I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 452 Money Spreading Annual Meeting

Chen Mengting has never seen such an amazing speed.

Not ten minutes after I checked which office building I had, I saw workers getting off the vans with "Bird's Nest Decoration" on them.

The workers took out the scaffolding and, under the direction of the person in charge, removed pieces of billboards from the van.

The billboards read "Shengteng Technology" and "Bosch Technology" respectively.

Everything happened so fast, so fast that it caught people off guard, and Chen Mengting was stunned for a time.

She looked at these busy but orderly workers.

In one year, I have participated in numerous decoration projects at home and abroad, and the professionalism of [Bird's Nest Decoration] has reached an astonishing level.

"Mr. Chen, do you want to stay and talk to the design teacher about the decoration of [Bosch Technology]? If you don't have any special wishes, then just follow the normal rules..."

Just when Chen Mengting was stunned, Zhang Sheng turned his head and looked at her with a smile.

this moment……

Only then did she think of her purpose.


Chen Mengting walked into the office.


In addition to reporting on [Bosch Technology]'s performance this year and attending the company's annual meeting, it was mostly for Tang Wu's personal reasons.

This year……

[Bosch Technology]'s [Bosch Battery] sales exceeded 1 billion, but the profit is actually not high.

At the beginning, the profit was about 30%. Later, as the market became more and more complicated, the profit became lower and lower. With sales of 1 billion, the final gross profit was only about 200 million.

The gross profit is about 200 million, and after tax is deducted and divided, the net profit is probably about 100 million...

However, this is not the final profit.

The research in Yuwu's laboratory has gone out of control. In just half a year, 50 million was spent...

Fifty million.

However, the results of the research are all failures that cannot be used, which is equivalent to all 50 million wasted.

"I agree with Teacher Tang's research. Teacher Tang has also created more profits for our [Bosch Battery], but... I realize that Teacher Tang has taken a path that deviates from the market..."

“The success of our [Bosch Batteries] is that we have taken a step forward in lead-acid batteries and won with products. However, we have only reaped the dividends of new products for a few months. On the market, [Weineng], [Liwei] Waiting for batteries, they have already caught up with us in the field of lead-acid batteries... In December this year, our sales of [Bosch batteries] were almost halved, and the other party raised the market price with us to offer better and more reliable batteries. Safe and cheaper batteries are competing with us, but we can only passively reduce prices..."

"I studied with Teacher Tang a few months ago. I hoped that Teacher Tang could make another breakthrough in lead-acid batteries, but Teacher Tang told me that he was no longer prepared to study any lead-acid batteries... …”

"I told Teacher Tang about the market, but Teacher Tang couldn't make sense at all...I insisted on researching lithium batteries..."

"Mr. Zhang, I know that lithium batteries may be the future trend, but in 2010, our domestic battery bicycle production exceeded 28 million, of which lithium battery bicycles accounted for 700,000, only 2.5%, and more than 95% were lead-acid batteries. The investment cost of lithium batteries is really too high, and the price/performance ratio is extremely low. We started with lead-acid batteries. If we use a lithium battery of the same size, the price will be more than three times higher..."

"Moreover, this is based on the premise that Teacher Tang's research results are all successful. 50 million. After spending 50 million this year, Teacher Tang's research on lithium batteries still has no substantial technical breakthrough..."


Technology and sales.

In a sense, it is conflicting.

Technology wants to bring stronger performance breakthroughs to products, and it insists on pushing its research direction to a deeper level.

They don't consider whether the market is compatible.

Sales is about taking both profits and the market into account. When she realized that something was wrong with the market, Chen Mengting was extremely eager for Tang Wu's laboratory to develop products with stronger technology and more competitive prices.

The first half of this year...

The rise of domestic mobile phones has hidden this contradiction.

But the second half of the year...

When China's lead-acid battery market became increasingly crazier and everyone was engaging in price wars, Chen Mengting was keenly aware that [Bosch Batteries] had reached an extremely dangerous situation.

They have lost their original technological competitiveness. Their competitiveness in the market is also shrinking, and their profits are getting lower and lower. By next year, 2011, she will not even dare to think how low these profits will be. To what extent.

Chen Mengting told Zhang Sheng her worries.

But Zhang Sheng just listened silently and did not express any opinions.

In the office.

fell into a brief silence.

A moment later, there was a knock on the office door.

Then, Tang Wu came.

Yuwu looks very embarrassed...

There were several burn scars on his face, and half of his eyebrows were missing. Although his clothes were neatly dressed, they were really wrinkled, and his body exuded an unpleasant acid-base smell.

When he walked in, he didn't look at Chen Mengting, but just stared at Zhang Sheng.

"Zhang Sheng..."

"Teacher Tang..."

"I almost succeeded in my research, but I need to buy new instruments and equipment..."

"How much does it cost?"

"Ten million, this is my machine list. These are machines imported from Europe and the United States..."


Tang Wu sat on the chair unceremoniously and chattered some professional terms to Zhang Sheng.

Zhang Sheng looked at the machine watch carefully and saw many unfamiliar machines on it. However, he did not question it. He just looked up at Tang Wu and said, "Teacher Tang, are you not going to attend the annual meeting tonight?"

"How can I have time to participate? The project is at a critical stage now and I need a lot of time..."


Zhang Sheng didn't say anything to Tang Wu, just nodded, and then stared at Tang Wu silently: "Teacher Tang, it's okay to give you ten million batches, but I hope you can give me one every once in a while. We will collect research data and project progress reports, and at the same time, this money will come from Mr. Chen..."

