I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 443 Do you have the ability to overturn the table?

In the conference room.

There was an uproar.

One by one, the managers stood up.

There were a series of voices criticizing Li Bin.

Countless voices entered Li Bin's ears, but Li Bin kept standing, silent in the face of doubts.

He imitated Zhang Sheng's gaze and stared at everyone coldly, not avoiding everyone's eyes.

This feeling is very refreshing, as if the thick eggshell has been pierced, and after breaking out of the ground, it is facing new life.

His firm gaze finally weakened the momentum of each manager.

Then the voices of accusation became softer and softer.

Everyone looked at Liu Changyu.

Liu Changyu's face was slightly red, and anger was surging in his blood vessels, as if he was about to burst at any time.

"If, Mr. Li, you must do this, then I will be very disappointed!"

He said this sentence, and after saying this, he glanced at Zhang Sheng.

Zhang Sheng looked at all this with a smile, still like an outsider, and he still couldn't figure out what he was thinking...

Naturally, there was some uneasiness deep in his heart, but this uneasiness was eventually dissipated by the endless anger. He stared at Li Bin, as if giving an ultimatum: "Although I am a migrant worker, I am not a migrant worker." What kind of person is in power, but I am the veteran of [Qiangsheng Online Mall]... I have seen with my own eyes that [Qiangsheng Online Mall] has grown from an ordinary small store to what it is today. I have invested so much in [Qiangsheng Online Mall] More energy and emotion than anyone else, even, it is my child..."

"So, when Li Dongqiang and Mr. Li left, I never left because I felt that I had a responsibility. This responsibility required me to do my best to make [Qiangsheng Online Mall] grow stronger and step by step. Let everyone see it and everyone applauds..."

"boss Zhang……"

"Please allow me to have such a small temper, and please allow me to lose my composure... because I can't watch my child go into the abyss! Of course, this is my personal opinion and has nothing to do with you. What I am stating now Everything is my personal opinion..."

“Today, everyone, including myself, is in a very irrational state, so we should not use the reciprocity of power or the amount of sacrifice to determine the future direction of [Qiangsheng Online Mall]... I think we You should calm down and think about the future, how to go..."

"Mr. Zhang, I'm going to work first!"


Liu Changyu stood up.

Even though he was angry, he still maintained his due calmness and quality.

After saying this to Zhang Sheng and seeing Zhang Sheng smile and nod, Liu Changyu seemed to be inspired by something, and then left the conference room first.

As Liu Changyu left, the entire conference room began to calm down.

Li Bin's face turned red. He looked at Liu Changyu's leaving figure and took a deep breath.

He was powerless to stop it and could not stop it.

He showed his sword, but this sword was as fragile as a piece of transparent glass.

Frustration arose deep within him once again, and then, this feeling slowly turned into despair.

"Mr. Zhang...we..."


One after another, people stood up and then looked at Zhang Sheng.

"Is the meeting over?" Zhang Sheng pushed up his glasses and couldn't see clearly the mood or anger. He just asked Li Bin with a smile.

Li Bin looked at Zhang Sheng's expression...

His eyes were more complex than ever before, and there was a hint of bitterness on his lips: "Everyone, please calm down."

He seemed to have exhausted all his strength to say these words. After he finished speaking, more people stood up.

But they didn't say anything. Instead, they all glanced at Mr. Zhang. After seeing that Zhang Sheng had no other attitude, they all added: "Mr. Zhang, I'll go and get busy first."

"Mr. Zhang, I have something to do..."

"boss Zhang……"


Everyone left the conference room one after another.

A few minutes later...

The conference room became empty.


Li Bin was still standing, but his eye circles were slightly flushed, and more powerlessness came to his heart. He smashed the table hard, his fist turned red, and even some blood stains oozed out.


His expression gradually became distorted, and after a moment, it turned into a forced smile.

"Teacher... I'm sorry, I... better go back to [Bird's Nest Decoration], I... I... I might..."

He lowered his head.

Dare not look at Zhang Sheng.

Vaguely, he could hear the chatter outside the conference room. The series of voices became more and more harsh, as if they were mocking him.

He finally shed tears in frustration.

"Compassion does not lead to soldiers, righteousness does not support wealth, kindness does not lead to officialdom, and emotion does not establish affairs!"

Zhang Sheng finally stood up, without any smile on his face, he just patted him on the shoulder and said these words.

Li Bin's shoulders were shaking, like a complete loser, humiliated and sad.


"Are you here to be a grandson?"


"What did you come here for?"


"What are you doing here?"


"What did you come here for?"


Zhang Sheng kept repeating this sentence.

