I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 455 The trend of the times!

【YK Live】.

Zhao Kai saw with his own eyes that his fans dropped from 14,000 to 10,000, and then below 10,000...

In just fifteen minutes, Zhao Kai saw with his own eyes what it means to be transformed into a living being!

At this moment, he no longer has the intention to broadcast live...

His eyes were fixed on the screen of [Jitu Live] next door.

Then, he watched helplessly as Zhang Sheng drained half a million yuan...

Immediately afterwards, the staff took out another 10 million yuan from the logo of [Hongwei's Battery Car] and placed it on Zhang Sheng's table.

This time, the minimum draw amount is one million!

The maximum bonus is 2.5 million, and the bonus amount has been increased again.


[Jitu Video].

In just fifteen minutes...

There was a surge of nearly 400,000 traffic!

The number of followers in the live broadcast room has exceeded one million!

Zhou Wen stared closely at the hundreds of thousands of new registered accounts...

The system once again fell into a lag, and the screen could not be smoothed out at all.

Fortunately, it only stalled for a while and then the live broadcast resumed.

After all, the staff of [Jitu Video], under Zhang Sheng’s instructions, have upgraded the server to a server capacity that is not inferior to [YK Live Broadcast]...

Come to think of it, Zhang is always preparing for this day!

Zhou Wen took a deep breath again and looked towards the stage.

on the stage……

Mr. Zhang held the microphone and was live broadcasting passionately.


It's the financial stimulus...

Maybe, there are some other reasons?


In the past six months, Zhou Wen has met countless anchors, but she has never seen a person like Mr. Zhang, whose words and deeds make people's blood boil.

However, Zhou Wen still felt a little numb after seeing Mr. Zhang handing out millions of bonuses without blinking an eye.

I've seen crazy people...

She had never seen such a crazy person.


In addition to buying a house, Mr. Zhang spent 70% of the money he earned last year on bonuses for employees and lottery draws?

When this idea came up, Zhou Wen felt her scalp numb. She put herself in her shoes and thought, if it were herself, would she dare to spend money like this?

She didn't dare.

Who among these newly minted Internet giants would dare to play like this? What is this if not stupid?

"Mr. Zhou, the list of a thousand award-winning netizens from all over the world has been announced. We received private messages in the background. Do we really want to send all the money to them?"

Zhou Wen received a call from a staff member of [Jitu Video].

On the phone, the staff member's voice was trembling, as if he was so shocked by this "wealth splash" that he couldn't speak clearly.

"Wait a minute, I will listen to Mr. Zhang's instructions..."

Zhou Wen looked at the stage.

On the stage, money was being spread as if it was free of charge. The more I stood on the edge of the stage, the clearer I became about the fairness of this [NC Entertainment] live broadcast.

Whether you are a senior executive of the Bird's Nest system in various industries, or a grassroots delivery person who has received a special invitation, as long as you have your own job number, you have the opportunity to get hundreds of thousands, or even millions, in cash. …

Shockingly crazy.

However, she was keenly aware that Mr. Zhang definitely had his own meaning in doing so!

So she suppressed the shocking emotion and kept herself calm.

The 10 million lottery draw will end soon...

During the break, the performance was continuing. Ah K appeared on the stage and sang "Running" with passion and hysteria, shaking the entire living room.

Zhang Shengze seemed a little tired and walked off the stage and sat on a chair to drink water.

Zhou Wen hurriedly walked in the direction of Zhang Sheng.

"boss Zhang……"

"Mr. Zhou..."

"Mr. Zhang, I would like to ask, should we give them the one thousand bonuses now or..." Zhou Wen looked at Zhang Sheng.

But Zhang Sheng was smiling and silent, just looking at Zhou Wen. When Zhou Wen's face turned slightly red, Zhang Sheng asked, "What do you plan to do with a thousand user bonuses?"

"I..." Zhou Wen thought for a moment, and then looked at Zhang Sheng as if she had thought of something: "Mr. Zhang, since you said in public that you want to fight, then we must get the money into the hands of users, but as for how to use it, We still have to consider the payment for this gimmick..."

"You are right. How to use this gimmick needs to be considered..."

In the hall.

There are people depositing money in the bank, people watching the show here, excitedly talking about when the next lottery will start, taking pictures...

The whole hall was getting noisier and noisier.

Zhang Sheng took Zhou Wen to a slightly quieter place and continued to add with a smile: "For users, we should give them the right to make independent choices. They can choose to take money or not, and they can temporarily store it with us. …”

"Temporarily store it with us? We are not a bank, we..." After Zhou Wen said half a sentence, she was stunned subconsciously: "Mr. Zhang, you mean to exchange 500 yuan for one thousand copies into virtual currency ?”

"That's right! In exchange for virtual currency, they can choose to withdraw cash from this virtual currency, or they can choose not to withdraw cash..."

