I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 467 Lin Cheng’s moment of rise!


It's getting colder.

On the bustling Yanjing Street, Zhang Xing was still waiting at the intersection.

Capital is still Zhang Sheng...

At the crossroads of life, even Zhang Xing himself felt that his mother-in-law was indecisive like a girl.

Follow the capital!

The feeling of uneasiness and the scenes of starting a business all passed before my eyes.

He can only become a puppet, or be the last to be eliminated.

Following Zhang Sheng's feeling, he was also uneasy.

Vaguely, he feels like a bloodthirsty monster. If you negotiate with him, you can't even find any focus. You can only passively lose all dominance and eventually integrate into his system, becoming a person who can be used by anyone. Replacement screws…

When he finally made up his mind, it was already the early morning of January 7.

He made a call to Zhang Sheng.

Haven't been able to get through.

By the morning of January 7, the call finally got through.

"Mr. Zhang, I have carefully thought about it all night. I don't want any of your shares when I cooperate with you. However, I hope that my [group buying] system can still be independent... and that the next cooperative units will still be independent. You have the right to choose. Of course, I can also open up my [Group Buying] shares. You can spend a symbolic 100 million to acquire 10% of our [Group Buying] shares..."


Zhang Xing hasn't finished speaking yet.

Zhang Sheng hung up the phone.

When he called Zhang Sheng again, Zhang Xing only saw the "on call" prompt, and the other party blocked him.


January 7th.

After going through the most brutal [self-examination] and a series of [reviews], [Minuo Group Buying] was finally released from the cage.

The group buying website finally started operating normally...


Users have reached nearly 80%.

Only a group of merchants who started their business and some users who have made profits from [Minuo Group Buying] are still logging in.


With fewer and fewer merchants and fewer and fewer choices, the retention rate of this group of users has begun to become lower and lower.

Under the vicious cycle, everyone knows that [Minuo Group Buying] has officially reached the edge of collapse.


It's not all bad news.

Today's New Year's Eve is February 2nd.

[Minuo Group Purchase] Before this, I spent nearly 100 million yuan to buy billboards for the 2011 Spring Festival Gala in advance.

With the group buying war in full swing and capital becoming more and more crazy, the advertising fee of 100 million yuan is being speculated higher and higher.

When Li Yanhong saw that 150 million in advertising fees had been won by [Fengyu Mall], Li Yanhong's eyes widened.

At this moment, she knew who the capital behind Xu Tianshun was.

She saw the words Dong Xiaojing.

Dong Xiaojing is the daughter of Dong Zhongjun, the chairman of [Starlight Future], and is currently the helmsman of [Starlight Future].

Behind [Starlight Future] is [Eps Capital]. [Eps Capital] followed [Hongtian Capital] to invest in [Group Buying] when the group buying market was just emerging. Later, on November 1 this year In March, similar to [Tengji Technology]'s operation, they transferred [Group Buying] stocks to [Hongtian Capital] and other capital, and then left the market with a huge profit...

I thought that [Eps Capital] would only play a short-term role and only treat the [group buying] project as a toy, but no one could have imagined that it suddenly entered the market again without warning, taking 60% of the shares. He took ownership of [Fengyu Mall] just established by Xu Tianshun and became the largest shareholder of [Fengyu Mall]...

The battles and fights between capitals no longer have anything to do with Li Yanhong.

Naturally, the advertising fee of 150 million cannot go into Li Yanhong's pocket, but into the pocket of [Hongsen Capital] Pang Lei.

[Minuo Group Buying] A series of resources that have been accumulated are still being eaten away by countless capitals.

Subway-related advertising and online advertising, including the [Southern California International Film Awards] and [film and television advertising] signed with Zhang Sheng, were all transferred to other businesses...

Thanks to the popularity of the [Southern California International Film Awards] and the successive hits of several Zhang Sheng [NC Entertainment] films, Zhang Sheng’s [Film and Television Advertising] projects have also increased in price...

I invested 130 million before and signed a two-year advertising fee. With one year left, I could actually sell 130 million, and it was a crazy grab...

Li Yanhong watched advertising contracts being sold one after another.

Her heart was bleeding.

But she was powerless to stop it...

One can only watch as the glory once created gradually turns into ruins...

In the huge [Minuo Mall] company, only the original group of interns who followed him were left, and they were still there.

[Minuo Mall] Outside...

Countless reporters are still swarming, waiting for Li Yanhong to appear.

In half a year, [Minuo Mall] gradually transformed from an unknown small merchant to a leader in the Chinese group buying market. Then, it suddenly fell into a [counterfeit goods dispute] and faced huge fines from relevant departments.

"Sister Hong... don't go out..."

"Sister Hong, forget it, we have nothing now, we..."

"Sister Hong..."


Li Yanhong heard the advice, but she still walked out of the entrance of [Minuo Mall] and bowed to all the reporters.

Then, he apologized for his management negligence, which was what [Hongsen Capital] Pang Lei requested.

