I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 466 One hundred million resources

If you walk too slowly, you will fall behind.

Walk too fast and you will fall.

There are always so many contradictory things in the world.

January 5th.

Li Yanhong gradually woke up amidst the waves of scoldings. When the last person left the company, she suddenly realized the many mistakes she had made along the way.

The influx of capital and overwhelming advertising have made [Minuo Group Buying]’s expansion almost crazy.

The disorderly expansion will inevitably lead to cracks in the management and gradually expanding desires. When everyone is conquering the city, these contradictions and desires are suppressed under the ice. In the end no one noticed.

But once [Minuo Group Buying] reaches a certain scale, the connection between the management and the merchants becomes closer and closer, and the gap between him and the management becomes deeper and deeper. There is no unified and real system to restrain it. After that, layers of cracks began to appear on the ice.

She had noticed this problem a long time ago. If she had stopped for a moment and integrated the internals, she might have been able to repair this crack.


The [Group Buying War] has been going on for half a year, and all the brands are fighting and roaring. The pressure of capital is constantly urging you to grow stronger. Every day, you watch the valuation of [Minuo Group Buying] rise and fall, making you have to bear it. Going up to grab the territory, in such a high-pressure state, she did not dare to stop her [Group Buying], so she could only suppress everything temporarily and devote more energy to the battlefield.

Everyone wants to be the final winner!

After becoming the final winner, internal rectification and adjustment will be carried out to form a formalized company management system.

This is what she and most people think!


If there were no spoilers in this fight, everything might go as expected.


Zhang Sheng takes action!

[[Hanshou.com] The year-end bonus is 400 million, including a car and a house! 】

[[Groupon Baotuan.com]] held a grand prize draw at the annual meeting, with BMW, Mercedes-Benz, and Audi all in the prize pool. The popular superstar Liu Tianwang was also invited to perform on stage, and the scene was comparable to a concert! 】

[[Harvest Group Buying] Self-examination overnight, there is no problem with fake goods, and all parties in the society are allowed to supervise! 】


The wind outside the window is getting colder and colder.

In the empty hall, Li Yanhong saw a series of news, which became a trending search topic. She also saw the live broadcast platform [YK Live] eagerly showing off its three million live broadcast fans, and signed an autograph for the popular anchor [MR Mark]. signed a contract with an annual salary of nearly 10 million.

Zhang Sheng, this troublemaker, has undoubtedly thrown the entire group buying market into chaos!

The live broadcast of the annual meeting made the desires of managers of countless brands in the [Group Buying Market] infinite. When a person's desires are stretched to infinity, the once ambitious work gradually becomes more and more boring and boring. It even feels like a waste of life. In order to stabilize the brand, capital can only use more money to stabilize internal collapse.

Do you want to suppress and block information about Zhang Sheng?

In fact, it has indeed been done. There is no news about Zhang Sheng throwing money in the major mainstream portal websites...

Even social software, such as Qgou, will automatically ignore the word "Zhang Sheng" when searching for it...

However, [Jitu Video] cannot be blocked no matter how hard it is. It is Zhang Sheng’s own live broadcast platform. With more and more users, Zhang Sheng’s news cannot be suppressed no matter how hard it is.


This storm has even spread to the nascent live broadcast industry...

Facing the crazy provocation of [Jitu Live], [YK Live] responded with an astonishing anchor signing bonus...

"Dong dong dong."

"Come in, the door is unlocked."


The door opened.

Li Yanhong raised her head subconsciously.

She saw Zhang Sheng.

She forced a smile and invited Zhang Sheng to sit down.


Li Yanhong still remembers August 2009.

That was the day she met Zhang Sheng for the first time.

That day, the sky in Yanjing was clear and cloudless. She was still the superior agent of [Shengshi Entertainment], preparing to sign the copyright of the novel "That Midsummer".

Zhang Sheng was wearing very ordinary clothes that day, with a crew cut and glasses. He was dirt-grained from the inside out. In her eyes, the word "unsightly" was not an exaggeration to describe him.

She looked down at the young man with a superior gaze, as if looking at an ant that could be crushed to death at any time.

Zhang Sheng was very confident. Looking back now, Li Yanhong felt that the young man's eyes were shining with light. This light was like a flame that could not be extinguished no matter what.

The chat that time was not very pleasant, and naturally the copyright for the novel adaptation of "That Summer" was lost.

Later, I heard the news about Zhang Sheng again. It was that [Shengshi Entertainment] had pushed [Starlight Future] to the last corner, and it was torn apart internally. Zhang Sheng’s [NC Studio] signed an agreement with [Starlight Future]. ,Then……

The memories of two years ago appeared on Li Yanhong's face, making her extremely sad. After a brief daze, she smiled bitterly.

"Mr. Zhang, I want to know if Xu Tianshun's resignation has anything to do with you..."

She didn't greet Zhang Sheng or talk about the current bleak situation of [Mi Nuo Group Buying], but asked this question.

