I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 450 Heavy Burden!

"boss Zhang……"


open the door.

Liu Changyu met Zhang Sheng.

Zhang Sheng was still making tea in the office. When he picked up a cup of hot tea, Liu Changyu impatiently put it to his mouth and drank it in one gulp regardless of how hot it was.

Zhang Sheng was obviously stunned for a moment, and then looked at Liu Changyu with strange eyes: "Aren't you going to burn your mouth?"

"I..." Liu Changyu's mouth was hot, and his throat was churning, and a few blisters seemed to have formed.

"Brother Liu, there are no hints today, and there is no superior-subordinate relationship. I just want to talk to you about the future..."

It was the first time that Liu Changyu heard Zhang Sheng call him Brother Liu.

That moment...

I felt indescribably flattered in my heart, and I stood up subconsciously. I couldn't help but feel the hair on my back.



Liu Changyu sat on the chair again.

He watched Zhang Sheng methodically pour him a cup of tea with the teacup between his legs, and put it next to him.

He hesitated briefly, looked at the hot tea cup, and then at the gentle Zhang Sheng. In the end, he did not drink it all.

"Brother Liu, you have worked hard during this period..." Zhang Sheng looked at Liu Changyu and said these words seriously: "I know, you must be having a hard time during this period, right?"

"No, no, no, no, no hard work, no hard work..."

Liu Changyu inevitably felt a different emotion and quickly waved his hands, trying to stand up.

But after seeing Zhang Sheng lowering his hand, he continued to sit, but he felt indescribably uneasy.

He had a premonition.

It is impossible for Zhang Sheng to say these words for no reason.

At the same time, after contacting [Qiangsheng Online Mall], he inevitably thought about the bad side of things.

That ten million, shouldn't it be severance pay or settling-in allowance?

"In the past, I was a person who trusted everyone. We all started businesses and worked together. I treated everyone as a brother and told them my plans and arrangements without any reservation. I tried my best to make everyone happy. Understand me... I think entrepreneurship should be like this..."

"But later, after going through business wars one after another, well, maybe the industry has done more, maybe everyone started to have some ideas, and inevitably some people left one after another..."

"I once felt a little powerless. I wanted to keep him, but I can't keep him who is far away..."

"Then, the competition in the market became more and more fierce, especially in the era of smart phones, transmission is getting faster and faster, and everyone on the Internet seems to be stripped naked without any secrets. It is inevitable that we [NC Entertainment], [Shengteng Technology] and even many industries have been leaked, and we were very passive for a time..."


After drinking a cup of tea.

Zhang Sheng's throat was slightly dry.

Looking out the window, he faintly said words that were extremely unfamiliar to Liu Changyu.

It seems that the person in front of me is not Zhang Sheng, who is all-powerful in the company and business, but an ordinary young man in his twenties.

"During this period, if my actions or words have made you feel uncomfortable, Brother Liu, I am here to apologize to you..."

Liu Changyu actually heard Zhang Sheng's apology and saw an unprecedented apology on Zhang Sheng's face.

Liu Changyu trembled subconsciously: "No, no, no... Mr. Zhang, please don't do this, I... you are trying to offend me... I am also impulsive, and I also..."

It was an unprecedented feeling of tension. Liu Changyu stood up again, with waves of cold sweat on his back.

"Brother Liu, I am in this position. It seems that I am prosperous, but every step I take is like walking on thin ice, and I am cautious. The more our industry spreads, the more cautious I will be... One wrong step is a wrong step, and a wrong step is a mistake. Bu collapsed, and then, everything collapsed, and I, I never know who should believe and who should not believe..."

"Mr. Zhang, tell me what you want me to do, I..."



As Liu Changyu listened to Zhang Sheng's heartfelt words, he felt unprecedentedly complicated and moved in his heart.

Maybe, probably, Zhang Sheng is trying to win people's hearts...

However, a heat wave was still raging deep in his heart, and he couldn't help but want to rush to the front of this young man, charge for him, and carry the business empire.

At this moment, he no longer thinks about things like [killing the donkey].

"Brother Liu, do you know why I don't allow capital to enter our [Qiangsheng Online Mall]?"

"I have no idea……"

"It's not because of my desire for control or anything else, but I hope that money will be earned for you, not for capital! I hope that all the shares given to capital will be transferred to you..."

"..." When he heard this sentence, Liu Changyu's heart trembled. He wanted to say a lot, but couldn't say anything.

"Brother Liu... I hope that you will always be our comrade-in-arms. I also hope that you can always be in our company and follow me to build a business empire..."

Zhang Sheng took a deep breath and stared at Liu Changyu.

Then, he saw Zhang Sheng take out an [Equity Sharing Agreement] from the drawer.