This is her second apology.

The first time was [Shengshi Entertainment] and [NC Entertainment]...

The second time was [Mi Nuo Group Buying] and...

It seems they are all Zhang Sheng?

After apologizing, Li Yanhong looked at the group of people who had been following her...

"Sister Hong... I just contacted the merchant, and they are willing to follow us to continue our adventure..."

"Sister Hong, me too. Although many merchants are leaving, there are still a group of merchants who are willing to listen to our next plans..."


Li Yanhong felt an inexplicable sense of relief as she listened to the messages, and then smiled bitterly: "Let's go!"

"Sister Hong, where are we going?"

"Go to [Qiangsheng Online Mall]..."

She suppressed her bitter smile slightly and forced herself to show a slightly better-looking smile.

This is an extremely pessimistic thing.


No one could have imagined that after she finished speaking...

"Wow! Really?"

"Sister Hong, is it true? Oh my god, Sister Hong, have you really contacted Mr. Zhang? Can we enter Mr. Zhang's system?"

"Wow, that's great, Sister Hong, you are so awesome. I'm telling you, you must have some backup plans..."

"Sister Hong, I immediately told those merchants that we have integrated into the system of [Qiangsheng Online Mall] and asked them to open stores in [Qiangsheng Online Mall]!"

"By the way, Sister Hong, can you re-plan the store opening policy?"



When Li Yanhong saw the originally pessimistic employees, she was instantly in disbelief.

Then, she heard bursts of cheers, accompanied by chattering voices, which made her eardrums tremble.

After a while...

When the excitement of these people subsided, Li Yanhong took out her mobile phone and made a call to Zhang Sheng under the expectant eyes of these people.


The phone is switched off.

Regardless of whether it is a work account or a personal account, the phone is turned off.


Zhang Xing’s phone call was probably Zhang Sheng’s last call.

Being forced to do so was so annoying that Zhang Sheng lost patience with Zhang Xing.

Starting January 7th…

Zhang Sheng gave up all his work and began to go to school, reviewing all the courses in the first semester of his sophomore year in a step-by-step manner.

Not only learn the knowledge in the textbook, but also learn some content outside the textbook, such as [new energy], such as [law], such as [film and television industry], [capital industry], [history]...

Coming to this world similar to the original world, with the advantage of foresight, Zhang Sheng can always control the advantage in the coming trend of China.

But compared to the prophet's advantages, learning is the most important to Zhang Sheng.

Time will always pass by in a hurry, and eventually it will come to a historical node that is unfamiliar to Zhang Sheng. In order to deal with people or things that suddenly appear at those nodes, you can only progress with the times to avoid being eliminated by this era.

What is the saddest thing in this world?

He is a person who is better than you and more talented than you, but at your latitude, he is robbing you of the only glorious thing...

Then, he will defeat you severely in the shortest possible time.

In the dormitory...

All other students are working part-time.

She was busy chatting online, creating twenty accounts, using three computers, and typing constantly.

Lu Bin, on the other hand, runs an online store while leaving early in the morning and coming home late at the same time, not knowing what to do...

Jiang Kailong even dropped out of school like Qi Haifeng to work as his [Mobile Phone Tempered Film] agent.

Studying is not their main task...

Only Lin Cheng has been studying.

In this semester, he has basically learned all the textbooks for his sophomore and junior years. He also applied for the postgraduate direction of [New Energy] and became a student under Tang Wu. Every day he is either studying or following. Tang Wu went into the laboratory and even stayed in the dormitory for a while.

Tang Wu is researching the direction of lithium batteries...

The direction of [lead-acid batteries] has no future for Tang Wu. The first is that the technical content is not high, and the second is that it really makes no sense. Lithium batteries are the mainstream of new energy in the future!

But Chen Mengting talks to Tang Wu about the battery car market almost every day. [Lead-acid batteries] are still the mainstream, and the technology cannot be discontinued. We must introduce new topics, which drives Tang Wu crazy!

There was really no other way. In order to deal with Chen Mengting, Tang Wu directly handed over the [lead-acid battery research and development] project to the ignorant Lin Cheng...

This made Chen Mengting almost crazy with anger!

January 20th.

It was the day when Yan Shihua got his final results.

Lin Cheng no longer paid attention to his grades.

After being crushed by Zhang Sheng twice, I no longer had any illusions deep down in my heart.


God often gives you the best things when you least pay attention.

Just yesterday, there was new progress in his [lead-acid battery] research direction. After repeated tests, it met all the requirements put forward by Chen Mengting...

Noon on January 20th.

I was excited to make a breakthrough with the [lead-acid battery patent] and was about to tell my senior sister Chen Mengting that my [lead-acid battery] had once again kept up with the market trend and even received patent optimization...

He got a call.

On the phone.

The head teacher told him.

He defeated Zhang Sheng in the final exam and officially ranked first in the department...

And Zhang Sheng, who ranks second in the entire series!

The total score was even close to ten points behind him!

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