I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 461 The group buying market is in chaos!

After New Year's Day.

The world sometimes changes quickly.

It was so fast that I was caught off guard...

It seemed like the sky was clear just one moment, and then it was overcast with clouds the next moment.

January 2nd.


Zhang Xing saw the news about the year-end bonus from [Minuo Group Purchase].

Zhang Sheng’s sudden wave of year-end bonuses made the entire group buying market impetuous. [Minuo Group Buying] finally failed to withstand this wave of impact and finally succumbed.

[Minuo Group Buying] The year-end bonuses were particularly generous this time. Almost everyone among the senior leaders, led by Xu Tianshun, received more than 10 million!

Countless bloggers on Weibo are boasting about [Mi Nuo Group Buying], and there seems to be a trend of [Mi Nuo Group Buying] being praised to the sky.


the next morning!

Zhang Xing saw the news that Xu Tianshun announced his resignation from [Minuo Group Buying] and started a new group buying website [Fengyu Mall] with the team.

When he saw the news, his eyes widened and he thought he had seen it wrong.

After reading it several times, I confirmed that I had read it correctly!

Even though Zhang Xing is used to the turmoil in shopping malls, he still feels incredible at this moment...

The year-end bonuses were just distributed yesterday, and everyone happily toasted to celebrate, as if they were riding the wind and waves towards a new era. But things suddenly changed overnight?

Before Zhang Xing could react to the news about [Fengyu Mall], he saw another piece of news becoming a hot search!

That was Xu Tianshun's press conference.

Xu Tianshun, who was wearing a suit and ties, attended the press conference and angrily accused his old club [Minuo Group Purchase].

"At this point, I have to announce something. Many of the products in [Minuo Group Purchase] are fake and OEM..."

"From hats to clothes, from socks to mobile phones, from clothing supplies to technology products..."

"Almost out of every twenty products, one product is inferior..."

“I am responsible for the market management of [Minuo Group Buying]. I know that the complaint section of [Minuo Group Buying] is full of all kinds of fake and bad goods complaints, but the merchants do not deal with them. In fact, [Minuo Group Buying] The management team of Nuo Group Purchase did not effectively deal with such "fake goods". Instead, we asked our technical staff to delete these comments... so that new users cannot see them as much as possible..."

"I admit, I have done a lot of things that turned a blind eye..."

"We had no choice at the beginning. In order to obtain resources and traffic, we had no time to deal with these matters. We could only choose to remain silent, and even secretly encouraged merchants to use some means to deal with this batch of complaining users..."

"I have endured it for a long time in the past six months..."

"During this period, I once reported this problem to Mr. Li, but Mr. Li always used the excuse of expanding the market first, suppressing these problems first, and waiting for follow-up to deal with it..."

"I know this is against my conscience, I can't do it anymore!"

"So, I decided to leave [Minuo Group Buying]! I can't just watch the group buying brand we worked hard to create be ruined like this..."

“Some people think it’s unethical for me to leave [Minuo Group Buying] after receiving a year-end bonus, but I say without any hesitation that these are all the money I deserve, and I have never felt sorry for anyone!”

"My original intention of establishing [Fengyu Mall] is also very simple. I have never thought about how big, scale or valuation I want to make [Fengyu Mall]. I just want to let consumers get benefits while also Better protect the rights and interests of consumers..."


In the video.

Zhang Xing saw that every word Xu Tianshun said was correct and full of confidence.

Not only did he accuse [Minuo Group Buying] of various behaviors, but he also published an extremely detailed graphic evidence!

From August 2010 to December 2010...

The counterfeit complaints received in [Minuo Group Purchase], as well as the compromised user accounts, and even the “cold treatment” plan at that time...

When Zhang Xing saw this scene, he was stunned!

It is impossible for one person, or even a team, to obtain so much evidence at once in a short period of time!

Obviously, all of this was a "fatal blow" that Xu Tianshun had planned for a long time.

Even thinking deeper, Zhang Xing suspected that there was a force behind Xu Tianshun, pushing Xu Tianshun to the stage step by step.

Zhang Xing looked at the news.

I smelled an unusual smell.

In fact, his instincts were proven right!

When it was noon, the assistant knocked on the door.

