I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 465 Zhang Sheng’s Industry!


[College Student Employment and Entrepreneurship Center].

Shen Yi had a smile on his face after seeing Zhang Sheng coming with a group of leaders.

He briefly exchanged glances with his wife Xu Linlin, and then glanced at Zhang Sheng, who was smiling and introducing things to Zhou Guoan in a humble yet humble manner, and he roughly knew what happened in Zhang Sheng's office...

He quickly tidied it up and led the people to greet them.

"Director Zhou..."

"Haha, Teacher Shen, I haven't seen you for a while."

"Yeah, long time no see..."

Zhou Guoan and Shen Yi knew each other many years ago.

On the surface, neither side has much to do with it.

But if we really want to take a closer look, Zhou Guoan briefly appeared at the wedding of Shen Yi and Xu Linlin about ten years ago.

Well, he is considered the matchmaker between Shen Yi and Xu Linlin...

After the two parties shook hands and briefly greeted Zhang Sheng, Shen Yi began to lead a group of people towards the newly built teaching building in the distance.

When they arrived at the door, everyone put on their helmets.

"Director Zhou, be careful where you step. Well, this is our [vocational education building]. It aims to provide new skills upgrades, academic qualifications, and re-employment upgrades for ordinary migrant workers with low academic qualifications, low-level delivery workers, third-line professionals and other groups in society... "

“This is our [Automobile Maintenance Technology Department]. With the vigorous development of the automobile industry in the future, after-sales maintenance services will inevitably be born. We have taken a fancy to the market demand in this area and discussed with the leaders of the college to transform the [Automobile Maintenance Department] into It is listed as one of the first retraining projects and is expected to provide nearly a thousand related vocational technicians to the society every year..."

"This is our finance and accounting department..."


Shen Yi smiled and introduced each department to Zhou Guoan.

Zhou Guoan was fascinated as he watched the workers wearing [Bird's Nest Decoration] and safety helmets meticulously doing tasks such as [laying ceramic tiles] and [installing water and electricity].

"Xiao Zhang... these are the workers of your company, um, professional..."

"Thank you, Director Zhou..."

When he heard the word "Xiao Zhang", Zhang Sheng's eyes narrowed slightly, as if he had captured some important information, and then the smile on his face became even brighter.


He accompanied him to visit other projects in the Vocational Education Building, and Zhou Guoan was smiling all the way.

After walking out of the Vocational Education Building, Zhou Guoan stopped and looked at the building with a somewhat meaningful expression on his face.


"You guys did a great job!"

"The high-quality development of vocational education is imperative and cannot be delayed. This is an important historical mission entrusted to vocational education by the times. Of course, vocational education must seize the opportunity and take advantage of the trend. It must not be content with the status quo and stand still. It not only It is an important part of improving the comprehensive quality of the people, and it is an urgent need to realize the strategy of strengthening the country..."

After saying this, he walked towards the other road of [Yan Shihua].

The other way is Zhang Sheng’s former [NC Network Technology]. Although Zhang Sheng has changed the name of [NC Network Technology] to [Shengteng Technology] and moved it to the Lost Industrial Zone, the office belonging to [NC Network Technology] has It was not taken away and turned into an industrial exhibition hall owned by Zhang Sheng.

"This is Mr. Xu from our [Shengteng Technology]. In 2009, Mr. Xu already had his own piece of land in the Internet industry. At that time, we just started our business and did not have our own core technology. Basically, the content They are all based on reference and imitation. At the same time, the projects are also very single, mainly serving the public network..."

Zhang Sheng led Zhou Guoan up to the second floor with a smile on his face.


When he saw the black-haired Xu Guangbiao, Zhang Sheng instinctively felt a little uncomfortable.

Of course, it didn't last long before it returned to nature.

In the former [NC Network Technology] office, there was a photo.

In the photos, there are photos of early [NC Network Technology] web projects such as [Obon Integrated Ceiling], [Yongtong Wire], [Xiaoliang Lighting] and other early projects.

Zhou Guoan looked at the photos and nodded.

A group of young people, led by Zhang Sheng, began to understand the scene of starting a business in their mind, and a bit of emotion flashed across their faces.

During this period, this group of young people probably experienced a lot of ups and downs, and were once confused. But fortunately, they seized the opportunity of "innovation" and grew up step by step.

"Later, we saw the trend of the Internet. The gradual popularization of the 3G era made us realize that a new era was beckoning towards us. We began to gradually develop from a single web page business to an online and offline interactive business. For example, short videos, for example, we are currently working on [Honeycomb Jisong], [Qiangsheng Online Mall] APP, video network and other new business formats..."


The entrepreneurial stories of young people are always inspiring.

Especially when he saw Zhang Sheng, a group of enthusiastic young people who were always full of passion, Zhou Guoan nodded with satisfaction again, feeling somewhat relieved in his heart.

The vitality of young people is the vitality of this era!

Time passed quickly.

Soon it was dinner time.

