I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 441 Zhang Sheng is in charge!

People will always use what they have to fight for bigger things.

Before taking a chance, thinking about what will happen if you win is a gambler's mentality.

The bet was won...

He will probably leave a mark in history, and his deeds will be praised by countless people and he will become a hero.

But he lost the bet, lost everything, and was in jail.

Zhang Xing is probably a hero, and he has a hint of crazy gene in his bones.

After returning to the headquarters of [Group Buying], he saw that [Minuo Group Buying] had once again invested nearly 300 million in marketing funds in the market.

So far, [Minuo Group Buying] has opened offline service in more than 100 cities. At the same time, [Minuo Group Buying] is getting crazier and crazier these days, and it has begun to launch rare large-scale launches on subways, buses, newspapers, outdoor and other lines. The ambition of the brand advertisement below is clear, that is, to occupy the commanding heights of publicity in big cities, and to reduce dimensions from high to low to attack opponents...

However, [Hanshou.com] did not exert its efforts on billboards, but instead began to exert its efforts crazily in terms of expansion...

When [Minuo Group Buying] announced that it had opened 100 service cities, [Hanshou.com] immediately released the news, claiming that they had secured 253 cities, and it covered the most cities in the entire [Group Buying] field. He is also the craziest, and is attacking everywhere all the time, and everyone wants it in small cities!

His strategy is to win with scale, and he wants to use the Matthew effect of the strong getting stronger...

As for [Groupon] on the other side of the ocean, although it cooperates with [Tengji Technology], it seems a little acclimated. At the same time, after the founder Andrew got a wave of traffic from [Tengji Technology], he was busy with the listing of [Groupon] in the United States. The news that [Groupon] is going to be listed in the United States and its stock price is soaring has spread to [Groupon] in China...


Still fighting crazily.

All the founders are crossing the sea, showing their magical powers, and they are all trying to be the final winner.

And Zhang Xing...

Naturally, he is not willing to let his [Group Buying] fall behind or come to an end.

"You want to invest your own money?"

"Yes! Mr. Li, I want to sign a gambling agreement with you. At the end of 2010, I want to fight for the last time..."

"How much traffic can you achieve? Can you make [group buying] profitable?"

"I don't know, I only know that I am willing to give up part of my "Weibo" shares and exchange them for gambling money on the card table, and continue to play..."

Zhang Xing made a call to [Hongtian Capital] Li Zongyao.

When the two parties met, Zhang Xing looked at Li Zongyao and spoke his mind.

Li Zongyao looked at Zhang Xing and said nothing, just nodded.

Then, he gave Zhang Xing a gambling agreement...

Zhang Xing asked his legal team to read the contract and confirm that it was correct, and signed the contract without any hesitation.



It was a rush.

It was so hurried that it passed in the blink of an eye.

Since Li Bin took over [Qiangsheng Online Mall], he has been busy every day. He is busy with market research and maintenance. At the same time, he also has to take into account the market and discuss with the market research team which city should expand stores and which city should expand stores. Cities should be temporarily closed to save costs.


It's getting messy.

On the Internet, as long as you search, you can see new [group buying websites] launched every day. At the same time, you can also see these [group buying websites] that have just been online.

At the same time, more and more "defective products" are being produced. Internet users have gone from being surprised and frustrated by group purchases to gradually complaining.

The cheap products on the website are very exquisitely made, but after you pay and place the order, you will find that the products sent are just a bunch of defective products!

Do you want to go to the merchant to complain and negotiate...


The business went bankrupt...

There is absolutely nothing you can do. You go to the police, only to find that there are already endless cases of this kind.

They all set up a group buying website in a decent way, then attract customers with low prices, collect a sum of money, and then close the website immediately...

Moreover, it’s hard for you to define this kind of thing!

You say fraud...

You won't find anyone at all.

And the other party is very smart. On the side of the product, he has already marked "Photos are for reference only, and the order will be based on the actual product."

There is no place to complain!

[CCTV News] A few days ago, there were reports of fraud on some small group buying websites, and we called on victims to be cautious when purchasing products and choose regular stores!

Li Bin was keenly aware that the entire market was a bit "crazy", so he immediately asked his subordinates to strictly control the merchants' "false shipments" and ordered the merchants to sign a self-inspection agreement and a penalty agreement.


This self-examination protocol once caused complaints from the staff below!

"Mr. Li, what we have to do now is to build our reputation. How can you spend time on this?"

"Yes, Mr. Li, this is your distrust of merchants... Now everyone is grabbing the market and turf. Although our merchants are very loyal, isn't it chilling to sign such an electronic agreement?"

"Yes, which group buying website currently has [Group Buying], [Minuo Group Buying], and [Lingshou.com] does not have more traffic than us? Where can't they choose?"

"Yes, Mr. Li! Your idea is right, but you can't implement it..."

"You, what do you want the merchants who trust us to think?"


Li Bin’s decision.

It was not recognized by the management of [Qiangsheng Online Mall].

