(The title is not a typo, it is intentional)

many years ago.

Games are considered by countless parents to be a frivolous and electronic opium-like existence.

Countless skipping classes, fighting, smoking, surfing the Internet all night, and fraudulent recharges have all been attributed to the "poison" of each game.

Even those who were born in the 1980s and 1990s were called the Beat Generation by some experts who lamented...

When the concept of [e-sports] was proposed, countless experts were shocked!

A game is a game, how can it be related to competition?

Controversy, boycott, abuse, complaint, report...

For a long time, the word [e-sports] has been at the forefront!

However, times are always improving.

With the gradual development and popularization of the Internet and the advancement of people's concepts, similar voices have gradually become less common.

In China in 2019, [e-sports] is no longer an unfamiliar word.

A game of "League of Legends" has driven the growth of hundreds of clubs in China. These clubs have held a total of 4,490 game competitions of different types in China...

At the same time, the State Sports General Administration officially approved e-sports as China’s No. 99 official sports competition.

It's more than just a game.

It also carries a kind of e-sports, an honor, and a dream.



Sometimes it is capital’s best weapon.

It can make some very vulgar things gradually become noble, and even endowed with a certain degree of sublime art.

"I had a dream a long time ago..."

“My dream is to make a game that is loved by players all over the world and allow them to gallop and compete on a virtual track...”

“Although this goal has always been far away, I have been on the road, and I can be proud to say to anyone that so far, [Temple Run] has been downloaded more than 20 million times worldwide, and it is reaching 50 million every day. An increase of 500,000 to 500,000..."

"Twenty million downloads is a milestone for our [MiTu Game]. At the same time, it is also a milestone for our Chinese domestic mobile games..."

"However, I always feel that it is not the end, but the starting point. I also feel that "Temple Run" is not the end of our [Mi Rabbit Game], but the starting point of our Chinese mobile games..."

"It's an honor for me to stand on this stage and share our [Temple Escape] data with you..."

"The popularity of a game, including the popularization of the concept of [e-sports], never happens overnight. One person, one company, one enterprise... Our power is always limited..."

"I am very grateful to you all for being able to witness the birth of an era with us. At the same time, I am also very grateful to you for being able to contribute to our Chinese games in this era..."


In a noisy conference room.

Zhang Sheng stood on the rostrum.

The PPT behind him was gradually pulled away.

Miraculously, when Zhang Sheng started to speak, the noisy conference room instantly became quiet.

Everyone looked at the man standing on the rostrum, wearing glasses and smiling, but looking very humble.

His voice is gentle but very penetrating. Even the farthest away brand owners can still hear him clearly.

And this advertising bidding, in his hands, seems to be tainted with a little [grandness], [sacred], and even a little [sense of mission] illusion.

In just a few short sentences, you can easily be brought into his thinking and logic, and then, invisibly, you are carried away by his thinking. The picture outlined in your mind is also the world he describes.

Zhang Sheng turned on his phone...

The new upgraded version of [iPhone 4] mobile phone has optimized Bluetooth screen projection technology, optimized game screen loading function and increased memory, making the game loading smoother.

On the screen...

A new version of [Temple Run] appeared.

The picture was rougher than before, and now it had become more delicate.

At the same time, a [Global Ranking] appeared in the upper right corner.

"This is our optimized version of [Temple Run]. Its operation, performance, and functionality have been even more optimized..."

"Of course, we are not talking about its functions now, nor are we talking about the business of the thirty advertising spaces. Let us focus on introducing our current lineup configuration for this event..."

"First of all, we have our own global live broadcast website. I believe many of my friends know it. It is called [Jitu Video]. Our [Jitu Video] has more than 400,000 daily active users, with a peak of more than one million, and nearly three million users. registered fans... Moreover, the number of new registered fans every day is in units of 10,000 words. If there are no accidents, our global S1 media live broadcast of [Temple Escape] will be the full live broadcast of [Jitu Video]. Of course, [Jitu Video] 】It is the main stage, the secondary stage will be broadcast live, and there will be other video platforms..."

"In addition, our event is held in Brazil. In Brazil, we have our own stage, which can accommodate nearly two thousand spectators..."

“As of now when we launched the [Temple Run] S1 Global Finals event, our [MiRabbit Games] has received registration applications from nearly 10,000 players. Our [Temple Run] official website was once blocked due to the influx of traffic. Carrying out a crash…”




Wang Jiancong stood in the crowd and listened.

