I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 462 The earliest live broadcast to bring goods

In the early morning of January 4th.

In the empty conference room, Li Yanhong sat quietly alone.

Looking out the window at the biting cold wind.

His eyes were as empty as a soulless body.

The phone on the conference table kept ringing, and without looking at it, you knew it was the phone number of investors and countless businesses.

Similar calls have not stopped since noon today.

One day ago, the entire [Minuo Group Buying] was full of joy and celebration.

One day later, countless reporters gathered in front of the [Mi Nuo Group Buying]. Countless voices of condemnation and accountability came one after another, which made her eardrums hurt. They gradually dissipated until the early morning.

Although Li Yanhong tried her best to minimize all negative impacts, she still could not withstand this menacing avalanche.

The wind outside the window is getting stronger and stronger.

Li Yanhong walked towards the window of the conference room step by step, then opened the window, climbed up to the window edge step by step, and looked at the scenery below the tenth floor. She was slightly afraid of heights, but she didn't feel any fear at this moment, as if she was jumping. Go down and everything will be easy.

The more than half a year since [Minuo Group Buying] started its business inevitably comes to mind...

From obscurity at the beginning to capital injection, and then began to conquer cities and territories, it gradually grew and became the leader of China's [Thousand Regiments War].

After more than half a year of ups and downs, she could not figure out why Xu Tianshun suddenly dealt such a heavy fatal blow to herself at a critical moment.

The feeling of betrayal is naturally unpleasant.

This made her look like a clown, and made her no longer trust anyone for the rest of her life.

She couldn't understand for a time that she worked so hard and was worthy of anyone, but why she still brought everything to collapse.

After thinking about it for a long time, I still couldn't figure it out.

However, all this is not important anymore.

In the wind, she closed her eyes silently, opened her hands, and felt a sense of relief throughout her body.

She took a step forward.

But, in the end, he didn’t jump.

After a long time, she walked out of the conference room silently.

[Minuo Group Buying] The staff has not completely dispersed, a group of staff are still standing here.


The core staff are all gone.

What's the point of these little soldiers standing here?

"Mr. Li!"

"Mr. Li..."

"Mr. Li..."

She saw a pair of worried eyes.

I also saw an intern who had just joined [Minuo Group Buying] heaving a sigh of relief after seeing him come out.

Of course, there are also people who are packing their bags and preparing to leave [Minuo Group Buying].

[Minuo Group Buying] was ordered by the relevant departments to conduct self-examination and rectification for three days. The three days of stagnation, coupled with the departure of the core backbone, can actually predict the death penalty of [Minuo Group Buying].

Many people have received recruiting calls from other group buying websites, and some have even privately joined other group buying websites in advance.

In this era of increasingly crazy group buying, there will always be a market for them.

Looking at these people, Li Yanhong moved her lips.

"I...I can't stop you."

"But before you leave, I hope you will tell me why I failed..."

Li Yanhong suddenly asked such a question.

This question shocked everyone present, but after a while, no one said anything.

"I hope that when you scold me, you will scold me for all your dissatisfaction and all the things I have done wrong before leaving!"

Li Yanhong continued to add.

There was another moment of silence.

I don’t know how long it took, but first an intern came out and said something he thought...

Later, more and more people boldly started talking about [Mi Nuo Group Buying] and about her...

Gradually, she heard bursts of harsh curses.

Li Yanhong listened to the bursts of scolding and dissatisfaction, and even saw many people pointing at her nose and calling her "idiot", "arbitrary" and "ignoring the lower-level people"...

She was not angry, but listened carefully. Deep down she had never felt like such a failure as she did now...

This scolding continued until the next morning.

In the morning, a large group of reporters appeared outside [Minuo Group Buying] one after another, and people from the inspection department came again.

Li Yanhong looked at this scene and finally gritted her teeth: "You give me another week. If I still haven't done a good job in one week, or I still haven't given you hope, you can leave again...I still have time here." I have a little money, a week’s salary, and I will pay it..."

The hall fell silent again.

Employees, look at me and I look at you.

After a long time, some people nodded subconsciously.


Yanshihua University is not Yenching University.

In my sophomore year, I was taught only the most basic theories. To put it bluntly, a lot of the content was just focusing on the key points, followed by rote memorization.

Therefore, the final exam is not difficult for Zhang Sheng.

Zhang Sheng returned to the dormitory and lay down again.

In the dormitory.

Qi Haifeng has officially suspended school.

[Qi's Home Furnishings] signed a [Friendship Strategic Cooperation Treaty] with Brazil on January 1st, and the business was booming. Qi Haifeng became the core timber supplier between Brazil and China, and was so busy that he I can’t spare time to come to school to study.