Later, he heard the news that [Minuo Group Buying] was investigated by the Consumer Association and the Industrial and Commercial Administration Department.

"Xu Tianshun gathered nearly a hundred consumers and reported to relevant departments that [Mi Nuo Group Buying] was selling substandard products, selling fake products, and deceiving consumers..."

"I also brought some people over to help out!"


Assistant Liu Mei gloated beside Zhang Xing about the chaotic scene at the entrance of [Mi Nuo Group Purchase].

For more than half a year, their [Group Buying] and [Minuo Group Buying] have been in full swing. At the beginning, the two sides still had some bottom lines, but by the end of the fight, both sides were furious, with online scoldings and offline group buying. From low-level employees to managers, I don’t know how many times it has been in the news.

Both sides want the other to die!

One night, Liu Mei suddenly saw that [Mi Nuo Group Purchase] was suddenly plunged into a whirlpool of fake goods, and she was naturally very excited.


Zhang Xing said nothing.

His brows were always furrowed, and there was no sense of joy about winning at all. Instead, an icy chill hit him, making him shiver.

He thought about it over and over again.

Inadvertently, Zhang Sheng's smiling face appeared in his mind.

For a moment, he realized that ever since the annual meeting of [NC Entertainment], this guy had been digging holes for them. Even if they didn't fall into the hole, they would still be disgusted.

Maybe the sudden change in [Minuo Group Buying] was caused by this kid.

"In our company, have you ever reported anyone for selling fake goods? Have you ever had anyone change jobs?"

"Not yet..."

"Go check and see if there is..."


Assistant Liu Mei nodded, her face still filled with joy that her enemy had fallen, and she left the office briskly.

Zhang Xing stayed in the office silently, looking out the window.

A slight sense of uneasiness surged into my heart.

An hour or so later...

Liu Mei knocked on the door of his office again, bringing another new news.

"In [Dongqiang Mall] which just opened not long ago, nearly half of the old employees and a group of merchants all jumped back to Zhang Sheng's [Qiangsheng Online Mall], and even several key people from the website's technical department ran away. Currently [Dongqiang Mall] is in a semi-paralyzed state..."

"I heard that [Tengji Technology] has suspended investment in [Dongqiang Mall]. Li Dongqiang is currently unable to move forward. The tens of millions he invested before will probably be wasted. If [Dongqiang Mall] is not brought back to normal in time, [Dongqiang Mall] is probably going to be destroyed!”


Liu Mei talked about the tragic situation of [Dongqiang Mall].

Zhang Xing saw the news that Li Dongqiang fainted at the door of [Dongqiang Mall].

[Dongqiang Mall] is not a strong competitor, and Zhang Xing doesn't care. He just stares at Liu Mei: "Our [Group Buying], there is no special situation now, right?"

"It's very stable now, nothing happened. Everyone is just watching the fun..." Liu Mei shook her head, as if she still hadn't recovered from the tragic situation of [Mi Nuo Group Purchase].

"Liu Mei, are you going to swallow [Mi Nuo Group Buy] next?"

"Yes, our business department is sending people to discuss cooperation with their [Minuo Group Buying] merchants... In fact, it is not just us, [Fengshou Group Buying] and [Lingshou.com] are poaching [Minuo Group Buying]." Personnel and merchants, I found out that Xu Tianshun had met with the management of [Harvest Group Buying], [Hanshou.com] and other websites a few days ago. I guess they are also fueling this wave of public opinion!" Liu Mei once again took out the He handed a piece of information to Zhang Xing.

After reading this information, Zhang Xing realized that the incident of [Mi Nuo Group Buying] seemed to involve many forces and was very complicated.

"Mr. Zhang, they are all robbing people. We can't be slow. In addition, we have collected all kinds of fake information about [Fengshou Group Buying] and [Lingshou.com] in advance. We have to take advantage of [Mi Nuo Group Buying] caused the fake goods scandal, and they were dragged into the water by the way. I have already asked people to send these to the Consumer Association and the Industrial and Commercial Administration Department..."

Liu Mei squinted her eyes with murderous intent. At the same time, she took out pieces of fake product reporting information and handed them to Zhang Xing.

Obviously, Liu Mei took advantage of the fake goods scandal to report both [Harvest Group Buying] and [Lian Shou.com], and when the other party responded hastily, she reaped the benefits!

