I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 468 Crazy advertisers

January 20th.

This was probably the most exciting day in Lin Cheng's life.

It was a feeling of relaxation from the inside out, a long sigh of relief, and the pores in the whole body relaxed, like a journey that finally reached the end.

[Mr. Zhang misses a little bit of rice, and it will be enough for you for a lifetime. What’s the use of studying hard...], [What’s the use of studying? The key is to start a business. Mr. Zhang left a land of gold mines. You can stretch out your hand and you can Can dig...], [In this world, money is king. If you miss this village, there will be no station], [Mr. Zhang studied hard for a month, and he is better than you who got up early and was greedy for half a year. He is a genius, and you are just an ordinary person. People, don’t accept death, but be clear about the gap], [You can introduce me to Mr. Zhang, okay? When I make money in the future, I will share it with you...]

Countless words rang in my ears.

During this year.

Many things are changing.

He saw Qi Haifeng drop out of school and concentrate on running his [Qi's Home Furnishing].

He saw Jiang Kailong, who was good for nothing, come to his senses after many setbacks. He went out early every day and returned home late every day to work part-time as a stall owner. In the second half of this semester, he even dropped out of school to start a business.

He also saw that Lu Bin and Shui Yu, who were both in the dormitory, saw the opportunity and opened an online store and started making money every day. He also heard that so-and-so from the next class, because of the outstanding performance of [Honeycomb Extreme Delivery], the company rewarded nearly I have 30,000 yuan and am considering a loan to buy a car...

More than a year.

Everyone around seems to be wandering in the new era, taking step after step towards success.

But I alone seem to be still treading water...

Living with books every day, I feel as dull as a dead tree, with no business acumen, no love, and no so-called social interaction. I am like an unlucky guy who was knocked down but got up...

He was inevitably affected by these emotions. Every night in the quiet of the night, he would think about what he should do if he had so much money...

Confusion is probably the norm at this age.

The romance in the big city, the increasingly innovative technology and fashion, the increasingly out of tune with the surroundings, and the growing sense of frustration in myself...

Since he failed the college entrance examination and came to this second college, he has experienced disagreements with his roommates, the use of his girlfriend, and repeated failures in the exams he was proud of. He also realized that he had studied hard for a year, but he was not as good as others. Just take a look at your results for a month...

Everything in reality seems to remind him that he has never been a proud man, he is just a poor country boy who is ordinary to the core...

The ambivalence between inferiority and self-esteem makes him more and more eager to prove himself and even more eager to succeed, even just once!

As a result, the exercises accumulated over time turned into exam papers that got better and better, even getting close to full marks.

So, I studied day and night. When I realized that Zhang Sheng had returned to school, the feeling of oppressing me became more intense. I studied hard...

He was like a climber who slipped down and stood up many times. In confusion and tension, he walked through the storm and climbed to the top of the mountain!

that moment!

He saw the bright sunshine.

"Senior sister, I disassembled the core of the main batteries of [Weineng Battery], [Liwei Battery] and other big-name batteries, and then conducted repeated tests, and added new materials. After repeated tests... our internal [lead-acid] The battery is smaller in size, but its power retention capacity is stronger. Although the cruising range has not increased, our battery car with the same size can carry 5 batteries. In a sense, it increases the battery car’s cruising capacity..."

He walked into the laboratory of [Bosch Technology], took out his test data, and installed his newly improved [lead-acid battery] in the laboratory.

The last round of experiments has finally begun!

While recording these parameters, he secretly looked at Chen Mengting.

Chen Mengting's eyes changed from disbelief at the beginning to surprise. When the battery car lap came to the end, the surprise turned into excitement.

He always remembered the look in Chen Mengting's eyes when Tang Wu lightly asked him to study [lead-acid batteries], as if he was throwing away garbage.

His eyes were shocked, disbelieving, and then disappointed. Finally, he reluctantly glanced at himself and said simply: "Then give it a try."

【Then give it a try】!

He couldn't hear any sense of expectation, and even his voice was very calm. Then, he never walked into his laboratory again.

Tang Wu feels that [lead-acid batteries] have no future, let alone a high-tech gadget...

But Chen Mengting feels that [lead-acid batteries] are now the mainstream and are always needed by the market. As long as the technology is updated, it will bring about a new wave of battery sales...


It seemed that neither Tang Wu nor Chen Mengting had ever expected him!

"Okay, okay, okay! Lin Cheng, good job, well done, well done..."

"I'll ask those old masters to come over and see your craftsmanship!"


Lin Cheng heard Chen Mengting say "yes" three times and "good job" three times in a row.

He saw Chen Mengting's shocked expression again, but this time the shock was accompanied by unconcealed excitement and re-examination.

At that moment, Lin Cheng's heart was beating rapidly.

He has longed for success for so long that it feels unreal!

The old masters of [Bosch Technology] also came over. They were obviously very surprised. They were surprised that a student could actually make improvements in the field of [lead-acid batteries]...

