In the hall.

The lights are bright.

[Hua Xia Bank] The temporary counter was crowded with customers who came in droves.

The staff was so busy that they were sweating profusely.

Liu Changyu looked at his two million bonus silently...

His eyes were dull and stunned.

In his mind, the image of Zhang Sheng when he gave him the money kept lingering...

Generous and bold, Liu Changyu felt that Zhang Sheng was shining brightly, and the next moment he wanted to kneel down to Zhang Sheng.

Ten million before...

Now two million...

[Liu Changyu, if you follow Zhang Sheng, you will become Zhang Sheng’s dog! 】

[Think about it, you have worked hard for so long, and suddenly a so-called "confidant" appears in the air, and all your efforts for nearly a year have been in vain! 】

[Why are you so loyal? What’s the point of being die-hard? 】


It seemed that the noises in his ears could no longer be heard. Only the words Li Dongqiang persuaded him a few hours ago remained.

Li Dongqiang still hasn't given up on persuading him to leave [Qiangsheng Online Mall]. Although he didn't belittle Zhang Sheng, he stood in front of him and complained for him.

A few days ago, Liu Changyu would have been angry, unwilling, sad, and cold when he heard this kind of voice.


When he heard this sentence now, Liu Changyu didn't seem to have any disturbance in his heart, and even felt an unprecedented irritability, as if Li Dongqiang's voice on the phone was the most harsh voice.

[How can anyone in this world be so kind to dogs? 】

[Besides, even if you are a dog, what’s wrong with it? 】


The two million in their hands was heavy, and the old employees of Qiangsheng Online Mall were rushing to the bank like crazy, with unprecedented excitement on everyone's face.

Waves of sumptuous dishes were served on the table, but no one moved their chopsticks. Everyone was staring at the stage excitedly.

on the stage.

The lottery is still going on.

This time, Zhang Sheng took out a bonus of 10 million!

A large stack of money was placed on the counter. Zhang Sheng pushed up his glasses and put his hand in...

Then "Five million grand prize, congratulations to No. 002 Chen Mengting..."



Three hours passed quietly.

It was an unforgettable moment for everyone who attended the dinner.

They witnessed the money being distributed to everyone's hands within three hours...

The first round of 100 million lottery was awarded to every employee present.

At least 100,000 RMB, and at most 5 million!

The second round of lottery draws was repeated again...

Those who distributed less once again had a second chance at the drawing.

As a result, countless people saw friends who once only drew 100,000 yuan suddenly draw one million yuan, and some saw those who once drew one million yuan draw another two million yuan...

For a moment, it seemed as if money was no longer money...

The excited screams shook the entire hall like waves.

Countless waiters looked at the scene in front of them tremblingly, and even many managers came in. The halls on both sides were filled with people.

[Yanjing Hotel] entrance...

After hearing the news, more and more reporters came, and the entire gate was densely packed. Many reporters were trying to squeeze in like crazy to collect first-hand information about this Internet feast.

But, unfortunately, no matter how hard they squeeze, they can't squeeze in.

They could only watch the live broadcast on the computer and feel the unprecedented spiritual and visual impact.

in the hall.

Zhang Sheng stood on the stage and looked at the last 10 million yuan.

He breathed a long sigh of relief and wiped some sweat from his forehead.

Finally, it’s over.

"Friends in the live broadcast room, colleagues at the scene."

"A year ago, I, Zhang Sheng, was a humble person who couldn't afford tuition. I worried about three meals a day every day. My life was gloomy and gloomy..."

"On the Internet, countless people are saying how hard I work and what an example I am..."

"But, in fact, every step I take is inseparable from your support, whether it is friends who are here or not, whether they are acquaintances, or friends who are not acquainted before the live broadcast room... "

"Thank you for supporting me during this year!"

"I don't know how to speak with gorgeous words, and I don't know how to do anything cool. I can only express my gratitude in the most vulgar, simple, and unflattering way!"

"This is the last ten million!"

"I will divide the last ten million into one thousand shares!"

“Friends who have made purchases at [Qiangsheng Online Mall], friends who have downloaded [Honeycomb Jisong] APP and participated in consumption, friends who have purchased our cooperative mobile phones, battery cars, or are about to purchase..."

"Half an hour!"

"Yes, half an hour!"

“In the last half hour, all we need to do is post the true proof of purchase in the comment area and post to support our netizens...”

"We will draw another thousand copies, each with a cash prize of RMB 10,000!"

"I would like to trouble my friends from [Jitu Video] again, as well as the rest of our friends..."

"You worked hard tonight!"