Zhang Xing nodded.

In the past six months, these companies have all been like [Minuo Group Buying]. In order to grab the market and resources, and to please the merchants, they have all turned a blind eye!

Some companies even have unsound financial systems. Once an in-depth investigation is conducted, it is very normal for tax evasion to be discovered.

In this group buying war, no one can be soft-hearted, and the entire market is currently in a life-or-death situation. Whoever is soft-hearted will be eliminated!

"We also need to check ourselves, our subordinate commodity units..."

"I understand. I have already asked people to check. Our counterfeit goods are currently in good condition. Thanks to the sufficient funds we have invested in after-sales, theoretically we will not have similar disputes with counterfeit goods..."

"Well, okay! You go and do your work first... By the way, I think the water here is very muddy, and there are all kinds of monsters and ghosts. You must be cautious and cautious when doing things!"

"I see!"

Zhang Xing nodded and watched Liu Mei leave the office.

He closed his eyes and never relaxed deep in his heart, thinking over and over again about the pros and cons of this storm.

No matter how much I thought about it, I felt that there was nothing wrong with it, but I felt a little uneasy.


I can't figure out where this uneasiness comes from.

This feeling made him very uncomfortable!

Time passed as Zhang Xing deduced the future over and over again.

After dinner, Zhang Xing received a call from Li Zongyao again.

"How are you thinking about it?"

“Now that we are disconnected from Zhang Sheng’s [Honeycomb Extreme Gifts], the loss is too great... Especially at this juncture, our [Group Buying] has a slight upper hand, I don’t think it is appropriate to disconnect... We will see when the storm is over... …”


There was silence on the other end of the phone for a moment, and Zhang Xing couldn't feel any joy or anger.

After only waiting for about ten seconds, the other party replied: "Okay, I respect your choice. In this way, you will first take over half of the food delivery business of the merchants in [Group Buying] to [Lainiao Food Delivery]..."


After Zhang Xing heard this sentence, he immediately realized that Li Zongyao wanted to divert [Group Buying] merchants to [Lainiao Takeout].

He saw [Lai Niao Takeaway] yesterday.

[Lainiao Takeout] is not an APP like Zhang Sheng's [Honeycomb Jishu] that only deals in takeout business, but a comprehensive APP similar to [Group Buying] that combines group buying + food delivery.

If half of it is diverted away, his [Group Buying] will be completely meaningless when [Lainiao Takeout] starts, and even the previous money will be wasted.

At this moment, he suddenly became alert.

"Mr. Li, let me think about it..."

"Well, then I will also consider not investing in [group buying] anymore..."

"Mr. Li, withdrawing capital will not be beneficial to any of us. Our [group buying] is going very well now..."


The other party hung up the phone before he could finish speaking!

Don't give him any chance at all.

Zhang Xing was stunned.

Just when he was in a dilemma, not knowing what to do, his phone rang again.

"Mr. Zhang! Oh no! Mr. Sun from our marketing department is resigning!"

"What! You first stabilize him and prevent him from resigning. I will come to find him in person later..."

"Ah, okay, I'll try my best to hold him back!"


When he received the news, he was shocked! But he did not leave the office immediately, nor did he call Sun Yaohuo from the marketing department immediately. Instead, he took out his mobile phone and called Zhang Sheng.

I called five times in a row and no one answered.

After making six calls, he finally heard the other party answered.

"Hey, Brother Zhang, what's wrong?"

"Zhang Sheng, you are going too far! You troublemaker, are you going to cause chaos in the world?"

"Brother Zhang, what's going on? You're so angry. It's like you've eaten a firecracker. Calm down..."

"Are you fucking poaching me?"

"Brother Zhang, we are brothers. Why should I poach your people? Okay, I'm going to class soon..."

"What the hell are you taking! Zhang Sheng, what do you want? Where are you? I'll come find you right now..."

"Brother Zhang, what are you talking about! I'm in Yanshihua. Well, I won't tell you anymore. I'm going to fail. I have my final exam in half a month. I have to review hard, otherwise I won't get my diploma. !”



After calling Zhang Sheng, Zhang Xing felt like his lungs were exploding.

After hanging up the phone, he rushed out of the office immediately.

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