He is not Zhang Sheng, let alone Li Dongqiang who came with these managements. The managements saw him as young and did not take him seriously for a time.

Looking at this group of stubborn management, Li Bin's eyes were cold and he remained tough as never before in the meeting...

After the meeting.

Behind his back, he was once called "dictator", or he pushed [Qiangsheng Online Mall] into the quagmire, or he was still young!

Li Bin naturally heard all this.

After hearing all this, I could not help but feel emotional fluctuations in my heart, but I kept enduring it.

At present, [Qiangsheng Online Mall] is operating normally and the traffic is very stable. Once there is a gap, the operation of [Qiangsheng Online Mall] will be affected.

November 29th.

Li Bin's patience has reached its limit.

The instructions he gave at the meeting were followed and delayed.

A very simple [Product Commitment Letter] has not been implemented in [Qiansheng Online Mall] for a long time. Li Bin called the managers again, but the managers responded to him with an extremely firm tone.

"The merchants cannot and will not sign this agreement!"

"Unless you ask Mr. Zhang to personally give us the order, they will not sign it!"

"Mr. Li, I think you are in the wrong direction. You should not focus on the internal management of our [Qiangsheng Online Mall], you should focus on the market!"

"Market, what is a market? Now the whole market is turned into a mess. You don't want to occupy more territory, but you want to engage in these vain things. If you continue to mess around, all the merchants will be poached. Who are you looking for? Tube?"

"Mr. Li, it's not that we don't give you face, but that we must point out your shortcomings. The market of [Qiangsheng Online Mall] was developed bit by bit by us and the former Mr. Li. We know it better than anyone else. The mentality of these merchants means that it is quite difficult for each merchant to settle in. In this way, we assure you that there will not be any problems with the quality of our products..."

"Even if Mr. Zhang comes, we will still say these things!"


On the afternoon of November 29th.

Li Bin returned to the office.

When he returned to the office, he slammed his fist on the table angrily.

The fist hurts!

But it is of absolutely no use!

The management of [Qiangsheng Online Mall] is much more complicated than [Bird's Nest Decoration], and the management team is very tough.

At first, he still had the right to speak in the entire mall, but when these people gradually figured out his ways, he found that he had completely lost control over these people!

After the anger...

The mood gradually began to become a little disappointed and discouraged.

For a moment, he actually began to regret entering the management system of [Qiangsheng Online Mall].

After adjusting his emotions, he began to reflect.

In the end, he realized one thing. The reason why [Bird's Nest Decoration] he could control the managers below was because they started the business together, step by step, and everyone admired him.


[Qiangsheng Online Mall] He almost airborne, and he came to put out the fire.

Moreover, in fact, several managers were eyeing Li Qiangdong's position after Li Qiangdong left.

And his airborne landing undoubtedly grabbed the position...

Thoughts appeared in Li Bin's mind one by one. After thinking clearly about the key points of the problem, Li Bin let out a long sigh.

After adjusting my emotions again, I thought of the current situation of [Qiangsheng Online Mall], and also thought of my teacher Zhang Sheng’s plan for the future...

He understands!

I have to endure it again.

He took out his cell phone and called these managers one by one again.

This time...

His attitude was not that tough, but a little softer. He also expressed his apology on the phone.

At 6 o'clock in the evening, he held another meeting with the management and cited examples of complaints from some merchants about the "counterfeit" products of Qiangsheng Online Mall.

This time...

After seeing these complaints, the management's attitude became much better.

However, he found that these people took him less and less seriously.

It's even getting more and more extreme.

"Mr. Li, we all see your attitude, but... I can't eat hot tofu in a hurry... These are all small-probability events!"

"Product quality is never something that happens overnight. I know you want to get word of mouth, but again, we have to expand... When the scale increases, and when we can compete with websites like [group buying], we will Think about these things again..."


The middle-aged man who took the lead was named Liu Changyu.

A fellow countryman of Li Dongqiang.

During the promotion of [Qiangsheng Online Mall], I made some great contributions.

Seeing Liu Changyu's arrogant expression with his hands folded across his chest, Li Bin felt a fire burning in his heart.

And that Liu Changyu was still chattering to him like an elder, talking about his own reasons.

These truths made Li Bin furious and unable to control his emotions.

There was a knock on the door in the conference room.


The lively conference room fell silent.

Zhang Sheng walked in with a smile.

"boss Zhang!"

"boss Zhang……"

"boss Zhang!"


When they saw Zhang Sheng coming, several managers who relied on their elders were stunned subconsciously, and stood up to greet Zhang Sheng.

But when Zhang Sheng walked to the main seat, he did not speak or respond.

He just stared at everyone present, making them all panic.

The smiles on everyone's faces were stiff, and they didn't dare to look at Zhang Sheng.

An invisible pressure emerged in everyone's heart.

After a while...

Zhang Sheng narrowed his eyes.

(Third update, another chapter for the leader to crush the pressure monster)

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