The noise and excitement gradually began to become quieter.

After Zhang Sheng said these words sincerely, he bowed to everyone, and then pushed up his glasses!

"One thousand copies, all distributed!"

"Start the countdown now!"




Zhou Wen looked at [Jitu Video].

1.7 million!

A shocking and shocking data is rising rapidly in the live broadcast room!

This is an unprecedented live broadcast record...

Almost all live broadcasts in 2010 were suppressed.

Countless netizens flocked to...

not far away.

On Li Bin's cell phone, the phone kept ringing.

The traffic of [Qiangsheng Online Mall] seems to be skyrocketing, from an average of 500,000 at the beginning to 700,000...

The number of new registered users and the number of consumers are also increasing exponentially.

In just half an hour, the number of real-time users of [Qiangsheng Online Mall] has reached nearly one million, an astonishing figure comparable to [Group Buying] and [Minuo Group Buying]!

This "spending money" craze has inspired unprecedented enthusiasm among countless netizens.

The purchase quantity of various commodities has almost reached the peak when [Qiangsheng Online Mall] was first built!

"Me, me, me!"

The waiters at [Yanjing Hotel] exploded instantly.

After serving the dishes, they all raised their hands and shouted excitedly.

They took out their mobile phones, clicked on the [Qiangsheng Online Mall] and [Honeycomb Jisong] apps on their mobile phones, and ran excitedly towards the stage.

a few hours ago…

They watched with envy and jealousy as hundreds of thousands and millions of cash were scattered in this hall!

They felt like their hearts were about to explode and their lungs were about to explode!

They feel like they are going crazy!


They are not participants, they are just spectators.

To them, this is simply a public execution, more painful than any punishment in the world!

They thought that this public execution would last until the end, and then they would leave in despair.


They never dreamed that they would actually be participants in the final ten million!

"I am a loyal user of [Qiangsheng Online Mall]. I spent nearly 10,000 yuan last year. I am now using our [Apple 4], which is our mobile phone..."

"Me too……"

"I am [Pineapple], I am Pineapple..."


They were shouting excitedly.

[Apple 4] and [Pineapple Phone] were waved by them, wanting to let everyone in front of the live broadcast room know that he was using [Apple 4].

"Sorry, why doesn't your [Pineapple Phone] have a trademark?"

"Yes, what about the Apple trademark on your [iPhone 4] phone? Did you eat it?"


"Ah, we have the trademark, why is it gone?"

"Although there is no trademark, they are indeed [Apple 4]. Look at the functions, look at the game [Temple Run]..."


"Sorry, you have taken off all the trademarks. This is not allowed. We have regulations! There is still half an hour. You should find a computer immediately, register and place an order. There is still time. By the way, you should go to [Jitu Video] to post first …”


In the crowd, several staff members raised doubts.

This kind of questioning shocked several users who were wielding [Apple 4] and [Pineapple] mobile phones!

Then, without knowing what to do or say, I could only watch other colleagues with trademarks participate in this lottery!

this moment……

They suddenly regretted it!

This year, iPhone4 has become an unprecedented hit in China, but it is expensive and many people cannot afford it.

The rise of domestic copycat phones such as [Apple 4] and [Pineapple] made them addicted to iPhone 4, which doubled their vanity.


They looked at the trademarks of [Apple 4] and [Pineapple] mobile phones.

They want cheap vanity, but they don't want everyone to know how cheap they are.


Some of them removed the trademark of [Apple 4], some changed the trademarks of [Apple 4] and [Pineapple], and some even went to the second-hand market to change the trademark...

This made them vain for a long time, as if in an instant, they were on par with those distinguished iPhone4 users.


They never dreamed that one day their vanity would cause them to miss the chance to win the lottery!

A thousand copies!

Ten thousand yuan!

Oh shit!

Unwilling to be reconciled, they immediately downloaded the [Qiangsheng Online Mall] and [Honeycomb Jisong] APPs, and immediately placed orders in the APPs...


Obviously, the purchase interfaces of the [Qiangsheng Online Mall] and [Honeycomb Jisong] apps are abnormally stuck at this moment.

They operated for a long time, but found that they could not place an order...

There are too many users buying things at the same time!

half an hour……



"I announce that the last thousand copies will be drawn!"


Zhang Sheng's voice was like a heavy hammer, hitting everyone's hearts, making them annoyed, regretful, angry, and even wanted to slap themselves hard.

A moment later...

"Wow! I won the prize, I won the prize, wow!"


At the scene, several colleagues suddenly screamed excitedly.


Rushed to the stage!

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