I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 463 You forced me to show off!

January 5th.

Zhang Xing met Zhang Sheng in school.

When I saw Zhang Sheng, I felt very awkward.

The meeting place was not a quiet dormitory, nor a library, nor a tea room, but a noisy cafeteria.

The two of them huddled in the corner, watching the sound of people coming and going piercing their eardrums. For a time, they could only speak by shouting, which made Zhang Xing increasingly irritable.

Zhang Sheng, on the other hand, ate his meal slowly, as leisurely as an outsider.

In the past two days, there has been various negative news about [Minuo Group Buying] almost every day.

Several batches of merchants left today, and several batches of merchants terminated their contracts...

Tomorrow the capital circle gave [Minuo Group Buying] an ultimatum, saying that if Li Yanhong does not stabilize [Minuo Group Buying], they will sue Li Yanhong...

Li Yanhong...

In fact, he also signed a [Betting Agreement]. It was obvious that this sudden change almost forced Li Yanhong to a dead end.

In the invisible business wars, Zhang Xing was keenly aware of the arm wrestling between [Hongtian Capital] and [Hongsen Capital] behind the scenes, and [Minuo Group Buying] was the victim of this battle.

And capital eats people.

Zhang Xing has no interest in sitting on the mountain and watching the fight between tigers and tigers.

The fire has spread to his company, and despite his repeated attempts to stay, Sun Yaohuo from his marketing department still resigned.

Before resigning, Sun Yaohuo from the marketing department had twinkling eyes, and he only promised that he would not get involved in the [group buying] industry, let alone take away the resources in [group buying], but as for which company he would leave to work for, or what he would do. …

Sun Yaohuo said nothing.

It wasn't until January 5, that is, early this morning, that Zhang Xing got the latest news from Sun Yaohuo...

Sun Yaohuo did not join any group buying website...

Instead, he joined Zhang Sheng’s [Honeycomb Jisong] and became the top leader of [Honeycomb Jisong] in Jiangsu District, responsible for all takeout and store expansion affairs in Jiangsu District.

Zhang Xing also heard the latest gossip, that is, Sun Yaohuo brought capital into [Honeycomb Jisong]. He spent nearly 40 million to buy all the [Recruitment Cooperation Stocks] in Jiangsu District...

"Zhang Sheng, I came here today not to discuss with you, but to tell you that you have crossed the line!"

The noisy environment made Zhang Xing extremely irritable.

He even had the idea of ​​picking up the stainless steel lunch box on the table and hitting Zhang Sheng hard on the forehead.

But he didn't do it after all.

"Brother Zhang, if you tell me that Mr. Sun switched jobs to our [Beehive Jisong], then I'll tell you, I know nothing about it..."

Zhang Sheng chewed his rice silently, still maintaining his unhurried attitude.

"If you have always had this attitude, then Zhang Sheng, I have decided to divest all the takeout business of [Group Buying] from [Honeycomb Ji Delivery]. Zhang Sheng, I might as well tell you that we have a new partner. The name is [Lainiao Takeout], and I can sign this contract at any time as long as I want... After the collapse of [Minuo Group Buying], our [Group Buying] will definitely be the final winner in the group buying market in the future. Without our [Group Buying] ]'s huge business, the performance of your [Honeycomb Jishui] will inevitably be greatly reduced... Moreover, in the current market, there are so many food delivery software, and your [Honeycomb Jishui] occupies the first opportunity. Although it is considered a pioneer, the [Lainiao] behind it Takeaway], [Any Door], [Hungry Takeaway], each takeaway is extremely competitive..."


"Zhang Sheng, let me remind you once again that you are already standing on the edge of the cliff. After the capital has dealt with the group buying market, it will take time to encircle and suppress you in all aspects. Moreover, during this period of time..."


Chatting with Zhang Sheng is always painful.

You clearly pointed out the situation he was about to face, but he still seemed like an outsider, indifferent to everything.

Lunch was finished quickly.

After Zhang Sheng tidied up the stainless steel lunch boxes and put them in the shower area, he ignored Zhang Xing's gaze and left the canteen.

Zhang Xing gritted his teeth with hatred, but still chased him out.

Along the way, neither of them spoke. When they reached the study room, Zhang Sheng finally stopped.

"Brother Zhang..."

"you say……"

"Have you decided yet?"

"What? What have I considered? What the hell should I consider? It's not me who is really in crisis, it's you, Zhang Sheng, it's you!" Zhang Xing seemed to have been stabbed by something, and suddenly became furious.

"Brother Zhang, if your [Group Buying] wants to withdraw the cooperation, then withdraw the cooperation. Do whatever you want..." Zhang Sheng still had the same indifferent attitude.

"You..." Zhang Sheng's attitude made Zhang Xing feel like his lungs were going to explode!

He turned his head and wanted to leave, never to cooperate with Zhang Sheng, that bastard again, and simply invest his capital, but after a while, he finally did not leave.

Li Zongyao’s phone call made him realize that this was [Hongtian Capital]’s ultimatum to him.

Either hand over all resources and finally become the spokesperson of capital with dignity, or resist stubbornly and wait to be liquidated by capital.

