I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 459 Venomous tongue prevails

after many years……

Li Yanhong accepted an interview.

Interview her about her most intuitive feelings about the live broadcast of the [NC Entertainment] annual meeting on the last day of 2010.

Recalling January 1, 2011...

She was still frightened and couldn't help mumbling to herself.

She said: "That was the most dangerous day for [Mi Nuo Group Buying] and also the craziest day!"

“Mr. Zhang’s sneak attack almost killed [Minuo Group Buying].”

“On that day, the group buying industry almost came to a standstill!”


January 1, 2011.

New Year.

It's getting colder.

The cold wind made my cheeks hurt.

It wasn't until noon that the cold feeling got a little better.

【NC Entertainment】.


Zhang Xing met Zhang Sheng.

Zhang Sheng was still making tea, and the music in the office was quite gentle, as gentle as if a beautiful girl was whispering beside him.

However, Zhang Xing was particularly angry. The more he saw Zhang Sheng's calm face, the angrier he became. After Zhang Sheng handed him a cup of tea, he suddenly poured the tea away.

"Zhang Sheng! Stop fucking doing this!"

"Hard, you are so damn cruel!"

"You fucking suck my blood too?"

"Zhang Sheng, we are strategic partners. Ninety percent of our [Group Buying] takeaway business relies on [Honeycomb Ji Delivery]. In the past half year, our [Group Buying] has given I don’t know how much blood your [Honeycomb Extreme Delivery] has transported, why are you doing this to me?”


The fatigue and anger of the past few days seemed to become an outlet at this moment.

He slammed the tea table, almost losing his temper, and roared at Zhang Sheng.

From morning to now, nearly 30% of the interns in the important business department of [Group Buying] have asked for leave under various excuses, or are simply absent from work!

When Zhang Xing ran to the headquarters of [Qiangsheng Online Mall] angrily, he saw young people wearing masks, and several of them were interns under his [Group Buying] banner.

He instantly felt a stabbing sensation in his back!

His remaining sense told him that he could not get angry in public.

So, he started waiting from noon, and in the afternoon, he finally got to see Zhang Sheng. When he saw Zhang Sheng, he rushed into the office fiercely.

In the office.

Faced with the roar, Zhang Sheng just adjusted his glasses without any change in his expression. He still calmly picked up the teacup that Zhang Xing poured tea into and put it in a sterilizing pot to soak.

Under the scalding boiling water, Zhang Sheng smiled: "Brother Zhang...I was resting after the annual meeting yesterday. I don't know what happened..."

"Zhang Sheng, don't fucking look at me. Do you think I am a fool, or do you think you are a fool? If you say these words, do you believe it?"

"Drink tea. This is the "Dahongpao" I just got. It's very expensive. Don't waste it." Zhang Sheng held the tea cup again, poured the tea with a smile, and placed it in front of Zhang Xing!

"I'll drink you..." Zhang Xinghuo rushed again, took a deep breath, and finally suppressed some swear words: "Zhang Sheng! I came here today, and I just want to ask, do you want to continue? Continue to cooperate? If you don’t want to continue to cooperate, our [Group Buying] does not lack your [Honeycomb Extreme Gift] resources..."

"Brother Zhang, calm down first. If you cooperate, you must cooperate. But, as I said just now, I really don't know what happened. I just got up, and I haven't even brushed my teeth yet. Now that you are scolding me, look, I'm here right now?" Zhang Sheng shook his head with a wry smile on his face.

"Zhang Sheng, you have broken the rules..." Maybe Zhang Sheng's sincere smile made people unable to get angry, or maybe he was tired from being angry just now. Zhang Xing finally took a sip of tea. Take a deep breath.

"I just held an annual meeting, why did I break the rules?" Zhang Sheng pushed up his glasses.

"You are completely on the opposite side of capital..." Zhang Xing stared at Zhang Sheng and finally said this.

[Thousand Regiments War] The fight is in full swing, but everyone is subconsciously dancing within the same rules.


Zhang Sheng's annual meeting was like an astonishing "sneak attack on Pearl Harbor", which almost touched the core interests of capital!

You pay your employees!

And you get paid like this all at once!

Do you want capital to follow or not?


They have to spend more money to cover up this sudden live broadcast trend!

If you don’t follow, your employees will be unwilling and distracted. If this happens for a long time, the cohesion of the entire team will be greatly affected!

Whether it is the "Group Buying War" or the recent "Takeout War" that has shown signs of happening, in essence, the core of capital is to monopolize the market and ultimately exploit the market.

And the employees below are, to put it bluntly, tools. Has anyone seen capital treat tools as partners?

"I never know what the rules are..." Zhang Sheng's expression remained calm, but the smile disappeared from his face and he looked out the window with squinted eyes.

Outside the window...

Crowds of people.

The once deserted "Mitu Industrial Zone" has become a crazy talent market, with countless job seekers holding resumes and frantically surrounding "NC Entertainment", "Honeycomb Jisong", and "Qiangsheng Online Mall" …

After Zhang Xing felt the silence, the corners of his mouth moved and finally said nothing.

Just drinking tea cup after cup.

He understood that Zhang Sheng was making a new rule.

But no capital wants to see this new rule become mainstream!

He had a premonition that after this wave of turmoil, there would be a brutal capital siege, and Zhang Sheng was bound to be the central figure in this siege.

