhang Sheng was like a bystander, watching all this. Although he gradually understood why the other party was so crazy, he did not feel any psychological disturbance.

Still very calm.

Because he realized that this was a dream.

Some originate from the original world, an insignificant past event, and Zhang Sheng no longer cares about this past event.

After this episode...

The entire dream world suddenly became dark.

Zhang Sheng was in that dark world, looking at everything and thinking about everything...

Time seemed to pass by so little by little.

I don't know how long later, Zhang Sheng opened his eyes silently.

When I opened my eyes, it was already the afternoon of the next day.

He looked at the afternoon sun and rubbed his head briefly. In the past, Zhang Sheng would feel refreshed after a nap, but this time after waking up, he was still a little tired.

It seems...

I have been really tired these days, and my biological clock is out of whack...

After getting up, eating something and fully charging all three mobile phones, Zhang Sheng said goodbye to Leo John.

Leo John hugged Zhang Sheng excitedly, said a lot of thanks, and kept telling Zhang Sheng that if there was a project in the future, he must discuss it with him as soon as possible.

To show that he valued Zhang Sheng, he even personally put Zhang Sheng and his party on the plane and waved to them...


More than ten hours later.

Zhang Sheng returned to China.

When walking into [NC Entertainment], Zhang Sheng saw Zhang Xing sitting on a chair in the living room.

He has been waiting for himself for a long time.

"Brother Zhang..."

"Zhang Sheng!"

When Zhang Xing saw Zhang Sheng, he stood up immediately and looked at Zhang Sheng expectantly: "How do you think about my proposal?"

"A merger proposal?"


"If you feel that the decision to re-elect as CEO is not feasible, we can discuss it again..."

"Brother Zhang, didn't you say you would give me time to think about it?"

"Yes, but time waits for no one, and the battlefield is changing rapidly. Li Yanhong of [Minuo Group Buying] took 500 million yuan from [Hongsen Capital]! If this wave continues, let alone your [Qiangsheng Online Mall], even if It’s my [Group Buying] that I can’t stand anymore…”

"No merger." Zhang Sheng thought for a moment and then laughed.

"What? Why not merge? After the merger, we will both benefit. Without the merger, we will both die slowly. Zhang Sheng, let me explain to you. This time, I am ready to invest my own money and enter a new round of Fighting, it's the end of the year, and I want to get a good result. If you are optimistic about us, you can also join the game! By then, we will divide the world equally!" Zhang Xing is still staring at Zhang Sheng.

"Brother Zhang, do you believe me?"

"I've come here to find you, why can't I believe you?" Zhang Xing frowned.

"Don't get involved so quickly."

"How long will it take? When they take over the market?"

"We'll wait!"


"When the capital tide recedes..."

"Are you kidding? When the capital tide recedes, we will be the corpses on the tide, etc.? Do you really think that they are fighting with each other and you, the fisherman, will benefit? What are you dreaming about?"


This chat lasted twenty minutes

Zhang Xing wants to bring Zhang Sheng into the game to fight against capital, but Zhang Sheng is still unwilling to join the game...

Then, this brief chat ended in a not-so-pleasant way.

Zhang Xing was inevitably a little frustrated with Zhang Sheng.

"You are obviously a young man, but you have no ambition at all. You are afraid of this and that, and you can only make a small amount of money!"


After leaving these words, Zhang Xing turned and left.

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