I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 451 Just pick a building

I don’t know if it is related to being involved in the capital war.

Li Yanhong's impression of the second half of 2010 is getting weaker and weaker.

I vaguely feel as if I am a prisoner, locked in a cage of data, fighting virtual data battles one after another.

There is no day or night. I close my eyes only when I can't hold it in anymore. When I open my eyes, I see all kinds of information and news from the rival company, as well as various plans...

I couldn't even tell how much time had passed, and I didn't know how long we would have to fight.

Half a year later...

From the beginning, every data on the rankings involved her emotions, whether happy or sad, until exhaustion began to overdraw her body, and her whole person gradually began to become numb.

In the end, even if the investment was hundreds of millions, in her eyes, it was just a series of cold, yet terrifying figures.

However, she couldn't stop.

Even though she was getting an intravenous drip in the hospital, she was still holding the phone with one hand and holding the phone in the other hand to follow the data department of Minuo Group Buying for a meeting, directing the next combat plan and activities.

He even called Zhao Degang's business team in Shenyang and made an appointment with them to prepare to go to Shenyang in person to prove his [Mi Nuo Group Purchase] determination to win the share of the Spring Festival Gala sketches, even if it costs 30 million , the four words "Mi Nuo Group Purchase" must be added to the script of Xiao Zhao Degang's sketch.

[Group buying], [Harvest group buying], [Handhand.com]...

Each of these group buying websites in the finals is not good. They need money, connections and connections...

To get to this point, everyone has been fighting with willpower and patience. No one dares to slack off, let alone take a break.

"Maybe I was wrong from the beginning."

The smell of disinfectant in the hospital is unusually pungent.

Li Yanhong put her mobile phone aside. On her mobile phone were the 2010 [Bird's Nest] system's various financial reports published on the Internet.

[Financial report shows] In the past year, the comprehensive business data of Zhang Sheng’s cooperative enterprises has exceeded 4 billion.

And Zhang Sheng’s own additional income has exceeded 800 million...


many years ago.

Chen Mengting will always remember September 2009.

At that time, a freshman wearing ordinary clothes walked into Yanshihua. He held many jobs and worked hard to survive.

Anyone who knows Zhang Sheng's background will be shocked and sad at the first moment.

Probably, for countless people, this is almost a dead end that cannot be overturned!


Chen Mengting, like countless other witnesses, watched with incredible eyes as this smiling man climbed out of hell step by step and stood at a high place.

One and a half years later, it suddenly felt like a dream.

December 31st.


Chen Mengting, wearing smart professional attire, walked into the [NC Entertainment] area on high heels.

There were many reporters at the door.


The story of overnight fame is not new.

"My Sassy Girl Sadako" starring Zhang Panpan became a hit in Asia. After its popularity, Zhang Panpan's popularity skyrocketed, and she was easily accepted every day.

She also saw Bi Feiyu...

Although Director Bi's films have not been released in China in a real sense, since "Seven Days to Kill" and "Prisoners", he has become a very capable international director...

She also saw Ah K...

Ah K has been quiet for a while, and once again entered the market with the title song "I Believe" from "My Sassy Girl Sadako" and the album of the same name, and today happens to be the release day of Ah K's new album...

All major software immediately launched all the songs in the album "I Believe", and even Qgou Music specially gave Ah K a feature on the album.

[NC Entertainment] looked both familiar and completely unfamiliar.

Chen Mengting stopped instinctively.

I briefly reviewed the work I have done during this year.

After stopping for about a minute, she walked towards the door of [NC Entertainment] again.

In this year, everyone has made progress in their own fields. Although she has made slow progress, at least she has supported [Bosch Technology].

In just one year, [Bosch Technology]’s [Battery Car Battery] has become the seventh cutting-edge brand after strong brands such as [Weineng Battery] and [Liwei Battery].

Looking back on the past year, the total sales of lead-acid batteries in 2010 were 90 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 18.2%. Electric bicycles have become the largest market for lead-acid batteries in China, accounting for nearly 40% of 36 billion yuan. Her [Bosch [Battery] entered the industry late. Although the brand effect was good in the early stage, the output was insufficient. Later, it caught up and gained a share of nearly 1 billion yuan, accounting for about 2.7% of the entire market...

Although [Bosch Battery] started later and is still in the word-of-mouth stage, it still supplies 1.1 million domestic mobile phones and adapts to mobile phone batteries...

Looking back on this year.

Maybe I didn’t do everything the best, but I still have a clear conscience.

She walked to Zhang Sheng's office and saw that the seats in front of Zhang Sheng's office were already full of people.

[Hongwei] Nie Xiaoping from battery car, Meng Shurong from [Obon Integrated Ceiling], Qi Haifeng from [Qi's Home Furnishing], Ma Hongbo from [Apple 4] mobile phone...

