I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 454 Crazy live broadcast room (Part 2)

at first.

Except for some star-chasing fans, no netizens noticed [NC Entertainment]’s annual meeting live broadcast.

Almost everyone feels that this is just a meal, a year-end summary, a meaningless drinking party...

Until, in this live broadcast, Zhang Sheng tore the "100,000" lottery ticket into pieces and threw it into the trash can.

Until two hundred thousand, three hundred thousand, five hundred thousand...

Bundles of cash were distributed to each employee at the [Annual Meeting] in front of everyone's shocked eyes.


In ten minutes, two million prizes were drawn, and the live broadcast camera showed a close-up. The two hundred million cash was still stacked up in the entire [Hongwei Four-Wheel Vehicle] compartment...

The entire live broadcast room was blown away!


"Half a million!"

"No. 100, congratulations to Xu Zhengwen of [Jitu Video], Mr. Internet celebrity [FK Rabbit] is happy to donate 500,000 in cash!"



【YK Live】.

Zhao Kai saw an anchor wearing [Jitu Video] standing up excitedly.

His name is [FK Rabbit]...

Zhao Kai had heard about it a little, and it seemed that he had just left [YK Live Broadcast] some time ago.

This anchor is a singing anchor, but his popularity is not very high. At his peak, he had an astonishing 70,000 daily active users, but at his peak, he only had 10,000...

10,000, although it was considered a good performance in the years when video live broadcasting first emerged, but because there were nearly 20 anchors better than him in [YK Live], his departure was really nothing conspicuous.

The anchors don’t care, the managers of [YK Live] don’t care anymore, and the company doesn’t even ban [YK Live]’s live broadcast room...


this moment……

An indescribable emotion shook violently deep in Zhao Kai's heart!

He felt that he was going crazy!

Half a million!

I worked hard, broadcasting for eight hours a day, singing until my throat was hoarse, and finally managed to earn 300,000 yuan by relying on the signing fee and traffic sharing!

And he...

How much is half a million in cash?

I can barely hold it with both hands, but it’s money. If you want to hold it firmly, you have to hold it!

There was no black bag, and there was no other container to put it in. It seemed that the anchor [FK Rabbit] was shocked that he could get so much money. He was holding half a million cash in front of the camera, as if he was a dog thief, excited. His whole body was trembling, and he once suspected that he was dreaming.

[This is a stunt by [Jitu Video]. The money will definitely not be given to him, it will definitely be reused...]

【right! This must be the case...]

【Definitely is……】

When Zhao Kai saw the five hundred thousand in cash, he immediately felt something unbalanced deep in his heart, and a huge sense of excitement made his emotions inevitably begin to "self-comfort".


On the computer screen, Zhang Sheng seemed to be able to hear Zhao Kai comforting himself. After drawing the two million prize, he pushed up his glasses.

“It’s not safe to hold cash after all!”

"Here, we have invited Mr. Xu Zhenghua, the head of Yanjing of [Hua Xia Bank], to come over..."

"On the left side of our counter, there is a [Hua Xia Bank] counter. Here, there are our Hua Xia staff. You can use the badge in your hand to talk to them about saving money!"

"By the way, in order to be fair and just and accept the supervision of the broad masses of the people, our live broadcast will not stop!"

"Friends of [Jitu Video], hey, don't grab the bonus like a grenade. Don't worry, there are twenty [Hua Xia Bank] security personnel with live ammunition at the door guarding us... You should aim your camera. [Hua Xia Bank], we will live broadcast the entire process and accept supervision throughout the entire process!”


Zhao Kai saw Xu Zhenghua, the president of the Mitu Industrial Zone branch in Yanjing District of [Hua Xia Bank]...

The live broadcast assistant quickly searched for Xu Zhenghua's information.

On search, there is a lot of information about Xu Zhenghua, one of which is that Xu Zhenghua participated in the [Zhang Sheng Inspirational News] report about a year ago...

[Hua Xia Bank waives Mr. Zhang Sheng’s loan interest and helps Mr. Zhang Sheng start his own business! 】

After reading the news, Zhao Kai discovered that he was the president of the [Hua Xia Bank] branch in Cangdong County. In July this year, due to work transfer, he happened to be transferred to the secret road of Yanjing.

on the screen.

Xu Zhenghua naively serves every employee of [NC Entertainment]. Whether it is account opening or consulting business, Xu Zhenghua is extremely patient in assisting...

Live footage...

From the close-up of Xu Zhenghua, it then moved to the outside of the [Yanjing Hotel].

Outside, I took a brief photo of the bank security personnel wearing uniforms holding electric batons and equipped with walkie-talkies as standard...

Everything seemed to remind Zhao Kai that Zhang Sheng was not putting on a show, let alone doing things like [distributing money] or [recovering cash]...

This man!

They are really giving out money!

At that moment, Zhao Kai felt like his head was exploding, and his heart was beating so fast that it was uncontrollable. Somehow, he faced the netizens of [YK Live] again...

