I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 458 I don’t fucking quit!

Late at night.

on Weibo.

There is news everywhere about [NC Entertainment] throwing away money at its annual meeting.

There are almost eight similar news items in the top ten.

There was an ordinary delivery boy who performed well and was invited to attend the [NC Entertainment] annual meeting. Then he received a windfall of 300,000 yuan from the sky, which almost made him faint.

A young executive from [Qiangsheng Online Mall] drew one million, and suddenly lost his temper and became incoherent...

There is also [Jitu Live] with peak traffic exceeding 1.5 million, reaching the top of China’s live video traffic...

Zhang Sheng's entrepreneurial history was also mentioned again, and it was even revealed that Zhang Sheng was in full swing this year, but most of the money he earned was given to the entrepreneurs who followed him...

Countless news has overshadowed the cheating of a certain star, the private photos of a certain traffic niche, and the raging Internet war in China's group buying circle.

This night.

For Zhang Xing, it was extremely difficult.

Especially when seeing countless social media posts, where some bystanders almost blew Zhang Sheng away, almost shouting "Dad", Zhang Xing felt for the first time the impetuousness and unreasonableness of the world.

He saw the traffic of [Qiangsheng Online Mall]...

Until early in the morning, the traffic of [Qiang Sheng Online Mall] was very fierce, and it once overtook his [Group Buying], second only to the current leader of [Thousand Group War], [Minuo Group Buying].

The purchase rate of group buying users is also soaring crazily. According to a detailed data from the [Group Buying] database, Zhang Sheng placed far more than 200,000 orders at [Qiangsheng Online Mall] in the past four hours. , the total order amount reached an astonishing 10 million...

Zhang Xing sat at the desk in the office and looked at the data on the computer screen.

He tried to keep himself calm.

“The influence of this annual meeting is no less than that of any Internet event!”

"He is using this annual meeting to prove that he has lived a good life and made a lot of money in the past year. He is also calling on his followers to declare that his era has begun..."

"That series of money-splitting let businesses, collaborators, followers, and the media..."




The assistant followed Zhang Xing to report on the annual banquet.

Zhang Xing did not respond, but looked at the assistant, and saw that although the assistant maintained his previous calm expression, his face was slightly red, and he was obviously affected by the live broadcast.

He waved his hand and asked the assistant to leave.

However, the assistant had no intention of leaving.

"Mr. Zhang...Zhang Sheng is willing to spend money to hold an annual meeting, otherwise, we will also..."

"I will consider this matter. You go down first. By the way, let the backbone and elites of [Group Buying] come over for a meeting tomorrow morning..."


Zhang Xing has been on the battlefield for a long time and is keenly aware of what his assistant is expecting.


He knows better than anyone that what Zhang Sheng did was a sneak attack!

Just like the previous [Ten Billion Subsidies], it was so quick that no one was prepared, and it suddenly launched an attack, and then occupied countless topic points and traffic points.

If you rush to accept the move and throw away money like him, you will only be led into a pit by him. If you are not careful, you will fall into the abyss forever.


Zhang Xing is currently using his own money and signing a [gambling agreement] to engage in this team battle. A desperate fight or a last-ditch fight is not an exaggeration!

Zhang Sheng patted his butt and threw money without any psychological burden, but he...

Zhang Xing suddenly thought of something and called Zhang Sheng immediately.


No one answered the phone. When I called Li Bin from Zhang Sheng’s [Qiang Sheng Online Mall], the call was connected.

"Mr. Li..."

"boss Zhang?"

"We are a cooperative unit. Tomorrow, if there is any trouble, you have to call me. Don't bring such a shady person!"

"Mr. Zhang, what do you mean? I don't understand..."

"never mind……"



Go by little by little.

Early the next morning.

Zhang Xing walked into the conference room with a haggard face.

In the conference room.

"Where's Ma Bomin!"

"Mr. Zhang, Mr. Ma, I'm sick and have asked for leave today!"

"Where's Xu Shangzhou!"

"Also...I asked for leave too!"


Looking at the two empty seats, Zhang Xing's face instantly darkened.

With a cold face, he turned around and left the meeting room.

A group of [Group Buying] executives looked at his back blankly, and then looked at each other.


[Dongqiang Mall].

The day before, he was so proud of himself!

His newly established [Dongqiang Mall] and [Tengji Technology] have initially reached a strategic cooperation with the help of [Hongtian Capital] Li Zongyao.

Reaching a strategic cooperation with [Tengji Technology] means that your [Dongqiang Mall] can completely connect with the traffic of Qgou Entertainment, and then, with the huge traffic, your [Dongqiang Mall] will take off. soaring.

In excitement, he drank for a long time with Li Zongyao yesterday, and he didn't wake up until ten o'clock the next morning.

At noon, when he arrived at the temporary office building of [Dongqiang Mall], he received several leave requests from the Human Resources Department.

In addition to a few cronies who followed him to conquer the world, the newly recruited "Data Department", "Local Sales Department", "Marketing Department", and almost every department have several key interns asking for leave!