He saw Zhang Sheng tell each piece of data...

At first, he could still maintain a kind of "reason", and he would fall into deep thought because of these data, thinking about the authenticity of Zhang Sheng's words.

However, you have to admit that some people are so magical. Once they stand on the stage, they are "brainwashed" like a hypnosis.


The short period of "reason" allowed him to suppress the turbulence deep in his heart. He reminded himself repeatedly that this was a "brainwashing", and it was Zhang Sheng's best brainwashing!

He lowered his head and asked the analyst brought over.

Analyst Peng Jia wore thick glasses and frantically searched for various materials and information on his laptop.

Then, there was uncontrollable shock on his face!

"He was right!

“The popularity of [Temple Run] is very high, and Sodu Tieba and major portals have become crazy!”

"There is no problem with his data. According to our team's communication, [e-sports] will definitely be a hot spot in the future. We even predict that with the popularization of 3.5G and 4G in the future, this hot spot will become extremely large, and the capital involved, Absolutely a market worth more than 10 billion..."

After Wang Jiancong listened to the analyst's words, he trembled deep in his heart. Then he raised his head and looked at Zhang Sheng on the podium, still slowly introducing his advantages.


Listen, listen...

An unprecedented sense of urgency and tension surged deep in Wang Jiancong's heart.

The "super big outlet" mentioned by analysts, coupled with the fact that all the data Zhang Sheng said was correct, has gradually wiped out his last "sanity".

After "reason" is wiped out, you will easily fall into the "logical world" fabricated by Zhang Sheng, and then, in that world, you will be led away by Zhang Sheng!

He heard Zhang Sheng introducing the contestants of the [S1 Global Competition], and also introduced how much young people believe in e-sports. It is a dream!

He began to get even more nervous, fearing that Zhang Sheng would get too excited and bring up the concept of [Club], and then it would be leaked to other capitals, who would analyze it for a while, and then...

His competitive pressure will become unprecedentedly huge!


Fortunately, Zhang Sheng only talked about the concept of [e-sports] and still had reservations about [clubs].

But despite this, he still felt for no reason that the people around him were competitors.

He continues to listen!

His sanity was finally stripped away completely by Zhang Sheng's words, and he began to gradually become a little crazy!

【Thirty ads】!

I want them all!

I want them all!

I want to take them all!

Deep in his heart, a voice kept hitting his soul, and he took a deep breath!

He looked at the others...

He saw a group of brand owners with flushed faces and clenched fists, as if they were about to start a big fight.

The younger the brand owners are, the brighter their eyes are, especially Xu Song from [Nike] Clothing, who is constantly panting...

After a long time...

Zhang Sheng finally said nothing more!


A smile appears on the corner of the mouth!

"Okay, now I will release the first advertising space. We will embed a piece of clothing into the characters of [Temple Run]..."

"For the clothing brands present, our starting price is three million. If the bidding is successful, our game designers will communicate with your designers. You can design your new clothing that will be released this spring into our In the game, let players around the world see it! Your trademark will become a community of destiny with the [Temple Run] S1 Global Finals!"


Zhang Sheng finally finished speaking.

The moment I finished speaking...

This group of brand owners suddenly screamed like crazy.

Especially those clothing brands are rushing forward!

"I'll give you 10 million!"

"I'll pay 13 million!"

"I'll pay fifteen million..."


Wang Jiancong heard bursts of excitement and harsh sounds.

He saw countless bosses staring at that piece of fat like bloodthirsty beasts.

not far away.

When Cai Yong, the head of the commercial department of [Jianli Bicycle] heard the figure of fifteen million, his pupils suddenly shrank.

Then, look at these excited brand owners.

He realized...

This wave of brand owners have been completely brainwashed by Zhang Sheng, and then they are embarrassed when they come to their door!

Amidst the crazy shouting...

In the end, the clothes of a character in the game were sold for 17 million!

The merchant who photographed this game is called [Nelke] Clothing.

He stared at the rich second generation named Xu Song...

He saw the rich second generation running onto the stage excitedly and taking the sign handed over by Zhang Sheng...

He seems to have been completely brainwashed...

The moment he was about to leave...

"Twenty-five million! I want it!"

He heard another voice...

That voice came from Wang Jiancong!

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