He felt that he had lost his enthusiasm for the live broadcast, and his whole body was filled with an indescribable feeling of jealousy, anger, and powerlessness.


These three words emerged from the depths of his heart.

Of course, there are no fans scolding him. In fact, at this moment, netizens in the [YK Live] channel are crazy about [Jitu Video].

[Jitu Live] in the assistant's auxiliary channel is stuck!

"The [NC Entertainment] annual meeting live broadcast in [Jitu Live] has exceeded 300,000 fans!"

"Three hundred and one thousand!"

"Three hundred and twenty thousand..."


The assistant refreshed the data in [Jitu Video] every once in a while and whispered to Zhao Kai.

Looking at the data, Zhao Kai felt a growing sense of disparity, which once defeated his psychological defense...


The first round of the two million lottery draw has ended...

Now is the stage performance and meal time for all employees under the [NC Entertainment] system.

Zhao Kai adjusted his mentality...

Seeing that there were only about 14,000 die-hard fans left in his live broadcast room, he felt a little more comforted.

He began to abandon all unbalanced mentality and began to sing seriously.


Sing and sing!

"Damn it, Zhang Sheng's second round of cash draws! This time it's five million!"

"The minimum is five hundred thousand, my God, the maximum is one million!"

"Go crazy!"



Zhao Kai saw countless comments again, filling the screen area.

The 14,000 die-hard fans are also passing by like crazy...

Fans who were driven crazy by the money live broadcast and became more and more impetuous gradually no longer had the patience to listen to Zhao Kai singing anymore!

Zhao Kai managed to hold on for a long time, but after seeing each barrage, he finally adjusted his mentality and was finally defeated!

this moment……

[Jitu Video] The lottery over there has started again!

The initial two million, the minimum is 200,000, and the maximum is 500,000, which is considered to be within a very reasonable range.


Second round of lottery!

Zhang Sheng took out five million!

Lottery with a minimum of 500,000!

Almost frantically watching the entire big screen...

The first 500,000 was drawn by a staff member of [Jitu Video], which made [Jitu Video]’s live broadcast screen tremble. Then, in the screen, the staff member rushed onto the stage like crazy. …

The first 600,000 yuan was taken away by an executive from [Bosch Technology]. The executive was stunned, and then jumped around like crazy...

The first 700,000 yuan was taken away by the staff of [Qiangsheng Online Mall]. When the staff of the marketing department heard the imbalance of his name, he was a little confused, and then, holding the 700,000 yuan in disbelief, I had to rush towards [Hua Xia Bank] like I was carrying a land mine...

The first one million was taken away by Mr. Xu Guangbiao of [Shengteng Technology]. Mr. Xu took the one million and coughed lightly.

Zhao Kai watched the live broadcast.

His mentality was completely out of balance, especially when he saw the food delivery people walking away holding hundreds of thousands and hundreds of thousands, his heart was broken!

live streaming?

damn it!

Can he continue to live broadcast?

At this moment, he couldn't wait to run to the [Yanjing Hotel], and he was even willing to let him deliver food...

If others easily take away the money he earned in a year, is there any justice in this world?


[YK Live] Headquarters.

Zhong Qian stared at a series of data.

[YK Live] In just half an hour, the number of offline people actually increased by hundreds of thousands and hundreds of thousands...

[Jitu Video] The "spending money" operation was so sudden that they had no premonition about it, as if they were being attacked by Pearl Harbor!

The senior executives all have pale faces!

Especially when they saw an insignificant anchor [FK Rabbit] leaving the country again, almost like a madman, unable to hold the money, everyone realized that Zhang Sheng’s [NC Entertainment Annual Conference] live broadcast will It will have an immeasurable negative impact on their [YK Live Broadcast].


At this moment, they can only stare at each other!

No one can come up with a reason.

"This is just a gimmick. I think we should focus on appeasing the anchor..."


"How about we also give out bonuses?"


An executive suddenly suggested.

But then, I saw pairs of cold eyes, especially Zhong Qian's face, which was extremely ugly now!

Zhang Sheng is throwing away real money!

You ask him to take out his old money and play with [Jitu Live] now...

How could he make up his mind?

Just at this time……

The screen over there rang again!

"Hey, there are about half a million left in the five million. Let's do this. I will divide the half a million into one thousand parts, each worth 500 yuan!"

"Friends of [Jitu Video], please work harder and help me watch the brothers in the live broadcast room..."

"Brothers in front of the live broadcast room, you helped us supervise the annual meeting of [NC Entertainment], thank you for your hard work!"

“To thank all netizens for their hard work, I will send this thousand heartfelt wishes to you. Whether you are an old friend who has just signed up for our [Jitu Video] or [Jitu Video], just leave a comment in the live broadcast room to support We all have a chance to participate in the lottery!”

"Countdown to fifteen minutes!"


Zhong Qian saw Zhang Sheng’s disgusting face!

Take a deep breath!

You are trying to dig up my ancestral grave!

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