By the time……

Zhang Sheng's former glory will no longer exist, and in an instant, everything he owns will be overturned.

And Zhang Xing...

At this moment, we are standing at the crossroads of life.

If you move forward, sever all ties with Zhang Sheng, and stay where you are, you will inevitably be liquidated by the capital following Zhang Sheng in the future, which may cause your [group buying] to suffer a devastating blow.

Zhang Sheng has touched the core interests of capital!

"Zhang Sheng, hurry up and rein in the situation and think about how to end it!"

The office suddenly became extremely depressing, so depressing that it made people breathless.

Zhang Xing finally sighed and spoke his true feelings.

"I have never been to a cliff. Every step is very steady. How can I stop at the cliff?" Zhang Sheng stared at Zhang Xing.

"Are you determined to have your own way?" When Zhang Xing saw Zhang Sheng's appearance, Zhang Xing understood that no matter how much he tried to persuade him, Zhang Sheng would not change at all.

"Brother Zhang, if you are willing, you can continue in the car and follow me forward. If you are not willing, you can get off at any time..."

Zhang Sheng finally stopped being careless and narrowed his eyes and said seriously.

"What are you going to do!" I don't know what happened, but when he heard this sentence, Zhang Xing felt an inexplicable coldness in his body, which was constantly invading him. He stared at Zhang Sheng.

He felt like he was talking to an unreasonable madman.

Just at this time……

There was a knock on the office door.

The door opened.

Li Bin walked in from outside.

After seeing Li Bin, Zhang Sheng said calmly: "Mr. Li, there are senior executives from [Group Buying] coming to our company to apply for jobs?"

"This..." Li Bin subconsciously looked at Zhang Xing, who was sitting next to him drinking tea and looking unhappy.

"Zhang is always one of his own..."

"Yes, yes, in fact, not only [Group Buying], but also some interns from [Minuo Group Buying], well... almost all the executives from [Dongqiang Mall] are here..."

"Oh." Zhang Sheng nodded after listening, and then looked at Li Bin: "Mr. Li, it's up to you to decide whether people from other group buying websites refuse or leave them, but the executives of [Group Buying], you tell them , we are brotherly enterprises, as close as one family, we don’t have to..."

"Zhang Sheng, I haven't..." The more Zhang Xing listened, the more he felt something was wrong. He stood up and glared at Zhang Sheng.

Brother company?

What is this for?

Oh shit!

Are you trying to acquire his [group purchase], or are you trying to roast his [group purchase] in the fire?

"Oh, Mr. Li, tell the executives of [Group Buying] that we do not welcome [Group Buying] staff here... We will reject all employees who have [Group Buying] work experience. By the way, this matter must be said openly. We publicly express our attitude... If they ask, you can tell them directly and tell them not to change jobs just because of this bonus. Mr. Zhang Xing will not treat him badly. Any employee of [Group Buying] will definitely have more bonuses than us... Maybe [Group Buying] will also hold an annual meeting and a whole year-end lottery of 800 million..."

Zhang Sheng suddenly laughed, laughing evilly, as if he was going to cause chaos in the world.

"What the hell..."

The more Zhang Xing listened, the more something was wrong. Why did he always feel like Zhang Sheng was driving a wedge between him and his team?

He took a deep breath, becoming more and more panicked, and a feeling of suffocation suddenly rose up.

I wish I could run over and slap Zhang Sheng in the mouth.

Li Bin nodded, and just when he was about to leave, Zhang Xing finally stopped him.

"Zhang Sheng, please stop causing trouble. What are you going to do? You've caused chaos in the world, so you'll be happy if you kill me? No matter how I think about it, I don't think I have anything to do with you, right?"

"Brother Zhang." Zhang Sheng stopped smiling and his words suddenly became a little solemn.

It's as if the picture is poor and can't be seen.

"Would you like to form an alliance with my [Qiangsheng Online Mall] and share resources together? If you believe me, then, I say, if this group buying war continues, you will definitely not be the winner, you will only be swallowed up by capital. Becoming a puppet, the one who really reined in the situation is actually you..."

"You are about to be surrounded and suppressed by capital. Am I crazy enough to form an alliance with you? Did I take the wrong medicine?" Zhang Xing's eyes widened, as if he had heard the funniest joke in the world.


Zhang Sheng did not respond after hearing this, but silently filled Zhang Xing's tea cup with tea, and once let the tea spill out.

Zhang Xing looked at the tea.

Then he stood up immediately and left the office.


After a few minutes...

He's back again.

"Zhang Sheng, if I don't cooperate, will you immediately terminate the food delivery business of [Honeycomb Ji Delivery] and our [Group Buying]? And then paralyze my [Group Buying] product delivery business?"

"That's not the case... I suddenly terminated the food delivery cooperation, didn't I push you to a dead end? I will not do this kind of thing to force people to a dead end..."

"and you……"

"I'll wait until you are beaten by capital until you can barely hold on for a breath, then come over and beg me..."


After hearing Zhang Sheng's sudden words, Zhang Xing was so angry that his face turned the color of pig liver.

Oh shit!

do not know why……

Zhang Xing felt that Zhang Sheng seemed gentle and harmless on the surface, but his mouth was getting more and more poisonous, and he could make a living person angry to death.

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