Jiang Kailong was not in the dormitory either.

Jiang Kailong, who was once addicted to novels, is now getting further and further on the road of mobile phone stickers. Recently, he has been staying in Yangcheng to work as a [tempered film] agent. In the past six months, he has earned more than 100,000 from part-time stickers. At this moment I was busy expanding my [film business] and told Zhang Sheng on the phone that he was going to open a [tempered film] production factory with about 100,000 yuan...

Jiang Kailong instinctively realized that with Zhang Sheng's unique resource advantage, he was standing in front of a large gold mine, and all he had to do was dig with his hoe.

"Fuck, shave your legs down, and I'll help you put on some stockings later!"

"Damn it, why don't you let your girlfriend take the photo?"

"Most women's legs are not as good-looking as men's. If you are asked to take pictures, just do it. What nonsense are you talking about!"

"Fuck, I'm pretending to be a woman to serve those boys, and at the same time I'm fucking showing those men my thighs. Damn it, it makes me sick just thinking about it..."

"You're making money, what are you afraid of? If you don't want to let go of your children, you won't be able to trick a wolf. I'll state that you've read so many H websites. You know best what men like..."


"Hey, Brother Sheng?"

"Brother Sheng?"



The dormitory door opened.

Statement and Lu Bin walked in while scolding.

When they saw Zhang Sheng, the two of them were pleasantly surprised.

After Zhang Sheng saw the bags stuffed with all kinds of women's "products" in the dormitory, and saw the lewd expressions of Shu Shu and Lu Bin, one tall and one short, he roughly knew what they were doing.

In fact, while chatting with the two, Zhang Sheng realized that Lu Bin and Shu Shu were in a sweet relationship while working part-time at [Qiang Sheng Online Mall] to jointly open an online store selling "interesting underwear*" Guess, Zhang Sheng checked the sales and visits for the two of them, and then there was a little surprise.

In the past three months, the two's total turnover has exceeded one million, and they have also made a small amount of money, and this amount is continuing to rise...

Especially the customer service number that states the operation...

As soon as I opened the backend, I was bombarded with nearly a hundred private messages.

Looking at the red-faced chat in the customer service account.

Zhang Sheng couldn't help but stare at the statement.

This guy is really talented.

"Cough, cough, Brother Sheng... it's unsightly to look at, it's unsightly to look at... it's just a living thing."

Chen Shu's old face blushed slightly. Even though he was a frequent visitor to "Macau's first Royal Casino..." and learned a lot of useful knowledge, he still felt ashamed when he was stared at openly.

"It's a good skill to have."

Zhang Sheng did not laugh or sarcastically, but looked at the statement seriously.

"Brother Sheng, don't be like this..."

"No, I'm telling the truth. If you are interested, bring a team out..."

"Team? What team?" Statement and Lu Bin were both in a daze when they heard Zhang Sheng's words.

"Teach your life-long experience to the team, and then let the team do some chatting work behind the scenes of the network. The more people, the better... but it must be secretive..."


Statement and Lu Bin looked at each other and thought Zhang Sheng was joking for a while, but after seeing Zhang Sheng's serious eyes, they subconsciously felt that he was not joking.

"Mr. Zhang, you mean, let's build an online chat company, similar to training anchors?" Lu Bin was silent for a moment, then subconsciously reacted.

a few days ago.

[Jitu Live Broadcast] became very popular.

Lu Bin saw many female anchors in [Jitu Live], and he instinctively realized that this was an outlet and seemed to have great prospects.

In fact, he once thought about using the relationship with Brother Sheng's roommate to go to [Jitu Video] to get some female anchor resources, and then ask the female anchor to help them promote female underwear...

Damn it!

This is not a big profit!

"Similar to this, but for a chat software to attract traffic and stabilize fans..."

"Brother Sheng, do you want to make a chat software?" Lu Bin hesitated for a moment, then stared at Zhang Sheng.


"Similar to Q dog?"


"Brother Sheng, do you want to compete with Q Gou, a national chat software?"

The statement made me understand something subconsciously.

"Chat chatting is just part of the gimmicks to attract traffic. Next, we will also do various gimmicks to promote local traffic..."


Zhang Sheng briefly chatted with the statement about some of the work projects he needs to do next.

He listened carefully to the statement. The more he listened, the brighter his eyes became, and at the same time, he became more and more obscene. Suddenly, he thought of some inexplicable good things.

Lu Bin thought of another piece.

"Brother Sheng, I have no interest in forming a similar team. However, Brother Sheng, on behalf of our online store [Lushu Women's Mall], I will sign and talk with several female anchors under [Jitu Video]..."

"How do you want to talk?"

"I want them to help us bring goods to our [Lushu Women's Mall] live broadcast..."


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