I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 457 Goodbye 2010!

After the last ten million was divided, the [NC Entertainment] dinner party finally came to an end.


With the stage.

A big screen suddenly lit up.

A photo, followed by a piece of data, appeared on the screen.

The atmosphere in the audience once again set off an unprecedented climax.

[NC Studio] was established on September 22, 2009. It produced the first documentary "Graduation Years" with 40 million hits on the Internet, the first album "In the Rain" with physical album sales of 400,000 copies, and the first TV series "The Years of Graduation". "Midsummer" China's box office exceeded 150 million...]

[On October 18, 2009, [Shengteng Studio] was officially established. The first business was [Obon Integrated Ceiling], and the first game was [Temple Escape]...]

[In 2009, [Bosch Training Base] was established. In December of the same year, [Bosch Technology] was officially established...]

[March 19, 2010 - December 31, 2010: [Qiangsheng Online Mall] The number of registered users exceeded five million, the peak daily active volume was one million, the trough was 300,000, the average was 500,000, and the total sales 1.3 billion……】

[From March 24, 2010 to December 31, 2010, [Jitu Video] had a peak live broadcast user count of 400,000, and has signed 78 exclusive movie licenses at home and abroad...]

【August 27, 2010. [Honeycomb Extreme Gift] established...]



"Afterlife" was released in China for half a month.

The total box office is only 10 million...

An unprecedented sense of frustration stabbed Ke Zhanyi deep in his heart.

He rose in the "romance film" that he was proud of, and at this moment, he fell hard in the "romance film" that he was proud of.

For more than half a year, he had been proving himself, but in the end, it only proved that he was a complete loser.

The fruits of failure become increasingly bitter.

Especially when I saw that the total box office of "My Sassy Girl Sadako" exceeded 190 million and was firmly heading towards 200 million, the huge sense of gap was just like that year when I drank in Taiwan. The sea water below is generally salty, bitter and sour.

It was a new director named Xin Xiaoqi. After leaving Zhang Sheng, it seemed that he had been going downhill, but Zhang Sheng's curve had been going up.

In front of the computer, he watched the live broadcast.

That was the annual meeting of [NC Entertainment].

One hundred thousand, two hundred thousand, four hundred thousand, one million, two million...

The psychological impact of this annual meeting was unparalleled, making Ke Zhanyi gnash his teeth and even pinch himself, causing his nails to sink into his flesh.

Zhang Sheng's crazy spending of money undoubtedly made the annoyance in his heart reach the extreme. Ke Zhanyi, who had never regretted his decision, regretted it for the first time in his life.

If I had accepted the movie "Seven Days to Die", if I had not been greedy for the high share that [Shengshi Entertainment] gave me, if...

People are so mean sometimes. They clearly chose to leave without hesitation at the beginning, thinking that life and death were fateful, but now, they hate themselves so much for being such a fool back then.

That live broadcast was like a knife stirring deep in my heart...

I wanted to turn off the live broadcast, but I didn't know why, but I didn't turn it off in the end. Then, I let the live broadcast play, watching familiar figures walking on the stage, and getting bonuses one after another. I was ecstatic!

He inevitably thought of himself...


He saw the screen behind the stage light up, he saw [NC Entertainment]'s first work out of the country, and he also saw a photo.

In the photo, there is the cooperation of the crew of "That Summer" and a high-spirited self. At the same time, after the box office exceeded 100 million, he was drinking beer and shouting with excitement...

To this day, Ke Zhanyi can still feel the soaring joy he felt at the time.

That day, after experiencing countless troughs and pains, he felt the joy of turning over for the first time.


The background music on the screen is "Running" by Ah K.

In the documentary "Graduation Years", Ah K was singing songs that no one cared about on the overpass at four in the morning. At this moment, he was sitting on a chair, listening to his own songs and looking at his own photos.

He was very lucky and received seven million.


Compared with money, it is more of a feeling that comes from the heart.

Somehow, when he saw his picture on the screen, the figure wandering in the cold, he couldn't help but shed tears.

Wiped it once, and then wiped it again.

Next to her, Shen Xiaoxi was crying. In the photo, she looked like she used to be when she was Ah K's manager. At that time, she was running around with Ah K and received all kinds of cold looks, but she never... I have given up. Behind Ah K’s overnight fame, no one knows better than him how much bitterness and pain he has experienced...

Chen Mengting's eye circles are also red...

His eyes were not looking at the screen, but at Zhang Sheng on the stage.

Zhang Sheng just looked at everyone calmly under the bright light.

The hall, which was noisy just a few minutes ago, became quiet at this moment, filled with the sounds of tears coming from memories.


One year has passed like this.

Not far from the seat of [NC Entertainment] was [Shengteng Technology]. On the main seat of [Shengteng Technology], although Xu Guangbiao was holding back, he couldn't suppress the excitement in his heart.

Next to him, Jin Minjing, the head of the marketing department of [SOA Game Company], was still in shock and couldn't extricate himself.

