I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 460 [Minuo Group Purchase] Got stabbed!

The sun sets.

The city is still the city.

But the person is no longer that person.

After leaving [NC Entertainment], Zhang Xing tightened his clothes in the cold wind, but somehow he felt more and more choked by the distant wind.

Unknowingly, I arrived at No. 30 Shuangqing Road, Yanjing HD District...

He stopped.

When I saw the four words [Huaqing University], somehow the past came flooding back, making this billionaire boss feel a little confused.

Under the afterglow of the sunset, he once again thought about his entrepreneurial ventures since graduation, from [Campus Network] to [Weibo], from the Internet social circle to the [Group Buying] service circle...

In the past five years, he has experienced too many twists and turns.

He glanced at the four words [Huaqing University], and the sense of superiority of graduating from a prestigious university made him deeply unwilling to join the same gang of young men like Zhang Sheng, who was a little embarrassed.

He even felt a little embarrassed. In Zhang Sheng's office, his aura was almost suppressed, and he was breathless for a time.

Why does he think I will fail again?

He thought of today's group buying market and immediately gritted his teeth!

At this moment, his cell phone rang, and it was Li Zongyao's call.

He answered the phone.

“Come and talk about the takeout from [Group Buying]…”

Li Zongyao only said one sentence and then died.

Just a few simple words, but Zhang Xing felt a sense of suffocation coming over him.

He seemed to see the invisible light and shadow of swords flashing around him, and vaguely, he thought of three words.

[Certificate of Voting]!


More than a year.

My teacher Zhang Sheng seems to have changed a lot.

When you first met Zhang Sheng, Zhang Sheng's face looked a little naive. Although he was down and out, there was always a hot and contagious light in his eyes, which made you want to follow him.

one year later……

His eyes are still hot, but in the heat, they are getting deeper and deeper. He is obviously smiling, but you can never find out the true thoughts deep in his heart.

This feeling made Li Bin in awe, especially when he walked into the office, he couldn't help but want to bow his head.

He is like a crazy idealist, with the light of a blazing flame, and also like the initiator of an invisible capital revolution...

Li Bin vaguely felt that Zhang Sheng wanted to do something more noble than the current major Internet companies such as [Tengji Technology], [Taozhu.com], and [Soudu.com], but he couldn't figure out what he wanted to do.

Nine o'clock in the evening.

Li Bin saw Zhang Sheng again.

Zhang Sheng put on a coat, shut down the computer, and was about to leave the office to wash up and go to bed.

"Teacher... [Dongqiang Mall] That group of executives brought a lot of business resources and wanted to abandon the dark side and join the bright side. I talked to them and they were very upset about what they had done. It was obvious that they really regretted it. ,us……"

"Have we told them about our new rules?"

"I've said it before, and they all agree that as long as you nod here, they can come over at any time..."

"Have you read their contract?"

"Competition contract?"


"Li Dongqiang opened [Dongqiang Mall] too hastily. He caught a few merchants and immediately opened the business to attract traffic. He did not sign a non-competition contract with them..."


Zhang Sheng nodded and thought briefly: "Li Bin!"

"Teacher here..."

"The world is bustling, everyone comes for gain, but once the gain is lost, everything will be scattered like a broken barrel..." Zhang Sheng said this seriously.

"Mr. Zhang, I'm also worried that since they can betray their boss, they will betray us in the future..."

"In the past year, we managed the company with human feelings. In the early stage of starting a business, we had to do this so that the company could smoothly go through the process of accumulation of original capital and resources... But after surviving the early stage and reaching the maturity stage, we need to Rules... Everyone, whether it is [Group Buying] or [Minuo Group Buying], as long as they come with resources, we will use them, but we must sign a "disclaimer" agreement... New merchants cooperate with us In the early days, we have to rely on "favors" and "interests" to communicate. We must not let "surrogates" and "businessmen" feel coldly treated, let alone any discriminatory behavior. When we mature and everyone's interests are completely tied, we must not let them feel coldly treated. Separate the chain between the merchants and the "defenders" who brought them here in the form of interests, so that the merchants can be integrated into our system... Even if the surrenders betray us a second time, we won't worry about them taking us away. H……"

After hearing these words, Li Bin fell into a brief confusion.

It seems to be digesting something.

After a long time, they raised their heads and said, "Teacher, how can we tie them to our interests?"

"Magnify their desires infinitely. Remember, we will never worry about ambitious people. Remember our positioning. We provide a platform and a way to get rich. We are a service industry, serving merchants, serving customers, and also serving Those executives...we are even entrepreneurial instructors. They are not subordinates to us, but partners..."

"Teacher, if we poach people too hard, then... all the capital will be lost..."

"When did we poach people? If these people want to start their own business, what does it have to do with us?"


Li Bin saw a smile on Zhang Sheng's face, and then patted his shoulder: "Close the door when you go back..."

After leaving these words, he saw Zhang Sheng walking out of the office.

Li Bin nodded subconsciously.

Zhang Sheng's words seemed like a ray of light, seeming to remind him of something.

But I didn’t think it through.

So, after leaving the office, I thought about it all the way.

Just as he walked downstairs, he saw countless "job seekers" wearing masks and hats still standing outside the house.

My hazy mind instantly brightened up!


New Year.

This was a day of crazy fighting for China [Group Buying Company].

Taking advantage of the New Year's Day gimmick, various businesses offer various benefits to attract customers.