As an ambitious entrepreneur, Zhang Xing is naturally unwilling to become a pawn of capital.

But, in fact, Zhang Sheng’s weight is still not enough!

No matter how many times Zhang Xing deduced, he could not deduce the possibility that Zhang Sheng could survive the subsequent capital siege.

Such a possibility is naturally not enough to become Zhang Xing's true strategic partner.


Zhang Xing believes that before the encirclement and suppression, as long as he and Zhang Sheng can achieve true cooperation, there may be a glimmer of hope.

This is their only chance to escape the prison of capital!

So this time he came to Zhang Sheng. He wanted to have a good chat with Zhang Sheng to let Zhang Sheng understand the current situation, and hoped that Zhang Sheng could make major concessions in the future cooperation...

Only with this kind of concession can he make up his mind to give it a try together!

Moreover, even a true "brotherly company" must have an older brother or younger brother, right?

Even if they are re-elected as CEOs together, there must be at least one who comes first, right?

"Brother Zhang, there is no need for us to say other false and alarmist words..."

in the sun.

Looking at Zhang Xing, Zhang Sheng finally became serious: "Just tell me what you want to do, otherwise I will have to pay you for a meal in vain, and I will suffer a huge loss..."

“If you don’t want [Honeycomb Extreme Gifts] to lose the resources of our [Group Buying]…”

"I said, it doesn't matter if I take your [group buying] resources or not..." Zhang Sheng interrupted Zhang Xing and frowned again: "Brother Zhang, if you want to talk to me, show your sincerity. Come on, I am a person with a debt of two million, and I have come step by step to where I am now. Even if [Honeycomb Jisong] all goes bankrupt, I still have [NC Entertainment] to support me. Even if [NC Entertainment] goes bankrupt, I still have money in my hand. There are [Jitu Video] and [Qiansheng Online Mall]. To put it another way, even if all of them are bankrupted by capital, I still have shares in domestic copycat phones. Even if they go bankrupt again, I still have... Sorry, I Answer the phone……"


Zhang Xing looked at Zhang Sheng.

Watching Zhang Sheng come to the corner and answer a phone call.

His eyes were a little uncertain, and he felt a huge tightness in his chest at one point.

Previously, when focusing on Zhang Sheng’s Internet industry, I once overlooked that Zhang Sheng’s “core” is not just the Internet industry, but a huge physical framework...

that moment!

Zhang Xing took a deep breath and suddenly felt like a clown.

The call lasted about ten minutes.

After receiving it, Zhang Sheng came over.

"Brother Zhang, where are you talking about? Oh, by the way, even if all my copycat phone industries go bankrupt, I still have new energy projects on hand..."


"Brother Zhang, have you seen the [Bosch Technology] factory? This factory is a project owned by Yan Petrochemical..."


"Brother Zhang, have you seen the newly built teaching building over there? Brother Zhang, the decoration business of this teaching building was undertaken by [Bird's Nest Decoration]. Of course, I am not letting you see what we [Bird's Nest Decoration] have How awesome, I just want to tell you that this teaching building is the [Yanshi University of Chemistry Evening School] project. The first partner company of this project is our [Honeycomb Jishu], and the first batch of employees to be drafted and trained are us. The employees of [Honeycomb Jisong] have signed training contracts!”


"Brother Zhang, I don't know how many projects you have checked on my information, but, Brother Zhang, have you checked who wrote the draft [Home Appliances to the Rural Areas] in 2009? Have you checked in 10 years? Who is the author of [Vocational Education Retraining Project]? Do you know who is the author of a project of the Ministry of Commerce in 2010 called [China-Brazil Strategic Cooperation Feasibility Report]? Brother Zhang, do you really understand, [ Future New Energy Project Report] Who is one of the drafters of this report?”


"Do you know what phone call I just received? I received a call from the Ministry of Commerce... The Ministry of Commerce invited me to hold a summary meeting. Regarding the performance summary of cooperative enterprises in the [NC] system in 2010, China and Brazil's souvenir network interaction Win-win cooperation report, film and entertainment industry summary, 2011 new project formulation form..."


Zhang Sheng pushed up his glasses and said these words calmly while Zhang Xing was frightened.

When he finished speaking, he pushed up his glasses with a smile on his lips: "If you [Group Buying] want to cooperate with me, then cooperate. If you don't cooperate, you won't cooperate. Maybe you will be in the so-called [Lai Niao Food Delivery] vocational training system in the future. All must go through my review..."

Zhang Xing opened his mouth.

this moment……

His heart twitched violently, and a chill surged out from his body.

this moment……

He realized that Zhang Sheng was not without weight.

But there are simply too many weights.

If capital really wants to completely destroy Zhang Sheng, it may have to consider what is behind him again...

"Brother Zhang, I must make it clear that although I like to cause trouble, I am not afraid of it. Sorry, I will answer the phone again..."


Zhang Sheng answered a phone call again.


Zhang Sheng came over.

"Brother Zhang, I won't talk to you anymore. The leader of the Ministry of Commerce is here. I have to brag about GDP to the leader..."


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