She touched the [Hua Xia Bank] bank card in her hand. There was 300,000 yuan in this bank card. As a member of the [Shengteng Technology] system, she never thought that she would actually attend an annual meeting. , can get so much money, and what’s even more unexpected is that the big boss Zhang Sheng is so crazy...

"Mr. Xu, your hair was so little in the photo, why is it so thick now? Did you use [Easy Shampoo]?"

"[Flowing Shampoo], I remember it is a cooperative brand of your company?"


Jin Minjing looked at the slightly immature Xu Guangbiao in the photo on the screen, and for some reason, she suddenly asked this question.

Xu Guangbiao was excited, moved, and about to cry before, but when he heard Jin Minjing's words, his expression suddenly froze, and then he forced a smile.

He didn't answer anything, but the atmosphere was completely ruined, and he finally lowered his head and ate his food.

Jiang Qin and Zhao Feiyang who were not far away from them at [MiTu Games] were extremely excited. Their eyes were filled with passion and they wanted to yell, but they also understood that yelling at this moment would simply be destructive. atmosphere……

They understand that they have boarded a legendary ship, and they have become a part of the creation of the legend.

The gears of fate are so strange sometimes...

A year ago, when we were playing side games, who would have thought that these two little people that no one cares about would be where they are today?


A photo.

Pieces of data.

A year goes by like a horse and a flower.

Zhang Sheng just stood here quietly, watching the passage of this era, and watching the faces that were once green gradually become mature after more than a year of wind and rain.

Some sense of relief.

The screen dimmed again, and all the lights in the audience focused on him at this moment.

A pair of excited and eager eyes were waiting for Zhang Sheng to announce his plans for the next year.

Through fire and water, through life and death...

Perhaps, such words can describe the mood of the employees who have received huge bonuses.

"In the past year, thank you for trusting me and sticking with me..."

"We have experienced wind and rain together, and we have also seen swords and swords..."

"Luckily, we survived these battles and are alive and well!"

"I am honored to be able to stand on this stage and host this dinner. Looking back on the past year, I feel that I can have a good sleep at night..."

"In the past year, compared to how much money I made and how many achievements I made, I am more gratified that I have not failed to live up to your trust in me..."

"This year, I spent about 200 million to give you year-end bonuses..."

"This year, in addition to the year-end bonus, I once again spent 200 million yuan in a lottery..."

"I never mean to show off my personal wealth. In fact, so far, I don't have much money left this year..."

"Thousands of words, no matter how nice they sound, are meaningless to me..."

"I just want to use my actions to show that I am always on the road, always eager to use my actual actions to make everyone make money..."

"With us, it doesn't matter if you have low academic qualifications. We have room for you to learn and improve. As long as you are ambitious, I will do my best to create a platform for you..."

"It doesn't matter if you don't have the ability here. As long as you are willing to do it, you are the lucky one..."


"From now on, as long as I have a sip of soup, I won't let you go hungry..."


Zhang Sheng is a natural speaker.

After those words, everyone present, even the executives of [Yanjing Hotel] were filled with enthusiasm and wanted to resign immediately and follow Zhang Sheng!

In a daze, someone realized that if he lived in ancient times, he would definitely be a prince, and he could even aspire to dominate the Central Plains...

"The evening bell of 2010 has already sounded..."

"We don't need to be too nostalgic and concerned about the past year."

"Sour, sweet, bitter, and spicy are all just part of the memory!"

"This is a toast to all of you who have worked hard over the past year!"


"This cup is a toast to tomorrow and 2011!"


"Goodbye, 2010!"

A wine glass filled with wine appeared in Zhang Sheng's hand.

Zhang Sheng raised his glass and toasted to everyone.

Countless people stood up almost immediately and toasted a glass of wine.

After finishing the drink, Zhang Sheng took a deep breath.

Afterwards, the whole person became exceptionally sincere and sincere.

"In 2011, let's try again together!"

"On December 31 next year, I hope that the bonus on that day will no longer be 200 million, but 400 million or 800 million!"

"Please, everyone!"


The whole audience.

Thunderous applause broke out.

Excitement, cheers, screams, and passionate flames burned throughout the entire hall!


The lights dimmed.

On the stage, the curtain gradually fell.

Zhang Sheng showed the empty wine glass to everyone.

Then, the figure gradually disappeared into the darkness.


Zhang Xing watched the entire live broadcast...

After reading it, just when he was sighing that Zhang Sheng's brainwashing was absolutely invincible, he received a call from his own [Group Buying] executive.

"What? You said you were fucking going to take a day off? Are you kidding me, you're taking a day off at this critical moment? Are you fucking crazy?"

After answering the phone, his expression changed drastically.

He vaguely heard the voice of the [NC Entertainment] annual meeting live broadcast in the background...

this moment……

He suddenly became aware of a fire...

It's already burned to my side.

(Two updates today, I need to check the information and organize the details...)

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