In fact, major group buying websites are indeed spending money on various customer grabbing activities...

But I don’t know if the traffic of various group buying websites has reached saturation, or whether it is for other reasons, whether it is [Group Buying] or [Minuo Group Buying]...

Not only did the traffic not improve, but it dropped a bit...

On the morning of January 2nd.

Li Yanhong, who had just been discharged from the hospital, rushed to the headquarters of [Minuo Group Buying] immediately.

This year’s Chinese New Year is on February 3rd.

There is only about a month left before the Chinese New Year.

Everyone knows that New Year’s Eve and Spring Festival are the craziest moments in the group buying battlefield.

After a year of hard work, the workers at Kwankou Sosou received a generous bonus, and they did not blink an eye whether they were buying new year goods or other things.

Everyone wants to take advantage of those few days to feel proud.

Naturally, Li Yanhong could not let go of such a huge market.

The morning wind is getting colder and colder.

After entering the conference room, a wave of heater was blown on, and Li Yanhong felt a little warmer.

She dragged her weak and tired body and sat on the main seat.

"Where's Mr. Xu?"

"Mr. Xu..."

After taking her seat, she immediately noticed that the figure next to her was empty.

When she saw the management with different faces, she was keenly aware of something.

Mr. Xu Xu Tianshun, the marketing manager of [Minuo Group Buying], one of the veterans who started her business with her, is the main person in charge of the project on the eve of the Spring Festival and the core of the entire project...

She didn't think about it, she just tried her best to suppress her emotions and keep herself calm.

"Let's wait for Mr. Xu... Maybe we worked too hard last night." Li Yanhong looked at the time and smiled when she saw that the meeting was still five minutes away.

Her smile did not slow down the atmosphere in the conference room...

It seems to be becoming more and more depressing.

Li Yanhong seemed patient and calm, but at this moment she became increasingly uneasy...

Time passed little by little.

She began to think about what she should do if Xu Tianshun leaked the secret or did other things.

She suddenly realized that [Minuo Group Buying] has been developing wildly in the past six months, focusing all its attention on grabbing land and resources, indirectly ignoring the "confidentiality agreement" and "competition agreement" of its employees.

In fact, in the current group buying industry, the first thing everyone looks at is to grab territory and engage in commercial subsidy wars. It has always been extensive management!

Extensive management may be fine in the early stages of starting a business, but if it reaches the mid-term, something big will happen sooner or later!

When she thought of this, she broke into a cold sweat.

It's 8 o'clock.

The conference room door finally opened.

Xu Tianshun walked in.

After seeing Xu Tianshun's figure, Li Yanhong's originally uneasy mood finally felt a little more at ease.

"Sorry, Mr. Li, I'm late. I was working on a group buying plan for the Spring Festival yesterday..."

"It's okay, thank you for your hard work, Mr. Xu..."


The meeting went well.

We have decided on the [Minuo Group Buying] strategy for the Spring Festival, including Spring Festival Gala advertising, local promotion, and online advertising...

When the meeting room is over and everyone is preparing to leave...

Li Yanhong saw Xu Tianshun hesitate for a moment: "Mr. Li..."

"Is there anything else you need to add?"

"Mr. Li..."

Xu Tianshun continued to hesitate for a while, and finally seemed to make up his mind: "The days when you were hospitalized, the brothers had a hard time..."

"The year-end bonus will not be short of you, you should do things well first..."

"Mr. Li... can you send it to me in advance? Mr. Li, as you know, I just bought a house in Yanjing, and then..."

Li Yanhong had a smile on her face: "Ha, since everyone has to pay the year-end bonus first, let's do it... Everyone, please send me the financial reports of each department this year. I will ask the Finance Department to review it. After the review, we will give it to you this afternoon. hair……"

Li Yanhong heard that the originally depressing atmosphere in the conference room suddenly became extremely joyful, and she also heard that some senior executives became excited.

But her heart became colder and colder.

Spring Festival Gala, online and offline promotions, brand endorsements, labor subsidies...

All kinds of expenses, like a huge sum, tied her tightly.

Although she took 500 million yuan in investment, in fact, her funds were gradually being burned away.

The year-end bonus needs to be paid out, but if it is not paid out, even the Spring Festival will not be able to go through!

But how much?

Zhang Sheng’s year-end bonus was 200 million, and 200 million was drawn in a lottery!

A total of 400 million!

Damn, that’s so cruel!

Behind the seeming prosperity, there are actually crises everywhere!

At this moment, she realized that she had to find a new investor to inject funds.

She thought of Pang Lei from [Hongsen Capital] again. After a moment of hesitation, she called Pang Lei...

On the other end of the phone, Pang Lei was very happy and promised to inject another 500 million into her...


November 3rd.

[Minuo Group Buying] spent nearly 200 million yuan and gave year-end bonuses to its employees.

Li Yanhong promised that she would spend 300 million in a lottery at the next annual meeting!

That night, the entire [Minuo Group Purchase] cheered.

There is joyful laughter everywhere.

Looking at the excited employees, Li Yanhong had a smile on her face and immediately relaxed her vigilance.


The next day, Li Yanhong, who had just gotten up from bed, heard shocking news.

That is, Xu Tianshun, who received the year-end bonus, and several core executives all quit!

This time...

Not only did they take away several employees of core executives, they even took away a large number of merchants!

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