"After the annual meeting, I have handed over all matters related to [Qiangsheng Online Mall] and the related human resources department to Li Bin. As for whether Li Bin has met with Xu Tianshun and whether he encourages Xu Tianshun to start a business, these It's not something I care about..." Zhang Sheng did not admit it, nor did he deny it, but calmly showed a smile.

Looking at Zhang Sheng's expression, Li Yanhong sighed slightly, "We [Minuo Group Buying] and your [Honeycomb Jishou] have always maintained a cooperative relationship and are considered friends, but your move is too cruel!"

No matter how deep the conspiracy is, no matter how covert it is, some flaws will be exposed afterwards.

Li Yanhong is not a fool. After the incident, she realized something.

However, the other party had prepared everything, and then found a suitable time, and was suddenly ready to attack. From the year-end bonus to the "fake" report, from deceiving people to internal collapse, a series of moves made her unable to resist at all. , can only watch helplessly as the brilliance created by himself was destroyed in an instant.

"Sister Hong, the essence of human nature is desire, and capital is a derivative of desire when it reaches a certain level..." Zhang Sheng faced Li Yanhong's eyes and just shook his head. After a moment of silence, he continued. : "In this dark forest, nature selects the fittest to survive. Anyone who falls is an internal collapse. Except for the external forces of the times, no one else can be blamed..."

Zhang Sheng's voice echoed in the office.

Li Yanhong wanted to say something, but no matter what she said, she could only feel a sense of powerlessness.

She invited Zhang Sheng over today. Actually, she just wanted to confirm whether the hands behind the scenes were Zhang Sheng. But now that she had confirmed it, she became at a loss again.

At this moment, she seemed to have lost the capital to negotiate with Zhang Sheng.

The identities of the two parties two years ago seemed to have been swapped.

At this moment, Zhang Sheng was standing in a high position, looking down at her.

And she...

A total loser.

"Zhang Sheng, although our [Minuo Group Buying] was defeated and the entire market came to a standstill, I still have some merchant resources and future advertising resources... You are willing to come over this time, maybe because you are interested in these resources, right?" After who knows how long, she finally looked up at Zhang Sheng.


Zhang Sheng nodded.

"I still have 60% of the shares on hand, and the other 40% are capital stocks... After these two days, the current market valuation of our [Minuo Group Purchase] has gone from 5 billion to It fell to one billion...capital stocks are naturally shrinking. The capital behind us in the early stage was [Hongsen Capital], followed by [Tengji Technology]. [Tengji Technology] was actually in December last year, that is, [ When Minuo Group Buying] had the highest valuation of 5 billion, all 20% of the shares were taken away... and the 20% of the shares taken away were left vacant and were taken over by [Hongsen Capital]. This year In January, I received an investment of RMB 500 million from [Hongsen Capital] Pang Lei..."

A detailed data was placed in front of Zhang Sheng.

After Zhang Sheng saw the data, he realized how powerful [Tengji Technology] was. When [Minuo Group Buying] was in full swing, he quickly took out a sum of money and left...

And left the entire pit to Pang Lei of [Hongsen Capital].

A valuation of one billion, 40% of the shares, at most 400 million. All the money Pang Lei invested before has shrunk.

The key is that the current market value of [Minuo Group Buying] is still falling, and no one in the capital circle wants the next shares of [Minuo Group Buying]. Xu Tianshun’s wave is really too cruel, and he will directly sell [Minuo Group Buying]. Hongsen Capital] is in a terrible trap...

"Do you know who is behind Xu Tianshun [Fengyu Mall]?" Zhang Sheng looked at Li Yanhong.

He felt that his wave of year-end bonuses had not only ended for him, but also for the many unseen capitals behind him.

The game and strangulation between capital and capital is far more terrifying than I imagined.

"Isn't it you?" Li Yanhong was stunned briefly.

"I said, [Fengyu Mall] has nothing to do with me... If I want this resource, I can directly ask Xu Tianshun to come to my [Qiangsheng Online Mall]..."


Li Yanhong was silent.

He no longer thought about what was going to happen next, but looked at Zhang Sheng: "Mr. Zhang, my resources are already on the table. This is my last capital. How much can you offer?"

"If it's just this resource, I actually don't want to spend a penny. As long as I want it, these merchant resources will be mine sooner or later..."

"In that case, why did you come here?" Li Yanhong stared at Zhang Sheng.

Over the past year or so, she has witnessed Zhang Sheng's rise step by step.

She understood that behind Zhang Sheng's smile, he was actually like a beast...


More greedy and bloodthirsty than wild beasts!

You stood in front of him and couldn't help but feel a chill coming over you.

"Sister Hong, I am willing to spend 100 million resources to buy you for my use." Zhang Sheng stared at Li Yanhong.

Li Yanhong was stunned for a moment, then lowered her head: "I need cash..."

As soon as she finished saying this, she saw Zhang Sheng stand up, turned around and left without saying a word.

At this time, Li Yanhong stared at Zhang Sheng's leaving figure and gritted her teeth: "100 million resources, what kind of resources are they!"


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