"But, if this is the case, we may have to build a new [financial system]. The financial system within our system is now based on [Yaohua Technology]... We do not have a dedicated system ourselves, and the financial system , It’s too complicated, we are not specialized in this field..." Zhou Wen nodded, and when she was about to say something, she suddenly saw a figure walking over slowly.

"Professional matters must of course be left to professionals..."

Obviously, Zhang Sheng also saw the figure approaching, and he narrowed his eyes.

"Brother Zhang...this live broadcast is very popular, haha..."

Xu Zhenghua from [Hua Xia Bank] came to Zhang Sheng with a smile on his face, his eyes full of appreciation.

a year ago……

The news about Zhang Sheng's [Desperate Counterattack] made him notice Zhang Sheng.

He has been in the financial industry for many years and has met countless people. When he saw Zhang Sheng, he was keenly aware that this young man would be great in the future.


He was the first to contact Zhang Sheng. At the same time, he was also the first president to announce to Zhang Sheng that he would waive the interest on Zhang Sheng's previous loans.

In fact...

In the next year, he kept in touch with Zhang Sheng, sending blessing messages to Zhang Sheng every now and then, making tea appointments with Zhang Sheng, and solving some financial problems for the local [Bosch Technology] factory several times. .

Although he did not have much face-to-face contact with Zhang Sheng during this year, due to their sincere friendship, he successfully attracted all the [funding transactions] of Zhang Sheng's cooperative companies, including Zhang Sheng's own company. In their hands [Hua Xia Bank].

"Brother Xu, it's okay, haha, it's just a new business, let's try it for fun..."

"Haha, heroes come out of young people, and heroes come out of young people. Brother Zhang, what are your plans next? If there is anything you need help from me, just ask me... Although my brother is a small person now, in the secret road, There is still something we can do in the area..."

"Brother Xu... When you say that, I really have an immature idea..."

"what idea?"

"Brother Xu, this is Zhou Wen from our [Jitu Video], Mr. Zhou..." Zhang Sheng had a smile on his face, but he did not speak immediately, but introduced Zhou Wen to Xu Zhenghua.

When Xu Zhenghua saw Zhou Wen, he was stunned for a moment, then quickly smiled and shook hands with Zhou Wen.

After introducing each other, Zhang Sheng pushed up his glasses: "Brother Xu, didn't we [Jitu Video] open a live video channel a few months ago... Just now, I sent a message to the netizens in the live broadcast room. We received a thousand 500-yuan red envelopes...but it would be too difficult for us to get these red envelopes one by one!"

"Haha, let's help you with this. Don't worry, you can ask them to apply for a [Hua Xia Bank] bank card..."

"No...Brother Xu, this is just one aspect. On the other hand, I am thinking that my companies [Qiangsheng Online Mall] and [Jitu Video] will also have [Mi Rabbit Games] in the future... These projects are all A financial system is needed to support it, such as recharge, cash withdrawal, and bank card payment..."

"Oh?" Before Zhang Sheng finished speaking, Xu Zhenghua's eyes lit up: "We [Hua Xia Bank] can help you solve these problems. Of course, the premise is that we [Hua Xia Bank] must implement your future payment and recharge system. It’s the first choice!”

"Ha, Brother Xu, that's no problem, but..."

"Brother Zhang, in June next year, the central bank will issue the third batch of online payment licenses. Brother Zhang, if you think I am reliable, please give me your information and I will help you apply in advance... …Before that, we [Hua Xia Bank] will send a dedicated financial assistant to help you manage your payment and financial docking business with my bank. Of course, don’t worry, Brother Zhang, I have no intention of planting a spy... "


Zhou Wen listened to the two laughing and chatting about some things.

Not long after, the two of them were arm-in-arm and drank a glass of wine at each other's table.

After Xu Zhenghua left with a hearty laugh, Zhang Sheng narrowed his eyes and looked at Zhou Wen: "Mr. Zhou..."

"You say……"

"The thousand copies will be used as our [Jitu Coins]. [Ji Rabbit Coins] can be used to purchase virtual gifts to reward the anchors. Of course, if you want to withdraw cash, you can also withdraw it..."


"At the same time, we give users priority to bind [Hua Xia Bank] bank cards. I will talk to President Xu about the preferential policies. Every year, their bank has a "bad debt" to deal with. These things can be used..."


Just when Zhang Shenggang finished speaking...

There were bursts of applause on the stage.

Immediately afterwards...

Zhang Sheng looked at the stage and sighed.

"Okay, Mr. Zhou, please digest what to do first. I'm going to spread the money... Oh, damn, I didn't expect it to be so tiring to spread the money... 200 million yuan, how can you spread it for so long? In the future, one billion yuan How can Yuan still withstand it..."


(Three updates today, plus one more chapter)

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