Every time Li Bin wanted to answer, he was interrupted by Zhang Sheng. After many times, Li Bin suddenly raised his head, stared at Zhang Sheng angrily, and almost shouted: "I'm here to do big things!"

Zhang Sheng pushed up his glasses.

She glanced at him silently.

Then, instead of responding, he turned around and slowly left the conference room.

Li Bin stayed in the conference room for a long time...

His eyes looked helpless and cowardly at the beginning, and then began to become vicious and ferocious, like a wild beast.

He took a deep breath, and then slammed his fist on the table again!

After smashing it, he walked step by step towards the meeting room.


Zhang Sheng returned to the top floor of the [Bird's Nest Office Building].

Instead of dealing with various things like before, he turned off all his mobile phones and lay on the bed.

After returning from Brazil, Zhang Sheng clearly felt that his "body" had begun to weaken a lot.

It didn't matter before, but now I feel a little breathless after walking to the fourth floor.



I have been staying up late and staying up all night irregularly for more than a year...

Gradually his body began to decline.

Although he is only in his twenties now, Zhang Sheng has to be alert.

If starting a business involves physical exertion, then there is no point in starting a business.

And, more importantly...

He has paid off his debts and has no burdens. No matter how bad the company is, it won't be any worse.


He lay on the bed.

Get ready to rest at ten o'clock.

the next day.

When Zhang Sheng woke up, he did a brief exercise, had breakfast, read some legal books, and then returned to the office around 10 o'clock.

He saw a 19-meter tall man standing at the door of the office with an ugly face and seemed very angry.

After seeing Zhang Sheng coming, Liu Changyu rushed towards Zhang Sheng excitedly.

"Go back to the office."

Faced with Liu Changyu's anger, Zhang Sheng just smiled calmly and invited him into the office.

When Liu Changyu sat opposite Zhang Sheng, he kept talking about various things about Li Bin.


After Zhang Sheng left, Li Bin immediately replaced his position with a new person. When he went to work the next morning, Liu Changyu was shocked to see a new person sitting at his desk.


[Qiangsheng Online Mall] sent a private message to every merchant that night. The meaning of the private message was that I hope they can sign the [Inferior Product Commitment Letter], [Product Self-inspection Letter], and [Reducing Service Point Strategy]. At the same time, [Qiangsheng Online Mall] Online Mall] has also launched strategies such as [Quality Merchant Reward Book] and [One-Star Weekly Commendation Event].

He was completely unaware of the whole process!

When he saw this scene, he was instantly furious. He ran to Li Bin's office to make a fuss, but Li Bin did not see him.


Angry, he ran to Zhang Sheng's office.

"Mr. Zhang, I know this is the first thing a new official does when he takes office, but... it will only chill the hearts of the old employees!"

"Mr. Zhang, I don't know if this is your intention or Li Bin's personal intention. If it is your intention, I personally support it. After all, wherever you go, we will go in the future. The entire [Qiangsheng Online Mall] will It’s your property, but if it’s Li Bin’s intention, I won’t accept it!”

"Mr. Zhang, I'm here to explain to you. After Li Dongqiang left, I think about everything, including my contribution to the company, my connections, and the cohesion of the team. I feel that no one is more suitable for Li Dongqiang's position than me... Li Bin suddenly appeared. I personally cooperated with him, but no one in the team below me obeyed him..."

"I came here this time not to prove anything, but just to say that I need an answer..."

"This answer is very important to me and determines whether I stay or leave!"



Liu Changyu kept talking for a long time.

The more he talks about it, the more he gets angry.

But Zhang Sheng just sat on the chair and gently made a cup of tea: "Drink tea to moisten your throat. It's not good to have a bad throat..."

Liu Changyu calmed down his temper a little and took Zhang Sheng's tea cup.

However, the tea is very hot...

Liu Changyu finally could only put the tea aside.

"Don't drink?" Zhang Sheng stared at the tea Liu Changyu put on the table and asked calmly.

"Mr. Zhang, the tea is hot and I can't drink it." Liu Changyu somehow suppressed his momentum in an instant and finally smiled bitterly.

"Oh, let's talk about it later." Zhang Sheng nodded after hearing Liu Changyu's answer.

Liu Changyu nodded subconsciously.

But then, he felt that Zhang Sheng was trying to hint something to him.


He suddenly picked up the tea and drank it in one gulp, regardless of whether it was hot or not.


Very hot indeed.

The heat made his tongue twitch and his face slightly distorted.

But, I finally drank it.

Drink it in one gulp.

Throat is burning.

After drinking, he saw a smile on Zhang Sheng's lips.

(Two updates guaranteed...)

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