At Zhou Guoan's strong request, we ended up having dinner in a hotel or in the school cafeteria without any extravagance. Instead, we had a meeting in the [NC Network Technology] conference room while ordering takeout. Zhou Guoan even served it in person I downloaded the [Honeycomb Jisong] APP and successfully ordered a dumpling on the APP.

About twenty minutes later, there was a knock on the door.

Then a college-looking student wearing takeout clothes from [Beijingji] knocked on the door.

After Zhou Guoan took the takeaway, he briefly asked the college student and learned that the college student was a student of Yanshihua.

When asked whether his studies would be delayed while working part-time as a takeaway worker, the college student smiled innocently.

"[Honeycomb Ji Delivery] is a cooperative unit of our school... Generally, the orders we receive will be based on our respective availability. The platform will not impose requirements. When we are free, we will run more. When we have no time, we will If we don’t run away, it’s all our freedom…”


During the exchange, Zhou Guoan learned that this student used to be a poor student at Yanshi Chemical. With his income from food delivery in the past few months, he not only paid off his student loan, but also sent a sum of money to his family.

From the student's proud eyes, Zhou Guoan felt that this student could shine.

"Sorry, I have to go. The next task has been assigned. By the way, can you give me a good review?"


Seeing the student walking downstairs and riding away, Zhou Guoan felt even more moved.

He realized that [Honeycomb Jisong] not only provided a more liberal employment project, but was also vaguely related to China's current strategic poverty alleviation...

"well done!"

While sitting in the conference room and looking at Zhang Sheng, Zhou Guoan nodded again and couldn't help but praise.

After a while, Zhou Guoan thought of something again and looked at Zhang Sheng: "Xiao Zhang, I have seen your achievements over the past year. Of course, as a slightly older person, I know very well The road to entrepreneurship will never be smooth sailing. If you need our help in the future, feel free to mention it. As long as it is in compliance with the rules, I will help you convey it to the leaders..."

this moment……

He became more and more appreciative of this young, promising and studious young man.

Immediately, the expression on his face became extremely serious again.

"However, the burden on you is not light. We old bones have high hopes for you. Remember, don't be impatient, don't forget your form, and don't forget your original intention!"

He patted Zhang Sheng on the shoulder and said three words of encouragement.

Zhang Sheng nodded seriously.

"I will, Director Zhou..."

"you say……"

"Can I take a picture with you?"



The sun sets.

The sunset filled half of the sky.

Zhang Xing has been sitting at the school gate smoking.

He seems to be a confused middle-aged man who is repeatedly wandering and making choices on the road of life.

What Zhang Sheng told him before echoed in his mind over and over again, making him gradually see the reality clearly.

When the sunset gradually faded and the earth gradually darkened, Zhang Xing saw an ordinary commercial vehicle leaving Yanshihua.

Zhang Xing looked at the direction of the car in a daze.

Thoughts again appeared in my mind, as well as the changes that were about to happen behind these thoughts.

After a long time...

He saw Zhang Sheng walking out of school wearing a mask.

At this moment, he instinctively rushed towards Zhang Sheng.

"Zhang Sheng..."

"Oh, Brother Zhang, are you still here?"

"Zhang Sheng, I have thought about it for a long time, and I have decided to cooperate with you... However, I have a share exchange plan. I will exchange 20% of the shares of [Group Buying] for you [Honeycomb Extreme Free Gift]" Twenty shares..."

This is Zhang Xing's idea that he thinks is equal to both parties after thinking about it for a long time.

But when Zhang Sheng heard this sentence, he sighed slightly: "Brother Zhang, don't you know it yet? It's you who have been looking for me to cooperate, and to be honest, I don't want to cooperate with [Group Buying] , it really has no influence on me, and I've said it before, if you want to cooperate, then cooperate, if you don't want to cooperate, I'm fine with it, so let's not waste our time by being coy and coy..."

After Zhang Xing saw Zhang Sheng's attitude, his face sank slightly, but he finally asked again: "Then, how do you think we can cooperate?"

"Your [Group Buying] simply merges its business with our [Honeycomb Jisong] and becomes a part of [Honeycomb Jisong]'s cooperative unit. The data of both parties will be exchanged, and the marketing and advertising will also be exchanged. As for the sharing... we will discuss it in detail... …”

"You want to swallow me?" Zhang Xing's eyes widened, unbelievable that Zhang Sheng's appetite was so huge.

"It's not that I swallowed you, it's that I'm in you and you are in me. Forget it, Brother Zhang, you'd better stop looking for me... Chatting with you really wastes time..."

"Wait a minute and I'll think about it again. This kind of thing has to happen again and again..."

"I'll take a call..."


Zhang Sheng took his cell phone and went to the side to answer the call for about five minutes.

When Zhang Sheng came back again, Zhang Sheng glanced at Zhang Xing: "Brother Zhang, please think about it slowly, I'll leave first."

"Where are you going? We haven't finished talking yet..."

"[Mi Nuo Group Buying], Sister Hong is much more cheerful than you!"

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