"So troublesome!" Tang Wu frowned.

Then I glanced at Chen Mengting, and I felt from the bottom of my heart that Chen Mengting was a philistine.

Chen Mengting, on the other hand, had a cold face and remained silent.

If she didn't really want to deal with Yuwu, she wouldn't even want to talk to Yuwu.

After a long time...

Tang Wu nodded, but still added: "Zhang Sheng, I hope you can support me. I know the market is not good for us, but lead-acid batteries have no future... Lithium batteries are the future. With the same power, , the weight of the lithium battery is only 1/4 of the lead-acid battery of the same capacity, and the volume is only 1/3 of the lead-acid battery of the same capacity. Under the same power, the lithium battery can increase the stroke by 20%. At the same time, the lithium battery assembly Afterwards, there is no need for any special water perfusion and regular discharge..."


Tang Wu kept chattering along with Zhang Sheng about the various benefits of lithium batteries.

Strive for various rights for yourself.

Zhang Sheng just listened silently. After listening, his expression gradually became serious: "Teacher Tang..."

"you say……"

"Teacher Tang, ten million is not enough. Regardless of the company level, I will personally sponsor you another twenty million..."


When Zhang Sheng said this, not only Tang Wu was stunned, but even Chen Mengting was stunned.

She looked at Zhang Sheng in disbelief.

But Zhang Sheng still said calmly: "Mr. Tang, when can I see samples of lithium batteries at the latest? I don't need to have top-notch technology, as long as it is slightly better than the market, it will be enough..."

"Slightly better than the market, what do you mean?"

"As long as a four-wheeled car can be driven, it has a longer battery life than a lead-acid battery. It is best to be able to carry three people and have a battery life of... How should I put it, Teacher Tang, I don't know the specific parameters. Please wait. wait……"

Zhang Sheng took out his mobile phone.

A number was dialed.

About ten minutes later, Nie Xiaoping from [Hongwei Battery Car] walked in.

When he walked in, he first said hello to Chen Mengting, then said hello to Tang Wu, and then sat in the seat next to him.

"Mr. Zhang, are you looking for me?"

"Have the first batch of samples of Laotou Le been released?" Zhang Sheng smiled.

"It's out, but it can't be put on the market at the moment. It can only be driven as an exhibition car. We are looking for a suitable battery, and power is also a problem at the moment..."

"How about lithium batteries?"

"I have considered lithium batteries, but the price is too expensive..." Nie Xiaoping frowned: "The mainstream now is lead-acid batteries, and lithium batteries are currently not suitable for our battery cars... Lithium batteries are currently mainly used as mobile phone battery materials. Battery-powered cars...are currently not competitive in the market."

"Mr. Nie, maybe we can change the concept?"

"Change a concept? What concept?"

“Don’t think of a four-wheeled battery car as a battery car, but as an electric car…”

"Is there a difference between battery and electric...?"

"Battery bikes are battery bikes, electric bikes are electric cars, new energy electric cars, energy saving, environmental protection, safety, new technology..."

"Huh? But we don't have the qualifications to build cars yet, and these old guys can't get licenses. At the official level..." Nie Xiaoping immediately thought of the officials and hesitated a little.

"Mr. Nie, the entire market is currently blank. Blank means all rules, all definitions, channels, users... these concepts are all defined by you..." Zhang Sheng squinted his eyes: "As for the official At the level of government, the signs of government support for new energy have become increasingly clear... Not only our Chinese government, but also governments around the world are advocating energy conservation, emission reduction, and green travel..."

In the office.

Nie Xiaoping's pupils shrank, and then he couldn't suppress his surprise: "Mr. Zhang, you mean, you can..."

“First look at the global trends, then lay out the concept, and then make the product...Leave the concept to me, leave the product to you, Mr. Nie, without considering the price, what requirements do you want your new energy battery car battery to meet? I hope , you can communicate with Teacher Tang now... After the date and requirements are roughly determined, I will organize a meeting..."


Just after Zhang Sheng finished speaking, he seemed to have thought of something, and then hesitated for a moment, staring at Nie Xiaoping and narrowing his eyes: "How many prototype cars did you bring here?"

"What's wrong with the five cars?"

"Oh it's all right!"



On the door of [Yanjing Hotel] are the words "2010 Bird's Nest Annual Meeting".

The door was full of security guards.

Five brand new [Hongwei Battery Cars] drove through the lobby door of [Yanjing Hotel].

Many senior executives of [Bird's Nest]'s companies were sitting on chairs in the hall, waiting for the annual meeting to begin.

As the battery car slowly drove in, everyone glanced at it subconsciously.

Look at this!

Everyone was stunned!

They saw stylish four-wheeled battery cars, each filled with hundreds of dollar bills...

They saw Zhang Sheng getting off the battery car headed by them.

Then, walked to the stage.


Cough slightly.

"Sorry, everyone, I really don't know how to give you gifts since the annual meeting. After thinking about it for a long time, I might as well be more vulgar..."

"Just give me money!"

"I have prepared 200 million yuan in cash..."

"One hundred and twenty-five friends present, everyone has a share..."

"Before the food is served and the show starts, I will randomly draw two million..."

"In order to better ensure the fairness and supervision of the on-site lottery activities, our annual meeting will be broadcast live. Oh, by the way, friends from [Jitu Live], please focus the camera on my hand first..."


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