I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 444: Tight [Win the Online Mall]

Many years later.

Liu Changyu always remembers the night when Li Dongqiang said goodbye.

That night...

He saw Li Dongqiang drinking a lot of wine.

He was so drunk that he was vaguely drunk, but his sanity still remained, but he was extremely sad.

They started talking about it when [Qiangsheng Online Mall] started its business.

I received cold looks when I was promoting on the local market, and I don’t know how many times I was chased by the urban management when I posted small advertisements. Finally, the traffic of the mall increased, and I still worked hard to discuss cooperation with merchants.

During that time, it was extremely difficult for everyone, and working overtime all night was commonplace. To this day, there are many temporary beds in the lounge of the [Qiangsheng Online Mall] headquarters.

They talked about the future [Group Buying Market], about capital, about online shopping, and about the future of the Internet...

As they chatted, Li Dongqiang's eyes became red.

"Mr. Zhang has taken a self-righteous path. Perhaps it cannot be described as willful or stubborn. However, I cannot watch [Qiangsheng Online Mall] be destroyed with my own eyes and become a stepping stone in this Internet feast..."

"We were the first to start, and we accounted for the earliest traffic and popularity. However, this popularity requires huge capital to stabilize and make customers form consumption habits, but..."

“Maybe it’s the self-confidence that comes from starting from scratch, or maybe it’s his desire for control. I saw with my own eyes that he rejected one capital after another. I also saw with my own eyes that [Qiansheng Online Mall], [Group Buying], and [Minuo] Group purchase] Opportunity to work side by side..."

"I have talked with Mr. Zhang repeatedly..."

"But, I failed. He could hardly listen to any words of comfort. He stubbornly believed that he would dominate this era..."



"Of course, I am always grateful to Mr. Zhang. He pushed me from a small video store owner to my current position..."

"But reason tells me that we must leave..."

That night.

Li Dongqiang confided in him and talked about the future with him without reservation.

Get investment, engage in online shopping, generate traffic, get the second round of investment, merge into the [Tengji] system and become a part of the Internet...

Every step was planned in detail, and anyone could realize that Li Dongqiang's departure was never a matter of taking a slap on the head.


Liu Changyu did not leave.



In the office.

The sun shines on the tea table.

Zhang Sheng made Liu Changyu a second cup of tea.

The fragrance overflows.

"With anger, people will always subjectively think that they have been greatly wronged. Then, they have walked into a fork in the road. People must be angry, but they must be angry calmly..."

"Mr. Zhang, I just want to know how we should take our future?" Liu Changyu calmed down and stopped getting angry. He just shrank his hot tongue.

"The place we are in is a dark forest. In the dark forest, countless beasts are fighting for territory and fighting in various ways, and blood is stained all over the ground...Mr. Liu, we know better than anyone else, we There is no advantage in this fight..." Zhang Sheng looked at Liu Changyu with a smile and said calmly.

"We can get the power of capital and rush into this battlefield..."

"Then kill for whom?"

"[Tengji Technology] includes many early Internet companies. In fact, the founders control the voting rights. These are written in black and white in the contract..." Liu Changyu looked at Zhang Sheng.

"Do you think I only care about the right to vote?" Zhang Sheng shook his head with a smile.

"There are only two ways before us. If we want to survive and get on the poker table, we should use our strength to grow. Only then will we have a glimmer of hope... Whether it's [Tengji Technology] or [Taozhu.com], or It is [Soudu]. Countless experiences and history tell us that it is the most optimal solution. However, those enterprises that cannot take advantage of the situation and lose their ability to strengthen themselves will eventually be eliminated by the torrent of the times and become the ruins of history. , from the beginning of the Internet explosion in China in the millennium to the present, it has always been like this..."

"It's always been like this, right?" Zhang Sheng asked back.

"..." Liu Changyu didn't know how to respond for a moment.

Just lowered his head and drank tea silently.

“I’ve seen all the hardships you [Qiangsheng Online Mall] went through in the early days of starting your business... But today, we won’t talk about the past, only the present. I just want to ask you one question, why did you choose to endure so much hardship? ?" Zhang Sheng looked at Liu Changyu's silence, and his tone softened.

"In order to make money... Mr. Zhang, I am already forty years old, with a family and parents... I know you are used to talking about dreams. If I were twenty years younger, I might dream of becoming an Internet tycoon like those passionate young people. You may be listed in Forbes, but the older you get, the more you will understand the reality..." Liu Changyu and Zhang Sheng looked at each other and expressed their thoughts.

"Then why don't you follow Li Dongqiang? The night Li Dongqiang left, I know he talked to you about a lot of things. He talked to you about the future, about entrepreneurship, about planning..." Zhang Sheng asked again.

"Mr. Zhang... I'm forty. I no longer have the courage to step into [Qiang Sheng Online Mall] and endure the hardships again. I can't endure the day and night shifts. Moreover, I said, [Qiang Sheng] [Online Mall] is my child, my hard work. I have feelings for everything in [Qiangsheng Online Mall]. No parent would be willing to abandon their children. So, when I saw Li Bin parachute over, I You will be angry and unwilling... Who would trust a stepmother to give their child to a stepmother? Moreover, it is a stepmother who has never been masked!"