"Ten million is [Qiangsheng Online Mall]'s profit dividend this year and some of my little thoughts. This money is not much, but it will be more..."

Liu Changyu's fingers were trembling slightly. For a moment, he didn't know what to say. His eye circles were uncontrollably red, and his eyes were fixed on the [Equity Sharing Agreement].

"Zhang, Zhang, Zhang...Mr. Zhang..."

He stuttered and didn't even know what he was saying. He just felt that he was so excited that he couldn't speak.

"Brother Liu, after careful consideration, I feel that the marketing department of [Qiangsheng Online Mall] is really overqualified for you..."


"Brother Liu, please forgive me. I have been observing you during this period. After observing various incidents, will you choose to leave or cooperate with the work and stay here... I'm sorry, um, because I want to do it next The burden is heavy, the task is heavy, and I may not see any profits in the short term. It is destined to be a hard work... We will even face the invasion of a huge monster. I have to be cautious and cautious again. careful……"

Zhang Sheng's voice became serious.

This sense of solemnity made Liu Changyu subconsciously nervous.

After a while, he saw Zhang Sheng take out a schedule from the drawer, and the schedule was called [WeChat].

"Our traffic never has a storage point. This is our weakest flaw. In fact, Ma Yunhua's [Taozhu.com] once encountered such a flaw. That's why Ma Yunhua used various methods to acquire Or invest in various emerging industries, merge these industries into the [Jiahu Technology] system behind [Taozhu.com], and use these systems to integrate them into a whole..."

"But... you will soon find that the industries that Ma Yunhua acquires often crowd out the founders. After a period of glory, they gradually come to an end. However, the industries under the [Tengji] system can continue to survive. …”

"Ma Yunhua does not have a traffic carrier. He still needs various enterprises to serve the [Jiahu Technology] system behind him, but [Tengji Technology] has a traffic carrier. He does not need to divert traffic in various ways. On the contrary, he can use Qgou continuously delivers all kinds of traffic..."


Zhang Sheng's words are crazy and whimsical.

For a time, Liu Changyu took a breath.

Zhang Sheng actually wants to create a chat software like Qgou, and wants to compete with [Tengji Technology] for food. Isn't this whimsical?

"Mr. Zhang, many people have done it, but no one has succeeded..." Liu Changyu shook his head violently.

today's context.

Q Dog is still alone and seeking defeat throughout China.

Of course, there were people who competed with him, but inevitably, these people failed.

The best one is currently a chat software called [SOU], but it was revealed a few days ago that the founder has gone bankrupt and [SOU] is not making money at all.

"This era is the era of smart phones. Although Q Dog is the dominant chat player in China, it is too bloated. With the current software and hardware conditions, some functions cannot be fully transplanted. We are not trying to build Q Dog. In fact, it is too bloated. , the thing we are going to build next is two completely different software from Q Dog. Q Dog is a single APP that fully serves [Tengji Technology], and what we are going to do is actually a system and an ecosystem. , a thing that allows more merchants to enjoy mobile dividends without large-scale APP development... But in the beginning, we must focus on its simplicity..."

"What advantages do we have? We are currently..." Liu Changyu asked immediately when he heard this sentence.

"We have mobile phones. As of December, we have cooperated with 23 mobile phone brands, 10 of which are our own brands. Two mobile phones [Apple 4] and [Pineapple], in the past year Over time, sales have laid the foundation!”


"In October this year, domestic Android phone sales reached an astonishing one million units, of which 700,000 were equipped with [Bosch batteries]..."

"So far, this data has reached 1.1 million units from 700,000 units!"

"Of the 700,000 units, nearly 400,000 are our own mobile phones!"


In the office.

Zhang Sheng followed Liu Changyu and told him a series of data.

Liu Changyu was stunned for a moment, and then realized that a huge network was spreading beneath his feet.

From the source to the end...

Almost everything in the industrial chain seems to be connected!

"Mr. Zhang, then I..."

"This is our advantage, but for me and the entire company, this is definitely an extremely difficult project with a long time span and great pressure... Brother Liu, my pressure is yours Do you want to share the burden?"


"These days, I have been observing everyone, and I finally realized that only you in the entire company can shoulder this heavy burden. [Shengteng Technology] will do its best to cooperate with this project... I I will also give you more support..."

"Mr. Zhang, let me try..."

"I don't want to try!" Zhang Sheng stared at Liu Changyu.

"I took it!"


time flies.

In the blink of an eye, 2010 has come to an end.

This year……

It has been a busy year for Li Yanhong.

Especially in the second half of the year, group buying almost killed everyone.

In the hospital.

She saw the financial reports of cooperative companies under the [Bird's Nest Technology] system, which appeared on major Weibo.

When I see the financial report...

She froze.

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