Although they are "interns", these are interns with special tasks. Today, they [Qiangsheng Online Mall] are promoting to other places to expand the market.

Without these people, the entire event will fall into an extremely passive deadlock.

Even though [Dongqiang Mall] has so much traffic all of a sudden, Li Dongqiang doesn’t dare to relax for a moment!

[Group Buying], [Minuo Group Buying], and [Harvest Group Buying], these behemoths are like a group of bloodthirsty beasts, always staring at the resources in each other's camp, greedy and crazy.

"How do you manage the team! Ah! I paid to recruit you here, but it's just to make you drop the chain?"

"One million, I spent a fucking million to bring you out of [Qiangsheng Online Mall], this is how you repay me?"

"Immediately, immediately, I want these interns to come to work!"


In the conference room.

Success sometimes makes people temporarily lost.

Li Dongqiang himself is a person who does not allow anyone to go against his will or who is prone to extremes.

Otherwise, he would not have resolutely left [Qiangsheng Online Mall] to go it alone when the situation in [Qiangsheng Online Mall] was still good...

At this moment, he finally lost his temper and cursed everyone in the conference room.

In the conference room.

The executives were scolded so much that they felt that Li Dongqiang's words of one million were so harsh!

When the meeting was about to end and Li Dongqiang gave the death order, one of the "project department" supervisors named Lin Chao slammed the table.

This shot startled him.

"I quit fucking!"

"Lin Chao, if you dare to walk out of this door, don't come back!"

Having lost face in public, Li Dongqiang stared at Lin Chao.

"If you don't come back, you won't come back. I fucking believed your nonsense and came here to mess with you. What a fool!"


Li Dongqiang was so angry that his whole body was shaking.

But Lin Chao over there took off his work ID card, threw it to the ground, and walked out of the conference room door.

The conference room suddenly became quiet.

Li Dongqiang stared at Lin Chao's back, but found that after the other party left the conference room, he even took off his [Dongqiang Mall] coat and walked out without saying a word.

"Finance Department, deduct his commission! Deduct his money!"

"Don't give him a penny of this month's bonus!"


Li Dongqiang felt like his lungs were about to explode, and he yelled at the finance department angrily.

The person in charge of the finance department looked a little ugly, but in the end, he nodded and turned towards the finance room.

On the other side, another confidant of Li Dongqiang saw the expressions of everyone around him change slightly, and stood up instantly: "Brother Qiang, calm down, calm down... We promise that Mr. Lin's bonus will never be deducted... "

"One million! A full million. Do you really think that my money came from the strong wind? Or do you think that my [Dongqiang Mall] is a public toilet that you can come to whenever you want?"

"Today, I tell you, if you want to do it, do it. If you don't want to do it, get the hell out of here! Can the earth still not turn around without you?"


Li Dongqiang roared viciously. After finishing his roar, he turned and left the office.

The expression on the face of the executive below turned ugly again.

After a long time...

Several executives looked at each other.


"Calm down, don't be impulsive, now we have a bright future with [Tengji Technology]!"

"But those futures belong to him, Mr. Li. How much share will we get when he becomes famous? Whether we work here or not is not a matter of his words?"


When the other party heard this sentence, he suddenly fell into silence.

"When we left Mr. Zhang, Mr. Zhang did not treat us badly. He paid us a penny of the commission and even gave us an extra three months of salary! I really ate lard and wiped my heart!"

"Fuck, what do you want to do? This is a conference room!" When the other party heard this, he was startled and quickly prepared to cover his mouth.

But after seeing that there were no other extreme reactions on everyone's faces, he breathed a sigh of relief: "Be careful what you say!"

"Be careful what you say, I think Hong Bo is right, damn! Give us a one million bonus, and talk about it every day... We don't even see the damn money!" At this moment, another A man suddenly slammed the table and said these words gloomily.


"If you ask me, just fucking do the opposite! Judging from his attitude towards Lin Chao, if we don't agree with him in the future, he will probably kill him!"

"Why, are we going back to Mr. Zhang? We left Mr. Zhang, can Mr. Zhang still accept us? Although Mr. Zhang seems cheerful, he is much more ruthless than Li Dongqiang..."

"If we go back empty-handed, we will definitely not be welcomed, but if we..." The young man named Hong Bo stared fiercely at the business resources in his hand.

"Are you crazy?"

"I'm not crazy. I'm telling you, I'm calm now and I won't do it anymore. You have to report it to Li Dongqiang. You go now. If you want to follow me to [Qiangsheng Online Mall] to find Mr. Zhang to surrender, then Together!"



In the office.

Li Dongqiang watched Zhang Sheng's live broadcast of the annual meeting under the persuasion of his confidants.

After watching the annual meeting, I realized that I seemed to have done something stupid!

His eyes flashed with panic, and he hurriedly ran to the conference room.

But I saw the head of the human resources department walking over in a hurry.

"Mr. Li, it's bad, Mr. Hong, Mr. Lin, and Mr. Zhao have all resigned!"



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