Liu Changyu is unprecedentedly candid.

Halfway through, his eyes turned red.

After Zhang Sheng finished listening, his tea-making hand paused slightly, finally put the tea down, and then stood up.

Zhang Sheng looked out the window, and after a while, he said calmly: "Mr. Liu..."


"Since you think it is your child, then it should be a healthy child, growing up with the praise and recognition of others..."

"Everyone hopes that it will grow up healthily, but everyone is worried that it will not grow up... If it does not grow up, it will be corrected later when it grows up, and everyone will choose the latter..."

"Only when the foundation is laid firmly can it grow. If the foundation is not strong, it will pull out the seedlings and encourage the growth. It will not be able to withstand even a little bit of wind and rain."

"But everyone is in this pattern..." Liu Changyu added.


When Zhang Sheng heard this sentence, he stopped talking and looked at Liu Changyu silently.

Everything seems to be back to where it started.

Zhang Sheng suddenly felt a little tired. There were many words that could convince Liu Changyu, but he didn't want to say anything anymore at this moment.

Liu Changyu felt the abnormality in the atmosphere, and suddenly there was an indescribable feeling of tension deep in his heart. He quickly added: "Mr. Zhang, although I still insist that what I said is right, I will still actively cooperate with Mr. Li." Various tasks..."

"Well, okay." Zhang Sheng nodded.

After Liu Changyu left...

Zhang Sheng looked down at the [WeChat Plan] in the drawer and finally closed the drawer.



It went by very quickly.

December has arrived in a blink of an eye.

End of 2010.

[Group buying war] once again ushered in a new wave of "climax".

[Minuo Group Buying], [Group Buying], [Hanshou.com], [Harvest Group Buying]...

The four top group buying websites in China publish good news on their official websites almost every day...

Today, your nationwide service outlets have reached 300, and tomorrow, I will have 400. Today, your subway advertisement has been endorsed by a certain king. Tomorrow, my group buying website will be on CCTV.

The originator of group buying websites [Groupon] is not to be outdone. In addition to releasing various data of China's [Baotuan.com], it also announces various data of the US [Groupon]...

A revenue data table about [Groupon] has become a hot search topic in the China Finance section, and [CCTV Finance] even specifically reported on [Groupon]'s revenue.

[Groupon] was established in 2008.

In 2008, Groupon's revenue was only US$93,000, but in 2009 it increased to an astonishing US$30.401 million. One year later, in the last month of 2010, its financial report revenue had reached US$680 million, an increase of 22 times compared with 2009!

No one will doubt that [Groupon]’s annual revenue will exceed US$700 million in 2010, or even higher!

Founder Andrew even announced in a very high-profile manner that their [Groupon] will be officially listed on NASDAQ in the United States in 2011. By then, [Groupon] will become the world's first officially listed group buying website.

The astonishing financial report undoubtedly stimulated the confidence of the capital market and caused countless capital to join this carnival feast.

Domestic [group buying] websites seemed to be on drugs. From early December to mid-December...

In just half a month, the number of domestic group buying websites, large and small, increased from 1,534 to 2,005!

The huge and prosperous group buying market has caused Huaxia’s advertising fees to rise for a time!


Guo Xiaoying, the general director of the upcoming 2011 Spring Festival Gala, was interviewed and she let slip that "this year's Spring Festival Gala advertisements sold 800 million yuan, and various group buying websites accounted for 500 million yuan". The title "Group buying event" was once given to Rushing to the forefront...

Some netizens even once "questioned" that this year's Spring Festival Gala skits would be brainwashed by various group buying advertisements...

And behind the crazy [group buying] market.

Some netizens discovered that [Qiangsheng Online Mall], the website that pioneered group buying in China, not only did not spend money to expand, but actually began to shrink!

December 2010.

[Taozhu.com] accounts for nearly 20% of the [Farmer Poverty Alleviation Plan] in [Qiangsheng Online Mall]!

at the same time……

The increase in the number of merchants entering [Qiangsheng Online Mall] has also been slowing down. From the beginning, the number of merchants increased by an average of a hundred every day, and then gradually shrunk to a few dozen. Even when the growth of store openings was sluggish, it actually dropped to a dozen. At the same time, some service points in unpopular areas, such as [Qiangsheng Online Mall], not only failed to continue to attract traffic, but began to close one after another.

In half a month, 19 service points were closed, with an average of one service point being closed every day...

[Qiangsheng Online Mall]'s various data declined, falling within the forecast range of capital.

Capitalists don’t pay attention to [Qiangsheng Online Mall].

For them...

[Qiangsheng Online Mall] is definitely not an opponent, at most it is just a player who makes a little money, nothing more!


When capital was paralyzed and careless, the traffic in [Qiangsheng Online Mall] did not decrease. On the contrary, it stabilized the basic market under the impact of waves of market.

Even the proportion of repeat customers is on the rise...

But the capital has ignored the user stickiness of [Qiangsheng Online Mall], and instead began to pay attention to another industry of [NC Entertainment]...

[NC Entertainment] Another movie is a hit!

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