Familiar or unfamiliar people were sitting there.

Without exception, they all had beaming expressions on their faces and chatted with each other about the status of their own industries in 2010...

Chen Mengting stood at the door for about a minute...

The office door opened.

Everyone rushed towards Zhang Sheng.

"boss Zhang……"

"boss Zhang!"

"boss Zhang!"


After Zhang Sheng saw these people, he smiled: "Don't leave tonight, everyone. I've booked the entire venue at [Yanjing Hotel] and ordered a meal. Whatever you want, I'll say it at the dining table... "

When she saw Zhang Sheng again, Chen Mengting was keenly aware that Zhang Sheng seemed different from half a year ago.

He seems to be born with the aura of a superior person. Although he smiles and has a warm expression, his every word and deed carries a certain dignity from the inside out, which makes people awe-inspiring.

After a while, she saw Zhang Sheng coming to her side: "Mr. Chen, long time no see! Your figure is getting better and better..."

"Mr. Zhang... let me report to you what our [Bosch Technology] has done in the past year..."

Chen Mengting never dreamed that when she and Zhang Sheng met again, Zhang Sheng's first words would be this.

She blushed slightly, but then she reacted: "Mr. Zhang, what are you..."

"I'm going to buy a building."


"Want to go together? I'm going to buy two more office buildings next door..."


Chen Mengting couldn't imagine what kind of language Zhang Sheng used to say this lightly.

She was so shocked that her head almost shut down. After a long pause, she finally realized what she was doing, and then followed Zhang Sheng behind him.


In 2008, after the financial crisis, housing prices in China fell into a brief downturn.

Then it skyrocketed!

From 2008 to 2010, it increased for two years.

In two years, the price of commercial housing in Yanjing has increased from 5,000 yuan per square meter to nearly 20,000 yuan per square meter.

The average price has risen to 20,000 yuan. This is just a figure on paper. It does not mean that you can buy a house for 20,000 yuan per square meter. Even if you can buy it, it will be in an extremely remote place.

In other Chinese cities, the number has been exaggerated several times.

Countless experts combined with the Japanese real estate bubble have concluded that Chinese real estate has reached the critical point of the bubble.

Housing prices have risen so crazily that it’s scary.

Next to the [Bird's Nest Office Building].

Chen Mengting saw with her own eyes that Zhang Sheng spent 500 million yuan to sign purchase agreements for four office buildings.

When she saw the agents accompanying her, they laughed like crazy and were so excited that they couldn't hold their pens.

She also saw the two landlords who were selling the house stunned for a long time, as if they had never seen such generous buyers...

You must know that six months ago, the average office building in Mitu Economic Development Zone was about 60 million.

The original price of Zhang Sheng's [Bird's Nest Office Building] was only 54 million, but it had doubled in just half a year. Moreover, it was not a popular location.

Chen Mengting saw Zhang Sheng get the key after signing various agreements...

"Mr. Zhang, how much have you earned in this year..."

"Not much……"

"It's just a little more than the cost of four office buildings..."


Just when she was about to chat with Zhang Sheng, she saw many cursors coming from [Shengteng Technology].

Xu Guangbiao came to Zhang Sheng with a Korean woman, and under Zhang Sheng's frown, he signed another agreement.

The Korean woman held the phone excitedly, ran to the side and started calling ecstatically, as if something she had been worrying about for a long time was finally solved.

After the Korean woman left, Zhang Sheng's frown suddenly turned into a smile.

"Mr. Xu..."


"Which of these buildings do you like? You choose first..."

"Huh? Which one?"

"Yes, I bought them all..."

"We don't need so many venues, we..."

"I don't need it now, but I will need it in the future. I will give you a place first. After the New Year, you can move [Shengteng Technology] and [Honeycomb Jisong] here..."

"Ah, okay, okay..."

in the sun.

When he saw the serious expression on Zhang Sheng's face, Xu Guangbiao was shocked and incredulous.

After calming down for a long time, he still didn't calm down.

After a long while, he finally picked the one near [Honeycomb Jisong].


Chen Mengting saw Zhang Sheng handing the key to Xu Guangbiao.

Xu Guangbiao took the key and his eyes were dull again.

Then, Zhang Sheng looked at Chen Mengting.

"Mr. Chen, what about you?"


"Yes, you can choose one too."

"Mr. Zhang, I have my own office space, and this office building is so big..."

"Pick one."

After Chen Mengting looked at Zhang Sheng's serious expression, she subconsciously glanced at the office buildings near NC Entertainment.


Choosing one by accident!

Then, Zhang Sheng handed the key directly into her hands.

"Let Teacher Tang's laboratory move here too, so you don't have to pay rent anymore..."


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