These expressions…

More precious than any praise!

He began to continue doing experiments. He watched the battery car equipped with the new battery running, and the parameters in various aspects began to increase. Everyone was looking at his masterpiece.

At the end of the second test, although his improved [lead-acid battery] still had flaws and was slightly more expensive, there was no problem with its practicality.

He saw the masters discussing this, discussing that, and even discussing how to mass produce and how to expand the assembly line...

He watched these people discussing around his improved products...

While thinking about my test scores...

He looked out the window.


He is the protagonist!


The weather is getting cold.

When you step out onto the street, you can see thin layers of ice everywhere.

[Minuo Group Purchase] Everything that should be sold has been sold out, leaving only empty tables, chairs, and a signboard.

For half a year, Li Yanhong felt that this was just a dream. After waking up from the dream, she not only had nothing, but also became an unlucky person heavily in debt.

Of course, capital didn't do anything to her...

She has lost her use value. Except for those who collect debts, neither [Shengshi Entertainment] or [Hongsen Capital] will call her anymore.

Of course, she couldn't get in touch with them anymore.

Her first round of bets with [Hongsen Capital] ended in failure. She sold all her houses and cars, but it was still not enough to pay off the debt.

In the biting cold wind, she experienced the feeling of Zhang Sheng being called for debt, and she couldn't believe that Zhang Sheng actually rose against the odds in such a state.

These days, she is walking on the street with her briefcase under her arm every day...

She personally visited those merchants who could cooperate with her.

She told those merchants that although they [Minuo Group Buying] had suffered heavy losses, they would not fall. As long as she still had breath, she would hold on.

At the same time, she told these merchants that although they still maintained the original framework of [Minuo Group Buying], they [Minuo Group Buying] had reached a strategic agreement with Zhang Sheng, and they had been integrated into Zhang Sheng’s system and became Part of a larger framework...

The card "Zhang Sheng"...

It’s really easy to use. Although [Minuo Group Buying] was divided into pieces, when these merchants heard that [Minuo Group Buying] had officially become a part of Zhang Sheng’s system, everyone showed great enthusiasm...

These days……

[Honeycomb Jisong] has ushered in its first revision. [Minuo Group Buying] has been officially integrated into the interface of [Honeycomb Jisong]. The two APPs have officially merged into one...

Li Yanhong is in charge of business development, while Nie Xiaoping, the second boss of [Honeycomb Group Buying], is responsible for APP integration, data information and maintenance...

Everything is going on quietly.

January 22nd.

When the internal working procedures of [Honeycomb Jisong] and [Minuo Group Buying] were completely integrated, Li Yanhong walked into [NC Entertainment].

She heard...

Zhang Sheng, who had disappeared for more than half a month, officially returned to the company after finishing the exam.

When she walked into [NC Entertainment], she was shocked to see that the entrance to the advertising department of [NC Entertainment] was extremely crowded.

She saw many various brands and excitedly surrounded Shen Xiaoxi, asking about [NC Entertainment]'s latest advertising business in 2011...

"Is there any advertising space for next year's [Southern California International Film Awards]? I will pay 10 million to buy an advertising space!"

"Are there still advertising channels in Brazil? We want to buy a channel! We are engaged in foreign trade transactions..."

"I want to buy an advertising space for [Temple Run], three million. I want to embed our [Secret Chat] into the advertisement to help us attract traffic!"

"Do you have any advertising space for the movie? What movie projects do you have next year... Let's book the placement first..."

"Mr. Shen, Mr. Shen, we want to sign Ah K as our spokesperson. We can pay a high price. Really..."



Half a month ago.

The news that [Minuo Group Buying] auctioned the advertising space of the [NC Entertainment] system and resold it at a high price caused a sensation.

Countless brands looked at the advertising space in the [NC Entertainment] system in disbelief!

They suddenly realized that in this world, not only gold, diamonds, and virtual currencies could be speculated, but even advertising space could be speculated!


A piece of data, somehow, became a hot search topic.

That is……

[NC Entertainment] The revenue of system advertising partners...

From battery cars to mobile phones, from integrated ceilings to shampoo, to [Fat Xiaoan] restaurant...

The past 2010!

No matter you are a brand that is about to go bankrupt, or a brand that is stuck in the middle, as long as you sign an advertising agreement with [NC Entertainment]...


Every brand makes a lot of money!

Every piece of real and verifiable data seems to describe the gold content of [NC Entertainment] advertising!


These brands are crazy!

Li Yanhong looked at it for a while and calculated it carefully.


His eyes widened in shock.

Just for these advertising brands in the lobby, if you sign all of them, you can earn at least 500 million yuan in this wave!

Just at this time……

The whole hall suddenly exploded, and all the advertisers seemed to have seen someone coming, and they went even more crazy.


She saw Zhang Sheng coming in!

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